Wolf of Sight

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Wolf of Sight Page 14

by Quinn Loftis

  Stella looked at him and realized he was not as composed as she’d originally thought. His hand had released hers at some point and both of his were now clenched into fists. Ciro’s shoulders were tense and his eyes were glowing.

  “Please,” he breathed out sounding more desperate than she’d ever heard any man before.

  “Okay,” she said before considering how she felt about it. All she knew was that Ciro was hurting and she wanted to offer him comfort.

  Between one breath and the next, she was in his lap. He buried his face in her neck, and he took slow, deep breaths. Ciro’s arms wrapped snugly around her, but instead of feeling restrained, Stella felt safe. She waited for the panic to come, but after several minutes, there still wasn’t any. After another few minutes of only the need to comfort her mate, Stella wrapped her arms around him and leaned her head against his as he continued to breathe, slow and deep.

  “Are you alright?” asked Stella.

  “In all my time on this earth, never have I wanted to kill someone as violently and slowly as I do right now.” He pulled back and looked in her eyes. “I would do absolutely anything to be able to go back and fix this, to take away the horror of what you endured and give you only beauty and good. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you, Stella. There is no depth I wouldn’t swim, no height I wouldn’t climb, no evil I wouldn’t destroy to make sure you are safe, healthy, and happy.”

  Stella’s breath froze in her chest as she looked into his eyes. It was at that moment that she could actually see a future with the man holding her. Not just an implied future, but one that was real and tangible. She could see herself letting him perform the Blood Rites, sinking his teeth into her neck and leaving his mark on her. In fact, she wanted it. She wanted to belong to this man who had so openly declared his intentions toward her, and not just with his words. Ciro had opened the bond so she could feel the intention behind his words. She could feel everything he was feeling for her, and it robbed her of all rational thought.

  “How?” she finally asked. “How can you feel this way?”

  “Because I was created to love you, my beautiful soulmate.”

  Stella released the hold she had around his neck and ran her fingertips along his strong jaw. He closed his eyes and leaned into her touch as if it was the best thing he’d ever felt.


  “Yes, my love,” he answered, though his eyes were still closed and he was rubbing his face against her hand much like an animal would do and it made her smile.

  “Will you kiss me?”

  Ciro’s eyes snapped open and roamed over her face, seeming to search for something. “Is that what you really want?”

  She nodded.

  He leaned in closer and ran his thumb slowly across her bottom lip. “Breathe, Stella. You’re in control, always.”

  Because her voice was apparently incapable of forming sounds, Stella simply nodded again.

  Ciro’s lips turned up slightly, and then he wrapped his large hand around the back of her neck and pulled her toward him at the same time he leaned in. When their lips finally met, Stella felt as if the world had stopped turning. Time had simply frozen, and the only thing important was that moment. It was the first time she’d wanted to be kissed by a man. It was the first time her desire overrode her fear.

  “Shall I stop?” Ciro’s voice filled her mind.


  “Part your lips for me, beloved.”

  Stella obeyed and melted into him further when his tongue swept into her mouth. He didn’t stay long, just a couple of intimate touches and then his lips were moving to her chin, jaw, and down her neck. She felt the light scrape of his teeth, and her head fell back of its own accord.

  Stella barely had time to register that she wasn’t freaking out about his teeth on her neck. In fact, she was enjoying the physical intimacy happening when she heard a deep bellow, followed by a shrieking banshee, or at least that’s what it sounded like.


  Kara’s voice broke through the intense moment, and, in the blink of an eye, Stella was seated on the couch with Ciro crouched in front of her, snarling at Kara and Nick.

  “Kara, what in Hades is going on, and why is your biker wolf growling like a rabid dog?” asked Stella, her eyes bouncing back and forth between Nick and Ciro.

  “Nick, I think you can pump the breaks,” Kara said, ignoring Stella all together. “I don’t see any bite marks on her neck.”

  Stella’s hand flew up to her neck. Bite marks? WTH? Did they think Ciro had been about to bite her? Seriously?

