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Transgressions Page 54

by E G Manetti

  “Are you chilled?” Milord pulls her more tightly to his large warm frame.

  “A little, milord,” Lilian admits. “It seems so very distant.”

  “Closer than a year gone,” Lucius reminds her, aware they discuss more than the distance to the Thirteenth System. “Blooded Dagger and Serengeti are both wealthier and more powerful. Serengeti is but seasons from claiming the position of third among the cartels.”

  And milord’s shadow is correspondingly deeper and safer, Lilian thinks, relaxing once again in the comfort of milord’s embrace. “Thirteen Systems, milord. I wonder what the First Warrior would have thought had he known that his desire for Adelaide would lead to such a result.”

  “I am sure it would have been something unconventional enough to please your alcove keeper.” Milord’s voice holds a smile. “After all, it took an unconventional mind to envision Order amidst the chaos of the Anarchy.”

  Milord’s mind is just as unconventional, Lilian thinks. Milord found value in the despised offspring of a vicious criminal. Milord may not have sold his soul to the shade of Socraide Omsted, but there is no question that he is a worthy heir of the First Warrior. Tentatively sliding her hand over the one milord has wrapped around her middle, Lilian says, “Such a vision also required a great deal of courage, as does imagining a Thirteenth System.”

  Grinning slightly, Lucius slides his other hand over Lilian’s, pleased by her careful compliment and amused by her deft avoidance of effrontery. “Wit and courage have brought us this far and will take us to the Thirteenth System.”

  “As milord wills.” Lilian’s formal agreement holds a hint of prayer. Milord has all but promised to see her safely through her bond. Ignoring the vista beyond the windows, Lilian’s eyes focus on the reflection of the powerful and complex man holding her close. Looking into the reflected dark eyes that shine with determination, this day, Lilian dares to believe.

  Coming in 2017 – Fortuna: The Apprentice Volume 4

  For a year and a half, Lilian has endured the hostility, spite, and deadly violence of those who despise her for her father’s crimes. If not for the protection of the powerful warrior Lucius Mercio and her apprentice contract, Lilian might not have survived. Without Lilian’s courage and brilliance, Lucius might have lost Serengeti Cartel to a dangerous enemy and vicious traitor. Instead, Lucius has total control of third wealthiest Cartel in the Twelve Systems and is about to launch the first interstellar space exploration in two centuries. Few within Serengeti will risk his wrath to torment his apprentice.

  Beyond Serengeti, Lucius’ rivals continue to challenge his ambitions and will not hesitate to attack his despised apprentice. Dark dreams haunt Lilian as she leaves relative security of Serengeti to accompany Lucius to Fortuna in the Fourth System. On the distant world, cut off from her few friends, Lilian will discover old rivals and confront the dangerous intrigues of hidden enemies while evils from the past prepare to surface.

  The Apprentice Protocol

  Apprentice Protocol

  1. The bonded will submit to and execute the bondholder’s will in all matters.

  2. The bonded will address the bondholder with deference and submission.

  3. The bonded will defend the bondholder’s estate, life, and honor by any method necessary unto the death of the bonded.

  4. The bonded will permit only the bondholder carnal access to the bonded.

  5. The bonded will engage in any and all carnal activities the bondholder requires.

  6. The bonded will not presume to know the bondholder’s will.

  7. The bonded will adhere to the letter and the spirit of the governing protocols.

  8. The bonded will not bear arms in the presence of the bondholder.

  9. The bonded will not speak unless addressed.

  10. The bonded will answer truly to any inquiry.

  11. The bonded will flank the bondholder at all times.

  12. The bonded will defer to and honor all of greater rank.

  13. The bonded will not complain.

  14. The bonded will respond to instruction without hesitation.

  15. The bonded will learn from observation and not require instruction.

  16. The bonded will offer contrition for transgressions.

  17. The bonded will accept and learn from correction.

  18. The bonded will not by voice or action slander or otherwise question the honor of the higher ranked.

  19. The bonded will behave with discretion.

  20. The bonded will present a modest demeanor.

  21. The bonded will execute its duties diligently and to the full of its abilities.

  22. The bonded will maintain a strong, healthy physique.

  23. The bonded will not overindulge in drink or other excess.

  24. The bonded will not wager or benefit from wagers.

  25. The bonded will honor all commerce commitments.

  26. The bonded will not engage in illicit commerce.

  27. The bonded will dedicate itself to acquiring the skills offered under the bond.

  Serengeti addendum

  28. The bonded will respect and honor the protocols and strictures of Cartouche and Cartel.

  29. The bonded will defend the wealth and honor of the Cartouche unto death.

  30. The bonded will defend the wealth and honor of the Cartel unto death.

  31. The bonded will accept the authority of the Associate Master or other delegate in the absence of the bondholder.

  32. The bonded will be permitted one and on half period of respite each commerce day.

  33. The bonded will limit respite to fifteen minutes except for one period between midday and first bell plus thirty.

  34. The bonded will not consume food or drink except within the designated sections of the Cartel.

  35. The bonded will proceed at an orderly pace.

  36. The bonded will adhere to Cartouche and Cartel guidance in matters of garb.

  Devotional Litanies

  The Warrior’s Litany

  I am the sum of my ancestors.

