A Long List of Firsts: A Carlsbad Village Lesbian Romance

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A Long List of Firsts: A Carlsbad Village Lesbian Romance Page 29

by Sabrina Kane

  “Mmm,” Ainsley purred. She snuggled even closer to Rachel.

  Rachel, her heart soaring, knew this was it. This was all she needed. Other aspects of her life were in flux and would always remain so. Her career, for example, would always go through fits and starts. Her siblings back in Maine would eventually marry and have children, making her an aunt. Friends here in California would move away or even start families of their own.

  But this…Ainsley here in bed with her, in her arms, the love between them so strong and palpable it could almost be seen…this would remain forever, she knew.

  Rachel had found her person. She had found her one true love. And she had never been happier.


  Four months later

  “Read my lips,” Krissy hissed. “Don’t. Hit. It. Towards. Rachel!”

  Ainsley glared at her.

  This set had been frustrating but by some miracle, on that last play, their team had earned the point and the serve. She didn’t need Krissy stating the obvious.

  “Gee, really, Kris?” Ainsley whispered through gritted teeth. “What a profound bit of coaching! Let me call up the Olympic squad and ask them how you’re not on their sideline!”

  “Just make sure you don’t hit to Rachel!” Krissy repeated, glaring back at Ainsley.

  “Why? Are we about to start a miraculous seventeen-point rally?”

  “Maybe we are!”

  Becca, also on their team, came over.

  “What’s the hold up?” she asked wearily.

  Ainsley pointed at Krissy.

  “Morgana the Volleyball Wizard here is suggesting I don’t hit it anywhere near Rachel.”

  Krissy sucked in her breath in obvious indignation. In a huff, she turned to Becca, her hands on her hips.

  “I was just suggesting a little bit of strategy,” she whispered.

  Becca rolled her eyes.

  “For God’s sake,” she muttered. “This set is so over, Krissy! Can’t we just forfeit?”

  Krissy gaped at her.

  “I do not forfeit anything! I’d rather lose honorably!”

  “Suddenly she’s a samurai!” Ainsley said sarcastically.

  Becca rolled her eyes again.

  “Fine,” she said. “Ains, make sure Krissy the Samurai Warrior loses honorably, please, so we can all hit the bar.”

  “Good idea,” Ainsley said.

  “Wait! What does that mean?” Krissy asked.

  “It means,” Ainsley said, “that not only am I hitting it towards Rachel but I may very well just walk over to the other side of the net and fucking hand her the ball!”

  “Don’t you dare!” Krissy threatened, following Ainsley as the doctor headed towards the serve position.

  Ainsley stopped and made a gesture toward Becca.

  “Becs,” she said, “would you please make sure Krissy lets us lose honorably?”

  “My pleasure,” Becca said with a grin just a moment before she picked Krissy up.

  “Put me down!” Krissy squawked. “No! Ainsley! Don’t you dare!”

  Ainsley called out to the team on the other side of the net.

  “Ignore us! Just a family squabble. Here’s your serve!”

  “No!” Krissy protested, still struggling futilely in the firefighter’s arms.

  But without further ado, Ainsley delivered a floating serve which made the ball seem like it was filled with helium.

  Lucinda tapped it back over the net on one, ending the game.

  After they had all showered and changed back into street clothes, most of the women were able to join Ainsley and Rachel at the beach bar not far from the volleyball club.

  Charlotte couldn’t come, however. She and Georgia were now separated, finalizing their divorce, and Charlotte—who was keeping the house—apparently had new furniture being delivered this afternoon. Ainsley had promised her, though, that they would get together for dinner and drinks sometime this week.

  During a lull in the conversation, Ainsley leaned closer to Rachel.

  “What time is your showing, superstar?” she asked.

  “Wait. Are you saying I’m a superstar volleyball player or a superstar real estate agent?”

  Ainsley smiled.

  “Both,” she said, still amazed at how immensely proud she felt virtually every time she looked at Rachel. Sure, her girlfriend had shellacked Ainsley’s team during that final set this afternoon—practically single-handedly—but Ainsley didn’t care. Rachel’s athleticism was one of the things she loved about her as well as one the things she found most sexy.

  And Rachel as a real estate agent…

  Two months ago, Rachel decided to take the plunge and start up her very own brokerage—a gutsy move which Ainsley admired and which already looked like it was paying off. Of course, it wasn’t the money Rachel was earning that Ainsley cared about. It was Rachel’s tenacity and drive to make her business succeed which, among other things, made Ainsley think about just what a wonderful woman she had found.

  “The showing is at four o’clock,” Rachel answered Ainsley.

  “I’ll have dinner waiting for you when you get back,” Ainsley told her.

  “Will you now?” Rachel purred, putting her hand on Ainsley’s thigh under the table.

  “I will,” Ainsley promised. “I have a new garlic chicken recipe I want to try.”

  Rachel heaved a dramatic sigh.

  “God, what did I do right in my previous life to deserve a sexy doctor who cooks?”

