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A Long List of Firsts: A Carlsbad Village Lesbian Romance

Page 16

by Sabrina Kane

  It continued.

  Two very young women, who didn’t look older than their teens, entered the coffeeshop holding hands and immediately stopped in their tracks when they caught sight of the twosome at the counter. They just stood there, staring and barely blinking.

  Then Rachel noticed Amber, one of the baristas who worked at La Vida Mocha. The young woman was busy making a coffee drink but she couldn’t keep herself from taking her eyes off what she was doing in order to look over at her boss and the blonde.

  One of those two women at the nearby table caught Rachel’s attention with a wave of her hand.

  “That’s your girlfriend?” she asked.

  Rachel didn’t feel like explaining that, technically, the g-word wasn’t being used yet and so she just nodded.

  “Yep,” she answered.

  Apparently, the teenagers, with their bionic youthful hearing, caught this exchange and moved closer to Rachel’s and Amy’s table.

  “The blonde one is your girlfriend?” one of them asked Rachel, staring at her with wide eyes.

  “Well, I mean, we’re dating,” Rachel said.

  Both of the teens looked at Rachel with open mouths.

  “OMG, you’re our hero,” the second one said.

  Rachel couldn’t help bursting out laughing.

  Amy suddenly started fluttering her hands. All eyes went to her.

  “All we need now,” she began, “is the redhead version of Vanessa and we’ll have the Lesbian Holy Trinity right here in Carlsbad.”

  The others all gasped and nodded in agreement.

  “OMG,” that same teen said, looking at all the others, “can you imagine three of them?”

  The woman with the blue streak in her hair said, “I thought we were lucky just to have Vanessa in Carlsbad. Does the blonde live here too?”

  Amy pointed at Rachel.

  “She just sold her a house in town!”

  More gasps as all focus returned to Rachel.

  “Thank you!” the first woman said in a sing-song voice.

  “Find a redheaded Vanessa and sell her a house too!” the first teen exclaimed, she and her girlfriend dissolving into giggles.

  “There’s a house for sale on our block,” Blue Streak said.

  “We’ll even help her move in,” her girlfriend-or-wife offered.

  Rachel couldn’t believe it. Laughing, she faced Amy.

  “What the hell?”

  Amy shrugged.

  “Welcome to the lesbian side of Carlsbad,” she said.

  Chapter 22

  “Oh my baby!” Rachel called out as the black dildo slid inside her, guided in by Ainsley’s fingers. “Oh my fuuuuuuck!”

  Once the toy was in, Ainsley gave Rachel’s pulsing clit a quick suck, careful not to linger on it too long because she didn’t want Rachel coming just yet. After that quick pull on it, she then ran the tip of her tongue along the edges of Rachel’s opening. Rachel’s nether lips were stretched around the dildo filling her and when Ainsley licked them Rachel’s pelvis trembled and she moaned loudly.

  Ainsley loved Rachel’s moans. She found them incredibly sexy. So much so that even outside of a sexual context, whenever Rachel moaned it was like flipping a switch inside Ainsley which instantly turned her on. Just last night, for instance, Rachel had moaned after tasting the crème brulee she ordered for dessert and Ainsley had felt her inner walls clench in response.

  And so she continued making Rachel moan now with her tongue and she even spent another second sucking that beautiful clit.

  After a moment, Ainsley started sliding the dildo out and moaned herself when she saw how it was covered with creamy white trails of Rachel’s arousal. Keeping just the tip of it inside Rachel, Ainsley started licking the toy clean, loving the sharpness of the taste of Rachel’s flavor, making sure she coated her tongue with it.

  With the dildo still mostly out, Ainsley placed her thumb and forefinger on either side of Rachel’s clit.

  “OhgodOhgod!” Rachel panted.

  Ainsley started circling the tip of the dildo just inside Rachel’s opening, in that most sensitive part of the vagina. Simultaneously, she pinched Rachel’s clit lightly but firmly and began stroking it.

  “YES! Fucking YES!” Rachel called out. “Oh my god, don’t stop! Fucking don’t stop! Fucking don’t stop!...Oh fuck!...Ainsley!...My fucking god, Ainsleeeeeee!...Oh fuck!...Baby!.... Unnnggh!...Ainsleeeeee, I’m coming! Oh shit! I’m coming!”

