Only Tonight

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Only Tonight Page 4

by Lucy Darling

  Her fingers dig into my hair. “How can I miss you this much and be mad at you?” I’m not sure if she’s really asking a question or more talking to herself.

  “Me too, pretty eyes.” I suck her other nipple into my mouth. I’m so fucking turned on I don’t think I’m going to last. “First time is going to be fast. We need to take the edge off.” She nods her head in agreement.

  I don’t waste a second. She’s so wet my cock easily fills her. It only takes a couple of thrusts and I’m already coming. I spill inside of her before I pull out and tongue her clit. Seeing my cum leaking from her pussy has me hard again, but I don’t stop eating her until her legs are shaking and she is begging me to take her again.

  I’m back inside of her within seconds. I have no idea how long we go at it. I don’t stop until she’s passed out on top of me. I lie as still as I can, enjoying the feel of each one of her breaths.

  I savor each one, not sure when I’ll be able to get back to her. Slowly I roll her off of me before covering her with the blanket. I brush my lips against hers. I know I’m acting crazy and irrational, but I have no control over it.

  Dad always said that shit would happen one day. That he saw my mom and just knew that she was his forever. He said it would be the same for me and my brother Gerrit. I really shouldn’t be shocked that this happened. I mean, look what happened with my brother Gerrit. He saw Kennedy and went to extreme measures to have her.

  I know I’m in love with Kinley. The problem is going to be getting her to love me back. We should probably talk more but whenever we get in a room together we can’t seem to keep our hands off one another long enough to have a conversation. There was this need to be connected. I know she felt that shit too.

  Those fucking rumors about me being a playboy are catching up to me. In college I was on the wild side. After that, life got serious and so did I. Women tend to throw themselves at me because I have money. I was never interested in dating until Kinley. Of course with her, I’m having to chase her down. It’s refreshing, and I’m more than willing to chase her to the ends of the earth if I have to.

  I find her phone. She is so exhausted she doesn't wake when I use her thumb to unlock it. I find my name and unblock myself. Then I rename it to MINE before putting her phone back. I slowly dress, knowing I have to get going. I brush my mouth against hers one last time. Her eyes flutter open.

  “You’re leaving.” It’s not a question.

  “I’ll be back.”

  “Okay,” she says right before she falls back asleep. I’m not sure she’ll even remember the conversation, but I leave a note next to her phone before I make myself finally leave her hotel. Each minute I’m away from her feels as though it’s a lifetime.

  “If something happens to her—”

  “I’m a dead man.” Rick smirks. “I’ve got it, boss.”

  Rick is one of the best when it comes to being a bodyguard. He isn’t cheap, but he’s worth every fucking penny. Every day he gives me updates and a sense of security when it comes to Kinley. He goes as far as sending me pictures throughout the day too.

  “Thank you.”

  Rick raises his eyebrows as if he’s surprised by my words. “I’ll keep her safe.”

  I turn to give the hotel one last look. I make myself get into the car to head back to the airport. I can still smell her on me.

  I know my work has to end. I can’t keep playing this game, but we’re so close to the finish line, I remind myself. I’ve been working for Interpol on this case for too long to walk away before it’s finished. When I get on the private plane I close my eyes, needing to get some sleep.

  I dream of her. Always of her.



  I know he’s gone before I even open my eyes. I thought I’d dreamed of him kissing me, but it was reality. I sit up in bed, reading his note that pretty much says I belong to him. I roll my eyes. I should ball it up and throw it away, but I don’t. Instead I fold it and put it into my purse.

  I yawn, knowing I need to get going. Today I have a meeting for Healing Hearts. I’m going to need a lot of coffee. That man owns my body. I have so many questions and things I want to say to him, but when he touches me all I can think about is the pleasure he’s going to give me. My mind is free in those moments when he takes control. I think he’s right. I do belong to him. Well, my body does at least.

  Of course when I crawl out of bed I see a room service cart in the room. I go straight for the coffee before taking the lids off the food. Holy crap! It looks as though Luke ordered the whole freaking menu. For some reason it doesn't surprise me. What it does do is make me smile thinking about how he made sure I was taken care of. I sit down, enjoying my breakfast and coffee. While it’s sweet, it would be much better if he were here to share it with me.

  He never really talks about his work. I think he mentioned something about exporting and importing. I have no idea what more it entails. It does make me wonder if this is how it would always be. Would we only get stolen nights because he doesn’t have the time to stay? I’m not so sure how well I could handle that. I’m already struggling with it.

  I reluctantly take a shower, washing away the scent of Luke from my skin. He left small love bites on my breasts. Again that should bother me, but I smile and continue getting ready.

  I make it to the meeting five minutes early. It doesn't take long to get everyone on board with our project. It doesn't hurt that we have the Cole name behind us. There are so many children who need homes and so many people who want children but can’t have them on their own. We strive to bring them together.

  “That went well,” Chance says as we head out. He’s heading back to the States today.

  “It did.” I can’t stop smiling and feeling proud of myself. I sent a text to my sister and Julie. Julie is the CEO of Healing Hearts. There are so many kids out there that we’re going to find homes for.

