A Tune of Demons Box Set: The Complete Fantasy Series

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A Tune of Demons Box Set: The Complete Fantasy Series Page 86

by J E Mueller

  There was no stopping it. I had to close my eyes.

  Deep breath. A voice I hadn’t heard before stated.

  I tried, but it was so hard to breath.

  You’re nearly healed. You’ll survive this.

  Thanks, random voice. As convincing as it wanted to be, I was feeling colder and no better. What did a voice know anyway?

  You need to head back now. I can’t keep this many creatures at bay.

  “Go,” I choked out. I hardly knew why I was trying to get that voice’s message out. “Home. Now.” I could barely get single words out.

  Someone lifted me up. I could hear growling and then it felt like the air was moving quickly around me. Was someone trying to run with me? I was dying. It would be easier to leave me. It hurt too much to try and say. Instead I let the darkness claim me.

  The darkness didn’t last long as I awoke still being carried. From the scent of fresh air, I was assuming we were still outside. I wanted to ask questions, but my tongue felt dry and my eyes were still heavy.

  We should be nearly back. Lydia’s voice called in my head.

  That was nice to hear, but I couldn’t figure out how I was still alive to hear it.

  The voice I heard saying I’ll survive this spoke again. It was thanks to your friends. They found the gauntlet I was attached to. It has healing qualities.

  Ah, good old healing magic, and we found the artifact! I guess I wasn’t stabbed a moment too soon, though I could have done without the pain. I groaned as whoever was carrying me stumbled over something. At least we didn’t fall.

  Rest, we’re nearly back. The male voice said once more.

  It finally clicked in my head who I was speaking with. Emmyth. I let the fact wash over me as sleep claimed me once more.



  Emmyth was a breath of fresh air to communicate with, though he was quick to explain the lesson. Apparently I was behind on several adventures, including the one that got him to me. Mare was severely injured and the only positive light of the whole adventure was that Canton was now dead.

  I let the lesson reply in my mind. Emmyth was thankfully blunt in the how-to of things. Apparently while he was all for proper training and protocol, there wasn’t time for that so I needed the abbreviated course.

  What that meant was seeing me and my learning through his own memories. The earliest one was of me, I was maybe eight with pigtails, and a sad, tearfilled face. Emmyth remembered seeing me sitting in the kitchen as a Dreamer upset that the zappy hedgehogs had tried to hurt me.

  He helped me uncover my magic, to show me back then as he did now how to see around them. The desire to know where things were helped call the second vision and I was able to see where all the creatures were for several halls over. It could see a good distance in the forest. Sneaking around was never a problem for me. It was a gift not of this place, but one, one of the Creators gifted me. Emmyth didn’t know who, no one would fess up to it, but it wasn’t him.

  Wearing the gauntlet that sealed Emmyth, I made my way back to the third floor library, which was now our second safe zone thanks to Estella.

  I could only imagine that conversation, Marella explaining that this creature would in fact protect them, simply because I had managed to befriend her. Knowing Marella, I doubt she included much of any details. Those were more important for later to her. I probably would never get the reasoning behind half her thoughts, but no matter.

  I quickly made my way up, using my new talent to help me bypass all creatures around me. Which, to be fair, was another shame on Marella for keeping it hidden in hopes I’d just discover it again. She had made the others find an artifact of something I could naturally do.

  With magic over my vision things took a red hue and I could easily see where all the creatures in a fairly large radius were, which seemed like most of the floor. Was the artifact they found that good? Pushing the thought to the side, I finally reached the third floor library.

  Estella blocked the door, which didn’t surprise me at all. She was easily the best protector for this place. She frowned at me, refusing to let me pass. It was nice to see her fully visible since we were on the 3rd floor once more. It was weird only being able to see her when I was incorporeal elsewhere.

  “You should stay hidden,” she stated softly.

  “What good will that do?” I asked, surprised. “Seriously, I can’t think of anything.” This was just friends and allies here after all.

  Estella hesitated. “Things are getting more complicated.”

  “Okay, I should probably know more now instead of staying in the dark. Especially if things are getting that bad sort of complicated. Which seems to be the only complicated here.” Couldn’t it be the pleasant ‘trying to keep a present’ a secret complicated?

  With a sigh, Estella gave in. “That girl who runs the one alliance, she is trying to kill off any who may oppose her.”

  “I am no surprised Clove would do such a thing anymore. Considering that’s likely how I died last time.” Two deaths down, hopefully no more to go.

  Estella nodded slowly. “Your friend with the Tracking was almost killed by a plan from her.”

  Now that pissed me off. “Where is she? Is she doing okay now?”

  “She is alive and healed enough to be out of danger. She is resting,” Estella confirmed but still refused to let me pass.

  “What is it now?” I grumbled at her.

  “I think it best if the others don’t see you yet,” Estella pressed. “They’ll want to journey with you and we need things done a certain way.”

  “And that way would be?” I crossed my arms and hoped this would be a good answer.

  “They will see Marella soon. Let them leave and then talk with your friend,” Estella replied simply. “Marella is going to suggest moving those artifacts here. Your friend the male…” She thought for a moment. “Benz, he can handle moving them here for safety. You need to do something more you.”