  “Step back, pup,” Ciro growled. “You are much too close to my mate and far too out of control.”

  “I am not out of control,” Nick snapped back. “But you might be and not even realize it.”

  Stella nudged Ciro aside so she could stand up. When she tried to step past him, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back against him. She patted his hand, hoping her touch would calm his obviously ruffled fur.

  “What are you talking about?” asked Stella.

  “I very nearly performed the Blood Rites on Kara,” Nick admitted. The look on his face said he was disgusted with himself. “I didn’t realize something else was influencing me until Kara caught on.”

  Kara took over the narrative and explained what happened. Then her eyes met Stella’s, and they spoke at the same time. “Heather.”

  “You think this pixie was influencing your emotions somehow?” Ciro asked.

  Nick nodded. “It wasn’t rational. I wasn’t thinking like a true mate who adores his female. I was thinking like a Neanderthal who couldn’t control himself.”

  “We need to warn Heather and Kale,” Kara said.

  As they headed for the door, Stella thought of something. “Did you recognize the pixie, Kara?”

  The other girl paused. “Now that you ask, I think I did. I think it was the pixie king’s brother.”

  “Penis nose?”

  Kara nodded. “But minus the penis this time.”

  “I really do not want to know why you are mentioning another man’s penis, female,” Nick growled. “And my emotions are still all over the place, so could you not?”

  Kara grinned and patted his back. “Cage your beast, Canada. I got no interest in another man’s junk, especially when it’s on his face.”

  Nick groaned as they left Peri’s home in search of the other couple.

  Stella grabbed Kara’s hand as they followed the two males. “I have a feeling we’re going to be too late.”

  “Well, I’m not going to lie. If we find lettuce wrapped around his blind healer in the throes of passion, I am totally going to be jealous,” Kara bit out through gritted teeth, making Stella laugh.

  “Sexually frustrated?”

  Kara rolled her eyes. “You have no idea.”

  Bet I do. Stella didn’t say it, but it was on the tip of her tongue.

  “As I said before, Beloved, you are in control. I’m happy to take care of your frustration if you decide that is what you need from me.” Ciro’s voice sounded a tad smug. He knew how he’d made her feel, and he was a little proud of himself. Truth be told, he probably should be.

  “Duly noted.”


  Something … bright filled Heather’s mind and it hurt. She forced her palms against her eyes, but it didn’t seem to help. She’d detected brightness behind her eyelids before, but she’d never seen it. It had simply been a warmth on her face. Now, for a brief moment, it exploded into her field of vision. She didn’t know how to describe the sensation; it was simply the opposite of the dark that she’d lived in her whole life. She pushed her palms to her eyes harder as a pounding headache began to form. “Kale,” her voice was shaking as she spoke. “What’s happening?”

  “I think you just saw through my eyes.”

  “What? How?”

  “I’m not sure,” he replied. “Typ
ically, after the Blood Rites, have been performed, mates can send each other images of what they’re seeing. So, theoretically, you could see through my eyes. But it doesn’t work with unmated pairs. Perhaps the mate bond within us is pulling us together so strongly, you simply got a glimpse of what it will be like.”

  Heather’s breath came in huge gasps. “I don’t know if I can handle that.”

  Kale couldn’t help but chuckle. “You’re telling me you’ve never seen anything your entire life, and now that you have the opportunity, you don’t want it?”

  “No,” she replied quickly. “I do. I want it more than anything. It’s just going to take some getting used to. It’s all a bit overwhelming.”

  “I’m here for you. We’ll take it slow.”

  “Can you do it again?” she asked, trying to keep her voice from shaking.

  “I don’t think I did anything, lass. It just happened.”

  “Please try.”

  “Okay, you concentrate on opening your bond as wide as possible, and I’ll try to show you what I’m seeing. If you see a beautiful blonde pop up in your field of vision, you know it worked.”

