A Tune of Demons Box Set: The Complete Fantasy Series

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A Tune of Demons Box Set: The Complete Fantasy Series Page 81

by J E Mueller

  Clove’s face remained neutral while the women worked. She had been doing this too much to be bothered or surprised by the time something like this could take. However, I hadn’t. I was certain my face was giving way exactly how much my heart was racing.

  “It’s along the shelves,” Cane declared, pointing to the wall that naturally was at the far end of the room.

  “We might have time.” Mare nodded as the two of them moved without further discussion.

  Clove rushed the steps taking them two and three at a time as I made my way up normally. I had no idea what I was looking for. Neither did they I guess.

  As I joined them I looked along the lower shelves. They weren’t filled with much else other than books, but did have enough useless odds and ends to make you question if that was the thing you were looking for.

  Someone is close.

  Of course. Hopefully in this room so we could be done with it.

  Now why would it be that easy? I could hear the humorless laugh in her voice. No, it’s close but not close enough to be whatever she originally sensed. This one was likely just too far for her to note being on the third floor.

  Okay, that was just great. Where exactly could it be?

  For several moments Lydia was silent as I pretended to continue to look among the shelves, my interest gone from the artifact that didn’t house a Creator.

  Just at the far end of this floor. So, four halls down, on the left. Maybe the fourth room. We’d have to get closer for finer tuning, but there isn’t a way for you to get it as you currently are. You would run into something.

  With Mare’s help it wouldn’t be impossible.

  There are creatures that can go invisible to her here, remember? Strong as she may be, we need to awaken your final gift in order to continue.

  “Found it!” Mare declared with more relief than excitement. “We need to leave now.”

  Clove and Cane were heading to the stairs before she even finished her sentence, leaving me trailing behind once more. Not that it mattered much. They both waited at the foot of the steps until Mare reached the bottom, letting her do her magic search for creatures once more.

  “Crap!” she almost screamed as soon as the magic hit her fingers. “Run, and if you see it close your eyes!”

  Everyone one of us ran for the door. I vaguely remembered her talking of a creature that was so bad you did not want it to look you in the eyes. From the corner of my vision I saw something move, and screamed. Everyone turned to look back and closed their eyes. The creature was almost what I would picture a ghost to be. White, mostly see through, with hair and long robes billowing in a wind that didn’t exist. It had approached the others first, and as I saw it start to turn I closed my eyes.

  In a moment I felt almost a wind on me as the creature moved carefully around me. I had no idea how long it would linger and if it would continue to go from the others to me until it got bored or until something came and killed the others. They were just in the doorway, not giving the creature the proper time to see and attack something else. I was for once, probably the safest lingering just off the spiral stairs.

  I could hear down the hall, very much still in the distance but too close for comfort the sounds of an Agmon’s claws being dragged along the ground, carpet being torn in its wake. The bat like creature from my first day here still haunted my memories. If it looked me in the eyes, I wasn’t sure if the other creature could kill it in time.

  The wind had stopped, and I chanced a look, slowly opening my eyes to see the creature was not attracted by the sound and just staring at the group.

  You’re going to do something stupid, aren’t you?

  I could hear the acceptance in Lydia’s voice, her already knowing the situation from my thoughts.

  Of course I was, but this time, I had a back up plan. I was fairly sure I was still a dreamer after all.

  You’ll have to find me again. Lydia reminded me.

  But no, no I wouldn’t.

  I willed the bracelet to come off.

  “Mare!” Me calling to her and throwing the bracelet at her caused the creature to come over, it’s white face became more solid, the wind stopped moving. “Just do it,” I sighed at the creature.

  It’s face tilted at me then a voice came to mind that was not Lydia’s. You wish to save them? Two wish you dead.

  I nodded. Not actually surprised by her words. Disappointed was a better feeling for it.

  Well then, no one usually spares another. This is quite interesting. It’s made my entire day better. Can you do me a favor?

  I nodded, more confused than not.

  Please see to it that you visit me again. Alone. I wish to give you a gift.

  I nodded and in a blink, she vanished from sight.

  “What just happened?” Clove demanded.

  I looked over at them, feeling as confused as they all looked. “I tried to save you and it spoke in my head wanting to know why. I guess she liked the change of pace?”

  Mare shook her head. “The Agmon’s coming. We have just enough time to dodge it if we leave now.” Mare shoved the bracelet on her wrist, leaving the room quickly knowing we would all follow.

  Just as we left the room I could see it a fair distance down the hall. I could see it though, so it could see me. It’s eyes glowing.

  “Why me?” I groaned and took off faster.

  Mare and Clove had their swords out in an instant, Cane a moment after them. I didn’t bother with my bow, instead I concentrated on running as fast as I could will my legs to go. Mare turned to face off at the creature just before it caught up to us. Clove sighed and turned to join her while Cane ran a few more steps with me. Just as I head their swords clash with their claws, I tripped and landed hard on the ground. Cane stumbled with me a moment, her legs tangled with mine but she recovered quickly, continuing to run and reach the stairs. A moment later I heard Mare scream and knew before it struck what happened.

