Only Tonight

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Only Tonight Page 6

by Lucy Darling

  “She wouldn't let me go with her.”

  Luke lets out a chuckle. “I’ve put that evil woman in her place a few times. There is a reason Kinley walked her sister down the aisle and not her father.”

  “I know. Kinley talks about them here and there. You never know how great you have it until you see it from the other side.” Gerrit nods in agreement. Our parents went above and beyond with us. They are the gold standard when it comes to being parents and showing us what true love looks like.

  “Now our wives have them too.” That makes me smile. My mind flashes to Thanksgiving dinners, to play dates and Christmas. Things I would have never thought about before, but now I want them. All of them.

  I reach into my pocket to pull out the ring I picked up on my way here. I open the box and stare at it. I want to see it on her finger.

  “What’s it like knowing you’re going to be a father?”

  Gerrit doesn't answer me right away. I think my question caught him off guard. “I don’t think it's a feeling I can explain. You’ll know what I mean soon enough.” That’s the problem. How long will I have to wait to have my own family with Kinley? I’ve been googling about this shit. They talk about ovulation days and period tracking.

  I have no problem running giant, successful companies, but I have no fucking clue what any of that ovulation talk meant. It might as well have been written in another language. It’s not like I can throw in a random question to Kinley either. It would be random for me to ask about when she had her period last.

  I grab my phone when it dings. It’s my security giving me an update on Kinley. In the picture he sent she looks blank of emotion. I have no doubt her mom is playing up some sob story. I also know she won't be a fan of Kinley and me getting married. She already knows she can’t suck any money from the Kane family. We’ve got her number. So I wouldn’t be a good fit if we were going by her standards.

  “Well, fuck me.” I mumble.

  “What?” Gerrit asks.

  “What if Kinley asks me to give her parents money? Then what the fuck do I do?”

  “Write a check.” He shrugs. “It’s not like it’s going to make a dent in your bank account, and if it makes your wife happy then who fucking cares?” That’s very true.

  I have to admit that I love how Gerrit keeps calling Kinley my wife. I need that. I want that more than anything. I want my last name on her, but that’s just a piece of paper. A child, a baby made from the two of us would bond us forever. I know it sounds barbaric, but it’s how I feel.

  My phone rings this time. “What’s wrong?” I ask Webster, the security I have watching over Kinley.

  “She went into the bathroom and when she came out, she looked panicked. She rushed out of the restaurant. She didn't even say anything to her mom. I’m following her now.” I drop the call when another one comes in. This time it’s her driver. The one she told me she didn't need but I pushed for.

  “Longview Hospital,” he tells me. I’m up before he finishes, already heading out of Gerrit’s place.

  “I told you not to call him!” I hear Kinley say in the background. Now I’m not only worried but I’m pissed. I end the call, texting for my car to be brought around. Why would she tell him not to call me?

  My heart pounds with the feeling that something is wrong. I drive like a crazy person, getting to the hospital in record time. I park at the entrance even though someone tells me I can’t park there. I tell them to tow it then. I could give a fuck about anything except getting to my girl and making sure she’s okay.

  “A Kinley Cole was brought in here.” It kills me to say her last name. It should already be Kane, but I dropped the ball.

  “And you are?” the woman behind the counter asks.

  “Her fiancé.”

  “So you’re not family. I’m sorry I can’t get you any information.”

  With two quick calls, the woman behind the desk answers my questions before buzzing me in. I usually don’t use my connections to do things like this, but I’d do anything to get to my girl.

  I skip the elevator and take the stairs. They already have her in a fucking room. When I open the door, she is sitting in the hospital bed wearing one of those gowns they give you when you’re admitted to the hospital. My eyes roam over her.

  When she sees me she gives me a half smile before she starts to cry. Each tear feels like a nail to my heart.

  “Kinley.” I pull her as close to me as I can with the bed in the way. She cries into my chest.

  “I’m sorry,” she sniffles.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for.”

