Chicago Leo (Femme Fatale Book 1)

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Chicago Leo (Femme Fatale Book 1) Page 4

by Laikyn Meng

  “Yes, sir.” Marley tugs on the sleeve of his shirt.

  “Has my wife ever slept with anyone behind my back?”

  Marley looks at me.

  “Answer him.” I lose the sexual temptation.

  My eyes swell as does my heart, but I remain planted on a man’s lap I’ve convinced myself to love.

  “Never, sir.”

  “Never?” His voice almost raging.

  “The Empress has toys and other women. She does not call on any men.”

  “Does she have sex with the women?” I get off his lap, but he holds my wrist, needing to be in control.

  “Only oral, and only performed on her.”

  “Only oral.”

  “You degrade me that much to believe I would step out on you for a moment's pleasure?” I have better items on my agenda than to have affairs with pathetic men.

  “I can’t trust you.”

  “And I can’t have you.”

  “What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?” Aggravated with his hard cock.

  “Handle it yourself; congratulations you can get a major boner. I feel like we already made this declaration a few months ago. Still the same jackass Jordan we all love and remember.” I walk out and head straight to my office.

  It’s only when the glass begins to shatter that my mind finally comes clear.

  “Ma’am, Journee has arrived.” Max might be the most brilliant man I have staffed at the moment.

  When I walk through the door, I walk straight up to her. “I do not want bad news to come out of those full lips of yours.”

  “Roulette, the evidence they have is stacked against him. I don’t know how they got it all, but we are talking about at least a ten-year ban before reentry.” She begins to open folders and documents. None of which is essential right now.

  “Journee, I know that it must be hard for you to be in this field to prove yourself every day. But I picked you because you got results, quickly, I might add.”

  “There is nothing I can do unless you want to sign over a confession.”

  “What do I have to confess?”

  She bites her lips closed. “Roulette, we can’t fight this. Not because there is a slim chance of victory, but because Roman already signed the agreement. He’s boarded his plane home.”

  Who is the rat hiding in my cupboards? “Now, why would Roman go and do a thing like that without consulting us?”

  “They wanted him to turn on you. If he gave them information on you, he would have been cleared.”

  Dumbass Roman always must be the protector, the hero.

  “You were wrong.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “About him going home. Armenia is our birthplace. But make no mistake, Journee. The kingdom we have built is the only home we have ever known.”

  It is then the years travel along with the setting sun, and my cousin remains banished because of my mistakes.

  Chapter 7


  “I’m so sorry, darling, but Mom has to go on a little trip on a big plane.” I spread my arms wide to show Killian how huge the flying contraption is. He is almost a teenager, but he will always be my baby.

  “Could I come with you?” I forget he is getting older; soon he will be a young man. Soon I won’t be able to protect him from his sins.

  “Not this time, sweetie, but I bet if you convince Marley, he will take you to the new superhero movie. I hear he was hiding the tickets in his pocket to surprise you.” Killian shifts his head to Marley, whose stone-cold face keeps its character.

  “Is that true, Marley?” The side smile giving everything away. Marley pulls two tickets out of his pocket and hands them to my son.

  “I’ll tell you all about it when you get back, Mom. Be safe. Come on, Marley, I want to get there early to get a good seat.” I wave them off, as Marley salutes me.

  “We ready to go international with this business?” Dante clears the space as he lays a map down. I smell it first before I see it on him.

  “Tell me you aren’t fucking high right now, you goddamn blockhead.” I don’t need his refusal or admission.

  “I’ll be clear when we land.” Taking the map back to his side of the table.

  “Roman wouldn’t be fucked up on a day like this.” One day, in the works, Roman would come back; he deserved that much. We all did; after every broken bone and slap across the face, we earned our salvation.

  “Roman isn’t here to fuck up; you’re stuck with me until we figure out how to bring him back.” Maybe it is the drugs but something is off with him.

  “Knox is working on it.”

