Bugged Out!

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Bugged Out! Page 22

by Matthew Porter

  The creature began to glow as its body temperature rapidly increased. I could feel the heat it exerted, and it actually started to steam.

  Then, with a final, desperate shriek, the beast exploded. I was thrown across the room and slammed into the wall.

  All of the shadow mantis queen’s offspring began to shrivel up and die. They were falling like flies, so to speak.

  Abby and Kelly kicked nymph corpses away from them. Nick was in the corner, gagging. He had somehow gotten more shadow mantis innards on him than I did.

  I saw the Ark on the ground. I tried to crawl to it. I made it halfway before I couldn’t move anymore. I was absolutely exhausted.

  Nick came to help me up.

  “You—urp!—all right?” he asked, still gagging a little. He had mantis entrails dripping from his mouth and beard, which made me feel a little sick at my stomach as well.

  “That’s not important,” I said. “Please help me to the Ark.”

  Regardless of our miraculous victory, I felt as if I were in a nightmare. I understood that the shadow mantis queen had been vanquished and the Ark was just within reach, but I was crawling on the filthy floor covered with giant insect remains, and my new best friend might very well vomit on me. What was worse, I still had the tip of the shadow mantis’s proboscis stuck in my shoulder, which was probably going to cause an infection.

  Nick dragged me to the Ark, and I picked it up off the floor. The light from the Ark faded, but I could still feel its power. Victory was ours. Sure, things hadn’t gone exactly as planned, but a victory was a victory.

  “Agents of Edania, well done,” the man in the white-and-blue ninja outfit said.

  “What do you mean well done?” Abby asked. “This was a disaster. We made it by the skin of our teeth.”

  “Nevertheless, the four of you have triumphed against the odds.” His voice got serious. “But be warned: this was just the first of many trials ahead. Doren and his minions have probably found out about the four of you by now, and they will stop at nothing to take the remaining Arks, as well as your lives.”

  “How are we going to fight this group if we barely managed to squash a bunch of bugs?” asked Kelly.

  The man’s eyes twinkled. “Unity is key. Being united will ensure that your Segols will function at their best. I know you can beat them. Eli would not have chosen you if you were incapable of such a feat.”

  “Who are you, really?” I asked, not really expecting an answer.

  He looked at me. “I told you, I am a friend.”

  I continued questioning him. “What’s your name? Are you a member of the Edania Organization?”

  “I am part of the organization, in a way,” he answered cryptically. “As for my name…”

  I suddenly began to feel weak and light-headed.

  “I…don’t feel too well,” I said.

  “J-Man, you gonna be okay?” Nick asked.

  I couldn’t answer him. I couldn’t even move. I felt my consciousness fade fast as my vision darkened. I was so weak that I couldn’t even keep hold of the Ark. I dropped it, then blacked out.


  I woke up some time later, but all I could see was darkness. At first I thought I was alone, but I heard strange, far-off noises. I stood up and started to walk toward the sounds.

  “Hello?” I called, reaching out ahead of me to make sure I didn’t run into something.

  A low, distant voice answered from the dark. “Do not…”

  “Who’s there?” I asked.

  “Do not be…” The voice was strong and booming, but tranquil somehow.

  I started to run. “Hello? Who’s out there? I need—” I tripped and fell, and I kept falling into endless blackness.

  I finally broke through the darkness and landed on solid ground. I got up and saw that I was in a large room, and I was not alone.

  Shadowy figures surrounded me, trapped behind a thin wall of light, much like Kristiana’s Edanian Wall. The figures clawed at the barrier, trying to get to me. Most of them looked human, but a few looked truly monstrous. One was a huge, red dragon with broken wings. Another was a gargoyle with razor-sharp claws. Many of them screamed and hissed at me, but I heard one of them laugh raucously. Suddenly, the wall of light faded and the innumerable army of shadows raced toward me.

  I covered my eyes. I didn’t want to look at any of them any longer. They were all nightmarish and evil, making my own worst terrors seem like pleasant dreams.

  As they drew nearer, I felt warmth coming from in front of me. I opened my eyes and the Ark was hovering there at eye level. It produced a brilliant flash of light, and all the creatures were thrown back. I saw six other similar objects floating around the room. They must have been the other Arks. Each of them began to emit their own bright light.

  “Do not be afraid,” said the voice from before.

