A Tune of Demons Box Set: The Complete Fantasy Series

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A Tune of Demons Box Set: The Complete Fantasy Series Page 93

by J E Mueller

  Dani smirked for a moment before letting out a small laugh. “That is a thought.” She turned toward Tella. “And it’s truly our job.”

  Emmyth cleared his throat. “The rest of us have jobs to do. Order to restore.” He nudged Lee hard in the side with his elbow.

  “Fine,” Lee sighed before taking Key’s hand. “Let’s go see about fixing up some things then.”

  “Sounds fun.” Key nodded before glancing over at Benz. “You should come too. While this isn’t entirely your fault, the others will respond better with you there.”

  Benz nodded and gave us a look that seemed to say, I don’t want to leave, but it is my fault. “You’re right. I know my team would rather see me back. Let’s do this.”

  Key closed the distance between them and held out her hand. Once Benz grabbed hold she smiled, and in a blink, they had all three vanished.

  I was surprised with how quickly they were gone, but no one else seemed bothered. Glancing over at Tella, it seemed as if she was having a silent mental discussion with Dani. Their expressions changed here and there but no words were said aloud. Lydia seemed less involved but stayed at Tella’s side, slowly taking in the damage of the previous fight around her.

  Marella walked slowly over to us. She patted Melly on the shoulder before stopping in front of her. “You can return home now, but I understand you may need a moment.”

  Melly frowned at her before looking at me. “What about my sister?” she asked as she turned back to Marella.

  Marella looked at Melly softly but didn’t hold back. “Your sister has been through a lot. I cannot set her soul right to just be returned. I am unsure if Tella or Dani can, but for the moment they need to figure out the best plan for my troublesome kind.”

  “After all that she can’t just return? She deserves to!” Melly demanded, her voice quivered in worry and fear.

  “I’m not surprised.” I truly wasn’t. That last little death probably should have done me in. “I really shouldn’t have made it this far.”

  Marella, to my surprise, nodded. “It was very hard to keep you together, let alone twice.”

  I should have known she had a hand in it. “What happens from here is it. I have no regrets.” I pulled Melly close and squeezed her tightly. “It’ll be okay. Things will somehow work out, even if I can’t be there.”

  Melly buried her head in my chest. “I’d rather they somehow work out with you there.”

  “I know, it was always fun together, but life happens. I’m really sorry life had to happen this soon.” I gave her an extra tight squeeze.

  “If you enjoy complicated decisions no one should make without extra thought, I may have an idea,” Dani stated.

  I hadn’t noticed the three walked over. I let Melly go. “What idea?”

  Tella cleared her throat. “Dani and I can’t exactly leave here. It needs restructuring, and when we do get rid of most of the angels and demons we’ll need to rework the flow of magic from other sources.”

  “Like Dreamers?” Melly asked curiously.

  “Dreamers are a great start, but it will help tremendously if they come from a place of power.” Lydia smirked.

  “What do you mean then?” Melly frowned. I had to admit, I wasn’t sure either.

  “Magic can be returned to your realm,” Tella clarified, “but it’ll need to start somewhere, and the exposure you’ve had to the magic here is just enough to start it, but not maintain it.”

  “What could maintain it?” This sounded exciting and I wanted to know every bit of it.

  “The three souls that won’t be eliminated today,” Dani replied firmly. “Most of the angels and demons need to be eliminated, some few sent on. Three are better off being reborn.”

  “What?” Melly and I asked together, surprised any would be surviving the elimination round.

  “Marella knows how to wipe their minds so the past is lost.” Tella glanced over at Marella. “I don’t want to know how she knows this, but, maybe if raised up correctly and uncorrupted, we can let these souls grow.”

  “I can’t raise crazy demon angel hybrid souls.” Melly shook her head.

  Tella nodded. “I wouldn’t expect you to.” She turned to me. “You, however…”

  “Would do it, yes.” I nodded. “Though, aren’t I fairly stuck here? Can’t I not return?”

  Dani nodded. “As you are now, yes, you would be stuck. Which is why we will stress this decision should be made carefully.”

  “Okay, think things through, got it. Now what are you getting at?” I tried not to sound demanding, but I was simply too curious. How could I return home?

  “You see,” Marella happily jumped in, “my kind really only had six individuals by the end of things. Several souls had been shattered and others raised up to be similar to us. In order to preserve ourselves, we found a way to tie ourselves to things that we could always find, like desperation or hope. If these remaining few souls could be tied to something similar and new, and then connected to you, that would give your soul enough strength to return, though with the added consequence of also needing more of whatever you’re tied to for strength and longevity.”

  “That sounds…” I was lost for words.

  “Weird,” Melly finished for me.

  “Yes, very odd.” I nodded at my sister. The demons and angels lived off of different things such as hope or desperation. With their magic, I could live off of that too. “What is one thing that is always easy to find, that can be gotten without harming another?”