  Heather scrunched up her face, reaching out for her mate. She opened her mind as wide as possible, knowing that everything within her was laid bare. If Kale wanted to, he could waltz right in and see every memory she had. She almost shuddered at the thought.

  “Are you doing it?” she asked.

  Kale grunted. “I’m trying.”

  “I can feel you in my mind, but I’m not getting anything,” she said. “No vision.”

  “I’m so sorry, Heather. I wish so badly I could do it. I want to meet your every need, even this one.”

  “Dammit!” said Heather, jumping to her feet. She took a few steps in front of her, heedless of whether she would run into anything or fall into a lake.

  “Do you really think I could see if we completed the Blood Rites?” she asked.

  Kale rose and went to her, wrapping his arms around her from behind. “I’m certain of it.”

  A breath of wind washed over the couple, but she ignored it.

  “Then do it,” she said quickly. “Bite me, scratch me, make me your chew toy if that’s what it takes. I want to see, Kale. I want to see you.”

  Heather felt Kale tense as he practically snarled and lunged at her, but she could tell he kept himself in check. Instead, he sat back down and pulled her into his lap. She heard him draw in a huge breath. Then she felt his lips on her neck.

  “Wait!” she said hurriedly.

  “Changed your mind?” he asked, his voice rough with his wolf. “We don’t have to do this, love. If you’re not really ready. If it’s just about seeing, it will always be there waiting for you.”

  “That’s exactly what I don’t want you to think. I’m not just doing this so I can see. I don’t care about that. I mean, I do, but I’m not … I’m doing this because I want you, Kale. Because I love you. Because you are mine and I’m yours. I want that to be permanent. Even if I wouldn’t be able to see, I’d still want this. You understand that, don’t you?”

  “Mine,” he replied, and she was sure it was the wolf talking, not the man. Heather gasped as she felt a sharp sting in her neck and then nothing but euphoria. As he pulled her blood into his mouth, Heather tried not to act like a cat in heat, and she was pretty sure she failed. One of his hands ran up her back and then gripped her neck while the other held her waist, securing her body against his. Heather hadn’t been prepared for it to feel so good. Her body tingled from the tip of her scalp all the way down to her toes.

  When he started to pull away, she grabbed the back of his head and attempted to hold him in place as she muttered under her breath, “No, don’t stop. Don’t stop.” She wasn’t ashamed. Not. At. All.

  He chuckled and then licked the spot he’d just bitten. “It’s your turn, love,” Kale’s voice filled her mind, and she was gratified in how breathless he sounded. “You taste delicious.”

  “I don’t mind waiting my turn if you want to take another nip.”

  “Bloody hell, woman. You’re going to be the death of me. I promise there will be many more times in our life that I will mark you with my teeth. But right now, I need your mark on me. I need the bond complete. Bite me, lass. Bind our souls.”

  Heather felt as if she were in a haze of pleasure as Kale directed her head to his neck. Her lips pressed against him, and she opened her mouth. “I just bite? What if my teeth aren’t sharp enough?”

  “We are destined for each other, mate. Don’t worry about the details. Just bite me.” That last part was growled out so low and with such determination that she shivered.

  Heather had to admit she’d never thought she’d hear those words come out of a man, let alone a werewolf, but there it was. She bit down, and her teeth somehow sunk deep into his flesh. His blood rushed into her mouth and amazingly it didn’t taste like copper. Kale groaned and pulled her more tightly against him. She could hear his breaths coming in shallow pants and could feel the rapid breathing as his chest rose and fell. He whispered something to her in another language, the lilting sound another form of assault on her senses. The warm blood continued to flow into her mouth as she sucked on the wound. The intensity of his reaction made Heather want to latch on like a leach. Sooner than she wanted, he was gently pushing her back. “It is enough, mate.”

  “I’m going to have to disagree because I’m definitely not sated,” Heather said as her eyes fluttered open. Before she could say anything else, she gasped.

  Heather felt something inside her snap into place, as though a tether that had been floating between them was now securely wrapped around them both, connecting them tightly.