  I raised an eyebrow at that suggestion. “And what is more me?”

  “Save your sister.”

  I sighed. “I have heard she’s with the Watch.”

  “She will get you there.”

  I frowned thinking about it. “The quickest way is through the tunnel correct?” When Estella nodded I continued, “I wouldn’t put her through that. I need someone like Benz.”

  “But that girl will only try and kill your friend if she does the other mission.”

  I scoffed. “She will try and she will fail.”

  Estella smirked. “I do enjoy that attitude. Maybe it can be done. She did manage to survive this last plot.”

  I didn't know the details but knew Mare wouldn’t be helpless. There was that whole other alliance, Negza, that would help her. “Exactly. She’s got this.”

  Estella nodded and moved to let me through.

  How long had it been since I had seen everyone? I couldn’t keep time right anymore.

  As I made my way over to the sofas in the middle of the room, I could see Mare asleep on the far sofa. Benz and Gretta were closer, facing away from me until they heard my footsteps.

  Benz stood up, surprised while Gretta stayed put, mouth agape.

  “Hi?” I gave a faint wave.

  “Where the heck have you been?” Benz moved to meet me and engulfed me in a hug.

  I awkwardly returned the affection, surprised by the hug. “Um, well sort of dead for a bit, and to make a long story short, it took time to recover.”

  He let go of me and just gave a small laugh. “You got lucky is what happened.”

  “I really don’t know if being stuck here is lucky,” I joked before shaking my head and looking back at Mare. “How’s she doing?”

  “Recovering.” Benz glanced down at my gauntleted hand. “Marella said she needed that.”

  “I needed it to help relearn some things. I suppose I’m mostly caught up now. Except on what exactly happened to Mare.”

  “Canton tried to ki
ll her, but with the combination of the tiara that brings extended luck and the healing gauntlet she made it through just fine.” Benz shrugged off. “Really great we had found the gauntlet just as everything went on.”

  “How did you know what it was for?” I asked, surprised.

  “I didn’t until I reached her side.” Benz shook his head. “Luck, luck, and more luck. Even better was that polycoy, Midge, that Marella sent with us. The thing ripped Canton limb from limb.”

  I never thought I would nod approvingly at someone’s death, and here I was, nodding away. “Well, that settles that.” It was thrilling to hear it confirmed.

  “Indeed. Mare managed to hear that Canton said Clove sent him so we’ve been keeping her away from anyone known to be on Clove’s side.”

  Now that made sense.

  “Marella is going to suggest separating people from Clove. Anyone that is pro Creator should be moved up here. I’m sure she’ll have a fairly detailed plan when someone gets there,” I replied, trying to think of a way to bring up my own mission.

  Sure my sister was safe, but for how long? The outside was exceedingly dangerous.

  “We can go get details while Mare’s resting,” Gretta finally spoke up.

  I shook my head. “I think that’ll be a good thing for Mare to do. I’m sure she’ll love a little vengeance.”

  “I’m surprised you don’t want to keep her from danger.” Benz gave me a confused look.

  “While I do, I actually need your help.” I said moving to sit on the armrest of the sofa.

  “Okay, spill.” Benz crossed his arms, ready for whatever was to come next.

  I shrugged, not exactly sure how to start it. “I don’t know how or why but someone associated with the Creators lives in the realm we’re from.”

  “Kegan.” Benz nodded. “Don’t think I haven’t asked several details about all possible Creators to rescue.”

  Well at least someone was updated. “Exactly. Somehow, she reported in that those angel and demon things brought my sister here.”

  “Aw fuck.” Benz shook his head.

  “Seriously, the fuck?” Gretta echoed.

  I nodded. It was a disgusting ploy to try and manipulate someone. “Whatever their game, Marella was able to give me her location. She’s safe for now, but with the Watch.”

  “And the quickest way is through spider tunnel which Mare is not going to handle at all,” Benz summed up. “Fine, I’m with you.”

  “Thank you. I’d do it myself if I thought I could get past them all,” I admitted.

  Gretta shook her head. “I don’t know if two is even enough for that.”

  “Maybe not.” Benz considered it for a moment. “Maybe if we get a larger team to make a hole, cause a distraction we can slip by. They are mostly centered in that part of the basement, the tunnel is actually a fairly clear path.”

  “Kip can do that easy with his fire, and Consta has her explosions,” Gretta suggested. “You will need more than that. I don’t think my spikes will help long term, but I’m down for a distraction run.”

  “Can you find a few others willing to play that game?” Benz asked her.

  “On it.” Gretta stood up and stretched. “I think I know a few who would love to play and maybe even start putting feelers out there for team Creator.”

  “Perfect.” Benz smiled as she headed out. As soon as she was out of sight he frowned. “What’s going on exactly now? How can these things just bring someone here?”

  I mirrored his frown. “Truthfully, it's a complicated mess, and one Marella understands all too well. To start, she’s one of the demons.”

  Benz gave a slight nod. “I’ve heard as much but its not like anyone elaborates on that fact.”