  “See you in a few months.” Chance winks before he takes off. I stand there alone wishing I had someone to celebrate with. This was my plan, wasn't it? To find myself while I was here. To see some of the world while I was in Europe.

  I head back to my hotel room, changing into something more comfortable. I am not going to allow myself to wallow. I’m in France. With no real plans, I decide to just walk. I find a little café, where I order a hot chocolate and some croissants. My phone dings. I smile at the name.

  MINE: I miss you.

  ME: Then come back to me.

  MINE: If only it were that easy.

  I don’t respond to that. For all I know he could have a whole life out in Hong Kong. Still he never stops texting. Over the next two weeks I manage to see almost everything I wanted in France. I will miss the croissants. Now I’m on to my next adventure. I sit back and relax as the train takes me toward Italy. There has been no sign of Luke, only his texts. Each one is sweeter than the last. It’s hard not to text him back, but I don’t. I’m being spiteful, and I know it. Or maybe I’m trying to protect myself from a situation that I know will end in heartache.

  When I make it to Italy, there is a driver waiting at the train station for me. He takes me to the hotel. I have two days to explore this beautiful place until my next meeting. I have to admit that I’m starting to get homesick. I miss my sister Kennedy the most. I decide to shower before bothering to unpack. Maybe the water will wash away some of this sadness that I’ve been feeling. When I step out of the shower a little while later, I’m shocked to see Luke standing there. He looks so damn handsome in his suit that I immediately become wet between my thighs.

  “Drop the robe,” he orders. I do it without question. This time our lovemaking isn’t rushed. It’s slow and sweet. So sweet I have to fight not to cry. I’m in love with this man, but I know that as soon as I fall asleep he’ll leave again.

  “Pretty eyes. You have to text me back. You need to give me something.”

  “No.” I reach up and grab the headboard, needing something to hold on to as his
thrusts grow harder with my defiance. “Does it turn you on that I’m likely the only woman that tells you no when you issue a demand?” Maybe that’s what this is about to him. He enjoys the chase. But what happens if I finally give in?

  “You’re the only woman I want and the only one that matters.” I cry out when he thrusts harder into me all the way to the hilt. I feel his release spill inside of me. My sex contracts around him, wanting every last drop of him.

  He rests on top of me. I love the way the weight of his body feels. My eyes sting with tears because I know what’s coming next. I quickly blink them away. Why can’t I chalk this up to some fling I’m having? Make it a part of this whole finding myself thing?

  He groans when he pulls out, and I feel some of his release spill out of me. We only ever talked about protection that one time. He refused to wear a condom. I didn't want anything between us either. Does he think I’m on birth control? I watch him get dressed.

  “You have another meeting tomorrow?” he asks as he buttons up his shirt. I nod. The last one. “Where will you head next?”

  I shrug, which gets me a hard stare.

  “You do know I don’t have to tell you shit about what I’m doing, right? It’s not like you tell me anything before you slip out of bed in the mornings.” He stares at me, and I stare right back until his head drops. I won the stare-off, but it doesn't actually feel like a win. He comes back over to the bed and kisses me.

  When he pulls back, he stares into my eyes. He looks like he wants to say something, but he doesn't. He only kisses me again and then I watch as he leaves. At least this time I’m awake when he walks out. I’m not really sure if that makes it easier or harder, to be honest.

  My heart feels heavy until the urge to vomit hits me. I jump up, running to the bathroom and barely make it in time. When I’m done I brush my teeth and stare at myself in the mirror. I didn't feel sick when I woke up. Panic begins to rise in my throat as I try to remember the last time I had my period. I try to slow my breathing as the feeling of nausea threatens to take over again. I need to concentrate. I already know the answer. It was before my sister’s wedding. I don’t need a test to tell me that I am pregnant. I already know.

  I am having Luke Kane’s baby. The baby of a man who said he didn't want children or marriage.



  “You okay, man?” Clark asks. No, I’m far from okay, and it has nothing to do with the bust that is about to go down. Kinley has dropped off the map. She abruptly boarded a private plane after her last meeting and headed back to the States. There was only one person she could have gotten to set up a private plane for her, and that was my brother. And he won’t tell me shit about her.

  “I want this to be over.” I want to be back with Kinley planning our future. Fucking crazy how fast finding the right woman could change you. I’d do anything for her.

  “What’s her name?” My head jerks up to look over at Clark. He holds his hands up in a motion that says he doesn't want to fight with me. “You were all about this when we came to you and now it seems as though you can’t get out fast enough.”

  “I could have walked away months ago,” I point out. This was going to be one of the biggest drug busts in history. Not for one second had anyone ever suspected that I was working with Interpol. I did it for the thrill at first. It was different. I’d been into it. Now all I can think about is Kinley. Who would take care of her if I got hurt? I am ready for a different life. One that includes her.