  “Pretty boy Knox, always there to rescue.” Dante snorts out the response, and he looks every bit jealous like I assume he is.

  “Knox has come through many more times than we can agree you have, brother. I am calling Poe; you are cut off from here on out. No more, Dante, you are losing us money with your addiction.”

  “Addiction. You say the word so swift and sweet, like you are high and mighty above me, miss queen. We are all addicted to something, sister. Even if it is just greed.” He slaps the top of the doorframe as he exits, and I keep thinking if I kill him, how long would I mourn?

  “LONDON, NOW THIS IS a place I don’t think I have ever dreamt about coming to. But since we are here, let us discuss business.” I want to get this over with and snuggle with my son as we watch movies and eat popcorn.

  “I don’t think there will be much discussion.” Great, he is one of those guys, my way or the highway type of people. Well, he should have been a cowboy.

  “Excuse me?” Men surround us, and I almost laugh at their formation. Wonder if they picked it up from watching some mob show; how cute.

  “You’ve come here on false pretenses, and we don’t deal with women. Of course, unless they are on their backs.” I roll my eyes at his remark. Again, original content.

  “Hand over what was agreed, and I promise I won’t make you cry too badly.”

  But they don’t look at me; they look at Dante, who is a mess. They look to my harem of bodyguards. These pretenders look at every other person instead of me. Which is, in fact, insulting, but it is also a mistake.

  “On your knees.”

  “What?” But I don’t tell the British man again; I shoot into one of his kneecaps.

  “I do not like to repeat myself.” Another piece of ammo in the other leg. “I’m sorry you underestimated me.” The last bullet is one I force him to do himself.

  The smoke in the cold air lets me remember how haunting Europe can be. The place can grow on you. In the distance, a woman sits on a bench watching us.

  I flick my head to get the men to throw him into the frozen river. As I walk toward her, she stands and meets me. Never shying away at the possibility of being killed for witnessing a business deal gone wrong.

  “Have you seen a man die before?” I pull on my leather gloves as I wait for her to answer.

  But she shakes her head, mouth closed. I scan over her physical beauty: her black hair, those dark eyes. If we weren’t freezing our asses off in London, I would second guess it. But my new crush must spring from the streets of India.



  “Well, Charvi, we have two options. You can follow that man into the river. Your family will mourn, there will be a beautiful funeral with flowers and kind words. Or—”

  “They won’t. My family, they won’t mourn the loss of my life.” She bites down on her lip, knowing it was risky to interrupt me.

  “—Or you are welcome to work for me.” One man to my left lets out a breath, warning her it isn’t easy to blend into our family. It won’t be greeted with birthday cards or wishing on stars.

  Our world is different, and the only way you get in is the same way you get out. A person gives up their life, no matter the price.

  “I have nothing to offer.” Those eyes stare down at the ground, and I wonder what her parents have done with her confi

  “Trust me, I’ll find something useful you can give me.” I turn and expect her to follow, but she doesn’t.

  “Why?” The question on everybody’s tongue.

  “I’m sorry for asking but are you a man?”

  “What? No, I’m a woman.” Taking offense for the sheer thought.

  “Good, for a second there, it seemed like I slapped you in the balls. Do you have some ovaries or not?”

  “Wait, you want my ovaries?”

  “Oh my God, it’s a metaphor. I am asking you if you have the guts to follow a strange woman in the middle of the night you just met. I need to get back to my son in America. Now, Charvi, are you willing to be braver than this shell of a girl you’ve turned into?”

  We wait, and my toes start to tingle from the breeze coming off the water.

  “Yes.” And thank Krishna, she doesn’t say another word.

  I can’t say the same for my partner who hides in our bedroom all day. When I get home, I get a mouthful and stern talking too.

  “How was London?” Jordan rolls his wheelchair over to the side of the bed.

  “It was disappointing; Dante has become clumsy with his leads.” Wasted time is never my favorite. In fact, it might be the highest item on my pet peeve list.

