Michael Drayton- Collected Poetical Works

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Michael Drayton- Collected Poetical Works Page 86

by Michael Drayton

  Which grafted in the stock of great Plantaginet, 50

  The stem shall strongly wax, as still the trunk doth wither:

  That power which bare it thence, againe shall bring it thither

  By Tudor, with faire winds from little Britaine driven,

  To whom the goodlie Bay of Milford shall be given;

  As thy wise prophets, Wales, fore-told his wisht arrive, 55

  And how Lewellins line in him should doubly thrive.

  For from his issue sent to Albany before,

  Where his neglected blood, his vertue did restore,

  Hee first unto himselfe in faire succession gain’d

  The Stewards nobler name; and afterward attain’d 60

  The royal Scottish wreath, upholding it in state.

  This stem, to Tudors joyn’d (which thing all-powerfull fate

  So happily produc’t out of that prosperous bed,

  Whose mariages conjoynd the white-rose and the red)

  Suppressing every plant, shall spred it selfe so wide,

  As in his armes shall clip the ile on every side. 66

  By whom three sever’d realmes in one shall firmlie stand,

  As Britain-founding Brute first monarchiz’d the land:

  And Cornwall, for that thou no longer shalt contend,

  But to old Cambria cleave, as to thy ancient friend,

  Acknowledge thou thy brood, of Brutes high blood to bee; 71

  And what hath hapt to her, the like t’have chanc’t to thee;

  The Britains to receive, when heaven on them did lowre,

  Loegria forc’t to leave; who from the Saxons powre

  Themselves in deserts, creeks, and mount’nous wasts bestow’d, 75

  Or where the fruitlesse rocks could promise them aboad:

  Why strive yee then for that, in little time that shall

  (As you are all made one) to one unto you all;

  Then take my finall doome pronounced lastlie, this;

  That Lundy like ally’d to Wales and England is. 80

  Each part most highlie pleas’d, then up the session brake:

  When to the learned maids againe invention spake;

  O yee Pegasian nymphs, that hating viler things;

  Delight in loftie hills, and in delicious springs,

  That in Pierus borne, and named of the place, 85

  The Thracian Pimpla love, and Pindus often grace;

  In Aganippas fount, and in Castalia’s brims,

  That often have been known to bathe your crystall lims,

  Conduct me through these brooks, and with a fastned clue,

  Direct mee in my course, to take a perfect view 90

  Of all the wandring streames, in whose entransing gyres,

  Wise Nature oft her selfe her workmanship admires

  (So manifold they are, with such meanders wound,

  As may with wonder seeme invention to confound)

  That to those British names, untaught the eare to please, 95

  Such relish I may give in my delicious layes,

  That all the armed orks of Neptunes grislie band,

  With musick of my verse, amaz’d may listning stand;

  As when his Trytons trumps doe them to battell call

  Within his surging lists to combat with the whale. 100

  Thus, have we over-gone the Glamorganian Gowre,

  Whose promontorie (plac’t to check the oceans powre)

  Kept Severne yet her selfe, till beeing growne too great,

  Shee with extended armes unbounds her ancient seat:

  And turning lastlie sea, resignes unto the maine 105

  What soveraigntie her selfe but latelie did retaine.

  Next, Loghor leads the way, who with a lustie crue

  (Her wild and wandring steps that ceaseleslie pursue)

  Still forward is inforc’t: as, Amond thrusts her on,

  And Morlas (as a mayd shee much relies upon) 110

  Intreats her present speed; assuring her withall,

  Her best-beloved ile, Bachannis, for her fall,

  Stands specially prepar’d, of every thing suppli’d.

  When Guendra with such grace deliberately doth glide

  As Tovy doth entice: who setteth out prepar’d 115

  At all points like a Prince, attended with a guard:

  Of which, as by her name, the neer’st to her of kin

  Is Toothy, tripping downe from Verwins rushie lin,

  Through Rescob running out, with Pescover to meet

  Those rills that forest loves; and doth so kindly greet,

  As to intreat their stay shee gladly would prevaile.

