A Tune of Demons Box Set: The Complete Fantasy Series

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A Tune of Demons Box Set: The Complete Fantasy Series Page 21

by J E Mueller

  First light came before I was ready. I got up with a yawn and wiped the sand from my eyes. The troops were used to being awake at this hour and were getting ready to leave before I was functioning. We had a quick breakfast and were soon ready to leave. Celia held me back a moment.

  “Leia will be so proud to hear about the progress you’ve made, and I’m just as proud.” Celia smiled warmly.

  I gave her a big hug, which took her by surprise. “We’ll visit again. Thank you for everything.”

  “Be off, silly.” She shooed me with her hand holding back a tear. “Your journey has more paths to take. I know you’ll do fine.”

  With Juni now added to our party, we set off once more. Lee checked for any traps but Juni assured us we would arrive home safely.

  And so we did.

  The journey was quick and uneventful. We only stopped twice to rest the horses and have a quick lunch. Arriving in Kinsfield was a reunion for us all. The troops got to see their comrades again, and this was Lee’s and Juni’s home. For me, it just felt right. It was an odd feeling like I was actually where I was supposed to be. Whether or not I truly belonged here was yet to be seen, but I was optimistic.

  While we walked to find the others I learned a few things about what had gone on after the battle. Zarek had turned city hall into a temporary barracks. While I was uncertain as to when this had happened -likely immediately after the guard arrived to help defend the town- it was nice seeing they were taken care of. Zarek had already written a proposal to provide funding for them and other magic-based towns to have a guard's station built so they could station troops here in case there were more problems.

  By the time I entered with our small hodgepodge group, minus Juni, Zarek was giving a quick speech before the guards changed shifts.

  Surprise and joy filled his face when he saw us.

  “And there’s the rest of our victorious team!” Zarek cheered. “Any words of wisdom before this lot goes out on watch?”

  “If they charge you, don’t bother with hostages.” Jason yawned. “They’re nuts, and if they’d take our leader hostage once, they’ll do it again. Better their lives than our families’ lives.”

  “Well said. This is beyond a minor dispute, and they are heavily focused on this area. A storm is starting to brew. Let’s crush it before it can land here.”

  “Hoorah!” They called as they went out.

  “There’s my new favorite sister!” Zarek said, giving me a hug.

  “I wouldn’t tell Sandra that.” I laughed as I carefully returned the hug.

  “I heard the whole story. It’s fantastic that your gifts are coming so far!” Zarek beamed with pride. “I’d love to hear your version.”

  “My version has far less details. I had my eyes closed.” I shook my head, still laughing. “I didn’t even know I had summoned visible fire.”

  “Amazing. I’d love it if once you get the hang of this if you could help any of the magically inclined troops. Those that are ready to be open about it, anyway.” Zarek shrugged. “No use pushing it. When they’re ready to use it they will.”

  “We’ll see when it gets to that point,” I half agreed, ready to change the subject. “How are you feeling? What happened to you?”

  “They regularly knocked me out,” Zarek’s tone became more serious, “They often tried asking if I’d denounce my family for the greater good and aid in their overthrow of the demon spawn, but you can imagine how that conversation went.” He rolled his eyes. “All I heard were whispers of how this was useless and how they didn’t know why Mandrick wanted me.”

  “Is it a name you know?” I asked curiously.

  “No,” he admitted, glancing back at the papers spread out on his desk. “But it’s not the first time this name has surfaced, so we’re betting he’s this cult's leader. He also may be going by a false name in order to travel more publicly.”

  “What are your thoughts?” I asked.

  “We bait a trap and end this once and for all,” he said, firmly looking everyone in the eye.

  “How do you plan on doing that?” I was hesitant to ask, wondering what he could already be planning. Everyone was gathered close, no one hiding that they were listening intently to every word.

  “It’s the quickest and easiest plan that has every possibility of going awry, but if we succeed we’ll be done with this mess,” Zarek explained, grinning ear to ear.

