A Tune of Demons Box Set: The Complete Fantasy Series

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A Tune of Demons Box Set: The Complete Fantasy Series Page 89

by J E Mueller

  The Watch had taken the creature down, and I could no longer see it in the crowd. Still, I needed to find Asher and somehow point out what was going on.

  He was naturally near the center of the circle, which was extra difficult to push through. My tugging on his arm got an annoyed look but I frantically pointed to where the horde of creatures would be coming from.

  Asher frowned, not seeing anything himself, but turned back to give me the thumbs up. Someone handed Asher a scarf, which I assumed was the artifact. Now all attention was on him. Thankfully, everyone looked ready for orders.

  Asher pointed to the woods and started holding up three fingers. A group of six nodded and headed directly into the woods. He held up a set of two fingers and another group crossed the clearing quickly, heading into the woods there. He nodded at me and Benz and pointed to the hut.

  I shook my head, I could fight. Asher seemed to get what I meant and nodded, pointed to the hut again, and mimicked me using my bow. I finally guessed he wanted me to fight from the porch.

  I could do that. I glanced at Melly and she shook me off pointing to the tree the little hut itself was on and headed there. She motioned for me to head to the high ground as she climbed the hand holds and up into a carved out spot I hadn’t noticed before. It wasn’t big enough for two people. It looked hardly big enough for one.

  Quickly, I made my way up and noticed Benz was sticking close to Asher. I wasn’t sure if that was the best place or the worst place to be. Still, all in all, Benz could probably handle himself better than most house dwellers out here.

  I was more than happy to admit I was a house dweller right now. This lack of hearing was maybe going on minute four and there was at least another six or so minutes to go. Life here was not my thing.

  Not that I actually missed my fishing village, but at least there most things were not regularly trying to kill me. The salt air sounded like heaven for once.

  Pulling myself from my reverie, I noticed a creature emerge from the forest. Of course it was that darn species again. Dilus was it?

  Hit it in the good eye, Emmyth supplied helpfully. I at least remembered that much from before my last death.

  Did you know it’s brain is actually where it’s kidney should be?

  I cringed at the fact I would now never be able to un-know.

  Just trying to give new facts. Emmyth chuckled a bit too happily.

  Ignoring the peanut gallery, I took aim and waited for it to be close enough before striking. I just missed, hitting left of the eye, causing the creature to scream. Or call out to its friends in the forest. Either way I couldn’t hear it. Another shot came from Melly. Three arrows pierced it’s skull at once, one directly in the center of its good eye.

  As it collapsed to the ground another four emerged. Two of its comrades went to check it to see what happened while the other two turned around dumbfounded. An arrow from the forest nabbed one, while spikes got the other. As they collapsed the two remaining creatures looked like they were screeching. Melly sent another volley of arrows, killing one, and the other started to move in her direction. With a clear shot, I took it down.

  If we had just known these little facts sooner, I wouldn’t have died that first time. Frustration built within me and I tried to force the thoughts away. There was no changing what had happened and now I could at least spread the information.

  My hearing was starting to come back and I finally started to take in the sound of swords clashing. Switching my vision over I noticed there were in fact several fights, but all were over quicker than I could even begin to take in. After several moments, there was a whistle and people started to move back into the clearing. Asher whistled this time and I saw Melly had already reached the ground.

  “Come on!” She waved.

  Not wanting to miss something, I quickly made my way to the others.

  As soon as I caught up Asher waved me over. “We’ve got a problem.”

  I glanced around and it looked like everyone was here and completely fine. “What’s going on?”

  Asher waved the scarf, “This isn’t Marella. Are you certain she said she was stuck on something flying?”

  “Positive.” There was no mistaking that.

  “I believe you.” Asher looked around at the group. “That means we need to find another flying creature.”

  “Think it could just be a bird?” someone asked.

  Well now. There entirely was that possibility. Everything didn’t have to be scary and unrealistic.

  “I don’t see why not. That would be the easiest way to throw us off. Or someone else recently got it,” Asher thought aloud.

  “But is what we found even an artifact?” I asked loudly, pulling the conversation back to me.

  “It is.” Asher handed it to me.

  I stared at the scarf, not knowing what to expect.

  Thankfully, Emmyth chimed in. Ah, you were not who I was expecting to see out here.

  Another male voice chimed in. It would appear we’ve had a bit of bad luck.

  Emmyth snickered. Would you say it was cursed luck?

  I swear between the two of you, I don’t know who makes worse cursed jokes. The voice replied back, a twinge of annoyance and exasperation in his tone.

  Emmyth continued, This is Lee. We need to once more find a flying creature. Wonderful. I would love the challenge if I could actually participate in it.

  Lee jumped in. I’d prefer it if it never happened. Have we found Key yet?

  No, not that I’ve heard. Just Lydia and Danielle so far.

  As much as I loved the conversation, and I oddly did, we really needed to get back on task. And what gift would a scarf artifact even possess?

  Likely puns, Emmyth replied.

  No, but close, Lee clarified. I can absorb magical attacks. Which is why that creature I was stuck to could take so much damage.

  Well that was good to know. How did that even work?