  She looks down like she doesn't want to tell me something.

  “No secrets between us.”

  “I’m pregnant,” she blurts out. “Or I was. I don’t know yet if I still am. When I went to the bathroom at the restaurant, I was spotting blood so I rushed here. I’m scared, Luke.” Those icy blue eyes look up at me, and for the first time in my life, I’m scared too.

  “It's going to be okay,” I try to reassure her even though there is a pit in my stomach.

  “You don’t even want kids.” I look down at her in shock. “You’ve said it before. At your brother's wedding. Plus you made those remarks when you found out Kennedy was pregnant.” Fuck me.

  “That shit I said about my brother knocking Kennedy up was only because I was jealous. When I said that at the wedding reception, I was trying to get my brother to calm down because he thought I was hitting on Kennedy, but it was you I was talking to.”

  “You want kids?” she asks. Her voice is so soft.

  “Before you I never thought about kids.”


  “No, you need to see, Kinley. I’ve never once worn a condom. Do you think that was by accident? You don’t think maybe I knew what I was doing?”

  She gives me a confused look for a moment. “You were trying to knock me up!” she half shouts. I don’t know if she’s mad or happy about it. I don’t get to ask because the doctor enters the room with a man pushing in one of the machines I think lets you see the baby.

  “I’m Dr. Vine,” she says. “We’re going to have a look, but there is no need to worry. A lot of women spot when they're pregnant. All of the bloodwork we did so far looks good.” I watch as they put some jelly on her stomach before placing something that looks like a wand on her. The sound of our baby’s heartbeat echoes through the room. “Everything looks fine. Both of the babies are fine.” She smiles at us.

  “Did you say babies? As in multiple? Or did I mishear you?” Kinley’s face pales a bit.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Did you not know?”

  Kinley shakes her head no. I can’t fight the giant smile on my face. The doctor keeps talking, but I think Kinley has zoned out. I listen to every word. She even hands me a few pictures. They may look as if they are only small little blobs, but I still want them.

  Kinley gets dressed without saying a word. If I ask her if she’s okay again she’ll likely smack me. I let her be for now, but when we get home she’s fair game.



  I lift up another baby bag to check it out, but my eye catches on the giant teardrop diamond that has been on my hand for over two weeks now. The second ring is a band of diamonds that slides up against my wedding ring.

  Our wedding was small. We didn't want a ton of people, and Luke wanted us married as fast as possible. I never dreamed of a big wedding. All I ever wished for was love, and I have that. I put the bag back down knowing we’re shopping too soon for baby things, but we can’t help ourselves. After the meeting we had with Healing Hearts we went to lunch and then ventured into a baby store. It wasn't our fault. It was right there. We had to go in.

  “That’s so cute.” Kennedy holds up a onesie that has a tutu around it. “This not knowing the babies’ sexes is going to kill us. Or drive us crazy.”

  “I know. I still can’t believe you're having twins.” It was a shock to everyone, including myself. When the doc
tor told us that there were two babies inside of me, I went into a bit of shock. Luke, on the other hand, looked as though he were so proud of himself.

  “You know what I can’t believe? My husband hasn’t had sex with me in two weeks. Technically we haven’t even consummated our marriage unless oral sex counts.”

  Kennedy’s eyes go wide in shock. “Really?”

  “Yep. I try to remind myself it’s because he’s worried about the spotting I had which we were told was fine, but since he found out I was knocked up all I get is that mouth of his. I mean his mouth is a wonder, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes you need a good fuck.”

  A loud gasp sounds from behind us, and I turn to see an older lady staring at us.

  “Sorry,” I say. But it’s the freakin’ truth. Kennedy giggles as we go back to looking at things.

  “Have you given much thought to moving?” I ask my sister.

  “I like your idea. We stay here and buy a lot of land we can build on. I love the idea of our kids being close and going to school together.”