  Agony filled me as something speared through me and I could feel something else, slowly draining from me. That’s right! My magical essence! Could I block it from doing that? Would that affect if I made it back as a Dreamer? Fear filled me. I might not wake up from this. Then, the world went black.



  There was nothing we could do but dodge around it. While I knew Remi wasn’t the fastest among us, it was a surprise to see she had tripped and fallen. A surprise I didn’t trust. Something felt raw, and wrong. My heart screaming as loud as my lungs.

  We somehow made it down to the second floor, and then the first. For a moment we stopped and breathed heavily. How did we go from her surviving a sacrifice to losing her to something we’ve dodged around for years? Tears stung my eyes, and I didn’t bother to wipe them from my cheeks.

  “It’s okay,” Clove tried to comfort, her voice failing miserably to sound empathetic.

  “It’s really not,” I argued.

  “She shouldn’t have lived that long anyway. Be grateful for her sacrifice.” Clove shrugged.

  Cane nodded. “She died nobly even if it was after that weird incident.” Cane shrugged. “At least we got the artifact.” Clove nodded agreeingly and they started to head back.

  All of this felt wrong.

  It is wrong.

  I heard a voice in my head say, surprised I hesitated in my step before I remembered what Remi said about the Creator. Well, maybe I could get some answers about what happened from her.

  Perhaps, but I think you already know the answers.

  I hated the sound of it, but it was likely Clove’s doing somehow. Maybe even Cane’s. Their alliance of late wasn’t odd, but it didn’t seem to come on naturally. Cane seemed to despise Clove at first. I had wondered what changed but figured they had just worked it out. Well, there was little I could do about it in this exact moment, but that didn’t change the need for vengeance. Rage boiled in my gut, helping to stop the tears from flowing.

  Would Remi make it back?

I am not entirely sure. There’s a difference in how she died. She’s been more unstable of late. You know this. While the status hadn’t changed to a soul here, she didn’t just die. Her essence was scattered by the Agmon. The others merely killed her.

  I nodded, glad I was behind everyone so no one could see my reactions. That left me no choice then. I would pick up wherever she left off. I just wish I knew where that was.

  Find Benz, gather this alliance he spoke of. Remi met a few yesterday. We do have more information and I would rather just go over it once.

  I cleared my throat loudly until the two of them looked back at me. “I need to walk this off.” I waved and headed down a side hall.

  They shrugged as I waved and carried on. After a few steps I hesitated and ducked back to follow them.

  “That almost didn’t work,” I heard Cane state in the distance.

  “I was hoping an Agmon would get involved, but yes, that could have gone sour. Lucky us the fool is so self sacrificing. Hopefully, she doesn’t come back,” Clove agreed.

  “They did want her though. Maybe we could have talked her over,” Cane mused.

  Rage boiled hotter inside as I listened as best I could. How dare they talk so freely about this act of murder.

  “No, I doubt she would have conformed unless we tricked her enough. Actually…” Clove grinned widely. “If she does come back we can say freeing them will help us release the Creators. She has no way to know the difference. That may help us get others even. We need a story.”

  I stopped, not needing to hear anymore. I summoned my magic around me and marched away until I had a trail of where Benz most recently was. Quickly, I hunted him down, not even caring who he was with until I realized it was Canton. I swore silently wondering how to get his attention before I remembered Remi could mind speak with the bracelets help. How did she do it even?

  Envision him, picture you saying it to him and he will hear.

  Nodding, once more to no one but myself, I headed into a room just a little ways down and tried it.

  Clearing my mind, I pictured him. He, really no one, had changed since they got here, so it was simple enough. No one physically aged here. Benz we need to meet.

  I listened carefully for thoughts from him and after a few moments. Mare? Is that you?

  Of course it is. Loose the trash, something’s happened, I pressed.

  A minute later I could hear arguing in the hall. Canton was never that hard to hear.

  “I think all of this is nonsense!” Canton argued. “We should just ambush the other team and force them to give up anything of use they have. If they have nothing, they’re worthless and should be released from this world.”

  “We are not cold hearted murders,” Benz replied sharply. “There are better ways to get what we want and need. Leave the poor souls alone. They’re stuck here as much as us.”

  “They won’t be stuck here if I end them.” Canton chuckled.

  “That is enough. I will not condone murder.” Benz’s voice turned cool. “We will talk later, and I better not hear of any murder raids.”

  “You know, sometime soon people might see my ideas are better than yours,” Canton called.

  “Really now? Is that a threat?” Benz replied calmly. “If it is, you are welcome to duel me here and now.”

  Canton grumbled and I could hear him stomping away.

  As his stomps faded I glanced out into the hall. Benz saw me right away and I raised an eyebrow at him.

  “Looks like you have yourself a problem,” I needlessly pointed out.

  Benz sighed and raked his hand through his hair. “Yeah, and I honestly don’t know what to do about him anymore. The worst of it is there are a few on his side.”

