A Long List of Firsts: A Carlsbad Village Lesbian Romance

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A Long List of Firsts: A Carlsbad Village Lesbian Romance Page 27

by Sabrina Kane

  She reached for Ainsley.

  “Sit on me!” she uttered, wanting to enhance this orgasm by tasting Ainsley.

  Again, Ainsley obeyed. Without even removing the strap-on she straddled Rachel’s head and immediately Ainsley’s pussy was on Rachel’s mouth.

  The woman’s pussy was like a faucet! Rachel’s mouth was instantly filled with Ainsley’s arousal dribbling in and onto her tongue, some of it spilling over and onto her chin.

  Rachel moaned delightedly at the taste of it while her body was still feeling the effects of her second orgasm. She moaned even more when a particularly thick dollop of Ainsley’s essence was squeezed out to roll over her tongue and down her throat and it made her work her tongue even more aggressively among Ainsley’s sticky folds.

  It didn’t take long for Ainsley to come undone.

  Feeling Ainsley’s pussy convulse against her mouth, Rachel hummed with contentment while Ainsley began screaming above her.


  The next day, Rachel was out with Amy, having lunch at a new seafood place on Grand Avenue.

  “Your left?” Amy asked before shaking her head. “No, it’s supposed to be her left!”

  “Aargh!” Rachel groaned. “Are you serious?”

  Amy gave her a look.

  “Sally and I do some variation of Chapter 25 at least once a month, Rach. I know what I’m talking about.” She gave Rachel another look. “I’m surprised you can even walk!”

  Rachel sighed. Her whatever-it’s-called muscle was a little tender after the exertions of last night but it was not at all debilitating. She’d managed to show two houses so far today without even remembering she’d hurt it. Her vagina, however…wow, was that sore! Yet oddly, the soreness was also a constant turn-on, reminding her of last night and the strength of her orgasms. As far as she was concerned, Ainsley could throw away the smaller strap-on dildos; Rachel was Team Rainbow from this point forward.

  Crossing her legs under the table, she then gave Amy a rundown on the latest about Casey.

  According to the statement Casey had given and which the police had shared with Ainsley, Casey had broken into Ainsley’s house with the silly notion of the three of them—her, Ainsley and Rachel—living together. Apparently, Casey figured that Ainsley would never leave Rachel and that the only way she could have Ainsley was to also have Rachel.

  “So she was waiting for us in the house, cooking us dinner, wearing a nightgown. I guess that was her way of saying, ‘Hey, let’s all be domestic together.’”

  “Get the fuck outta here!” Amy exclaimed.

  “Oh, and she confessed to trying to run me over,” Rachel added. “So I had to go down to the police station and give a statement also.”

  Amy’s expression darkened.

  “Just saying,” she began, “but if she had done anything to hurt you...”

  Rachel took hold of Amy’s hand and gave it an appreciative squeeze.

  “So what happens now?” Amy asked next. “They didn’t, like, release her on bail or something, did they?”

  Rachel shook her head and explained that a judge ordered Casey held for a psych evaluation.

  Rachel paused and took a deep breath before continuing.

  “Listen, about Ainsley,” she said. But before she got any further, Amy held up her hand and rolled her eyes.

  “Wait! Don’t tell me…She’s gotten even taller and more beautiful?”

  Rachel laughed.

  “No. But you should see her in heels. I mean, like…wow!”

  “Shut up,” Amy said in an annoyed tone.

  “Anyway,” Rachel continued, “what I was going to say was, I really, really like Ainsley.” She held Amy’s eyes with her own. “As in, I’ve decided that I love her, Amy, and also that this whole being-with-a-woman thing is no longer some kind of experiment for me. I mean, I don’t know if that makes me gay or bi or what. To tell you the truth, if anybody wants to call me a lesbian, I’m fine with it; it doesn’t matter to me, it’s just a label. The only thing I definitely want to be called is ‘Ainsley’s girlfriend.’” She swallowed. “And then, if things go well, maybe Ainsley’s something else as well.”