  I am the foundation of my family.

  Honor is my blade and shield.

  Honor knows not fear.

  Honor endures.

  Honor acts as duty commands.

  The Warrior’s Litany – Archaic

  I am all that my family was.

  I am the stone laid for the future.

  Honor is both shield and blade.

  The honorable do not bend to fear.

  The honorable do not yield.

  The honorable accept duty’s scourge.

  Socraide’s Credo


  Master desire. Master pain. Master pleasure. Mastery of body.

  Master fear. Master anger. Master joy. Mastery of mind.

  Master ambition. Master sorrow. Master affection. Mastery of Spirit.


  Universalist Acclamation

  We began as cosmic dust.

  We are formed from stellar glitter.

  The stellar is within and without. We are one.

  We are ephemeral and eternal.

  We end as we began and begin again.

  Cosmic dust.

  Glossary of the Twelve Systems


  Adelaide Warleader: See Warleader, Adelaide.

  Acolyte: A junior prelate.

  Ancients: lost society that predates the Anarchy.

  Anarchy: Three centuries of warfare that almost destroyed the Three Systems, which is the foundation of the Twelve Systems.


  Ben Claude, Rimon: The Second Warrior. His dominion was the two habitable planets of the Second System.

  Bright Star: A consortium designed for stellar exploration. Participants are the Serengeti Group, the Matahorn Alliance, and the Leonardo Society.


  Cartel: A powerful commercial interest that controls a significant aspect of commerce to the exclusion of all others.

che: The device or coat of arms that represents a warrior family. Alternate: A warrior family that can create ranked members also known as seigneurs.

  Cohort: A commerce enterprise that controls a particular industry or market in a geographical region or stellar system. Example: Agri-cohorts dominate the agrarian enterprises in specific systems. No single Agri-cohort controls sufficient systems to dominate the entire industry as would a cartel.

  Consortium: An association of individuals or enterprises assembled for a specific commerce endeavor.

  Crevasse (singular/plural): The deep fissures or canyons from which Vistrite is mined.

  Crevasse-crawler: A Terrier-sized rodent that resides in the Crevasse.

  Crevasse-wallower: A chemically addicted inhabitant of the Crevasse.


  Discipline Master: A prelate skilled in the martial discipline of a Warrior Sect.

  Doxy: A sex worker (derogatory).


  Final Draught: The lethal poison administered for the execution of criminals.

  Five Warriors: The deities of the Twelve Systems. These five warlords rose to prominence in the final years of the Anarchy and established order. See Order of the Five Warriors.

  (The) Fifth Warrior: See Standingbear, Sinead.

  (The) First Warrior: See Omsted, Socraide.

  (The) Fourth Warrior: See Metricelli, Jonathan.


  Jonathan Metricelli: See Metricelli, Jonathan.


  Keeper: See Shrine Keeper.


  Metricelli, Jonathan: The Fourth Warrior. His dominion was Metricelli Prime and Deuce in the Third System—the Vistrite worlds. After the Order of the Five Warriors was established, Jonathan added Desperation in the Sixth System to his holdings. It is the only other Vistrite world in the Twelve Systems.

  Monsignor: The dominant seigneur of a cartouche. The monsignor controls and directs the cartouche. Only the monsignor can license a new seigneur.

  Mulan Tsao: See Tsao, Mulan.


  Omsted, Socraide: The First Warrior. His dominion was three of the four habitable planets in the First System. His obsession with Adelaide Warleader turned the Three Systems from Anarchy to Order.

  Order of the Five Warriors: The Twelve Systems’ structure of law and custom. It is based on the Code of Engagement and governing protocols as established by the Five Warriors in the final years of the Anarchy.


  Rimon Ben Claude: See Ben Claude, Rimon.


  Sect: See Warrior Sect.

  Sect Chapter: See Warrior Sect Chapter.

  (The) Second Warrior: See Ben Claude, Rimon.