  Simple. You get hit with magic, you’ll only take one percent of the damage. So you’ll feel it on a very minor level.

  I could live with that.

  “Anything?” Asher asked, pulling me back to the group around me.

  “Hm?” I asked, not sure what he was looking for.

  “It wouldn’t exactly communicate with me, but I’m certain that is something we were looking for,” Asher clarified.

  “It is, but you were right, it is not Marella,” I confirmed.

  “I figured by the no he gave me.” Asher smirked. “Any thoughts on how to find this next creature before the real problematic creatures make it this far?”

  There were more problematic creatures? Why wasn’t I surprised?

  “We have to have some idea of what we’re looking for,” someone chimed in, the conversation continuing on around me.

  I wondered if Lee or Emmyth had any thoughts on what it could be or at least where.

  If it were me, I would have put it on another Nightwing just to mess with everyone. They’d think the problem solved without any more hints, and it’s not, Emmyth chimed in.

  That is a brilliant idea, but do you think they would have come up with that? Lee wondered.

  We are trapped in artifacts and you’re wondering if they could have a clever way to keep us trapped? Emmyth scoffed. I doubt it was all their planning, likely the trapped and desperate demons and angels highly influenced it.

  Do you think they could have known Marella still had a connection to them and tricked her into thinking she was stuck flying? That would also be an excellent trick. Have one flying that wasn’t her, but still make her think she was.

  Oh, that’s even better, Lee approved.

  That just might be it, Emmyth agreed.

  I cleared my throat. “I think we might have a new idea.”

  “Go for it.” Asher motioned for me to talk.

  “Marella has a connection to the demons, that is how she was able to figure so much out.” Everyone nodded their understanding so I continued. “I think
they might have figured out that connection and probably worked to trick her. If they figured a way to make it seem like she was constantly flying, she would lead us in the right direction for one, but not for herself, keeping us on this wild chase.”

  Asher chuckled. “Now that is something I would expect from a demon. So what should we do next then?”

  I hesitated. “I’m not sure, but if I had to guess, wouldn’t Marella’s artifact be hung up somewhere with a fairly constant breeze?”

  “The lake.” Several people groaned loudly.

  Asher nodded. “The lake would also be my guess, but we don’t go there at night. It is a death sentence even to the best of us.”

  “Oh…” that sounded ominous. “Should we prepare then? It can’t be much better in the day.”

  “Correct.” Asher let out a slight whistle and the group dispersed, only a small part of us heading back.


  Our plan come morning wasn’t really much of a plan. It was more filling us in with as many details of the creatures of the area. The lake was considered to be near the center of the forest, which is where the worst of the creatures lived. At night, everything was active in massive amounts. There was no winning simply because there weren’t enough to take on that many different things.

  The lake itself was filled with several terrible water creatures. Getting near the water was ill advised since many a thing would try to pull you in. The ebony water was impossible to see under making those slight ripples the only way to tell if something was moving near the surface.

  Most things at the lake were easier to incapacitate rather than to kill. Several things would die only if you completely removed their heads, and of course, their necks were thick enough that a single sword swipe wasn’t likely to do just that.

  “This is turning out to be more than what I expected,” I confessed to Benz as we crossed the clearing.

  Asher led the small group of us, including Katherine and Brent from his team. Melly was just a step in front of me.

  “What were you expecting? Just find the one artifact and be done?” It was a fair question.

  I nodded. “Would have been nice. There’s plenty more inside the house so I was really hoping everything else would still be inside.”

  Benz gave a small laugh. “Well the gauntlet you have came from outside, and the coin I left with Gretta came from the gardens, so it would seem a fair amount had to be outside.”

  “Of course,” I grumbled, concentrating on not tripping over things as we entered the forest.

  “It’s not bad out here.” Asher joined the conversation. “Just know your enemy and know your strengths. Sometimes you must flee, but there’s nothing wrong with regrouping.”

  I nodded and followed silently.

  It took almost an hour to reach the lake. It was nestled downhill from where we were coming, giving us a great view of it. The still waters looked like a sheet of black iron, absorbing the sunlight and only reflecting back enough to give it a slight shine. As we got closer, I noticed the lake had a little island.

  “No way…” It came out softly, barely above a whisper.

  Everyone saw exactly what I saw. A broken row boat at the tiny island. Just a foot in front of it was a stake in the ground with what looked like a small chain tied around it, gently blowing in the breeze.

  “That is going to be it, isn’t it?” Asher asked rhetorically.

  “I have no doubt about it.” Benz nodded, looking as concerned as I felt.

  This was a place the Watch refused to mess with. They only took on the stray creatures that came far enough inland. Dread filled the pit of my stomach. I tried to keep my expression emotionless as my stomach curled in on itself.

  “Is there anything we can do to make this not be our deaths?” I hardly realized the thought came out of my mouth. It was a vague question that everyone seemed to shrug out. It was unlikely whoever put that there actually survived.

  “Maybe…” Katherine thought aloud. “If we find some good vines, we can string them up to either side of the lake. The lake is longer than it is wide so it could possibly work, and the little island is almost in the center. Someone could cross that way, but of course I’m certain the creatures would be waiting for someone to get on the island before attacking. It’s not big, and getting back up to the vines would be problematic.”