  Ainsley gave Rachel’s clit just a couple of more strokes with her two fingers before letting go. Then she pushed the dildo fully back inside Rachel’s pussy just as it started spasming and spurting out come, wanting Rachel’s pussy to have something fun to grip onto as it enjoyed its release.

  She placed her palm against the base of the toy and, keeping it there, came up to lie beside the trembling woman who was in the midst of her orgasm. Ainsley brought her mouth down onto Rachel’s, kissing her deeply as the climax continued rocking her, Rachel having to moan against Ainsley’s mouth while her hips kept up their bucking.

  When it was done, Rachel fell limp. Ainsley removed her palm and the dildo just slid right out.

  “Fucking hell!” Rachel breathed out after a few seconds. “Ainsley, fuck…”

  “I take it you’re happy?”

  “Happy, yes. But we’re not done.”

  “Is that right?”

  Suddenly, Rachel sprang into action and was now lying atop Ainsley, their breasts pressed together.

  “Hi!” Ainsley said.

  “Hi.” Rachel purred. “I bet you are drenched!” And she brought her hand down between them and then gasped when she touched Ainsley’s pussy. “And I was right!” Rachel said, looking at Ainsley with smoldering eyes as her fingers played among Ainsley’s folds.

  Ainsley moaned. She could feel her center streaming her excitement out and Rachel just playing with it.

  “My turn,” Rachel said, beginning to slide down Ainsley’s form. “You know how much I crave this.”

  That was true. Ainsley had learned that Rachel loved going down on her. And now, when Rachel’s mouth and tongue made contact with all that liquidness below Ainsley’s waist, Ainsley arched her back and succumbed to what was nothing but pure pleasure.

  Rachel started by kissing Ainsley’s clit. Ten or so short pecks which nonetheless jolted Ainsley with an electric joy that made even her nipples tingle. Then Rachel went lower and now her tongue was probing inside Ainsley and the nerve endings at the very beginning of her passage went wild with pleasure. Ainsley could feel her arousal sloshing around inside her as she rocked her hips in time with Rachel’s tongue, Rachel humming like she always did, which turned Ainsley on even more. She had never had a lover who hummed like that simply because she loved the taste of what was streaming out of her. Maybe it was because Rachel was still new at all this. Whatever the reason, hearing a woman make such sounds was an incredible turn-on!

  Two fingers slid inside, Ainsley by now knowing what two from Rachel felt like, also knowing that unlike most women, Rachel slid hers in one-on-top-of-the-other style rather than side-by-side style and then turning them sideways once inside her.

  “Fuck! You taste so fucking good!” Rachel muttered before her tongue went back to work among Ainsley’s folds.

  “Rach!” Ainsley gasped.

  She felt Rachel push the fingers in deeper and then spend a few moments circling her swollen clit with her tongue before finally wrapping her lips around and sucking it with purpose and meaning.

  Ainsley’s back arched more at this sensation and she clutched the sheets tighter, letting out a groan.

  And then Rachel curled those two fingers inside her and—bam!—her G-spot was pressed!

  Ainsley’s eyes shot open and she started coming hard, a high-pitched squeal keening from her open mouth. Her pussy clutched at Rachel’s fingers and her clit jumped in Rachel’s mouth. The orgasm was an explosion and it felt to her as if she might actually burst open with pleasure.r />
  Rachel must have known there was a second one right there, waiting for its turn to make Ainsley lose her mind because she didn’t let up. She kept pulling on Ainsley’s clit and she kept those fingers inside doing their job on Ainsley’s G-spot and seconds later Ainsley was rocked hard by the second climax.

  “My fucking…RACH!...Fuck!...Fuuuuuuck!”

  It felt like it would go on forever. When one burst of pleasure erupted, another was right behind it, then another behind that one. On and on it continued until gradually her core ran out of steam and those bursts of pleasure lessened in intensity and frequency, leaving Ainsley a panting and contented mess of a woman whose extremities felt numb.

