A Tune of Demons Box Set: The Complete Fantasy Series

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A Tune of Demons Box Set: The Complete Fantasy Series Page 77

by J E Mueller

  “Why do you have a newbie doing the doors?” someone asked, pointing to me.

  Clove smirked. “Remi has been a Dreamer on and off here forever. She’s been slowly remembering things of this place, so her talents were able to increase with more quickness and ease than most. She knows what she’s doing about as well as anyone who has been here for several months.”

  A few people glanced back at me for confirmation and I shrugged. I hated being outed like that, but there was no turning back now. “It’s true, though I wouldn’t say I was that good.”

  “How modest.” Cane patted my shoulder, making her way toward the front. “I’m ready for this thing! Let’s move.”

  A few echoed cheers and we were off. I hoped in a short time everyone would forget this moment, but I doubted it. I probably should have mentioned earlier that I didn’t want to be pointed out in such a way. Clove had to have known that Dreamers were being targeted at one point, but it’s likely she didn’t really fit all the pieces together that me being here as a long term Dreamer could be problematic for my safety.

  Silently, I shuffled on toward the next library. The journey wasn’t particularly interesting, and surprisingly not heavily creature filled so it seemed like we made good time. Clove and Mare had declared the library cleared before I even got close enough, so I was able to walk in with the same wonder and awe as many around me.

  There was so much about this library I had forgotten. This was the grand library. While there were several smaller rooms off to the left of the entrance, for most of the library you could see up to the fourth floor. Book shelves filled both floors. The center was left open for chairs and small sofas, the vaulted ceiling above showed a picture of different mages fighting creatures I remembered from picture books when I was younger.

  As I stared, mostly upwards at all the art., I bumped into someone.

  “Sorry!” I quickly apologized before I saw that it was Ze. “Oh hey. I haven’t seen you yet all day.”

  He smirked. “You’ve been rather busy helping everyone.” Ze shook the pack that had slung over his shoulders. “I’ve been gathering books.”

  “Oh, good idea. That is this mission in a nutshell.”

  Ze nodded. “So shall we?” He started walking to an area of open shelves and we began looking.

  This place would be an actual librarian’s worst nightmare. Nothing was organized in any way that would make sense. Still, we had a goal and we needed to find things, so we looked on and on, slowly combing through the rows of books.

  Light conversation filled the room, staying fairly hushed as no one really wanted to draw attention to themselves. It was at least fifteen minutes into the search when Mare popped up in the center of the room.

  “Clove, three Nadikas,” she said, mildly bored with her own statement.

  “Okay. The two of us can get that easily enough unless someone else wants to join.” Clove glanced around but no one volunteered. With a shrug, they headed out of the room.

  This wasn’t helping anyone learn and I could see why Clove all but gave up on most of them. If they weren’t even going to try and show interest, why would she keep calling on them when they never wanted to help? I took it in, trying to keep both sides of the situation in mind. Some wouldn’t want to volunteer when they didn’t have confidence in themselves or their abilities. There needed to be a better middle ground, but how could one even get there?

  Several minutes into the next aisle, Mare and Clove returned without an extra word. There was so much to go through and I wasn’t finding anything worthwhile to our cause. I did find a book on plants and their locations. It seemed useless overall. Everyone had seemed to know exactly where to go for this and that, but it might come in handy for me. I wouldn't have to ask where certain things were.

  On, I continued, finding more amusing things to glance at than useful things and was thinking that maybe this was just the wrong section. Still onto the next aisle I went just before I heard Mare speak up again.

  “Both Nipems are almost here.” Mare sounded annoyed, and I recognised the creature’s name as the annoying one from earlier. It was invisible and probably harder to track and fight.

  Clove let out a curse before giving direction. “Cane, Remi, come on. We could use two other fighters to make this quick.”

  Ze stepped forward, dropping his bag in the middle of the room. “Sure, what can they do?”