  I do exports and imports. It's how I’ve always made my money. Then one afternoon Chan asked for a meeting. He was one of the biggest players in the underground drug world. I’d agreed because I was curious as to what he wanted from me. I had no idea he was going to want me to export drugs for him. He tried to bring me in on it. I would have made millions. I told him I had to think about it. I didn't. I knew from the start I wasn't doing that shit. I keep my hands clean.

  I made a few calls, and that’s when Clark showed up at my door. We made a deal that included me agreeing to Chan’s proposal. Problem was it wasn't going down quickly enough. For months I’ve been here playing this game. Often having to go out with these ruthless people that only care about the money they are going to make on the sale of the drugs. They don’t have any regard for human life. There are things I’ve seen that I’ll never unsee in my life. The only time that darkness fades from my mind is when Kinley is near me. She makes it feel like the sun is on my face and I can breathe in the fresh air.

  “We’re on.” I nod, getting out of my car as truck after truck rolls in. I motion towards the first crate so they can start loading. I try to look bored, but it’s not too long until Chan and Lie show up. They have a few other men with them I don’t recognize.

  They’re already loading up a third crate with drugs. “Everything is going as planned?”

  “Seems so,” I agree with a shrug. “How long is this gonna take? Want to see if the chick I had last night is still around. Fuck, I never had my cock sucked so good in my life.” They all chuckle.

  “Give me her number when you’re done,” another says. My mind flashes to Kinley on her knees sucking me off. I push the thought out of my mind. Now is not the time to be thinking about her. But she’s the only woman that will ever have my cock in her mouth.

  “Was it the blond server?” Lie asks.

  “Some chick I ran into when I went to the bathroom. I have to keep calling her babe because I can’t remember her fucking name.” I pocket my phone. I try not to tense up when another black car pulls up and more men in thousand dollar suits get out.

  “Is this the man that’s going to make us rich?” the older guy says. My eyes bounce between Chan and the older man, and I know they must be father and son by their resemblance. Interpol is really going to make out today. Speaking of Interpol, where the fuck are they?

  As if on cue, flash bangs go off. My ears ring, and I can’t see shit, but I do feel something hit my shoulder hard. I can feel warm blood trickle down the front of it. I don’t have time to think about it because another shot hits me seconds later. I fall to my knees. The last picture I see is of Kinley before everything goes black.



  “Any word on Luke?” I ask Gerrit for the thousandth time. I’m starting to feel pathetic at this point. He’s dropped off the map. He stopped texting me altogether. I’d even broken my own rules and texted him. But he hadn’t responded.

  I can’t say that I blame him. How many times had he texted me and I hadn’t replied? The thing that worried me was that no one seemed to know where he was. Gerrit had investigators searching for him all over Hong Kong. They have been trying to find out whatever they can about his brother. It’s been a whole month since I’ve seen him.

  The only information the investigators dug up was from before he went missing. There were pictures of him going in and out of nightclubs almost daily. I’d seen footage from one of them. A woman had been all over him, trying to get his attention. I only watched for a few seconds before I turned and left the room, not needing to see all that bullshit.

  The man in those pictures and video is nothing like the man I knew. No wonder he kept that part of his life hidden from me. He was living a double life. I was the woman he wanted to come home to but then he wanted to go out and party it up. That included taking women back to random hotels. Thinking of him with someone else makes me feel sick to my stomach.

  I place my hand on my stomach. My sister Kennedy sent a plane for me. I had called her upset and she didn’t hesitate to get me back home.

  I fall back onto my bed. I've been staying with my sister and Gerrit since I got back. As much as he tells me to make myself at home, I know I’ve got to find a place. I’d rather punch myself in the face than go back to my parents. Not that Kennedy would even let me. That doesn’t mean that I don’t feel guilty about crashing here. They are newlyweds and need their space.

  Kennedy comes bouncing into my room. I didn
’t know how happy she could be until Gerrit came along. He’s lifted so many burdens off her shoulders. Giving her the freedom to be herself.

  “We’re both having babies together.” She jumps up on my bed, making me laugh before she plops down next to me.

  “Evelyn is coming over. Thought I’d give you a heads-up.” She is always talking Luke up to me. She has this dream idea of us being together. Although I love Gerrit and Luke's mom, seeing her today isn’t something I think I can handle without bursting into tears. My emotions are all over the place with these pregnancy hormones.

  “Thanks. I’m actually going out to lunch with John.”

  “It’s so weird that you still talk to your ex. Can you imagine Gerrit if I told him that I was going to go out to lunch with an ex?” We both start laughing, knowing that Gerrit would never let that happen.

  “Well, I’m single and can do whatever I like.”

  “But you also have Luke’s baby inside of you.”

  “He’d know that if he was around.” I stand up. “To him I’m only good for a fuck. He shows up, fucks my brains out, and then he goes off again. He says it’s because he’s working. Yeah. All those pictures look like he was working real hard.” Kennedy sits up on the side of the bed.

  “It’s not a date. He opened up a new restaurant and wants me to come by and check it out and try some of the food.”

  “If you say so.” She gets up from my bed and leaves the room. I change into a sweater and a pair of jeans that still fit. They are a little snug, but it works. I make it out of my sister's place in the nick of time before Evelyn shows up.


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