  I considered his plight for a moment. “Honestly, I don’t see a way to reason with him at all. He’s been steadily becoming more and more unstable as time progresses. It might be best to kill him.”

  “Then how am I better than him?” Benz crossed his arms.

  “Because you’ll be saving everyone from him,” I replied simply. “He will try and kill anyone he comes across. Convincing others to do the same is creating a bigger problem putting more people at risk.”

  “I can’t bring myself to do it.” Benz shook his head.

  “So you’ll let him encounter people and murder them?” I asked, feeling rather smug.

  He groaned. “I can’t shadow him all day either.”

  Truthfully, I’d kill him. Harming innocents goes against my code.

  I nodded. “And according to one Creator, she’d kill him. Killing innocents goes against her code, so if that says anything.”

  Benz gave a defeated sigh before my words struck him. “Wait, since when could you talk with Creators, and somehow talk inside my head.”

  I held up my arm, revealing the bracelet.

  Benz nodded. “Why did Remi give it to you? It’s probably a good idea since she can talk with two of them.”

  “Two of them?” I asked confused.

  It’s a long story.

  “You don’t know yet?” he asked, confused.

  “I guess not, there seems to be a lot to catch up on. Let’s sit for a minute.” I motioned back to the room I had been in and sat down behind the desk.

  Benz closed the door as he came in. “What’s up?”

  I didn’t know how to easily put it. “Remi is dead.”

  His eyes went wide as he slid into the chair across from me. “What? Again? Is she…” His voice held out hope.

  I shook my head. “We don’t know.” I sighed and explained the day’s events quickly.

  Benz closed his eyes as he listened to the story, including what I overheard Cane and Clove state.

  Finally after we sat there silently for a while he spoke. His voice was on the edge of tears but he worked to make it hard. “I wish she had been more careful, but there’s nothing we can do aside from blindly hope for her return.” He opened his eyes. “We need to continue on as if she’s not coming back.”

  I nodded. “It’s a sad truth.” I admitted and pressed on. “Which is exactly why I was looking for you. We need a plan and we need to gather the others. Lydia has some things to say and only wants to go through it once.”

  Benz nodded. “Let’s gather up everyone then.”

  It wasn’t as if we had a huge alliance to gather. Sadly, it had gotten smaller recently. Benz brought Gretta, Kip, and Consta, and I had only Season and Ellyn now that Kaden was dead. We met in the small library and relocated several rooms away.

  The only good thing about a small office was it made it seem like we had a strong horde of people even though we really did not. Eight would have to do. I really wasn’t sure if there was anyone else left that I could trust anymore.

  Part of me wondered if scanning their minds would be uncalled for or should I continue to trust these few.

  Trust is hard to come by and should be earned. However, I don’t have time for that so I will be scanning their minds since I am attached to this stupid artifact.

  Keep me posted was all I could think in regards to that.

  “You’re probably wondering why you are all gathered,” Benz said as the two of us stood behind the desk.

  “No, we all thought you were throwing a feast,” Gretta quipped. There were several snickers.

  “Of course we are. A feast of information.” Benz smirked back before returning to his normal serious self. “We’ve gathered a lot of information recently. Let me break it down into quick facts and we can ask questions later.”

  Once everyone nodded he continued. “We got this information because of Remi. Remi is potentially dead dead. She’s a Dreamer who has been stuck here for several days and was struck by an Agmon. Cane and Clove from Silverwell saw to it she was killed. Mare overheard them gloating about the kill.”

  None of them knew Remi very well, but they still were angry about the betrayal. Benz picked up quickly before anyone could comment. “Prior to all of this, Remi located
an artifact carrying one Creator and located a place where another has been able to take a slight form. We now know for a fact there are artifacts with Creators. We know for a fact we need to locate six more, and have every reason to believe some of the previously located onces could contain a Creator. The one in the bracelet Mare has can tell us if an artifact has one once she is close enough. Any questions?”

  Everyone let the information hang in the air for a moment as if it was too much to absorb.

  Finally Gretta spoke. “So we have a way of telling if these things contain Creators now. How do we free them?”

  Everyone looked from Gretta to Benz who looked directly at me.

  I sighed. “We don’t have the answer to that. The Creators are unsure how to get free, but at least this is a start.”

  I have things to say now.

  “Lydia, the Creator I have at the moment has some things to say. I will repeat back all she says,” I stated as everyone watched with interest.

  We know some are outside, near the front porch. I sensed them this morning. There is another on the fourth floor at the far end from the library. It is about four rooms down. I parroted the information.

  Benz nodded. “We should retrieve the outside ones then if they are so close.”

  I shook my head. “We were with Cane out there this morning. She must know they are there. It would be better to get those last so they don’t know what’s going on. The less they think is going wrong the stronger upper hand we have.”

  “I hate that you’re right,” Kip chimed in.

  “I agree,” Season said softly. “I don’t want to tangle with Cane or Clove if possible. Let them think they got rid of their only problem.”

  Ellyn nodded. “We should press for lessons in defense and whatnot. Help her memory live on in a sense. If they think we’re too busy with that, we can sneak around better.”


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