  With no one else stepping forward Clove gave the same details Mare had already given me with the added kill fact. “Aim for the gut. Right about where you think a belly button should be. That’s their weak spot. They can regrow hands.”

  Mare led the way into the hall cautiously with us right behind her. Regrow hands? That didn’t sound like a fun creature. As soon as I looked down the hall I could see it. Mare watched it carefully as she got into position.

  “The other one is slightly behind it.” She declared, only being able to sense the invisible one.

  Cane pulled out her short sword. “Ugh, I remember these things. Who got poisoned last time?”

  “I think Garth…” Mare sighed as the rest of us summoned our weapons.

  No part of me wanted to take that thing on, but that felt like my normal mood. It had four arms, and while the base of the creature was fairly humanoid, it was a bruised purple and sort of slimy. All over. The head looked like it was a fusion of a goat and a llama, but once more it was entirely slimy and that purple bruise color. It also appeared to have a barbed tail, though short in length.

  “What in the heavens is that thing…” I whispered, the question obviously rhetorical.

  “Really, another poisonous thing?” Ze complained loudly over me.

  “Naturally.” Clove nodded. “Though the side effects are much easier to combat than most of the others. Really as long as you get a day blooming flower of any sort in you within twenty-four hours, you’ll be fine. Just a nasty fever for a day after.”

  “We’ve both gone through it,” Mare tossed in. “Freaking hate these guys.”

  “Oh, that’s encouraging,” Ze muttered.

  “It’s been years though. We’ve gotten better at fighting them.” Clove snickered. “We just know from experience how to combat it and survive. That part should be encouraging.”

  “Please don’t ever write a pre fight speech,” Ze begged, no humor in his face.

  “So I’ve been told.” Clove smirked and readied herself.

  Following suit, I stood defensively trying to figure out the best part of this thing to hit at.

  Mare leaned over to whisper to me. “Aim just a little bit behind the one you can see and two steps to the left. That’s where the other one is. A good injury will pull it into view so we can eliminate it.”

  That sounded reasonable so I quickly nocked the arrow and aimed. With a nod, I loosed the arrow. To my surprise a screech came from the nothingness I seemed to pierce. As the creature became visible the other dashed in to attack. I shot an arrow at it, but it barely grazed its side. Enough to cause it to flinch, but not enough to significantly slow it. Taking up my bow once more I aimed for the once invisible one while Mare, Cane, and Clove went in to attack the charging one.

  This time my target moved last second so I missed it. Cursing I aimed another arrow.

  “Aim a little higher for a moment,” Ze instructed. I could feel his magic wash over me and I wasn’t sure what he was doing. “Now normal but more to the right.” His voice was low enough that I could hardly hear. With a nod I did so. “Perfect. Loose!” I sent the arrow flying and this time it dodged right into my arrow.

  The cry was enough for the first one to back off of combat to see what had happened, but only for a moment as Cane tried to slice at its neck.

  Ze gave me a smug look before concentrating once more. “Again.” I followed the same steps waiting for a nod between each and managed to get a strong shot into it once again. How did it fall for that twice? Illusion magic was brilliant.

  Clove and Mare held
off fighting for a moment while Cane made a wide swipe with her sword, leaving a perfect opportunity for the other two to charge back in, dealing the deathblow.

  “Not a bad plan.” I glanced over at Ze as the trio turned and charged the one trying to pull arrows out of itself.

  “I didn’t think it’d work. Illusion magic on illusion magic and all that. Yet, it did. Twice over. Sword practice will be great, but maybe that’s not exactly what I should be focusing on.” The last part he almost mumbled to himself.

  I nodded, unsure if he meant his magic or something else.

  Cane cheered as the last Nipem was slain causing us to look that way. It was nice to see how easily and quickly things did work out and I couldn’t help but smile with them.

  Clove and Mare started walking as Cane pulled her sword loose from the creature. Halfway back to us Mare froze.