  “Music,” Melly replied without another thought. “A waterfall is it’s own song, the birds singing, crickets chirping, it’s just everywhere if you listen.”

  I shouldn’t have been surprised the one named Melody would have that as her answer. I smiled. “I like that, I like that idea a lot.”

  Tella frowned at Marella. “Your kind lived thousands and thousands of years, and you went for desperation and fear? You could have gone for something easily found instead of creating havoc and mayhem. Why would you choose to live preying off of others?”

  Marella shrugged. “The life of an instigator, which is why I suggested new ties.”

  “Will that impact you?” I asked her curiously.

  “Me? Oh no. I won’t be going through this process.” She smirked, a little too happy with her answer. “They’re stuck with me just the way I am.”

  “The joy is mine.” Lydia sighed tiredly while Marella gave her a little harder than not joking punch in the side.

  “And I adore you too.” Marella smiled wickedly at her before turning to us, “Now go think on things.”

  “Oh, that decision is already made, but I’d like to see how things get resolved here first,” I replied confidently.

  “I figured.” Melly laughed. “But yes! What’s left here?”

  “Mayhem,” Marella replied before the others could give an actual reply.

  Tella sighed. “If you wish to see, come along then.” She motioned for us to follow.

  Finally, things would be right once more.


  It was wonderful working with Tella. She was more than open to a lot of suggestions we had. In the end, they decided to give those ready to leave this realm an easy way out. The spirits trapped here welcomed the idea. Asher chose to stay, but several of the watch as well as the inside decided to leave. No one wanted to die, but plenty were ready to move on.

  There still seemed to be no fix for Dreamers. They still managed to sneak onto this plane as if it were nothing. No one really understood how it worked, but it was an easy way to visit, and one I learned to control with magic.

  The magic boom was something Kegan was preparing for back in our home realm. She had a feeling one day, our world would see magic again and had several ideas on how to help ease the world back into it. Her best suggestion to ease everyone into it was the dream.

  Everyone back home had the same dream over and over for weeks. One that said and showed magic was coming back. Th
en, it happened. Everyone under the age of four started to show signs of magic.

  Most of the world was able to cope.

  Some not.

  There were those who believed it was a sign of devils and demons coming to destroy them. Key mentioned that was the case in her lifetime as well. I suppose some things never really change, but they were in the far minority.

  While Tella and Dani could not leave the realm of spirits, the other Creators could. The five came back and helped with the transition, with showing magic. Some considered them gods no matter how much they declined the title.

  Marella, however, relished in the worship.

  Melly loved helping with the transition, but I couldn’t join much, despite having returned with little issues back to my fishing village. I had my own three to teach, and their magic was very out of control to start. I hadn’t expected to be given toddlers. The Creators said I needed to know nothing about their past. It would be better to let things grow naturally.

  And grow, they did.

  I was thankful that for their efforts, the Creators gave Benz and Mare a second chance at life. Together, they helped me with my new task. Benz loved having a new opportunity to come back and give back. The mistakes he made were well shoved into the past.

  He still had trouble sleeping with some of his dreams turning on him. Memories of the fog were hard to erase. I would often wake up, having to calm him.

  “It’s just a dream,” I’d readily reassure him. “Those creatures are gone.”

  Benz would roll over and hold me tightly. The feelings he had for me were easier for him to express in these gestures. He’d kiss me on the forehead before replying the same phrase after those nightmares. “Thank you, love.”

  As for Mare, transitioning back to real life was hardly a challenge. Mare had no desire to return to her original home, and instead joined the rest of us in my village. Her love of magic and excitement about normal mortal creatures helped her fit in easily. She easily learned the village people’s names, and helped them accept the strange transition stage their lives were in.

  Now that there weren’t artifacts to hunt and people to save, I could finally breathe a little easier. Adventures with raising beings that were once demons and angels were enough of a handful. Magic was wielded on accident and without thought. A challenge I preferred to how my life had been.

  Thankfully, Kegan was a frequent and helpful visitor. She never really would explain what she was, but I knew she was very old, and had seen more than her share of things. Sometimes, if I was lucky or the kids were being good she’d tell us stories from her life. It was easy to get lost in them.

  Then one day Kegan surprised me with a tale I never expected to hear. One I wasn’t sure if any of the others even knew. Her eyes were alight with just a hint of mischief as she started.

  “Let me tell you the tale of how I met my late husband. He was a bard once, you know…”

  The End.

  Books by J.E. Mueller

  A Tune of Demons

  Fire’s Song

  Spirit’s Lullaby

  Dreamer’s Melody

  A Tune of Demons Complete Box Set

  Fairytale Adventures

  An Unexpected Brew

  For the Guild

  Of Beasts and Bells

  Once Upon an Adventure


  All creatures, encountered or not.