  “I’m starting to think that bad plans may be a family trait,” I had a feeling where this was going.

  “Good! Had a feeling you’d be on board.” Zarek laughed.

  “Let me guess, you want to be bait.” I shook my head as sighed at him. Didn’t we just save him?

  “Of course. They need to bring me to their leader for whatever reason.” Zarek nodded, confirming the start of his mad plan.

  “What if that’s changed since the last battle?” I pointed out the most obvious flaw in his logic. I hoped he had considered the obvious options ahead of time.

  “Then we keep our psychics up to date on our plans.” He pointed at Lee. “He should be able to see the most likely of futures before we enact this plan, correct?”

  Lee responded, “Correct. But I don’t like this plan.” At least he was on my side with this.

  Zarek waved him off. “It’ll be worse telling Jameson about this so get your grief out now.” Zarek looked at the rest of the group standing around us. “I’ll be asking big favors of our magic community to aid with this, and of course,” he said, turning to me, “Your talent will be needed.”

  “Mine?” I asked with wide eyes, “How can I help?” I didn’t know how to feel about that. While of course I wanted to help him in whatever way I could, I didn’t see how I could be of assistance. All my progress felt more luck based than actual talent. I felt like at any moment the wrong combination of luck would strike and I would kill all those around me.

  “Well they can’t touch you, so that’s a good start, and you’ve got this shield thing going on that can flare out at those close to it, so that’s even better. If we can get it so you can protect people without the extra elemental aid, then we can actually use you as a brute force way into or out of wherever this lands us,” Zarek explained.

  The suggestion surprised me. “I wouldn’t want to risk using my novice abilities when lives are at stake.” I shook my head. “Jameson had a weird dream that inspired the way to protect you. We’ve no way to know if that will work again.”

  “But it’s possible,” Zarek replied calmly. “It’s the next logical advancement of your gift in my opinion. Lee, you're from this magic town and have seen many gifts. Do you think that’s the next most reasonable advancement of my sister’s power?”

  Lee hesitated, not looking like he wanted to get involved. After he thought about it for a few moments he reluctantly agreed. “It can go one of two ways from how I see it. It seems possible she can protect anyone of her own choosing. Everyone's magic can be used in some way to protect its user. She might even also be able to cast it on another and have them use it as a shield, but that would completely depend on the other person’s magical gifts, and I doubt many are compatible with cursed fire.”

  “And there’s no way to test it without someone potentially getting hurt or being killed.” I argued my case.

  “The rest of the plan still works,” Zarek continued, unfazed. “Your talents would just make it easier. We need to deal with this group before it spreads and others join its cause. We cannot continue to risk the lives of innocent civilians by our inaction. A plan needs to be decided upon. If not today, then tomorrow. We need to prepare.”

  “Won’t you need more troops?” I pointed out.

  “Not with the team I have in mind.” He turned his attention from me to his current group.

  “I hate to ask this, but please if you haven’t already, each of you please explain your gifts,” Zarek said with fire and determination in his voice.

  “I’m proud to join this mission,” Jas
on said, fist over his heart. “I’ve elemental magic. Unpracticed as it is, I can move the earth, causing little ripples in the ground and small quakes. I can manipulate the ground that is within my sight. The further away it is the weaker my control over it gets.”

  Mara took a deep breath. “I joined this core knowing all my gifts will eventually be put to good use. I can move objects. The heavier it is the less control I have over it, and I cannot lift with magic more than I can physically carry.”

  “My gift is stealth.” Clover smiled, “I am the best with it because I can turn myself invisible.”

  Conner nodded. “I can change size. I can be small as an ant or as large as a grizzly. Strength varies as you’d expect with the size changes.”

  “And that is why I don’t need a bigger team.” Zarek smiled at me. “Add in the rest of the group from our journey here and we’re set. It’ll be up to them to explain their own talents.”

  “Did you really travel with only troops who can use magic?” Lee had clearly expected a more varied guard.