  Then Tranant nicelie treads upon the watry trade: 122

  The livelie skipping Brane, along with Gwethrick goes;

  In Tovies wandring banks themselves that scarcely lose,

  But Mudny, with Cledaugh, and Sawthy, soone resort, 125

  Which at Langaddock grace their soveraignes watry court.

  As when the servile world some gathering man espies,

  Whose thriving fortune showes, he to much wealth may rise,

  And through his Princes grace his followers may preferre,

  Or by revenew left by some dead ancester; 130

  All lowting lowe to him, him humbly they observe,

  And happy is that man his nod that may deserve:

  To Tovy so they stoupe, to them upon the way

  Which thus displaies the spring within their view that lay.

  Neere Denevoir, the seat of the Demetian King 135

  Whilst Cambria was herselfe, full, strong, and florishing,

  There is a pleasant spring, that constant doth abide

  Hard-by these winding shores wherein wee nimblie slide;

  Long-of the ocean lov’d, since his victorious hand

  First proudlie did insult upon the conquer’d land. 140

  And though a hundred nymphs in faire Demetia bee,

  Whose features might allure the sea-gods more then shee,

  His fancie takes her forme, and her he onelie likes

  (Who ere knew halfe the shafts where-with blind Cupid strikes?)

  Which great and constant faith, shew’d by the God of Sea, 145

  This cleere and lovelie nymph so kindlie doth repay,

  As suffring for his sake what love to lover owes,

  With him she sadlie ebbs, with him she proudlie flowes,

  To him her secret vowes perpetually doth keepe,

  Observing everie lawe and custome of the deepe. 150

  Now Tovy towa’rd her fall (Langaddock over-gon)

  Her Dulas forward drives: and Cothy comming on

  The traine to over-take, the neerest way doth cast

  Ere shee Carmarden get: where Gwilly, making hast,

  Bright Tovy entertaines at that most famous towne

  Which her great prophet bred who Wales doth so renowne: 156

  And taking her a harpe, and tuning well the strings,

  To princely Tovy thus shee of the prophet sings;

  Of Merlin and his skill what region doth not heare?

  The world shall still be full of Merlin everie where.

  A thousand lingering yeeres his prophecies have runne, 161

  And scarcely shall have end till time it selfe be done:

  Who of a British nymph was gotten, whilst she plaid

  With a seducing spirit, which wonne the goodlie maid;

  (As all Demetia through, there was not found her peere) 165

  Who, be’ing so much renown’d for beautie farre and neere,

  Great Lords her liking sought, and still in vaine they prov’d:

  That spirit (to her unknowne) this virgin onelie lov’d;

  Which taking humane shape, of such perfection seemd, 169

  As (all her suters scorn’d) shee onelie him esteem’d.

  Who, fayning for her sake that he was come from farre,

  And richlie could endow (a lustie batcheler)

  On her that prophet go
t, which from his mothers wombe

  Of things to come fore-told untill the generall doome.

  But, of his fayned birth in sporting idlie thus, 175

  Suspect mee not, that I this dreamed incubus

  By strange opinions should licentiouslie subsist;

  Or, selfe-conceited, play the humorous Platonist,

  Which boldlie dares affirme, that spirits, themselves supply

  With bodies, to commix with fraile mortalitie, 180

  And heere allow them place, beneath this lower sphere

  Of the unconstant moone; to tempt us dailie here.

  Some, earthly mixture take; as others, which aspire,

  Them subt’ler shapes resume, of water, ayre, and fire,

  Being those immortalls long before the heaven, that fell, 185

  Whose deprivation thence, determined their hell:

  And loosing through their pride that place to them assign’d,

  Predestined that was to mans regenerate kind,

  They, for th’inveterate hate to his election, still

  Desist not him to tempt to every damned ill: 190

  And to seduce the spirit, oft prompt the frailer blood,

  Invegling it with tastes of counterfeited good,

  And teach it all the sleights the soule that may excite

  To yeeld up all her power unto the appetite.