  Ainsley smiled. They were in their own little bubble now in the bar. The eight other women with them were forgotten, blocked out of their consciousnesses. This happened a lot with them, Ainsley realized happily. In crowded restaurants, noisy grocery stores or out on the beach among countless sunbathers, there were always moments when suddenly the world around them silenced and it was just the two of them, all alone, their souls connecting.

  “I love when this happens,” Rachel suddenly whispered.

  “You feel it too, huh?”

  “Like we’re alone? Uh-huh.”

  “In our own little bubble…”

  “You’re amazing, Ainsley.”

  “We’re amazing, Rachel.”

  “Get a room!” Krissy said.


  A couple of hours later, Ainsley and Rachel were practically stumbling into Ainsley’s house, trying to kiss, strip and walk at the same time. After almost stumbling and falling flat on her ass as she was trying to step out of her denim cut-offs, Ainsley suddenly found herself pinned against a wall by Rachel with her sports bra being yanked up over head.

  “Oh fuck, how much time do we have?” Ainsley asked breathlessly. Rachel had managed to get her own top and bra off even before the front door had closed and now Ainsley felt her clit pulsing at the sensation of Rachel’s bare breasts pressed against her. A second later, she was moaning when one of her nipples was captured by Rachel’s mouth and sucked on hard.

  Rachel relinquished the nipple just enough to say, “Still more than an hour.” Then Ainsley’s stone-hard nipple was back in her mouth, being bitten, and Ainsley decided to stop asking questions.

  After several moments, Rachel brought her lips up and began kissing and sucking Ainsley’s neck.

  “It’s too bad…” Rachel interrupted her kissing to say, “…that we didn’t stop by my place first.”

  She nibbled on Ainsley’s earlobe.

  “Why’s that?” Ainsley asked, her breathing ragged.

  “I bought us a new toy.”

  “Is that right? Tell me about this new toy.”

  When Rachel, ghosting Ainsley’s ear with her lips, told her, Ainsley’s eyes, which had been shut suddenly flew open.

  “Oh fuck!” she gasped. “Seriously?”

  Rachel answered with another nibble on her earlobe.

  “Oh fuck, baby!” Ainsley just felt her pussy convulse and she knew she was dripping arousal from her opening, the sticky liquid clinging to her thighs. The future day
s and nights of pleasure which lay ahead with that toy…it was almost too much to comprehend.

  She placed both hands on the sides of Rachel’s head and kissed her deeply.

  “You know,” she began when they broke for air. “This wouldn’t be a problem if you would just move in with me.”

  Now Rachel captured Ainsley’s lips in a deep kiss. An aggressive, bruising kiss which made Ainsley’s toes curl.

  “It’s about fucking time you asked me,” she purred. “I’ve been a lesbian for, like, six months now! I was supposed to move in ages ago! The other lesbians are going to start making fun of me!”

  Ainsley was about to retort wittily but then found it impossible to do so because just like that, Rachel had slipped a hand between Ainsley’s legs and had two fingers sliding easily into her wetness. Ainsley’s pussy clutched at them.

  “Did you mean it?” Rachel asked.

  “Yes!” Ainsley exclaimed.

  “Are you just saying that because of where my hand is?” Rachel prodded, an impish smile on her face.

  Ainsley met her eyes.

  “You’re evil, you know that?”

  Rachel nodded.

  “I do know that,” she said. And as if to prove the point, she started curling and uncurling the fingers she had inside Ainsley and Ainsley felt her knees buckling and she started moaning. Rachel pressed against her more firmly, helping her stay upright. And this, just as much as what Rachel’s fingers were doing, brought her several giant steps closer to coming undone. She loved when Rachel made her feel captive; her clit loved when Rachel made her feel captive and now her passage flooded even more and quite a bit of it was spilling out past Rachel’s hand.

  “But you haven’t answered my question,” Rachel pointed out.

  Somehow, Ainsley managed to get the part of her brain not connected to her libido functioning.

  “Ask me again after you’ve made me come,” she said, looking down at Rachel, her eyes steely but also lust-filled.

  “And why should I do that?” Rachel challenged. “Because orgasms are truth serums?”

  Ainsley smiled. That was brilliant!

  “Yes,” she said. “Because orgasms are truth serums.”

  Rachel stared at her for several moments. Finally, she cocked an eyebrow.

  “Well played,” she said. “Keep looking at me…”

  Ainsley pierced Rachel’s eyes with her own as Rachel started swiping Ainsley’s buzzing clit with her thumb. She whimpered as the swipes became quicker and more forceful. Her brows knitted and her lips parted. Rachel never blinked. She kept those brown eyes with their flecks of gold pinned on Ainsley’s.

  “God…fucking…dammit…” Ainsley uttered.

  “Close, baby?” Rachel asked in her silkiest voice.

  “Fuck, I am…”

  “I know what will set you off,” Rachel stated.

  “What?” Ainsley’s entire sex felt like warm water now.

  Rachel brought her face just a tad closer. Now, Ainsley could feel Rachel’s breath caressing her neck. Rachel then ran the tip of her tongue along Ainsley’s jawline and then softly blew on it, chilling the skin, making goosebumps appear all over Ainsley’s body.

  “I love you,” Rachel whispered.