  “We’re going into a battle against those that wish to do harm to magic users. While non-magic users may be ready to fight the good fight, magic users have lived through this too many times. It’s time they had a chance to defend themselves and put an end to this.” Zarek explained, “This is a perfect opportunity to not only solve one problem, but it also gives them a chance to openly use the gifts that many have shunned. Magic gifts should be practiced and not hidden.”

  Lee glanced around, understanding exactly what was being said. “I’m sure they agree.” The others around us nodded.

  “Is there a good place to get a drink here?” Jason turned to Lee. “I think we’ve earned a moment to celebrate our unity here.”

  Lee nodded. “I can recommend a place. Maybe we should find Kilee and Kaden so they can join us?”

  Jason turned to Zarek. “Thoughts on where our comrades are?”

  “At the door,” Kilee responded. “Word is you guys made it back.”

  “Glad to see our escort party is now back. What’s this about drinks?” Kaden grinned.

  Zarek beckoned them over and quickly caught them up on the conversation. “If you wouldn’t mind, please explain your gifts. Again, my apologies you didn’t get to do this on your own terms.”

  Kilee waved him off, not even vaguely bothered. “Along with the infrared I mentioned the other day, I have supersonic hearing. Both gifts can be switched on and off at will.”

  “Super speed.” Kaden shrugged. “My magic can seep into those attached to me. I can lend my speed to a horse or if I were to hold hands with someone they would be able to keep up with me. Direct contact is required.”

  The rest explained their abilities and when they finished Jason chimed back in. “Let’s celebrate!”

  “I’ll show you a good place, and if you don’t mind, I’ll toss in a good word about your soon to be rowdiness. It is a thing celebrated here.” Lee smiled then turned to me. “Catch up with your brother. I’ll see you back at home.”

  With that, they left with festive spirits all around, despite knowing a dangerous plan was likely soon to unfold.

  “Do you have high hopes of coming out of this alive?” I asked Zarek honestly. I was worried about him. We were just becoming family again. But the world doesn't stop spinning just because we were working on solving one issue.

  Zarek shrugged. “We’ll have to see how good of a plan we can create. In the long run, I’ve had a will drawn out for some time.” His face looked tired, expression sober. “I’ve set things in motion to make for a strong following and wonderful core. Jameson will be livid, even more so since it’s him who has to stay behind. He needs to carry out my wishes.”

  “Do you think he’ll actually stay behind?” I wondered aloud.

  “Yes.” Zarek nodded. “He’s a man of reason and knows we both cannot go blindly into the night with our crazy ambitions and haphazard dreams. One of us needs to be reasonable and stay behind. Since it’s me this cult wants, it will be me that goes. While he won’t like it, and we’ll fight like no other for it… He will stay.”

  We sat in silence for a moment, thinking over all the different things that could happen.

  “I hope your fight isn’t heavy hearted and that it gets resolved quickly,” I hugged him, surprising myself at how physically affectionate I was becoming. “We’ll make it work.” I wouldn’t let him go into this mess alone.

  “I do hope so. I can see Sandra summoning me back from the dead just to kill me herself for my stupidity.” He laughed lamely. “Now if you don’t mind, I’ve got a fiancee to make very angry.”

  As I left, I mentioned to one of the guards that Zarek needed Jameson. My heart was with him, and I hoped they’d work out whatever solution was best for them.

  Heading back to Juni’s, I thought a lot about what had happened in recent days. The entire month was a wash of events that had my mind spinning. I was no longer the same person and I wasn’t sure at what point I had changed. The tipping point seemed to be around when the ridiculous kid accused me of being a demon. I vaguely wondered what had happened to him, but didn’t care enough to find out.

  When I entered the house, Juni was crocheting in her chair and humming to herself. She looked up as I entered and sat on the sofa.

  “This has been a crazy month,” I let my thoughts spill out a little.