  “Long story short, she knew the balance was important and that her kind shouldn't be simply allowed to destroy world after world after realm. So, she helped to trap and seal them to maintain the balance,” I summed up as best as I could.

  It felt like more could be said but for now I continued on. “Marella could always hear their cries while being trapped and assumed it was her connection to them so she never noticed the difference of them calling out while trapped and while slowly breaking free. The demons and angels have grasped some magic, slowly over who knows how long.” I paused, considering how best to continue while Benz somehow frowned me.

  Still, I pressed on. “The more of us they are able to influence, the more magic they are able to tap into. Bringing someone body and soul here would be impossible, but since it’s just a soul, they have the magic to snatch on to them through their dreams, and hold them here indefinitely.”

  “Because that’s not messed up at all,” Benz scoffed.

  “Agreed. They aren’t afraid to fight dirty at all, and I’m sure being trapped for ages has removed all the stops,” I felt a range of emotions from disgusted to upset by all the facts, but there was no changing the truth.

  Benz sighed and stretched out on the sofa. For a moment he thought about it all. “So, she was pulled here through her dreams… I wonder if that means some of us being regular Dreamers were here because of them. Those creatures slowly pulling us back to try and build a web around us.”

  I adjusted how I was sitting, unsure what to say. “Sadly, that does sound possible. However it doesn't seem to have worked.”

  “On you.” Benz looked away from me. “Worked on me, even for just a bit. Worked great on Clove… They may have a wider web than we can handle. How much can the dead truly handle?”

  The minutes ticked by.

  There was nothing I could positively add to it.

  Benz finally spoke again. “We need to get to the Watch to find your sister. Then what? She might be better off with them. I know it’s hard to believe that, but Asher has a great team out there. He isn’t going to just let something happen to her.”

  I sighed, “That’s not enough for me. I believe you when you say that, but anything can happen and if those creatures, those angels and demons, still have a hold on someone like Clove they may order her to get my sister. I don’t want her being used against me and I doubt Asher knows what's going on in this house of horrors.”

  Benz gave a reluctant nod. “Then let’s get going.” He stood up and froze, his eyes on the door.

  I turned and slowly got up as I saw the Agmon in the doorway and no Estella in sight. Where did she go?

  The creature let out a blood curdling scream as it started to run toward me, thankfully to be stopped a moment later by Estella appearing out of nowhere in front of it.

  Estella reached up and in one quick motion ripped it’s face off. The tearing sound caused me to turn away and I noticed Benz covering his ears. A few more sounds of wet flesh ripping and then a loud thump on the floor echoed through the room. Carefully turning back around, I sighed and looked upwards.

  “Thank you Estella…” I honestly meant it too.

  “Of course,” she said from across the room. “The energies are always so much better when they’re fresh.”

  I did not know what she meant by that. I did not want to know what she meant by that.

  “I think that’s our cue to go.” I sighed, wondering how I could navigate getting out without seeing what she was doing.

  Benz carefully turned around and nodded. “Oh good, it vanished quickly.” Happy with the fact, he led the way out of the library, and away from the murderous spirit we were lucky to have on our side.


  No part of me really wanted to go into the basement, but I was grateful to have a good distraction team on board with me. Gretta and Kip stood in front of a trio I had never before met, but before I could ask for names Benz started to put things into motion.

  “Well, I’m guessing Gretta filled everyone in on things?” Benz looked at the group as they all nodded.

  “Smash some spiders and retreat. We can reform and finish the quest to set things right here and find the Creators. Really, not too shabby of an adventure.” Kip smiled as he cr
ossed his arms. “Think we’ll make a few new enemies?”

  “One can only hope.” Gretta nudged him.

  “Think if we help enough they’ll get rid of spiders forever?” joked the guy behind Gretta.

  “I’d just be thrilled if there was a better, less painful way out of this place. Can we move on without the death?” asked the girl just behind Kip.

  “Now that is a great question,” Benz agreed. “Until we can ask though, let’s smash some spiders.”

  “Should we be worried about you?” someone asked.

  “Nah, it’s not the first time I’ve slipped around them.” Benz waved off before grabbing something out of his pocket and handing it to Gretta. “That should give you the advantage.”

  She looked down to see what Benz had shoved into her hand. “But won’t you need this more?” She held up the coin.

  I shook my head. “We’ll be fine.”

  Benz looked at me surprised. “Glad you share my confidence.”

  “Emmyth helped train me in what is basically that gift. We’ve got this.” I summed up, not wanting to get into the details.

  “I think you might be a little over-powered.” Gretta laughed.

  “Does this mean I can stop dying then? Because that would be great.” I laughed back.

  Benz sighed. “I really hope so, but gods know your luck is atrocious.”

  “You’re not lying.” I shrugged as I moved over to the basement door. “Let’s get this over with.”

  “We’ll go first so you can slip around us,” Kip stated as I opened the door.

  “Remember everyone, spider acid sucks, but just grab some web and it’ll hold off the pain until we get back here to cure it,” Gretta chimed in as she went down the stairs first.


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