  Clove stopped and looked at her confused. “What’s coming now?”

  “Nothing that should be…” Her eyes were wide in surprise.

  “What?” Clove looked at her curiously.

  “But I’m right… I know I am…” Mare said more to herself as she stared past us.

  I looked down the hall behind me. Nothing was there yet of course.

  “Mare, what are you seeing?” Clove demanded.

  “A Dilus.” Mare was firm in her statement. No doubt left in her voice.

  “Why? That should be outside! How in the freaking hell did it get all the way up here?” Clove argued.

  “Yes, yes it is. Willing to bet I’m wrong?” Mare challenged her.

  Clove shook her head instead. “How many?”

  “One,” Mare replied.

  “Still, there are enough of us...” Clove muttered. “Think we can get three more to aid us?”

  Mare shook her head. “They’re not ready for this thing. They’d just die. I’d just die.”

  I realized I hadn’t yet had a chance to share that information on how to kill it with anyone. I couldn’t say where I got it from though so I needed to wait and have Mare help spread the word.

  “Evacuate them.” Clove took long quick steps back to the library, the rest of us right behind her. “We’re leaving. Now,” she called into the room. “Grab what you have.”

  No one hesitated to finish shoving things in bags and grab the bags from the middle of the floor. Conversations stayed hush, but there were more of them now. Everyone wanted to know what was going on and what was coming, but no one wanted to be the one to ask.

  “What’s going on?” someone finally asked as they rushed to the door.

  “A creature has escaped it’s normal area. Mare will lead you back around it. We’ll be right behind,” Clove explained simply waving everyone to follow behind Mare.

  I caught a glimpse of Ze shaking his head. Cane didn’t seem to mind.

  Mare took over. “It’ll be a bit of a jog, and some ups and downs but we’ve got this.” She motioned for everyone to follow her.

  “What’s our plan going to be? Just be the last ones in line?” I mumbled to Cane.

  “Oh no, that’s too easy.” Cane shook her head. “That thing needs to lock onto something or it will just chase down the group. So, we’ll side track it.”

  “Oh heck no. Those things killed me once already.” I shook my head. I did not want to be stabbed again this soon, let alone ever.

  “Perfect.” Cane smirked. “If it does we just need to get you to a pass room.”

  “A what?” I watched the last of the group file out.

  “A room that basically doubles as a strange secret passageway. Whether it’s loose ceiling tiles or an actual secret door,” Cane clarified, summoning her weapon.

  “I don’t know where any of these things are!” I motioned frantically. Thankfully, I had at least used them before.

  “I do.” Ze stepped into the conversation. “I guess we’re teaming up again.”

  I gave a small laugh. “I think working to take something down is far more fun than potentially running for our lives.”

  “True, but our options may be limited. Maybe it’ll go after someone else,” Ze said as he exited the library.

  Joining him, I could hear the sound of claws being dragged and carved through the walls.

  “I hate that sound…” Cane sighed. “It’s so… it’s grating and on my nerves.” She covered her ears. “I’ve spent so much time over the last week dodging around things with claws.”

  Clove joined us, taking up the very back. “With any luck it’ll regard us all the same and we can hinder it from getting any further. The four of us should be able to disable it if nothing more.”

  “And if it picks a single person?” I asked.

  “Run for a safe room,” she replied simply.

  I blinked at her for a moment. “I… really don’t remember any of those things.”

  “Oh.” Clove didn’t seem to know what to say.

  “I know enough, it’ll be fine,” Ze added in once again. “I don’t know how to disable those things.”

  Clove grumbled a moment before looking over at Cane. “Think we can do it as just the two of us?”

  Cane laughed. “No. I’m not that good.” Her eyes wandered to the far end of the hall. “But it’s here, so think of a better backup plan.”

  “If it locks on me, just run the other way,” I finally stated without emotion. “No need to try and disable it. It’ll try over and over to get into whatever room until it succeeds whether or not I’m in it for long.”