  “Me too.” I guess that pretty much settles that. I love Luke, but I have to admit a perk of being married to him is you could buy almost anything you wanted.

  “I love these round-shaped cribs.” Kennedy runs her hands around one. I do too. I’m about to agree with her but stop when I see our mother headed right toward us. What the hell? She’s the last person I want to see, and Kennedy has broken all ties with her, so I know she doesn’t want to see her. Actually I ducked out on her at lunch the last time we met up, but the conversation wasn’t going well anyways. She didn't agree with me being with Luke. It wasn't shocking. The Kane family isn't a fan of hers. They’ve got her number, and she was banking on me to get married to someone she could control.

  “I’ve heard the news.” Mom is all done up like always. She doesn’t have one hair out of place. She looks flawless in her Chanel dress. What news is she talking about is the question? “I can’t believe you didn't invite your own mother to your wedding.”

  “It was small and quick.”

  She glances around the baby shop. “I guess I can see why.” She scrunches her nose when she looks at the baby stuff. If Evelyn was here, she’d be gushing and trying to buy everything. Our mom couldn’t hold a candle to the type of mother Evelyn is.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to try and end this crazy fairy tale you have in your head.”

  “We’re in love, Mom. Let it go. In fact, can you let us go too?” Kennedy says what I was thinking.

  “Do you know where your husband is right now?” My mom’s eyes swing to me. I know he had a meeting earlier. I pull out my phone and track his location. He’s at a hotel, but hotels have restaurants and bars in them.

  “He’s working.”

  “I wouldn't be so sure of that. But don’t worry. You didn't sign a prenup and the child support will be a nice monthly check.” With that, she turns and leaves.

  “Why won’t she leave us alone?” Kennedy says dryly. I stare down at Luke's location. I don’t know if it’s my hormones or the fact that we haven’t had sex in a few weeks that gets to me. But suddenly I feel as though I want to cry.

  “Are you okay?” Kennedy asks.

  “Yeah, but I think I’m going to head out.”

  She stares at me for a moment. “Don’t buy into that woman's bullshit.”

  I know she’s right, but I kiss her cheek before I head out. My driver is already sitting out front. I give him the address, and he pulls out into traffic.

  It doesn't take long to make it to the hotel. I don’t see Luke anywhere. It says he’s here. I checked two bars and the restaurant. That left only one other option. I walk up to the front desk.

  “Hi, I’m Kinley Kane.” I pull my ID out. “Can I get a key to my room?”

  “Of course, Mrs. Kane.” A few seconds later I have a key in hand. My heart is pounding as I head toward the elevator. My mind starts to flood with all those articles that called Luke a playboy. That people were shocked that he’d married so quickly. I step into the elevator. I want to just leave, but the door closes and I hit the floor I need.

  I’ve already come this far. There is no turning back now.



  I pull at my tie as I head out of the meeting Gerrit wanted me to sit in on. He wanted my opinion. When I step out of his office, his assistant Cory pops up from his chair.

  “Your wife left you this.” He hands me an envelope. “It was dropped off by a courier service thirty minutes or so ago.” I take it from him, wondering what my wife is up to. If it was important, she could have texted or called me. When I open it a hotel key falls out. I stare at it for a moment, feeling guilty. There’s a small typed note that tells me which room to meet her in.

  I haven't fucked my own wife in two weeks. It’s literally been one of the hardest things I’ve done in my life. Oh, I’ve gotten her off, but my cock hasn't been inside that sweet heaven she holds between her thighs.

  I’ve felt on edge. I could tell it was bothering her. I need to get over my bullshit. I’ve talked to three doctors, all of whom told me it was safe. It would kill me if I hurt her or the babies she has growing inside of her. Their safety will always come first for me.

  This key to a hotel room might be Kinley’s way of saying she’s finished with my bullshit. I hop in my car, taking off toward the hotel. When I get out of my car, Kinley’s driver texts me saying she’s headed this way.