  Seer: A seer of visions sent by one or more of the Shades.

  Seigneur: The elite of the elite. These ranked warriors form the small group that governs the commercial interests that control the Twelve Systems.

  Shade: A spirit or ghost.

  (The) Shades: The manifestations of the Five Warriors and Adelaide.

  Shade Prelate: Senior Prelate for a Warrior Sect. Alternate: Lord or Lady Prelate.

  Shade Patron: The secular authority of a specific sect. The office is determined by commercial rank. Alternate: Lord or Lady Patron.

  Shade-ridden: Deranged through service to the Shades of the Five Warriors.

  Shade-touched: Exceptionally gifted or mildly physic due to a gift from the Shades of the Five Warriors.

  Shrine: A place of worship dedicated to one of the Five Warriors.

  Shrine Keeper: The senior prelate of a particular shrine.

  Signet: A symbol of rank. A seigneur’s signet is a gold oval the size of an adult thumb. It is incised or inlaid with the symbol of the seigneur’s cartouche. A monsignor’s signet is platinum, indicating the ability to create or destroy seigneurs.

  Socraide Omsted: See Omsted, Socraide.

  Standingbear, Sinead: The Fifth Warrior. Her dominion was the one non-Vistrite world in the Third System.


  (The) Third Warrior: See Tsao, Mulan.

  Tsao, Mulan: The Third Warrior. Her dominion was Artesia, a planet in the First System

  (The) Twelve Systems: A technologically advanced society dominated by powerful commercial interests.


  Vistrite: A naturally occurring semi-liquid crystal that is essential to all advance technology in the Twelve Systems.


  Universalist: A follower of the Universal Way.

  Universal Way: A remnant of the spiritual discipline of the enlightened society that preceded the Anarchy. A minor segment of Twelve Systems society, the Universalists challenge many Warrior beliefs.


  Warleader, Adelaide: Ancient hero. During the Anarchy, she was Jonathan Metricelli’s chief retainer and possible consort. During the early years of the Order of the Five Warriors, she was Socraide Omsted’s consort and possible spouse.

  Warrior: The dominant class in the Twelve Systems. Its members can prove direct genetic descent from the Five Warriors and their retainers.

  Warrior Litany: A popular prayer commonly considered to have its origin in Jonathan’s Metricelli’s Warrior Code. The sect of Sinead Standingbear contends that the origin is with the Fifth Warrior due to its references to ‘ancestors.’ Sinead was the only one of the Five Warriors descended from the pre-Anarchy rulers of the Three Systems.

  Warrior Ring: An arrangement of shrines in a ring that includes all Five Warriors.

  Warrior Sect: A spiritual institution dedicated to one of the Five Warriors. Short form: sect.

  Warrior Sect Chapter: A subset of a Warrior Sect, commonly defined by system. Example: Socraide’s Third System chapter. Short form: sect chapter or chapter.


  This novel would never have made it to publication without the support of my dear husband, Mike Courts. Thank you to Carolyn Manetti at CommonMarket Films for her brilliant insights into story telling; to Jim O’Connor Photography for the cover photo and design; and Elizabeth Nover at Razor Sharp Editing for putting the commas where they belong.

  About the Author

  The Twelve Systems Chronicles are E.G.’s first published works. She works in IT and writes as often as possible. When neither goes well, she cooks exceptionally and gardens adequately. E.G. resides on the East Coast of the USA with her beloved (and often confounded) husband and their severely OCD Jack Russell Terrier.

  Table of Contents

  List of Characters

  The Twelve Systems

  1. Protocol and Stricture

  2. Correction

  3. Pardon

  4. Moon Race

  5. Seek and Ye Shall Find

  6. Settlement Day

  7. A New Year

  8. Insight

  9. Socraide’s Festival

  10. Scoring

  11. Andreas Chiang

  12. Monsignor Lucius’ Will

  13. Final Draught

  14. Crimes and Concealment

  15. The Great Crevasse

  16. Dark Acts

  17. Settlements and Signets

  18. Transgressions

  19. Missteps and Misdemeanors

  20. Travel Plans

  21. Cartel Discipline

  22. Cartouche and Cartel

  23. Rank and Retribution

  24. Discovery

  25. Shrine Discipline

  26. Celebration and Survival

  27. Cartel Justice

  28. Traitors

  29. The Mongoose

  30. Snake Hunt

  31. Judgement

  32. A New Season

  Coming in 2017 – Fortuna: The Apprentice Volume 4

  The Apprentice Protocol

  Devotional Litanies

  Glossary of the Twelve Systems


  About the Author

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