  When Rachel came up to lie beside her, Ainsley, after swallowing a couple of times to get her throat working properly, said, “Proud of yourself, aren’t you?”

  Rachel chuckled and nipped at Ainsley’s shoulder.

  “I am,” she confirmed.

  “Why are you so good at that?” Ainsley then asked.

  “Am I?”

  “You are, trust me.”

  Ainsley did the math in her head. The very first time Rachel went down on a woman—Me, thank god, she thought—was on Valentine’s Day. That was only nine days ago! Yet what Rachel was able to do with her mouth between Ainsley’s legs…

  Fast learner…

  Rachel rested her head on Ainsley’s chest, just above Ainsley’s left breast.

  “I don’t envy you all this packing,” she said after a moment. As she spoke, little puffs of her breath tickled Ainsley’s nipple, hardening it.

  Ainsley, taking a look around her bedroom, didn’t envy herself either.

  It was Sunday morning and they were in Ainsley’s condo in San Diego. Ainsley had spent the past week after her shifts at the hospital packing up her stuff, preparing for the move to Carlsbad. If everything went well, she’d be able to do that the following weekend. She already had the keys to her new house and had even, bit by bit, taken a few smaller boxes of belongings to the house and then staying with Rachel at her place afterwards. She had also already scheduled movers for Saturday. But there was still so much to do. Even though her bedroom and other rooms of the condo now were littered with packed boxes, she knew she had only scratched the surface. In fact, deciding that she needed to get serious about vacating this place, she had cleared her surgery schedule for tomorrow and Tuesday, resolving to spend those days packing what she was keeping and donating what she wasn’t.

  Rachel promised to help as much as she could around her showings and even Charlotte said she’d stop by on Tuesday to lend a hand.

  She took a look at the clock—still unpacked—and sighed. They would need to leave soon to meet the others for volleyball. Considering how much work she had to do packing, Ainsley felt a little guilty for going to play but she knew she’d appreciate the stress relief playing the sport would provide her, on top of the stress relief Rachel had just given her with those two orgasms.

  Besides, her friends now considered her to be officially responsible for bringing Rachel to their games and if she failed at doing that, she might not have any friends left.

  But, good heavens, how she’d love to just remain in bed like this with Rachel all day. To hell with packing; to hell with volleyball; to hell with anything other than the two of them. And, Ainsley was considering, they wouldn’t even have to have sex again. If they just stayed in bed napping or reading to each other or watching TV or…anything, Ainsley would consider it a day well spent.

  “Come on,” she said, patting Rachel’s hip, “we need to get ready to go.”

  No sooner had she said this than the doorbell rang.

  She frowned. She wasn’t expecting anybody nor was she expecting a delivery.

  “Alexa, show me the front door,” she called out, looking at the display on the Echo Show on her nightstand. When the screen changed to show the video transmitted from her Ring doorbell camera, she said, “What the fuck?”

  There were two men—delivery men by the looks of it—placing a variety of items on her porch, including the largest teddy bear Ainsley had ever seen. It was the size of an actual bear! There were also flowers and several packages that were gift-wrapped.


  “Goddammit!” she muttered between her teeth, getting out of bed and tossing on the nearest clothes she could find—a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie—and then jamming her feet into her Skechers. Without a word to Rachel she stormed out of the bedroom and hurried to the front door.

  “Excuse me,” she said after opening it. “What the hell is all this?”

  To his credit, the tallest of the delivery men—who was still shorter than Ainsley—looked appropriately cowed by the tall blonde with flashing eyes confronting him.

  “Um…” he started nervously, “…we work for Some lady used our app to schedule a pickup of this stuff to deliver it here.”

  Ainsley crossed her arms.

  “What’s her name?” she demanded. She already knew but she wanted to hear it. It would feed her anger that much more.

  “Um…” the guy reached into his back pocket and pulled out his cellphone. After tapping the screen a couple of times, he said, “Casey Lang…uh…Languh…”

  “Langostine,” Ainsley finished for him. “Take it back! Take all this shit back!”


  Ainsley rolled her eyes. Men sure are fire and brimstone until facing a pissed off woman.