  “You trusted Dante to take the lead on this? Roulette, you could have been killed. What am I going to tell our son when you don’t come home one day?”

  I turn and give him my full attention. “Why wouldn’t I come home?”

  Jordan flares his nostrils. “I know Dante is using, and it isn’t just the routine relaxers that Poe lets us sample.”

  “Why don’t you let me worry about making it home safely? As for Dante, he has been warned, and I have informed Poe his prescriptions do not require refilling.”

  “Doesn’t mean he will stop; she’s not the only supplier in Vegas, Roulette.”

  “Oh, are there others that are threatening our enterprise?”

  “They are bottom level dealers.”

  “Then why mention it?” I don’t give him another response as I hit the showers. When I am in there, I remember the week I spent in the arms of a young man from Oklahoma. The way he never spoke but showed me. We devoured each other in haste and thrill.

  My fingers dance their way down my belly, the heat of the water making me relax as I find the tiny bud that gives me glory. I swirl and tickle, pinch and flirt, but I hear the door open, and Jordan waits for me to finish.

  Wanting it to be his name I call out in ecstasy, so I give him a show instead of cowering into the feeling of love for Patch. I throw my head back, widen my hips, flex my thighs, and I scream out my partner’s name.

  “I love watching you cum; I think it’s my favorite version of porn.” Jordan’s hand is on his dick, even though his nerves are relearning. I know he rubs it out of memory.

  He is quite blessed in that department, and just because I am feeling lonely I shut off the shower. I squeeze the remaining water out of my hair and find a place on his lap.

  My behind nuzzles just perfectly into his thighs. I steady myself, bringing his full length between my swollen lips. Then I press down, and I don’t stop until the head of his cock is at my tilt.

  “Fuck, I wish I could feel your wet pussy, Rou. It’s one of my favorite things.” Jordan’s hands are hungry as they roam my body. My head is flicked back over one shoulder as I let him watch me bounce on his hard cock.

  His hands grab at my breasts, and he pinches them so hard, the bruises will be good reminders of who I belong to now, instead of a memory.

  I arch my back, getting a better angle for him to hit again. I start twitching, and he also does. His teeth bite down on my throat, and I let the hurricane free from my core.

  My breathing escapes me, and I fly, I soar higher. Jordan continues to grab every bit of my orgasm that he can. I feel the dampness grow as he meets his end.

  “Did I shoot my load, baby?” I nod, not wanting words to ruin this. I keep slowly moving my hips, and I want him to know that I loved him once, even if my heart wasn’t his to keep.

  His kisses crawl over my neck, and my skin goes on high alert. Not comfortable with the affection. But I try and go outside the comfort zone and relax into his care.

  “Jordan.” Because I want to pretend; I don’t need him, so I beg him to give me more, that way I can take and never give back.

  “Tell me how you want it, Rou. How can I give you everything?” Those delicious digits skate down to exchange their place with his dick.

  Gathering up his seed, bringing it to my lips as he spread it in my mouth. I suck, getting more and more of his taste, the toxic emotion of needing more. I slurp on his fingers, deep to the back of my throat.

  My hair is yanked next to his face, and he slams his hot mouth onto mine. I want all of him; I need us to blend. So I can forget, so I can forgive myself.

  I walk naked to the bed, pulling him along. He heaves himself up, and I make a show. I spin and twirl; he watches my hips as I prowl over him.

  Giving his balls a kiss, as I lick away the rest of his sperm. My tongue swirls up his thick abs. I kiss over his heart. Those rough hands are so strong as I inch closer; he punishes me for taking so long, for teasing him.

  “Jordan.” As he slaps my big ass cheeks so hard, I feel the sting. But I continue to give him more. I start to make out with his neck. Hoping to leave hickeys as his reward.

  He spanks me again, and I think about the back door in the cauldron. Once more, I think about my club, Curious. How exciting it might be for others to watch this punishment.

