The Consolations of Mortality

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The Consolations of Mortality Page 30

by Andrew Stark

  self: abandonment of, 55–63; alienation from (see self-alienation); authentic (see authentic self); biographical information about, 133–34; changes over time of (see under time); components of, 227; continuity of, 66–68, 176–77, 189, 252–53n6; creation of, 94; death’s relationship with, 2–3, 46; detached view of, 59; different parts of, 26; distinctive personality and, 176; earlier versions of, 159–60; existentialist view of, 71, 77; factors in, 161–64; as illusion, 3, 61, 230; invisibility of, 78; life vs., 45, 57–58; as mental construct, 52, 66; metaphors for, 158–61, 166, 167, 168; movement through time of (see under time); nonexistence of (see no-self); Parfit concept of, 66, 94–95; possibilities for, 92–93; presence of, 101; singularity of, 75–76, 77, 176

  self-aggrandizing, 59, 60

  self-alienation, 159, 170, 177, 178, 180, 181, 189, 192, 252–53n6; avoidance of, 182; flow vs., 186; perpetual, 159

  self-consciousness, 186–87

  self-effacement, 58–69

  selflessness, 57–58, 64

  self-love, 60

  self-reference, 58–60

  Seneca, 32–33, 50

  sexual experiences, 177–80, 183, 213; erotic memories of, 106–7. See also romance

  Shakespeare, William: Hamlet, 199; King Lear, 215; Romeo and Juliet, 259n3

  Shaw, George Bernard, Back to Methuselah, 192

  Shawmut, Herschel (fictional), 151

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe: “Death,” 215; “Ozymandias,” 141–42, 250n13

  ship planks metaphor, 158, 159, 160, 161, 166, 167

  Shtigo, Srin (fictional), 257n17

  Signoret, Simone, 169

  silence, 108, 109, 197, 198–99, 259n3

  Silverstein, Harry, “The Evil of Death,” 235–36n24

  Simpsons, The (TV program), 46–47

  Singh, Vijay, 62

  singularity, 70–78, 127, 135, 205

  Sisyphus (mythical), 201

  Sixteen Candles (film), 115

  sleep, 197–200, 201

  Sloane, Everett, 75

  Smith, Zadie, White Teeth, 172

  Socrates, 47

  Solon, 34, 37

  Sorensen, Roy, 255–56n10

  soul, 138–39

  sound. See silence

  sour-grape strategy, 238n18

  Spacks, Patricia Meyer, Boredom, 154

  spatial nostalgia, 169, 172–73, 174; temporal nostalgia vs., 173

  sports titles, 32, 37–38, 39, 40, 224; jersey retiring and, 99–100, 105–6, 108

  Stanfield, Robert, 113–14

  Stanley, Paul, 87

  statues, 94, 95, 105, 108, 109, 141, 219, 220, 221

  Stendhal, 151

  Stewart, Jimmy, 76, 77, 208

  Stewart, Martha, 58

  Stillman, Whit, Metropolitan, 222

  Stoics, 43–45

  Streep, Meryl, 39

  Stumm, General (fictional), 126–27

  Styron, William, 199

  Styx (rock band), 86

  subjective consciousness. See consciousness

  successes. See accomplishments

  suffering, 220, 221

  suicide, 191, 192, 193

  supercomputer, 204, 205, 211

  superconsciousness. See cosmic consciousness

  superintelligence, 186, 187, 204, 204–5, 207

  Sylvanshine, Claude (fictional), 164–65, 166

  Szatera, Ludwik (fictional), 262n15

  Tabler, John, 86

  Tantalus (mythical), 201

  teletransportation, 63–66, 68–69, 242–43n32

  Templeton Foundation Immortality Project, 207

  temporality. See time

  temporal nostalgia, 168–69, 172–74, 175

  “temporary” death, 154

  terrifying incidents, 254, 255n9

  That Championship Season (J. Miller), 32–33, 37, 39, 48, 49–50, 73, 94

  Theseus, ship of, 158, 167

  Third Eye Blind (rock band), 38

  Thomas, Dylan, 197–98

  thoughts: as defining self, 167; higher-level of, 102; immortal boredom and, 166, 170; time and, 161–63, 168, 171

  Tillich, Paul, 71, 74

  time: day-to-day approach to, 161–63; as dimension, 235–36n24; events in, 90, 254–56nn9–10; flow and, 186, 188; given moment in, 47–48; loss and, 214–15, 217; movement through, 16–18, 30, 118–19, 132, 180, 202, 219–21, 224–30, 231, 232, 252n6; nostalgia and, 168–69, 172–74, 175; ordinary understanding of, 246n42; packing events into, 255–56n10; “quick days” and, 184; self’s relationship with, 28–31, 46, 91–93, 94–95, 159–63, 168, 189; slowing down of, 182, 254–55n9; speeding up of, 183–85, 188–89; stopping in, 219, 220, 221, 228, 229; transience and, 223–24. See also immortality

  timelessness. See eternity

  titles, 38, 39, 40–41

  Tolstoy, Leo: Croesus and Fate, 34; The Death of Ivan Ilych (see Ivan Ilych)

  torpor, 151

  Townsend, Tom (fictional), 222

  transience, 223–24

  trophies, 32, 224

  Trudeau, Margaret, 209

  Trudeau, Pierre, 113–14, 209

  Turgenev, Ivan, Diary of a Superfluous Man, 13–14

  Unamuno, 135

  unconscious memories, 102, 103, 247n19

  unconsciousness, 205, 208

  unhappiness, 34, 35, 37, 191, 236–37n7

  universal mind. See cosmic consciousness

  unknowns, 126–32

  Updike, John, 213; Rabbit at Rest, 106, 107

  U.S. Open, 40

  Vaillant, George, 114, 115

  Vancouver Mounties (baseball team), 136

  Van Tricasse family (fictional), 167–68

  Vashti, Queen (biblical), 106, 107

  Velleman, J. David, 45–46, 94, 220–21, 239n25; “So It Goes,” 25–28, 29, 30

  Verne, Jules, Dr. Ox’s Experiment, 167–68

  veterans’ license plates, 133–34

  Vinge, Vernor, 204

  vivid experiences, 74–75, 77–78, 139

  Wallace, David Foster, 151, 156, 187; Pale King, 164–65, 166

  Walsh, Peter (fictional), 217, 218

  Washington Post, 169–70

  Wegner, Daniel, 206–7; “Don’t Fear the Cybermind,” 207

  Weidenfeld, George, 15

  “We’ll Be Together Again” (song), 215

  West, Kanye, 41–42

  White, Carol J., 92

  White, Edmund, 31

  White Spot (hamburger chain), 134, 136

  Wilde, Oscar, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 88, 219, 220, 221, 229

  Williams, Bernard, 158–59, 160, 165–66, 168

  Winehouse, Amy, 85

  Wirtz, Derrick, 236–37n7

  Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 104

  Woods, Tiger, 62

  Woolf, Virginia, Mrs. Dalloway, 217, 218

  world-weariness, 154

  wrapping things up, 15–17, 22

  Yang Zili, 185

  yearning, 42, 43, 44, 45, 66; for immortality, 133; spatial-temporal, 170, 171, 172

  Zarathustra (fictional), 81, 83

  Zelazny, Roger, The Immortal, 257n17




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