  And to those curious wits if we our selves apply, 195

  Which search the gloomie shades of deepe philosophy,

  They reason so will clothe, as well the mind can show,

  That contrarie effects, from contraries may grow;

  And that the soule a shape so stronglie may conceat,

  As to her selfe the-while may seeme it to creat; 200

  By which th’abused sense more easelie oft is led

  To thinke that it enjoyes the thing imagined.

  But, toyld in these darke tracts with sundrie doubts repleat,

  Clame shades, and cooler streames must quench this furious heat:

  Which seeking, soone we finde where Cowen in her course, 205

  Tow’rds the Sabrinian shores, as sweeping from her sourse,

  Takes Towa, calling then Karkenny by the waie,

  Her through the waylesse woods of Cardiffe to convaie;

  A forrest, with her floods inviron’d so about,

  That hardly she restraines th’unruly watrie rout, 210

  When swelling, they would seeme her empire to invade:

  And oft the lustfull fawnes and satyres from her shade

  Were by the streames entic’t, abode with them to make.

  Then Morlas meeting Taw, her kindly in doth take:

  Cair comming with the rest, their watrie tracts that tread, 215

  Increase the Cowen all; that as their generall head

  Their largesse doth receive, to beare out his expence:

  Who to vast Neptune leads this courtly confluence.

  To the Penbrokian parts the Muse her still doth keepe,

  Upon that utmost point to the Iberian deepe, 220

  By Cowdra comming in: where cleere delightfull aire,

  (That forrests most affect) doth welcome her repaire;

  The Heliconian maids in pleasant groves delight:

  (Floods cannot still content their wanton appetite)

  And wandring in the woods, the neighbouring hils below, 225

  With wise Apollo meet (who with his ivory bowe

  Once in the paler shades, the serpent Python slew)

  And hunting oft with him, the heartlesse deere pursue;

  Those beames then layde aside he us’d in heaven to weare.

  Another forrest nymph is Narber, standing neare; 230

  That with her curled top her neighbor would astound,

  Whose groves once bravely grac’t the faire Penbrokian ground,

  When Albion here beheld on this extended land,

  Amongst his wel-growne woods, the shag-haird satyrs stand

  (The sylvans chiefe resort) the shores then sitting hie,

  Which under water now so many fadoms lie: 236

  And wallowing porpice sport and lord it in the flood,

  Where once the portly oke, and large-limb’d popler stood:

  Of all the forrests kind these two now onely left.

  But time, as guilty since to mans insatiate theft, 240

  Transferd the English names of townes and housholds hither,

  With the industrious Dutch since sojourning together.

  When wrathfull heaven the clouds so liberally bestow’d,

  The seas (then wanting roomth to lay their boystrous loade)

  Upon the Belgian marsh their pampred stomackes cast, 245

  That peopled cities sanke into the mightie wast.

  The Flemings were inforc’t to take them to their ores,

  To trie the setting maine to find out firmer shores;

  When as this spacious ile them entrance did allow,

  To plant the Belgian stocke upon this goodly brow:

  These nations, that their tongues did naturally affect,

  Both generallie forsooke the British dialect: 252

  As when it was decreed by all-fore-dooming fate,

  That ancient Rome should stoupe from her emperious state,

  With nations from the north then altogether fraught,

  Which to her civill bounds their barbarous customes brought, 256

  Of all her ancient spoyles and lastlie be forlorne,

  From Tybers hallowed banks to old Bizantium borne:

  Th’abundant Latine then old Latium lastly left,

  Both of her proper forme and elegancie reft; 260

  Before her smoothest tongue, their speech that did prefer,

  And in her tables fixt their ill-shap’t character.