  “I want another baby.” He whispers into my hair, roughly grabbing and spreading my ass.

  I don’t say he hasn’t had a first to want another. But that will be our secret. Instead, I shove my boobs in his face, and he sucks on them, biting until they turn purple. I ride his strong hand until I can’t take it anymore.

  Until we are both weak with wanting something we can’t have, love.

  I wasn’t lying about Jordan not being Killian’s father. It was planned out like most things in this life must be. You have to protect yourself, even from your husband. Or a similar acting role.

  So, I did the reasonable thing and demanded a favor. I tell you, I don’t think I was ever more confident than that day. Let me show you how I become pregnant and from who.

  “NO NEED FOR UNDERWEAR; it isn’t sanitary.” I bend to wash my hands and pat them dry, pulling my dress down. Knowing that all the men just saw my bare rear end.

  “Which one of you has the biggest dick?”

  They all look at each other.

  “Show me, please?”

  The men start undoing their pants, Marley in the middle doesn’t move.

  When I peek an eyebrow at him. “I’m married, ma’am.”

  “Well, we know who has the biggest balls in the room.” Giving the room a laugh.

  Dicks and dongs are whipped out, trying to stretch their lengths, at a chance to show off to the ruler of the kingdom. Colors and sizes blend together.

  “The rest of you leave us.” I hop on the counter as they rush out. Shoving their giddy junk back in their pants.

  I throw the last remaining man a condom. “Put it on.”

  Marley doesn’t catch it as it falls to the ground. “I’m married.”

  I pull a leg up to my chin; my dress falls to my hips. I am exposed on purpose.

  “Just put it on, jack off, and cum inside it. Take it off and throw it away.”

  “Why, ma’am?”

  “Because I asked.”

  I start fingering my intimate lips, and he looks unimpressed with the show in front of him. He starts tugging, never taking his eyes off my chest and eyes.

  Marley blinks methodically, doesn’t pump aggressively. He takes his time, watches me as I strum my chords to meet the beat of his. His final breath escapes, and I hold mine. He takes the condom and puts it on the tip as he explodes. Tying it and handing it to me.
br />   “I told you the trash bin.”

  “Why make an extra step? You were going to get it out of the garbage anyway.” The warm balloon sits in my palm. He puts out a hand and holds my hand to help me off the counter.

  “Half those men were married.”

  “At the end of the day, Empress, I would like to be able to go home with my fidelity intact. Even if I have to compromise my honor and ethics.” Marley opens the door, and I slip the condom into my purse.

  “Let’s go to the cauldron; I am in the mood for some torture.” I give him a playful wink, even as he gulps down a massive swallow.

  Chapter 8


  Shaking my head to clear the memories from a different day. After I left Jordan asleep in our bed, I needed another type of release.

  “Where do you want to start?” This place brings back my favorite times. In these very walls, you could hear the echoes of Knox Krause beating bodies left and right. One day, Razer Blaze would gain his infamy. As a teenager, this was the prime place to take bets.

  It was a goddamn goldmine.

  “Achilles tendon, so they have to crawl their way out.”

  My men nod in the direction of weapons. The few women that I allow in my crew face the wall. Not wanting to participate in our teambuilding exercise.

  “What’s with the harem?” My brother doesn’t like the new recruits.

  “You mean my bodyguards, Dante? You've heard of the men in black; well let me introduce the women in blue. I want the enemy to think the men are my bodyguards. But they are just eye candy. They are the distraction.”

  “Are my men not trustworthy?”

  “I haven’t trusted men in quite some time. But we both know I have a soft spot for you, so I let you stick around.” I give him a cutesy smile.

  “Why do they do that?” Dante drags the tip of his dagger along the concrete floor.

  I look over my shoulder at the woman dressed head to toe, covered ear to ear. Their hijabs only showing their beautiful, elegant mystery of eyes. “Maybe they got sick of staring at a fool like you, brother.”


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