A Tune of Demons Box Set: The Complete Fantasy Series

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A Tune of Demons Box Set: The Complete Fantasy Series Page 35

by J E Mueller

  It had struck a soft spot. The anger flared brightly in his eyes. Slowly, more of them began to appear in their physical forms.

  My aim to distract them was working. Maybe too well.

  The Mad King called warnings out to them. Some stepped back, others approached while whispering of his failures. They were boasting of their own success. They snickered and mocked the former king, daring him to defy their claims.

  Never would I have expected to see them fight one another, and yet it was because of my words that they did so. Some sided with the mad king, swearing my soul was his by right. Others were laughing at his loss and how he’d never get me to agree. They slashed and clawed at one another, taunting and arguing all the while.

  Purposefully, stuck in the middle, I arose. I kept my motions slow and discreet. Carefully, I navigated myself out of the minor combat. This couldn’t have been better luck.

  My disappearance did not go unnoticed.

  Screaming, the Mad King pointed at those who had taken his side, and to my surprise, his words were simple, his plan better than I could have predicted.

  “Capture her.”

  Suddenly tackled by the demons I felt heat wrap around my body. For a moment everything felt like hot liquid, just about to boil. My skin and hair felt fried for a brief moment. When I could finally see again and the demons let me up I knew I was screwed.

  They had brought me down a realm and I had no idea how to escape.

  Everything looked dreary. The sky was a winter's gray and the trees were without leaves. It was a surprise to see the pines looked healthy and well when even the grass looked dead.

  They stood around me laughing and snickering while I took everything in.

  Dread filled me slowly and I knew that I had to keep my composure and reasoning. They wanted me to be desperate, they wanted to seal the deal and have me give up my soul, and what better a place to convince me than a world where I stood no chance against them? This was not the worst that could happen, I told myself. While no one else knew I was here, I was not alone. The mission to save Juni was still on, and they were likely still on this plain.

  The Mad King rejoined his demons and laughed at me for a few moments. His chuckle was deep and rumbling. By the time they were done mocking, I had regained all composure.

  “Now, let’s get back to business,” he said flashing a set of razor-sharp teeth.

  I shook off the remaining panic his teeth had given me and laughed. “Well, this does not look good, I’ll give you that. But did you really have to run? Were you in such a tight battle again that you needed to call your demons to help you win?”

  There were whispers among his demons. The fire burning within the Mad King seemed ready to erupt, and I knew I had to play any cards I had left carefully. There was no quick and easy help here.

  “You would dare to try and cross me?” His fists turned to flame.

  “I cannot cross someone I have no dealings with. It is up to me who I bargain with, and I think there as many offers out there. Some with better terms,” I remained calmly composed, wondering if they could hear my heart pounding.

  “You’re in no place to make demands.”

  I waved my arm around to my surroundings. “It would seem you’ve taken me exactly where I can get the highest price for my soul.”

  “If you wander here you’ll die,” he sneered.

  “Wandering here will bring me the most opportunities. If there’s anything I ought to have learned from you, it’s that you need the best offer out there. Nothing with vague terms. I assume since the terms weren’t clear they took your soul instead of mine and if you get mine you’d be able to complete the contract in full and have your way here. I’m looking to avoid such unfavorable terms. I’m sure there’s someone who’d love to help, or at least someone who’d love the opportunity to mess with you for the rest of eternity.”

  The moment I started talking, many more demons showed. I recognized some from my home realm. They were here for the fight for sure, likely angry that the Mad King had tried to run off.

  “Those clever enough to rid the Mad King from the rest of this conversation, I’ll consider dealing with.” I chose my words with care. “If none are strong enough, smart enough, quick enough, or clever enough, it’ll be a sad day to see the Mad King finally win at this.” The card was rough to play, but it would buy my friends a great deal of time.

  I hoped.

  I could hear some chatter start up as the Mad King tried to gather his slowly dwindling forces.

  “So? What's it going to be? Are we going to declare the Mad King a winner at last?”