  “That’s the mate bond,” Kale said as he brushed his lips against hers. His voice was full of awe. “And it unmans me to think that I’m leaving my mate unsatisfied.”

  Heather was about to speak, but then she screamed as the brightness from earlier returned with a vengeance. “Kale,” her voice shook as she spoke. “It’s happening.”

  She felt him in her mind, so much stronger than before.

  “You’re seeing through my eyes,” he said. “Our bond is stronger now and will be even stronger when we consummate it.”

  Heather couldn’t even think about what that might cause. She was, to put it mildly, freaking the hell out. Slowly, the brightness began to dim and a large shape came into focus. Trembling, she reached out a hand toward the shape so she could see it. This was the way she saw things … she felt them. Now, she’d actually see the thing she was feeling. She started when the shape began to reach back toward her. She stopped. It stopped.

  “What the hell?”

  She heard Kale chuckle in her mind. “You’re seeing through my eyes, babe. That’s you.”

  Chapter 11

  “My years in the dark forest come back to me sometimes as nightmares. The monsters I killed—the things I had to do—cause me to awaken in a cold sweat, screaming at the top of my lungs. And, yes, it was hilarious the first time Peri was jolted awake at two a.m. by my night terrors. I wish, for her sake, I would not have had to fight those monsters so she wouldn’t now have to deal with my leftover mental scars. But there was one particular monster with whom I never crossed paths, that I never got the chance to battle. And, Great Luna, I wish I would have. Would he or I have come out victorious? I don’t know. But I would have done everything in my power to kill Volcan before he could have escaped the dark forest and made life miserable for all of us.” ~Lucian

  Peri’s heart sank. The In-Between. She could have lived her entire life without hearing those three words again and been just fine. The fae balled her fists at her sides to keep from going into a full-blown tantrum. It wouldn’t do for the rest of the group to see their leader on the ground, kicking and screaming.

  Peri never thought she could hate another fae as much as she had her sister Lorelle, but Volcan was testing that conviction. How in
the world was he so clever? Not only had he figured out how to create an entirely new species of supernatural beings beholden to his will, but he’d also been smart enough to close the veil to the draheim realm in such a way that his enemies could only open it by submitting themselves to horrendous torture, thereby weakening themselves in the process. Apparently, Volcan had had plenty of time to plot his revenge while he was trapped for hundreds of years in the Dark Forest. Sometimes, you just had to sit back and commend the other side on their effort. Even if it did make you want to scratch an evil fae’s eyes out. Oh, well. Volcan’s cleverness just meant the feeling of victory would be all that sweeter when Peri was standing over his cold, disemboweled body. Bloodthirsty much? Absolutely. This situation completely warranted as much bloodthirstiness as she could muster.

  “No,” Elle screamed at Thadrick. The fae stood nose to nose with the djinn, or she would have been had his nose not been at least a good sixteen inches higher than hers. As it was, she was probably staring straight up into his nostrils. Still, her fury was unabated. Elle’s eyes blazed and her face reddened as she continued. “There has to be another way, Thadrick. Figure something else out!”

  “I wish it were different, Elle of the fae.”

  “If you think I’m letting my mate go through that again, you’ve got another thing coming. You have no idea what it’s like,” Elle shrieked.

  “Neither do you,” he replied.

  “No, but I’ve seen its effects. The place almost killed Sorin. He won’t survive another trip.”

  “Your mate can decide for himself,” said the djinn.

  Adam smirked. “You really don’t understand us, do you, buddy? We don’t exactly do anything without our mates’ blessing. I mean, we do, but it always comes back to bite us in the ass.”

  Sorin, for his part, didn’t appear as if he could decide anything for himself. He had sunk to the ground and sat there with his head in his hands. Peri couldn’t help but feel for the wolf. She’d only been in the In-Between once for two hours. She and Elle had gone in to fetch him and the rest of the wolves. It had been the longest two hours of her life, and it still gave her nightmares.


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