  1st Floor Guide:

  Hedgeish: Small, knee high electric creatures that have a hedgehog like appearance. Their shocks are rarely deadly, but they attack in large numbers to make up for their lack of power.

  Polycoy: Otter-like creatures that were formally outdoors before being brought in by Marella. Highly poisonous. Prefers to hunt things that run. Primarily lives in the pond room. Can be distracted with a game of fetch. (Only three remain: Midge, Nidge, Whiskers)

  Bringets: Pigeon-sized rainbow birds. They prefer to attack lone individuals with food. Rarely spotted unless you’re in fact alone, with food. Their sharp beaks can take off fingers.

  Chamtongs: Take on the appearance of paintings and small mundane objects like candlesticks and serving trays. They attack with the blunt force of their chosen form. Easy to escape from.

  2nd Floor Guide:

  Taggollur: Armored snail-like creatures that leaves a trail of fire. Attacks based on movement. Carries a war axe made of smoldering coal.

  Moglozas: Armadillo-like creatures with gold glowing eyes that spits globs of slime which contain electricity. Primarily causes damage by rolling at targets.

  Semill: Floating giant eel. Tries to eat whatever it sees whole. While fast, they are easily distracted. Often are attacked by Taggollur.

  Third Floor Guide:

  Agmon: Creatures with bat ears and blades for arms. They are too tall for the hallways and must hunch over. Known for devouring magical essence and skewering targets.

  Flounwick: Guppy faced creatures that shoots spikes rapid-fire from its mouth. Their overall derpy appearance makes many drop their guard.

  Nadikas: Salamander-like creatures the size of a large dog known for spitting fire. They sneak up on their targets by climbing along the ceiling.

  Nipems: Bruised, multi-armed creatures known for regrowing limbs and turning invisible. They can only attack while visible.

  Estella: Banshee-like being known for attacking based on eye contact. Likes to rip off faces. Last of her kind. Unknown type of wraith.

  Fourth Floor Guide:

  Bantercog: Cat-like creatures the size of a door. Prefers to sleep most of the day. Has a gray and brown silk coat with black spots. Hunts similarly to a tiger.

  Pincrest: Small ragdoll-like beings with a pinecone head. Shrieks once target is located and attacks with sticky projectiles. If target is hit with one, they stand a chance of sticking to other objects such as the wall, floor, statues, and so on. If spotted, run.

  Soot Ball: Black fluffy balls that looks like soot. Travels silently. No visible eyes, but has very large, sharp teeth.

  Basement Guide:

  Spiders: Come in all types. Can be venomous or shoot acid. Nearly harmless in smaller forms.

  Nightwing: Oversized bats with wings somewhat resembling the Agmon. Can fly if big enough. Does venture outside, returning to the caves and tunnel during the day.


  Dilus: Known for high pain tolerance. Hunchback creatures with spider legs that appears to be wearing a cloak. Spear like arms make them very deadly.

  Daidogze: Ice deers with multiple legs and intricate horns. Very few left in existance.

  Faretary: Wood dwelling creatures with spiky arms and feathers covering the majority of its body, making features difficult to properly identify.

  Vainlith: Werewolf-like hybrid creatures with gray skin, patches of hair, and orange glowing eyes. Tends to stay deep in the woods where it is darker and cooler.

  Trembtic: Dark creatures that are nearly invisible at night. Can be spotted in the darkness only by their glowing red eyes. They appear to be human

  Mithlans: Live in the black lake, only leaving the waters after nightfall. They have a mermaid-like appearance with gills along the neck and fins along the elbows. Primarily they drown their prey. If they leave the water to hunt, they try to force their meal back into the waters.

  Ragnest: Slow moving creature with a hunched back. Known for finding its way inside and trying to stab at targets with the two long talons on either arm. Its mouth never closes, and contains an extra row of teeth. Easy to lure back outside.


  There are so many people to thank, and thank again. To Aud for being my first beta reader. To Kelly for believing in me and helping me initially publish this, and bringing me full circle to the Fallbrandt family. To Geetha, for devouring this book and then never leaving my side. I can’t believe this was the start of my journey. Of course to Elly, for inspiring my publishing journey. I still can’t think of a more original wedding gift.

First round editing thanks to Lemons To Lemonade. Second round to Michael and Cody. A huge thank you to Ravenborn Covers. I am still in love with this design.

  About the Author

  Mueller is a midwesterner who was born and raised in IL where she currently resides. While unicorns and magic sparked an interest in the genre, it was childhood friends that convinced her to write, and turn to a life of whimsy. Mueller has been described as two penguins in a trench coat though nothing has been proven just yet. Currently, Mueller is focused on writing all things magical and adores having characters battle curses, tangle with spirits, and face off against wicked family members for a chance at a better ending.

  J.E. Mueller Useful Links:

  Author Website

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  GoodReads Page

  Bookbub Page






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