  When the lights subsided, all the monsters were gone. I was in a large room where the floor, the pillars, and even the ceiling were all polished marble.

  “Hello?” I called.

  “Do not be afraid of what you must face,” the voice said. “Your enemies will be many. And while it is true that they possess great strength, you have a power that the Corrupted do not: a light that will snuff out the darkness and quell the power of the Shadows.”

  “A light?” I said. “As in the Light of Edania?”

  “Partly,” the voice answered. “I am also speaking of your friends. The four of you must work together if you wish to succeed. If you do not, then I fear that the shadows will overtake you, and the Corrupted will be free to do what they will. This runs deeper than simple teamwork. Unity is key. To be unified, you must learn to trust each other with your lives. Form bonds that will not break, and fight with all that is within you.”

  “So, we’re supposed to fight all those things I just saw? And you’re giving me a clichéd friendship-will-conquer-all speech? I don’t think that’s going to cut it. As good as friendship is, how can it beat those monsters?”

  “In time, you will understand,” the voice said in a frustratingly calm tone. “Go now. Your friends are waiting for you.”

  “Thank you for being cryptic,” I muttered.

  I heard Nick’s voice echo in the room. “J-Man, c’mon!”

  I looked down the marble hall. Nick, Abby, and Kelly were standing there.

  “What are you waiting for, James?” asked Kelly impatiently.

  “Yeah, what’s the holdup?” asked Abby.

  I ran to them. “How did you guys get here?”

  “We’re gonna be late, man. Let’s go!” Nick said, like I was supposed to know what he was talking about.

  “Late? Late for what?” I asked.

  The three of them turned around and a door appeared before us.

  “Are you ready, James?” asked Kelly.

  “Ready for what?” I asked. “What is going on?”

  Nick opened the door, something pulled me through it, and everything went dark again.

  The voice spoke to me once more. “No matter how dark things get, no matter how the odds seem to be stacked against you, do not be afraid.”

  Suddenly, bright lights blazed all around me. When my eyes adjusted, I realized I was in a hospital bed. I sat up and looked around the room. It was very clean and high-tech. Sunlight came pouring in through a window. I was on a high floor, and the view of the city was spectacular and somewhat familiar.

  Am I in the Edania Organization building? I thought.

  “Hey, man, finally awake?”

  I looked toward the doorway. Nick was leaning against it, eating a grape Popsicle that matched the color of the large bruise on his face.

  “Y-yeah,” I said.

  He yelled down the hall. “Hey, guys. Mr. Lazybones decided to get up!”

  Kelly and Abby walked into the room. All three of them were bruised and bandaged.

  “What happened?” I asked, trying to remember.

  Abby shrugged. “We beat the bugs and go
t the Ark, but we got a little beat up in the process. Ugh,” she said, pointing at her face. “This is going to do wonders for my complexion.”

  Kelly slapped the bed frame angrily. “You really scared us, James. You passed out, and you wouldn’t wake up. We thought you were a goner.”

  Nick nodded. He fumbled with his Popsicle, almost spilling it. “Yeah, and that weirdo in blue and white really helped us out down there. He showed us a different way out. Turns out there was an old escape hatch that led to the woods.”

  “About that man… Did he ever say who he was?” I asked.

  “No, but it makes you wonder,” said Kelly.

  Kristiana walked into the room. “You saw him, the man who covers his face?” she said, sounding a little flustered.

  “Yes, is he a friend or foe?” I asked.

  She nervously adjusted her glasses. “It’s very strange that he would show up now,” she said, ignoring me.

  “Mrs. Vice President?” I asked.

  “Hmm?” she said, looking at me blankly. Then she shook her head. “Oh, yes, that man is someone you can trust. But his methods are a bit…unorthodox.”

  “Who is he?” I asked.

  “It’s not my place to say,” she said. “But enough about that. I do believe congratulations are in order. You’ve retrieved the first Ark and defeated that giant insect and its wretched offspring in the process. Your school and the islands are safe…for now.”

  I hopped out of bed. “Wait! What about Darla Charleston? She was nearly dead when we found her. And what about that F.E.S.P.A. group?”

  Kristiana smiled. “No need to worry. That girl is safe and sound and getting treatment as we speak, and F.E.S.P.A. has cleared out of your school. They’re a cowardly bunch, the lot of them. The moment they think they’re beat, they turn tail and run.”