  A divination strange the Dutch made-English have,

  Appropriate to that place (as though some power it gave) 264

  By th’shoulder of a ram from off the right side par’d,

  Which usuallie they boile, the spade-boane beeing bar’d,

  Which then the wizard takes, and gazing there-upon,

  Things long to come fore-showes, as things done long agon;

  Scapes secretlie at home, as those abroad, and farre;

  Murthers, adulterous stealths, as the events of warre,

  The raignes and death of Kings they take on them to know: 271

  Which onelie to their skill the shoulder-blade doth show.

  You goodlie sister floods, how happy is your state!

  Or should I more commend your features, or your fate;

  That Milford, which this ile her greatest port doth call 275

  Before your equall floods is lotted to your fall!

  Where was saile ever seene, or wind hath ever blowne,

  Whence Penbrooke yet hath heard of haven like her owne?

  She bids Dungleddy dare Iberias proudest road,

  And chargeth her to send her challenges abroad 280

  Along the coast of France, to prove if any bee

  Her Milford that dare match; so absolute is shee.

  And Clethy comming downe from Wrenyvaur her sire

  (A hill that thrusts his head into th’etheriall fire) 284

  Her sisters part doth take, and dare avouch as much:

  And Percily the proud, whome neerlie it doth touch,

  Said, he would beare her out; and that they all should know.

  And there-withall he struts, as though he scorn’d to show

  His head belowe the heaven, when he of Milford spake: 289

  But there was not a port the prize durst undertake.

  So highlie Milford is in every mouth renownd,

  Noe haven hath ought good, in her that is not found:

  Whereas the swelling surge, that with his fomie head,

  The gentler looking land with furie menaced,

  With his encountring wave no longer there contends;

  But sitting mildly downe like perfect ancient frien

  Unmov’d of any wind which way so ere it blow, 297

  And rather seeme to smile, then knit an angry brow.

  The ships with shattred ribs scarce creeping from the seas,

  On her sleeke bosome ride with such deliberate ease,

  As all her passed stormes shee holds but meane and base, 301

  So shee may reach at length this most delightfull place,

  By nature with proud cleeves invironed about,

  To crowne the goodlie road: where builds the falcon stout,

  Which we the gentill call; whose fleet and active wings, 305

  It seemes that Nature made when most shee thought on Kings:

  Which manag’d to the lure, her high and gallant flight,

  The vacant sportfull man so greatlie doth delight,

  That with her nimble quills his soule doth seeme to hover,

  And lie the verie pitch that lustie bird doth cover; 310

  That those proud airies, bred whereas the scorching skie

  Doth sindge the sandie wyldes of spicefull Barbarie;

  Or underneath our pole, where Norwaies forests wide

  Their high cloud-touching heads in winter snowes doe hide,

  Out-brave not this our kind in mettle, nor exceed 315

  The falcon, which some-times the British cleeves doe breed:

  Which prey upon the iles in the Vergivian waste,

  That from the British shores by Neptune are imbrac’t;

  Which stem his furious tides when wildliest they doe rave,

  And breake the big-swolne bulke of manie a boystrous wave: 320

  As, calme when hee becomes, then likewise in their glorie

  Doe cast their amorous eyes at many a promontorie

  That thrust their foreheads forth into the smiling south;

  As Rat and Sheepy, set to keepe calme Milfords mouth,

  Expos’d to Neptunes power. So Gresholme farre doth stand: 325

  Scalme, Stockholme, with Saint Bride, and Gatholme, neerer land

  (Which with their veinie breasts intice the gods of sea,

  That with the lustie iles doe revell every day)

  As crescent-like the land her bredth here inward bends, 329

  From Milford, which she forth to old Menevia sends;

  Since, holy Davids seat; which of especiall grace

  Doth lend that nobler name, to this unnobler place.

  Of all the holy men whose fame so fresh remaines,

  To whom the Britans built so many sumptuous fanes,

  This saint before the rest their patron still they hold:

  Whose birth, their ancient bards to Cambria long foretold; 336

  And seated heere a see, his bishoprick of yore,

  Upon the farthest point of this unfruitfull shore;


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