  Her eyes darted down to Amy’s left hand, which was on the table. Specifically, her eyes zeroed in on the gorgeous engagement ring on Amy’s finger.

  Amy smiled.

  “Wow!” she murmured. Then, “Do you want me to do the whole best friend thing and try to make you really think about if you’re actually in love with this woman?”

  Rachel laughed.

  “You mean like how I did with you when you told me you were in love with Sally?”


  “You can try,” Rachel said, “but it won’t make a difference.”

  “Then I won’t bother,” Amy replied. After a moment, she added, “It feels good, doesn’t it?”

  Rachel knew what it Amy was referring to and she couldn’t agree more. Finding that special someone and falling in love did feel good.

  “It feels amazing,” she said.

  Amy suddenly groaned.

  “Oh my god!” she whined.


  Amy sighed.

  “I just realized that this means me and Sally are going to be hanging out with you and Ainsley now! Ugh! And I had just devoted my life to keeping Sally and Ainsley as far apart as possible!”

  “Ainsley is harmless, Aims,” Rachel chided.

  “No, she’s not!” Amy stated. “She’s blonde devil spawn from the same planet Vanessa is from and now she’s going to be hanging out with us for dinners and drinks and…oh my god! Coming to my house?”

  “God, you’re so silly,” Rachel said, laughing. She narrowed her eyes at Amy. “Should I be offended that you think Sally could steal Ainsley away from me?”

  Amy smirked.

  “Probably. Because at least Sally knows that she’s supposed to go to my left and not hers during a Chapter 25 re-enactment where she’s the Marisol.”

  Chapter 36

  Later that afternoon, Ainsley was sitting in the cafeteria of Scripps Memorial.

  Her day here was done; technically, she could head home to Carlsbad but she was waiting for someone who had sent her an email yesterday practically begging Ainsley to meet with her for a quick chat. Ainsley had been inclined to say no but for some reason the better angels of her nature had insisted she agree to the meeting, if only to help her get some answers.

  The woman arrived on time. Even though Ainsley had met her only once (and that over nine months ago), Ainsley had no trouble recognizing her. It was the eyes and the cheekbones. Casey had gotten both from this woman, her mother.

  Ainsley stood as Mrs. Langostine approached the table.

  “Hello, Ainsley,” Mrs. Langostine said. Ainsley could tell the woman was nervous.

  “Hi, Mrs. Langostine,” Ainsley greeted. “It’s…”

  She stopped herself. What was she supposed to say? It’s nice to see you again? That seemed ridiculous under the circumstances.

  “Please, sit down,” she said instead.

  “Thank you,” the older woman said, pulling out the one other chair at the table and sitting. “I know you must be busy so, really, thank you for seeing me.”


  Ainsley stopped herself again; the ingrained habits of polite society once more almost tripping her up. My pleasure certainly didn’t seem appropriate. Quite frankly, it wasn’t Ainsley’s pleasure. She’d rather be doing almost anything else than sitting here with Casey’s mother because she thought she had closed the Casey chapter of her life. It was Casey who had decided to reopen it—rather intrusively.

  “What can I do for you?” she asked.

  Mrs. Langostine looked down at her hands for a few moments before bringing her eyes up to meet Ainsley’s.

  “As a mother, I wanted to see you to apologize for my daughter,” she said. She sighed. “Casey…has always been a bit dramatic.”

  “Dramatic?” Ainsley couldn
’t help saying. “She broke into my house, Mrs. Langostine! She tried to run my girlfriend over with her car!”

  “I know,” Casey’s mother said quickly. “And believe me, I am not trying to make excuses for her or even ask you to take pity on her. What she did was reprehensible.”

  She went on. Over the next several minutes, Ainsley learned that Casey’s parents suspected that their daughter was not doing well. Casey’s behavior during phone calls to them over the past several months had become increasingly erratic and even her Facebook posts were showing troubling signs.

  Ainsley would have had no idea about those. She had blocked Casey on all her social media accounts as soon as they had broken up.