  There was cackling, darker than I had ever heard before. The sky went unnaturally dark, their hold on this realm stronger than on my own. The wind blew sharply for a moment and suddenly they were all gone.

  I hadn’t expected them to be able to move faster here, and suddenly my idea seemed to be losing hope. I could only see glimpses of fighting here and there. Not wanting to wait anymore, I put my plan in gear and sought out Lee with my magic. It touched his briefly and I let it go, knowing which direction to go.

  And I ran.

  It really would only be a matter of time before someone noticed and came after me, or the fight was decided and I was found. But I tried not to think about it and continued running.

  Oddly, here my feet felt lighter, and moving across the dead ground was fairly easy. I wasn’t losing breath as quickly as usual and it occurred to me that my Cursed blood had an advantage here.


  I felt Lee’s energy touch my own twice. I couldn’t know what he was thinking or doing, but it confirmed that he knew I was here. That would be my only real exit strategy. Hopefully, I could reach him and the others before the demons caught up to me, but that was unlikely. At least this time I had picked up some skills that may keep me alive long enough to not need healing.

  I felt a strange outpouring of energies I recognized coming from where I was running from as well as from where I was running to. It was such a rush I couldn’t decipher them but knew they weren’t all friendly. My daggers were already strapped to my sides and I pulled my sword free, knowing there weren’t many moments left.

  Within a blink, there were two demons in front of me. They laughed with glee. Skidding a moment, I stopped and tried to dash back, but two others were blocking the way.

  They laughed and taunted me, saying the word contract to varying degrees in sarcastic voices. Sword at the ready, I recaptured my composure.

  They laughed and taunted me even more. What could a Curse child do against demons in an even more powerful realm?

  Stabbing the closest one, I put the technique I had learned yesterday into practice. Sword in demon, push the wound open with magic, and let the fire pry its way inside.

  To my surprise, it worked. The demon wasn’t expecting more than the thrust and screamed in pain. Stabbing it a second time brought it to its knees. I moved to stab it again but changed position to deflect the one who decided it was ready to attack.

  The other two quickly joined in and I was glad that dodging had been a three hour lesson. Every last bit I learned was put into play in a short span of time. It was hard to deflect their blows but dodging them wasn’t too difficult with my added speed. It felt good having that extra perk, and I used all of it to my advantage.

  With a well placed move, I was able to land another blow and hurt a demon, but the first one was starting to recover. The anger that pulsated from it was terrifying and I wished help would come soon. When that one got its footing, there was no chance of winning this.

  “Key, duck!” I heard a voice call and I dropped to the ground.

  I heard the sound of a blade meeting its target and looked up to see Emmyth and his team joining in on the battle, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

  I dodged out of the way and let them take over and finish the fight.

  “What in the Holy Order’s name happened?” Emmyth asked when the demons were vanq

  “I was unaware this was going to turn into a family affair,” I replied, and at their blank expressions I continued. “My late father, the previous mad king, is now a demon and decided he wanted my soul. It turned into a free for all fight and they brought me here. I managed to get them fighting again and I’m not sure which side found me first, but there’s likely more on the way.”

  “I cannot wait to get back to put this crazy tale to words.” Emmyth laughed in disbelief. “It took a minute to realize you were gone. By the time we got to the clearing to find the remaining demons, we figured you’d been taken as well.”

  “I’ll explain more when we get back. Can we please go?” I asked. “I’ve a feeling were-” I paused as more demons appeared, “Nevermind the second party’s here,” I said to myself. Everyone else was already in combat before I could finish my sentence.

  More and more demons kept coming. It was more their home after all. They quickly figured out who was the weakest link, and I found myself dodging, falling, and struggling to get up more often than not. The Blessed were all doing their best and were skillfully slaying the demons, but there were too many, and it was hard to keep an eye on someone who wasn’t as skilled.