  Clove nodded. “And if not, four of us can at least attempt to disable it. Perfect.”

  What heroics. At least it was a somewhat decent plan, and if worse did come to worse, I knew what to do.

  I felt Ze’s magic wash over the group of us and I looked over at him.

  He smirked. “Well, it can’t lock onto you if it can’t see you.”

  “Very true…” Clove said, gears clearly turning. “Remi, go ahead and take aim. Maybe we can get a few good shots.”

  Sure, why not. Let’s aggravate the death monster with claws that could turn me into a kabob while the other part of the team escapes. Excellent idea.

  I took aim without a word. As it rounded the corner, slowly dragging it’s claws along behind it, I fired a shot at it’s head. It scraped along the top of it, causing the creature to let out an ear splitting cry. Everyone had to cover their ears. I barely had time to notice it had something sticking out of its head and throat. A badly cut out arrow.

  It moved quicker toward us once it stopped it’s howl. Without hesitating I took another shot that landed in it’s collarbone. The cry it gave was less awful, but it didn’t stop moving. Instead, it came at us quickier. Cane and Clove readied themselves when suddenly it stopped. The good eye! I remembered belatedly.

  The Dilus started to sniff the air. Instead of running I took another shot, landing it in it’s skull. My hands were shaking too much to aim correctly. It cried out another terrible hands-over-your-ears scream. As it stopped Ze pulled on my arm.

  “We need to go. Now,” he urged.

  Did the thing know my scent? Was it the one I ran into before or did something else happen to this one? I mean, I couldn’t possibly be running into the same one over and over could I?

  The creature seemed to fix it’s gaze on me despite the fact I was invisible.

  “Time to run,” Clove agreed, grabbing Cane’s arm.

  Together we took off down the hall and rounded the first corner. Ze tugged on my arm and pulled me to a side room while Clove and Cane continued on without us. Without a word he shoved one of those old mirror stands in front of the door.

  “That should give us a little more time.” Ze murmured as he stood up on the dresser and moved away one of the ceiling tiles. “Come on, up you go.”

  I could hear the claws nearing the door. The sound made me hesitate for just a moment before I was up on the dresser. “Why is everything so high up?” I grumbled as he had to help me up.

  As soon as I had
pulled myself up he was right behind me. “Because it’s built to have some semblance of a house.” He mused. “Come on, this way.” The sound of claws at the door were getting louder and faster. That thing wanted in.

  “How do you know all these paths?” I asked curiously.

  “I had a very active three weeks you could say,” Ze vaguely answered. “Sitting around gets dull, and since I can technically be invisible through my illusions, I’ve used it to my advantage.”

  “Fair enough,” I agreed as I tried to dodge around cobwebs. “That would be a nice advantage to have.” Wait -didn’t he say he spent most of time in the first floor library? Or had I misunderstood. Was it all the libraries? If I could turn myself invisible, I guess I would explore a lot more things with confidence.

  We paused for a moment at what sounded like a tide of water hitting a wall behind us. Looking back, there was nothing though.

  “Is there a second floor creature that can use water?” I asked, confused.

  “Not that I know of…” Ze looked equally confused.

  “Let’s just keep going and pretend that wasn’t a thing we heard.” I motioned for him to continue leading.

  Ze looked back for a moment longer. “You know what, I’m good with that idea. Let’s go down a bit further. I don’t even want to know what mess that could have been. I wasn’t expecting things to get this thrown off…”

  “What do you mean?” I followed carefully behind, trying to dodge the never ending webs. How did so many spiders even get into a place like this? Did every world have to have spiders?

  “Oh, I wasn’t expecting when I heard things weren’t what they used to be that monsters might figure out how to break out of their zones. That was a huge lifesaver, and now…” He motioned for a moment as he looked for the right words. “I don’t know. It’s kind of scary. What if those things can get into the safe zones? This whole mess is probably not what either side wants to deal with.”


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