  “Please understand,” Mrs. Langostine said, “that Stephen and I do not blame you at all, but losing you hit her hard. We just didn’t realize how hard it had been for her. Of course, it doesn’t help that we’re all the way across the country in Florida…”

  “Mrs. Langostine,” Ainsley interrupted, “I can appreciate you coming here to apologize. But I will not allow anyone, no matter the reason, to disrupt my life or put me or anyone I love in danger. Now, I’m sorry Casey took our break-up particularly hard but, number one, she brought it upon herself and, number two, it still doesn’t excuse what she did. I repeat: She broke into my home! And she also tried to run over my girlfriend!”

  She was starting to get angry. She made herself close her eyes and take a deep breath to re-center herself.

  “If you’re asking me to tell the police to drop all the charges—”

  “No,” Mrs. Langostine interrupted. “That’s not why I’m here.” She swallowed. “Sometimes parents have to make the decision that their child needs to suffer harsh consequences. It will be difficult—for her and for us—but Casey needs to go through this. If she got off scot-free what will that teach her in the end? As much as we love our daughter, we are also both extremely angry with her. I know this may sound incredibly old-fashioned to a young person like you but she’s brought us shame. A child is a reflection of her parents and so tell me, what does Casey’s behavior say about me and Stephen?”

  Ainsley didn’t know how to answer that. Mrs. Langostine was right, it did seem incredibly old-fashioned. But then again, Ainsley wasn’t a parent yet and was thus unaware of what it must be like for this woman whose daughter was now in jail.

  “I don’t think it’s fair to blame yourselves for everything one of your children do,” she told her companion, feeling unqualified to even say that.

  The older woman smiled wanly. She even chuckled a bit.

  “Just wait,” Mrs. Langostine said. “One day you’ll have kids and you’ll understand. In any case, Ainsley, Stephen and I are hoping that if Casey ends up in prison, even for a short time, it will make her finally get over you while also realizing that actions have consequences. I only wanted to see you to apologize formally, that’s all.”

  Ainsley felt sorry for the woman sitting across from her. This mother who woke up one morning a few days ago to discover her daughter was in jail and then made the choice that jail was the best place for her.

  “Thank you for apologizing,” Ainsley said. “It does help.”

  Mrs. Langostine gave another wan smile.

  “For what it’s worth,” she began, “when I saw Casey just now, she seems to understand just how much trouble she’s in and she seems remorseful. She’s ashamed of herself and grateful that she didn’t hurt your friend with her car. I know you probably don’t want to believe that, which is fine. But she…hopes you both can forgive her.”

  Ainsley wanted to believe that forgiveness was possible, but this was real life, not a rom-com. She was still angry and she wasn’t going to be able to simply shrug that off just because her ex-girlfriend had trouble letting go of her. She couldn’t speak for Rachel, of course, but speaking for herself, forgiveness would take time and she told Mrs. Langostine so.

  Casey’s mother nodded.

  “I understand,” she said. “You should also know that Casey has agreed to move back to Florida to be nearer to us and the rest of her family. That is, whenever she’s released.”

  “That’s probably for the best,” Ainsley said. Then, she added, “You’re a good woman, Mrs. Langostine.”


  “Oh my god, you look amazing!” Ainsley gushed.

  It was Saturday, the night of the release party at La Vida Mocha for Sally’s new Jillian Ashley lesfic novel. Ainsley had had to go into work today for an emergency appendectomy on a seventy-year-old male, which was highly unusual, not to mention dangerous. What was a routine procedure when performed on a twelve-year-old was incredibly more difficult with an elderly patient on the table, with a much higher mortality rate to boot. Fortunately, the patient survived, though it had been dicey at a couple of points.

  Afterwards, Ainsley had had plenty of time to get home to her place, shower, shave and change for the party before heading to Rachel’s to pick her up.

  Her girlfriend had answered the door wearing an amazing butter-yellow spaghetti strap lace mini dress and high heels. Ainsley couldn’t help licking her lips at the sight, especially at the way Rachel’s skin just seemed to glow with the lotion she had applied—lotion which enveloped her in a fragrant cloud of floral scents.

  Stepping into the house, Ainsley pressed Rachel against the foyer wall and bent her head down to kiss her glossed lips.