  She nodded as she continued her work. “They say change is either slow, something that creeps up on you and takes over before you’ve noticed it’s come, or it’s quick, vigorous, and takes your breath away. I’m glad to be home, and while I’m not happy with some of the changes in our lives, I’m glad to see most things are changing for the better.” She smiled. “It’s all what you make of it.”

  “I wonder how different things would have been if my mother had actually sent me off to learn about my abilities when I was younger,” I mused. All the recent family time made me think of her more often.

  “The nice thing is we can wonder, but we’ll never know,” Juni replied. “It’s good because we can wonder, and take control of where our path is heading. It’s over and we can make the journey worthwhile now.” She paused. “I’m sure she tried her best. I’m sorry her call wasn’t the right answer for you, but I see no reason to believe this isn’t where you should be now.”

  “Thank you, Juni.” I smiled, glad things were actually now going fairly well.

  She offered me my half started crochet project and I gladly took it up once more.

  Lee joined us a short while later. “What did I miss?” he asked, coming into the quiet room.

  Juni yawned. “Not much. It’s nice not having anything to catch up on.”

  “For the moment,” Lee agreed. “They’re working on putting an end to this senseless fighting.”

  Juni paused and sighed. “And you’re going to play a part, I suppose? Likely Key is as well?” She turned her attention from Lee to me and back to her son again.

  Lee shrugged. “I was brought up to help with the planning process. My gift is more useful than ever here. With all of Key’s new magical progress, she’s an even greater asset.” His voice grew soft, “I’m sorry Mother. I can’t just back out of this. I don’t want our village going through this again. I don’t want anyone else going through this either.”

  “Please come back safely,” Juni replied softly.

  Lee went over and hugged his mother. “I owe you a nice vacation.”

  “How about a nice time being at home with no nonsense?” Juni swatted his arm jokingly.

  “Now that might be asking too much,” he teased. “But I’ll do my best.”


  That night I dreamt of battles and bloodshed. I watched helplessly as teammates got injured, and, in the end, waking in a cold sweat. Glad my nightmares weren’t a sign of the future, I took a few deep breaths. I looked around for a moment.

  Lee was on the other guest bed, where he had fallen asleep while talking with me.
Still asleep, he held his pillow tightly, lost in his own dreams. His presence was reassuring. Hopefully this conflict would be resolved soon and I could work on my own life in peace. It was hard to say what possibilities could be on the horizon if we were to survive this anti-magic nonsense.

  Instead of worrying I tried to empty my mind and fall back asleep. It would be interesting to see what was decided after last night's conversations.

  Finally morning came and I was eager to see how Zarek’s conversation with Jameson had gone. I set out on my own shortly after breakfast. Lee decided to catch up with the other council members and work on fulfilling duties. I found Zarek where I had left him in the makeshift barracks the night before. He looked tired and was sitting at his desk while others slept. When he saw me come in he nodded for me to wait, finished his paper, and came to join me at the door.

  “Let’s walk and talk. Let the night shift sleep,” he said softly, nodding towards his team.

  I nodded as we headed out. “How’d it go?” I didn’t want to waste time starting with small talk.

  “As well as you’d expect.” Zarek sighed, slowly leading the way away from his crew. “We yelled, we discussed, and then finally talked. There’s nothing easy about being young, in love, and in charge of your province’s defense. We’ll figure out a better way of handling things as time goes on.”

  We walked for a while in silence before he continued. “Jameson will stay behind and keep things going here. If I don’t return I don’t know how he’ll handle it, but he has all the information I could give him. We’ll have to keep him updated as the planning goes on. Will you be joining the fight, then?” He glanced over at me.

  “I’ve been dealing with this problem since it came here…” I motioned around me. “It’d feel wrong if I didn’t see it through until the end. I don’t know how much help I can be aside from casting my magic shield, which I can’t do for long. It only worked before as a last ditch effort.”

  “We’ll continue to improve your sword fighting, then. You can easily get on a better level than those we’ve been fighting.” His confidence was contagious.


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