  “We should have brought more people.” Brent sighed. “But if we plan right, we can do this well enough.”

  Asher nodded at the two of them. “Okay, Katherine, it’s your plan; how do you think it should be staged?”

  Katherine thought for a moment. “I think I’ve got it. Remi has the bow that can get the vines from one side to another. I’ve got a shield and ice magic. So we can be positioned near the vines to make sure nothing gets at them. Brent has a shield that can help keep Remi safe, and a sword. Asher you have a sword and healing…” She stared at him for a second. “And that supersonic hearing right?”

  “Correct.” Asher nodded. I didn’t realize he had three gifts. I was fairly certain someone mentioned that to me before.

  Katherine motioned to the group. “Anything gift wise I’m missing so far?”

  Benz nodded. “I’m not sure if you’ve got mine, but I have a sword, illusion magic, and extra strength. Remi can also see creatures with her special vision and… something else I can’t remember.”

  “Breathe underwater.” I filled in, realizing that I really did not want to use that here.

  Katherine’s eyes lit up. “I was going to suggest Benz climb the vine since he has all that going on for him, but it might be better if you did.”

  “No, she can breathe under water but she can’t fight everything.” Benz shook his head. “I have a better chance of injuring or killing the creatures that might get on the island.”

  Katherine nodded, conceding her idea. “Probably for the best. Remi can point out where things are to us.”

  Nodding, I glanced at the lake and let my vision flip over. The lake itself wasn’t overly huge, but there were channels that led out, and seemed to stretch probably to other waterways. The tunnels had several creatures; the lake itself had over thirty.

  “The creatures are fairly spread out, but yeah, the numbers are not in our favor.” I shook my head. I did not like this at all. Was this where the polycoys came from? I wondered if Marella had actually managed to take on a water form because of her indirect connection to the lake.

  “Think they can hear us?” Brent asked curiously.

  “If they’re near enough to the surface, they can,” Benz replied easily.

  “A few are out near the surface, so they’ll know we’re here once we start moving,” I agreed. “Think we can find enough vines for this?”

  “That part isn’t a problem at all.” Katherine nodded, leading the way back into a more forested area. I remembered the furniture fixed with or just about made from vines. Of course someone would know where they are.

  “What about me?” Melly asked Katherine as we followed her.

  Katherine glanced back at her for a brief moment. “I think we should give you a high point. Those triple arrows might throw them off enough and we really don’t need another shield.”

  “You also didn’t give me a spot.” Asher pointed out lightly, “But I’m guessing the opposite side Melly is on to balance things out will be fine.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Katherine used her ice magic to make what appeared to be a dagger and started to look through the vines and figuring out lengths.

  After what felt like forever, we had enough vines to get across the lake twice, and had a vine that would help Benz get back up once he grabbed the artifact.

  “Do you think this will work?” Melly asked me as we headed back to the lake.

  “I can only hope. It’s really a difficult plan.” I shrugged, not entirely sure how I felt about the situation at hand.

  “Well, good news.” Melly said off handedly.

  “And what’s tha
t?” I raised an eyebrow at her.

  “When this goes terribly wrong and your need to self sacrifice kicks in, there’s a chance you won’t end up dead dead.” Melly smirked.

  “Being called out by my own sister,” I grumbled as I heard Benz laughing just behind us.

  “Please don’t sacrifice yourself again,” he pleaded, still laughing slightly.

  “I don't think I’m allowed to make those sorts of promises anymore.” I sighed.

  Asher gave a small laugh, “At least you have some Dreamer status working for you, though with every death it will make you less stable in the physical world.”

  “I don’t doubt it.” I nodded.

  “That is how I ended up here. I didn’t learn so much about the Watch because there was a great group. We became a great group with my many Dreamer mistakes,” Asher gave no more details.

  I wasn’t sure how to react to that, or to feel. It was likely he didn’t make that sacrifice on purpose. At first he might have learned a lot as a Dreamer, like several of us did, but then being trapped here with that lingering status… I needed to try and be careful.

  At the lake we split in two. On my side, I tied the large vine to my arrow, hoping it would glide across just fine. I hadn’t done this before, so I wasn’t sure how high or even where to aim.

  Taking a breath I aimed high, guessing the vine would pull the arrow down quicker than I liked. As I let loose I saw it was much quicker than I expected, but still was enough to get it across and firmly into the tree. The other group worked to get it into a better position as I tied the next one.

  In no time, the setup was done and we all got into position. Benz looked mildly worried as he gazed into the lake ten feet away from us.

  “This might be an adventure,” he mumbled.

  “There’s nothing immediately close to us or the island if it helps.” I tried to smile at him in a way I hoped was reassuring.

  Benz shrugged. “We all know how that goes.” With that he ascended the tree.

  It took several minutes for him to make his way across the vines. The swaying was grating on my nerves but never once did he look bothered. I kept a sharp eye on the water and sure enough, as soon as he was over the island, something was there, waiting just under the surface.


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