  Rachel, her arms around Ainsley’s neck groaned and when they eventually broke for air, she said, “God, I was hoping you’d have this reaction.”

  “How could I not?” Ainsley breathed.

  Another kiss, this one more demanding. God, this woman just made Ainsley crazy with desire, no matter what she was wearing, but especially when she was dressed like this.

  “Sorry to kiss away your carefully applied lip gloss,” Ainsley said with a smirk.

  “It’s okay, I can reapply,” Rachel assured her.

  Ainsley groaned.

  She quickly took hold of both of Rachel’s arms, lifted them above her head and pinned them against the wall, making Rachel her captive. Rachel was looking up at her, fire in her eyes.

  “You are going to reapply,” Ainsley said, staring down at her. “And then I’ve got plans for your lips.”

  Rachel gasped.

  “Is that right?”

  “Be a good girl and come on…”

  Ainsley noticed Rachel’s purse on her entryway table and grabbed it as she led Rachel by the hand to the living room. Once there, Ainsley handed her the purse and then sat down on the sofa, crossing her legs.

  “Reapply,” she told the still standing Rachel.

  Biting her bottom lip, Rachel opened the purse and quickly extracted the tube of shimmering pink lip gloss. Dropping the bag on the coffee table, Rachel unscrewed the top off the tube and pulled out the tiny brush. Without once breaking eye contact with Ainsley, she swiftly and expertly guided the brush over her two lips, recoating them.

  Watching it, Ainsley’s clit throbbed. A woman applying lipstick was always something she found incredibly erotic and after seeing it done now, by this particular woman, she was already flooded.

  “Step closer,” Ainsley said.

  Rachel took one step forward.

  With her left hand, Ainsley pointed to the floor, covered by an area rug.


  Rachel gasped but obeyed, dropping to her knees before Ainsley.

  Ainsley lifted the hem of her teal mini cocktail dress and then spread her legs. Rachel’s eyes locked onto Ainsley’s crotch. Ainsley knew what Rachel was seeing: a nude lace thong she had bought that day she had gone shopping with Krissy.

  Ainsley pointed to her left inner thigh.

  “Kiss me there,” she instructed.

  When Rachel did, Ainsley’s clit jumped. The kiss left a perfect pink imprint of Rachel’s lips on her skin. Seeing it made Ainsley’s inner walls clench.

  She pointed to the same spot, but on her right thigh.
br />   “Kiss.”

  Another imprint.

  Her pussy spasmed.

  “Fuck, you smell so good!” Rachel purred, keeping her head between Ainsley’s legs.

  Ainsley pointed to a spot a little higher up the same thigh.


  This time, when Rachel attached her lips to Ainsley’s thigh, she also circled her tongue along the flesh. Ainsley huffed out a breath at the sensation.

  Now she had three kiss marks on her thighs. She wondered how long they would last. Would they still be there the first time she went to go pee at La Vida Mocha tonight, visible to her? Also, given the length—or lack thereof—of her dress, would others see them as she moved about at the party? The very idea made her already hard nipples even harder.

  “Reapply,” she instructed Rachel.

  Again the little brush was swiped along those two soft lips, making them shiny and pink.

  Ainsley pulled aside the crotch of her panties with one hand and pointed at her clit with the index finger of the other.


  Her head fell back and her breathing became ragged when Rachel’s newly-glossed lips and her hot breath enveloped her clit, sending her core into a spiral of pleasures and tingles.

  “Oh my god, baby!” she squealed, reaching down, taking hold of Rachel’s head, making sure it wouldn’t leave.

  Rachel obviously knew what was expected of her. She wrapped Ainsley’s clit in her lips and sucked and pulled and licked, all the while moaning the way she always did while eating Ainsley out, the vibrations from her moaning making everything else she was doing that much more intense.

  Ainsley looked down, her lust fired up at seeing Rachel in that super cute dress, on her knees, servicing her.

  But it was when she caught sight of one of those pink and perfect imprints of Rachel’s lips on the skin of her thigh that Ainsley felt herself racing towards the cliff’s edge.


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