  Within minutes, my leg was bleeding and I couldn’t stand properly. Cuts lined my arms, deep and bloody. My sword was too hard to swing properly. Emmyth kept coming to my aid, but our enemies knew how to get between us and separate us. With their added quickness and power, the Blessed weren’t able to get as many hits in at once. They had to concentrate harder on a once easy task.

  It may have taken him time to show, but No Horns appeared at last. With vicious quickness he attacked me and quickly got my feet out from under me. Instead of a kill shot, he broke my left leg. My cries of pain got everyone's attention. Excited by the idea, the demons tried flocking to me and the Blessed had to move more quickly to stop them.

  The numbers were too much. What went from a handful of demons was now over twenty and still growing. When one was cut down it seemed like two more appeared.

  Using my shield to push No Horns away he cracked it with ease. Breathless, I tried to roll away. Grabbing my arm, he broke it as well. The added pain left me immobile. Stuck on my chest, I sobbed. Happy with the damage he had dealt, he went in for the kill shot between my ribs.

  The blood filled my mouth within seconds and I could no longer cry out in pain. Breathing was painful, more so than my broken bones, and I could no longer keep my eyes open. There was a greater commotion but the words were just a jumble of sounds to my ears.

  I came to realize that the demon didn’t stab all the way through me. It didn’t want this to be a quick death, but a long and painful one. There was too much extra going on and I knew my allies wouldn’t be able to rescue me in time.

  I only hoped that Juni was safe and sound. That this whole rescue wasn’t in vain.

  Years felt like they were passing and the pain started to lessen. Not because I was being healed though. My brain was giving in, the blood loss slowly reaching a pivotal point. Fighting for consciousness seemed like a bleak battle. If I gave in, maybe everyone could escape without me. We had known all along this was the likeliest possibility no matter how many precautions were taken.

  It was a weird feeling when my magic finally gave out and seemed to seep out of my body. I felt cold, colder than I had ever felt before. Never had snow or frost been a problem before. This was what it must have felt like to normal people. The cold hurt. It hurt ripping and pulling, shooting immensely throughout my entire being. I wanted to sob, to scream or cry, but nothing could get past my lips aside from blood. The cold covered me, swallowing me whole. The pain went from sharp to numb. I felt nothing anymore, my consciousness slipping.

  So this was it.

  This was the end.

  All at once I felt warmth on my body. As I slowly regained feeling I could tell there were multiple hands helping me. More healers than I could currently comprehend. Sound made its way to my ears once more and I could make out words here and there. Home. Quickly. Grab. Here. The words didn’t make sense apart from home. Home sounded good.

  “She’s not going to make it if we don’t move her,” I heard Emmyth say.

  His sentence filled me with fear.

  “We can move her. I’ve got her magic stable,” Lee replied as I felt like I was being lifted.

  I hope they found Juni and had gotten her back safely before worrying about me, or this would all be for not.

  The liquid feeling returned and I realized that must be caused by us traveling through the realms. Crisp fresh air soon met my lungs and caused me to cough. There was still some blood and too much pain, but I could cough again. Progress was painful.

  They set me down and I heard more conversations. The healing was still in full effect.

  “Do you think we can save her?” someone asked.

  “Like hell if I’d give up,” Lee replied.

  “Yes,” Emmyth replied more calmly. “She made it back here none the worse, her magic is stable, and normal blood flow is returning. Continue to follow my lead. It’s going to be a long hour, but after that, we can move her back home.”

  “Just an hour? She’s worse off than that,” someone snorted.

  “I’ve healed her three times now. Follow my lead and I promise it’ll be an hour.” Emmyth replied coolly.

  “I believe you,” Lee’s voice was soft. “And she hears us. I can feel her responding. She’ll make it.” I had no idea how he had picked up on that, but I was glad he did. “No more demon fighting for you, Key.”

  “You can debate that when she’s better.” Emmyth laughed without humor. “She’d have been fine if her father hadn’t come back to try and finish things off.”

  “The Mad King? That would complicate things,” Lee sighed in understanding.