  Ainsley’s clit suddenly felt an electrified jolt of pure pleasure shoot through it a millisecond before the rest of Ainsley’s pussy trembled and then exploded with such delights that Ainsley had no choice but to slam her eyes shut and tilt her head back against the wall.

  “I’m coming!” she shouted.

  Rachel pressed against her even more firmly.

  “I know you are.”

  With the orgasm in full hold now, Ainsley felt Rachel’s thumb leave her clit as she then started fucking those fingers in and out of her. She felt the come inside her being sloshed around by the invading fingers while simultaneously her walls were grabbing at them. She could feel splashes of her juices on her legs. She was so wet and only getting wetter.

  “Oh god! Keep going!” she commanded. She wanted Rachel to fuck her up against this wall and drain as much out of her as she could.

  Eventually, she hummed and even chuckled a bit as the last remnants of the orgasm faded away. That had been a good one. Rachel had been right. Hearing her say “I love you” had been just as effective as lips sucking her clit or a vibrator on high speed shoved deep inside her.

  Easing away from her, Rachel withdrew her hand, causing several jolts of sensation that made Ainsley twitch and suck in air through clenched teeth. Rachel then nuzzled Ainsley’s neck.

  “So…did you mean it?” she asked.

  Ainsley didn’t answer right away. She considered Rachel’s question carefully.

  She was now a sated woman, weakened physically by a massive orgasm. She knew, of course, that she could go on and have several more orgasms but there was always a moment after each climax—the first, the third, even the seventh, if it was one of those nights—when a woman’s rational brain regained its faculties—however briefly—and allowed her to assess things.

  Ainsley was now in one of those moments.

  The truth serum had been administered.

  She had to swallow to get her throat working properly again but once she did she looked Rachel square in the eye.

  “I want us to live together, Rachel.”

  Rachel smiled.

  “I want that too. Let’s do it.”


  “Yeah.” Rachel then smirked. “After you hire a maid.”

  “Housekeeper,” Ainsley corrected.

  “One of those too. The expense of which, by the way, is being added to your monthly share of things.”

  Ainsley laughed.

  “I see,” she said.

  “So, I have a question,” Rachel said.

  “Shoot,” Ainsley prodded. Between her legs, her arousal was still dripping out of her. She was a mess down there and needed to clean up but she could happily stand here like this all the rest of the day talking to Rachel.

  “When lesbians decide to U-Haul, which one of them calls U-Haul? Also, if you call U-Haul and tell them two lesbians are moving in together, is there a discount? Because U-Haul really should offer lesbians a discount by now, don’t you think? Also, which one of us drives the truck?”

  “You’re insane,” Ainsley said, laughing. “And that was four questions.”

  Rachel gave her a quick kiss.

  “I’m insane but you love me anyway. And I love you even though you leave bras all sorts of places.”

  “We’re going to be so happy together,” Ainsley said. “I promise.”

  “I know we are, baby,” Rachel replied.

  “Now, the way I figure it,” Ainsley said, taking Rachel’s hand and leading her towards the bedroom. “We still have a little time before you need to leave…”

  “I want to try Chapter 25 again,” Rachel said.

  Ainsley barked out a short laugh.

  “Are you crazy? After what happened last time?”


  “We don’t have time!” Ainsley insisted. “Rushing Chapter 25 is the surest way to end up in a body cast.”

  “But when I get back?”

  “I’m thinking…no,” Ainsley replied.

  “I’m thinking…yes,” Rachel retorted.

  In the bedroom now, Ainsley guided Rachel down onto the mattress and then topped her.

  “You know what, Ms. Hamill?”

  “What, Dr. Janowicz?” Rachel inquired.

  “I’m going to enjoy having these little arguments with you for the rest of my life.”


  Thank you so much for reading A Long List of Firsts!

  If you liked it, please consider writing a review on Amazon or Goodreads! Reviews are super important to independent authors, and we love getting feedback from our readers.

  Follow me on Twitter at @kanelesfic for updates on what I’m writing next! But here is a preview of what’s to come…

  I am hard at work on two books now! The first is the next book in this series!

  I think we’d all like to learn more about super-sexy firefighter Becca…

  The second book I’m working on will be the first story of a brand-new lesbian romance series! I can’t wait to introduce you all to it!

  About The Author

  Sabrina Kane

  The beach. Coffee. Amaretto.

  That's all Sabrina needs to be happy.

  Books In This Series

  The Carlsbad Village Lesbian Romance Series

  Join the lovely lesbians of beautiful Carlsbad, California as they search for their Ms. Rights in this funny, heartwarming series, all with HEA endings!

  Each book in the series is a standalone work, meaning you don't have to read them in any particular order, and throughout the series you will encounter many of the same characters and come to think of them as old friends.

  Nothing But A Fling

  Vanessa and Megan only want a harmless summer fling together. But what happens when real feelings start to get in the way?

  A Matter of Trust

  Chloe is only 24 and a lifelong lesbian; Morgan is nearing 37 and has only dated men. Can these two women make their surprising romance work?

  Falling for Jillian Ashley

  Podcaster Amy lands a date with the most popular lesfic author on the planet, Jillian Ashley! But there’s a surprise in store for her in this funny and steamy lesbian romance!




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