  “What about—” I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. “Ow!”

  “Careful, you just got out of surgery,” said Kristiana.

  My eyes widened. “I underwent surgery?”

  Kristiana nodded. “We had to remove that appendage sticking out of your shoulder. Don’t worry. You should be as good as new in a week or so. Our medical staff is very proficient. Their healing Segols really help, too. Oh, and one more thing. I believe this belongs to you.” She dug inside her pocket and handed me the Ark.

  “Why are you giving this to me?” I asked, holding it carefully. “Shouldn’t it belong in a vault or something?”

  She shook her head. “It belongs to you now. This Ark was once part of a weapon called the Seer’s Lens, and it belonged to Marie, one of our original agents. She was the tactician of the group, and the Seer’s Lens allowed her to analyze information at breakneck speed, very much like your Scan ability. With it in your possession, it will boost your power. Keep it with you at all times.”

  I looked at the small object. The stone in the middle shimmered. It looked like gray jasper. How could something like this have such power?

  Kristiana continued. “Now that the first Ark has been found, the next will awaken soon. Your Scan ability will be key to finding it, so pay close attention. I have business to attend to. You will be free to go tomorrow.” She turned around to walk out.

  “Wait. I have one more question,” I said.

  She turned around and sighed. “Make it quick.”

  I explained my dream, or vision, or whatever it was. “Was that simply a dream, or was it my ability?”

  “It was probably a dream,” she said. “The visions you see aren’t exactly ‘visions’ in the traditional sense. Your Segol can at times take control of technology, such as cameras and phones. So, you’re observing what the phones or cameras are observing, not having a vision of the future. But, dream or not, it did give some good advice. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” She nodded at me and walked out of the room.

  “On that note, what do you guys say we get some grub? I’m starving,” said Nick.

  “But I have to stay here for another day, remember?” I said.

  “I’ll get you something, J-Man!” he said. “I was thinkin’ of hitting Joel’s Place. I was gonna try their food challenge.”

  Kelly laughed. “You’re crazy if you think you can do that challenge.”

  “We just killed a bug as big as a bear,” he said. “I think I can handle a few tiny little burgers.”

  Abby patted him on the back. “Hey, Nick. You sure you don’t still have some bug guts between your teeth?”

  Nick’s face turned green. “Urp. Don’t even joke about that. Ugh. I’m not so hungry anymore.”

  The four of us laughed. It didn’t change the fact that life was never going to be normal for us again. We had successfully completed our first mission, but little did we realize it had been a walk in the park compared to all of our future assignments. Together, the four of us were going to face challenges that we couldn’t even fathom. But we would have to face them head-on, because we were agents of the Edania Organization.

  THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES: Edania chronicles book 2: escape from hotel barbaas

  A mysterious hotel that shifts rooms. A forest filled with killer plants. More mutant bugs. At first, things seem to be back to normal for Kelly and her friends. James is lecturing everyone about proper hand washing, Abby’s back to panicking about gymnastics, and Nick is the same old goofball.

  But when James has a vision showing the whereabouts of the second Ark, their lives will once again be thrown into chaos. At the Edania HQ they meet Gideon, an eccentric administrator of the organization who sends them to Soraya Woods, a place where Kelly and James know well.

  They soon realize that things aren’t as quiet and tranquil as they remember. The woods have been overtaken by evil plants that attack you if you get too close and mutant insects that make the shadow mantises look like harmless butterflies.

  They eventually find themselves at a rundown but beautiful hotel in the middle of the woods. But things aren’t at all what they seem. The two caretakers of the hotel seem a little too eager for them to stay, and there’s something moving in the walls…


  Matthew Porter is the author of the Edania Chronicles, a series about friendship, secret organizations, and superpowers. He lives in a small town just outside of Columbus, Ohio with his dog, Shadow. In his free time, he likes to spend time with his family and friends. His interests include Jewish history and infectious diseases. His library includes books on Jewish culture and religion; handbooks on writing; and textbooks on microbiology, immunology, epidemiology, and other “ologies” that pertain to germs and how our bodies fight them.

  He is a member of the Indie Wordsmiths, a group of four authors that offer clean, quality fiction for your literary needs. You’ll find stories about romance, coming of age, fairies, dragons, superheroes and friendship.

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