  “She’s the Mad King's daughter?” someone asked.

  Lee explained the story slowly, skipping parts no one needed to know, and explained how we had reached this point to begin with. Some already knew, but not all.

  It was weird to hear him explain things, but it gave me something to concentrate on. My story from another perspective.

  Finally, the hour was up and Emmyth said they could move me back to safety. Lee and Emmyth kept their hands on me for another moment.

  “Key, can you respond?” Emmyth asked.

  “No.” I replied in a soft and raspy voice. It hurt to talk.

  “We’re going to put you on Lee’s back. Will that be okay?” Emmyth asked.

  “Yes.” Probably not. Moving sounded like a painfully bad idea.

  “All right, the shifting will probably hurt but your magic is still a bit out of control so I have to hold you okay.”

  “Kays…” I replied. What did that mean? Oh. I was probably out of control again. Able to kill without meaning to.

  It had felt like my magic had left me completely earlier. Being near death, closer to the veil than ever before, had made it seem like everything was gone. In a way I was glad to be wrong. I had come to terms with my magic. I’d worry about the flare outs when I could move again.

  Somehow they made it work. The walk home was long and I slept through most of it. I had no idea how he carried me the entire way, but I was glad it was him.


  I had no idea what time it was when I awoke. A slowly dying lantern was on an end table and there were no windows in this room. Lee was asleep by my side, so whatever was going on probably wasn’t too terrible.

  That was a welcome change.

  My head hurt a lot and my once broken arm and leg stung badly, but it appeared those were now mended enough for me to move them. The only real complaint I had was a sharp thirst and a very sore throat. Carefully, I shook Lee awake. I figured it was better to get up with me than let him worry about where I had gone.

  “Oh, you’re up.” He yawned. “How are you feeling?”

  “Thirsty,” I confessed. “And sore, but really thirsty.”
br />   “Let’s see if you can walk first. If not, I’ll get you something to drink.” Lee said, getting up and helping me off the bed.

  It hurt. My leg hurt a lot more than I thought it would when I put pressure on it. My face gave me away.

  “I’ll get you some water.” Lee nodded.

  “I want to come,” I argued and tried putting less pressure on it. It still hurt too much but I wanted to see where we were.

  Lee shook his head and turned around. “Hop on.” He bent down so I could get on his back.

  I climbed on. “Where are we, anyway?”

  “Back at the Order’s base. Don’t worry, we touched base with Kegan so she won’t kill us the next time we stop in.” Lee laughed. “She scares me more than demons.”

  “Agreed.” I smiled as we headed out of the room.

  Lanterns lined a long hall. We seemed to be somewhere in the middle of this place.

  “The basement is mostly rooms and offices,” Lee explained. “Off the main floor is the dining hall and kitchen. We’ll have to go up two sets of stairs.”

  “Okay.” I looked around, trying to map out this place, “I’m surprised they kept me here.”

  “Master Aaron said he made a promise he intended to keep,” Lee explained. “By the way, I’m never letting you make plans on your own again.”

  “It was good though! No one saw my father coming back.” I suddenly remembered my dream, “Though I guess I did have a weird dream about him the night before, so there’s that. Still wasn’t expecting it.”

  “He wanted your soul? Why would yours matter?” Lee asked curiously. “There are theories but no one knows for sure.”

  “Oh yeah, I guess not having mine was holding him back. Like an unfinished deal or something. Without mine, he couldn’t rise in the ranks and if someone else got it, they could lord it over him. It was crazy,” I told him as we reached the training room level. “Tell me about rescuing your mother.”

  “Mother’s fine and well. It was surprisingly easy with Tella’s help. Tella was able to ask one of the spirits there, and of course, most of them want to do whatever they can to make life harder for the demons, so she was able to lead us directly there. Just before we got there I felt your energy. It was confusing, but I checked and it was certainly you. Right after that, another spirit stopped Tella, and Tella said she knew this one. Julianna or something like that.


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