  “See…we’re not supposed to do that,” the guy said. “We’re just supposed to fulfill the order and move on to the next one.”

  Ainsley stared at him with the icy stare she gave OR nurses who didn’t hand her a surgical instrument quickly enough or orderlies who failed to do the simplest task for her.

  The guy took a step back.

  “Stay right there!” Ainsley ordered.

  Her purse was just inside the front door on the entryway table. By now, Rachel had put on a robe and come to see what was going on.

  “What’s happening?” she asked.

  “In a minute,” Ainsley snapped.

  After getting what she wanted out of her purse, she stepped back outside.

  “This is a hundred dollars,” she said, holding out the bill to the guy. “You and your little buddy there can split it. All you have to do is take all this shit off my porch and drive away. Bring it back to Casey. Dump it in the harbor. Take it to fucking SeaWorld! I don’t care. Just get it out of here.”

  The guy shrugged, took the proffered bill and he and his buddy got to work, starting with the insanely large teddy bear. Ainsley went back in her condo.

  “Sorry I snapped at you,” she immediately said to Rachel once the front door was closed. She pulled the redhead to her for a hug.

  “Babe, it’s okay,” Rachel replied, looking up at Ainsley from within the doctor’s arms. “Sounds like someone just doesn’t know how to let go.”

  Ainsley moaned.

  “It’s really beginning to disturb me,” she admitted. She had never told Rachel about Casey coming by the hospital that one day. At the time, she just didn’t think it was worth it. But now she was remembering Casey’s words shouted at her in the staircase.

  I’m not giving up!

  She shuddered. How much longer was this going to go on?

  Rachel noticed the shuddering.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” she asked.

  Again Ainsley moaned.

  “I have told Casey to fuck off,” she said. “Literally using those words! I really am getting worried. Why won’t she just go away?”

  Rachel grinned.

  “Well, you are pretty amazing,” she said.

  “Stop! I’m serious! What do I have to do?”

  With her brow furrowed, Rachel said, “Can I make a confession?”


  “I have never thought about lesbians going through this kind of thing before. I’ve known about guys who get obsessed with women and stalk them and won’t
leave them alone, and vice versa, but it never occurred to me that women get like that over other women.”

  Ainsley looked down at Rachel and cocked her eyebrow.

  “Trust me,” she began, “bitches be crazy too.”


  “Bitches totally be crazy!” Krissy exclaimed, pulling off her t-shirt, revealing the turquoise-colored sport bikini top underneath.

  They were in the locker room at the volleyball club, getting ready to take the court. Ainsley had just told her friends about Casey’s latest attempt to woo her back, finishing up by relating what she had told Rachel about how even lesbians are not above becoming obsessed with their exes.

  Becca, using the locker next to the one Ainsley and Rachel were sharing, put her arm around Rachel and said, “Trust me, Rach. If you decide to keep dating women, you’ll find out how psycho some of them can be. One of my exes actually set a fire just so my station house could respond to it.”

  “What?” Rachel was staring up at Becca with wide eyes.

  “True story,” Becca said, resuming undressing.

  “I’ve had my car keyed,” Charlotte offered.

  “I had an ex,” Krissy said, “who broke into my house and waited for me in bed naked with a call girl and then told me she did it so that we could have the threesome I always wanted.”

  The others stopped what they were doing and stared at her.

  “What?” Krissy demanded. “I’ve always wanted a threesome! Don’t act like you guys haven’t!”

  “Anyway, Ains,” Becca said, “you let us know if there’s anything we can do to help.”

  Ainsley smiled at her. She was feeling better, as she knew she would among this group of women.

  “Just let Rachel handle Casey,” Krissy said. “Right, Rach?”

  Rachel nodded.

  “That’s right,” she said. “I do not share and if I see her again, I will fucking let her know that.”

  All the women laughed. Ainsley thought it was hot as fuck.

  “Come on,” Wendy said with a clap of her hands. “Let’s get out there and play! I have some frustrations I want to work out on that ball!”


  An hour later, Ainsley was keeping herself balanced on the balls of her feet and keeping her arms loose, ready to react, watching Becca on the other side of the net very closely.


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