  When I make it to the room, I quickly swipe the key over the sensor. I undo the rest of my tie and the top few buttons of my shirt. I roll up my sleeves. I’m still standing by the door messing with myself when the scent of a strong flower perfume hits me. It’s not Kinley’s sweet scent. I step more into the room. When I come out of the entryway, I see a woman lying in the bed half naked.

  “What the fuck?” I quickly turn around. “I think I got the wrong room.”

  “You don’t, Luke Kane.”

  “Clothes on now,” I order her, trying to figure out what the hell is going on. The sound of the door opening has my heart sinking. I already know what’s happening. My sweet wife is about to walk in here. Someone has set me up. I say what every man says.

  “This isn't what it looks like.” Right now she only sees me. Her eyebrows raise.

  “I’m still getting paid, right?” the woman behind me asks. One of Kinley’s hands goes to her mouth while the other goes to her belly.

  I’ve still got my back to the woman. I refuse to turn around and look at her.

  “You’ll have to ask the person that hired you that question.”

  My wife lifts her chin.

  “She told me he would pay.”

  “Is this ‘she’ named Linda Cole?”

  “Yes.” I hear the woman shuffling around behind me.

  “Wallet.” Kinley holds her hand out to me. I give her my wallet. She pulls out some hundreds before handing it back to me. “Here.”

  “Oh wow. Thanks,” I hear the strange woman say a moment before she’s hurrying past me. She finishes putting her clothes back on as she leaves the room. Kinley drops down on the bench in front of the bed.

  “I can’t believe she’d go this far.” She lets out a small sniffle. “Kennedy kept telling me to let her go. I guess I had to learn that lesson on my own.” I scoop her up and put her into my lap. Like always, she buries her face in my neck.

  “Some lessons have to be learned. They can't be taught.” I feel her nod her head.

  “Deep down I knew you’d never really cheat on me, but these past few weeks you’ve been—”

  I cut her off. “A dumb ass.”

  She lets out a small giggle.

  “Let's get out of here. I want to take my wife home so I can ravish her properly.” I would do it here, but that woman was on the bed, and her perfume still lingers in the room. I want her home and in our bed.

  It doesn't take me long to get my wife home. We are all over each other
in the elevator. I’m thinking about forbidding her from ever wearing pants with buttons on them again. The elevator dings on our floor. I lift her from her feet.

  Her legs wrap around me as I keep kissing her as we head to the bed. I place her down on the bed, and she starts pulling off all her clothes. I stand there for a moment just watching her, wondering how the hell I got so lucky in life.

  “Luke!” she snips at me. I follow suit, pulling off my clothes before coming down over her.

  “I’ve been a shit husband.”

  She giggles. “You have not.”

  I nip her neck. Fuck, I love the way she tastes. I usually wake her with my mouth between her legs and put her to bed the same way. I start to go down her body, but her nails dig into my shoulders and her legs wrap around me.

  “I’m saying this in the nicest way that I can. I’m sick of your mouth.”

  This time it’s me who barks out a laugh. My cock brushes against her pussy, and I can feel she is soaked for me already. I put my hand between us, guiding my cock inside of her. We both groan at the same time.

  “I love when I can feel you everywhere,” she says. Fuck me. Her words pull at my heart. I start off with a small thrust. My mouth goes to hers as I kiss her. My thrusts grow harder. I can’t last much longer. It’s been too long. I slip my hand between us, finding her clit. Her pussy clamps down around me. It has both of us going off together.

  I never knew pleasure as great as this existed until Kinley. I roll us. My cock never leaves her pussy. She lies on my chest. We’re both trying to catch our breath.

  “I love you,” I tell her as I run my hands up and down her smooth skin. She always feels so soft. She kisses the center of my chest over my heart.

  “I love you too.” She pushes on my chest until she’s in the position she wants. I was already half hard, but now my dick is fully erect as it slides deeper inside of her. “I’m not done with you.” She rocks her hips. Her nails dig into my chest.


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