The Hybrid Media System

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by Andrew Chadwick

  intermedia agenda setting, 63

  internet. See also blogs; social media

  advertising and, 53

  allopoietic nature of, 47–48

  archival aspects of, 48

  breaking news and, 51–52, 188–89, 202

  Conservative Party and, 90, 187, 226–30

  hybridity and, 16, 45–48

  hypermediacy and, 30

  interactivity of, 46–47, 51, 63, 66, 92, 202–3

  investigative journalism and, 54

  Labour Party and, 187–88, 197, 226, 230

  metadata and, 48

  mobile access and, 50–51, 57–59, 65, 176

  news aggregation sites and, 62, 188

  versus newspapers, 51–54

  Obama for America’s strategies for, 130–45, 147–48, 155–56, 160–69, 174–76, 287

  paywalls and, 53

  penetration rates of, 50

  political candidates’ websites and, 62, 176

  political fundraising innovations of, 143–45

  print culture and, 45–46

  real-time nature of, 47–48, 189

  versus television, 51–52, 58–60

  transmediality and, 66–68

  trends in Great Britain, 49–57

  trends in the United States, 57–65

  U.S. presidential elections and, 60–63

  video and, 59–60, 62–63, 66, 166–69

  Westminster lobby journalism and, 186–91

  Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channels, 124

  iPhone. See mobile devices

  iPlayer (BBC), 49, 52, 57, 200, 202

  Ipsos MORI, 93

  Iraq Body Count, 105, 112

  Iraq war, 104–5, 112, 119, 199, 208

  Isaby, Jonathan, 226

  Israel, 105

  Issenberg, Sasha, 269

  ITN (Independent Television News), 81–82


  audience of, 51

  Bullygate and, 80–82

  Kuenssberg and, 190

  Marsh and, 202

  prime ministerial debate and, 87–90, 92–95, 99

  Straw and, 196

  Ivory Coast, 116, 221

  Iyengar, Shanto, 57

  Jackson, Lucas, 243, 249

  Janack, James, 159

  “Jay” (former OFCOM official), 211

  Jefferson, Thomas, 11

  Jenkins, Charles, 30, 44

  Jenkins, Henry, 66–67

  “Jim” (former senior journalist at the BBC), 214–16

  “Joe the Plumber” (Joe Wurzelbacher), 138, 140, 142–43

  Johansson, Scarlett, 169, 244

  “John” (senior official in the Foreign Office), 232

  Johnson, Alan, 79

  Johnson, Boris, 192–93

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 155

  Jones, David, 80

  Jónsdóttir, Birgitta, 113, 123

  Judd, Ashley, 244

  Kaplan, Jordan, 280

  Karpf, David, 238

  “Kate” (former official from Prime Minister’s Office), 232–34

  Kay, John, 86

  Kearney, Martha, 86

  Keller, Bill, 116, 118–19, 121–22, 125, 129

  Kellner, Peter, 196

  Kelly, Gavin, 78

  Kelly, Megyn, 257

  Kennedy, John F., 88, 163–64

  Kenya, 114

  Keohane, Robert, 20

  Kerry, John, 133, 141, 155, 175

  Kessler, Glenn, 247–48

  Killough, Ashley, 247

  Kinder, Donald, 57

  King, Larry, 178

  King, Oliver, 77

  Knight Foundation, 108

  Koh, Harold, 120

  Kraidy, Marwan, 18

  Kreiss, Daniel, 151–52

  Kuenssberg, Laura

  BBC and, 189–90

  Bullygate and, 84, 86

  internet and, 51, 189–90

  prime ministerial debate and, 92

  Twitter and, 86, 186, 189–90

  Kurtz, Howard, 178

  Labourlist (blog), 95

  Labour Party. See also Brown, Gordon

  blogs and, 231

  Bullygate and, 76, 78–79, 81, 83–86

  campaign field operations and, 230–31, 236, 238

  e-mail and, 236

  general election campaign (2010) and, 230–32, 235–39

  Hain scandal and, 56

  hybrid media strategies of, 230–32, 235–38

  internet and, 187–88, 197, 226, 230

  Left Foot Forward and, 195–96

  press officers and, 232–35

  prime ministerial debate (2010) and, 96–97, 99

  social media and, 90, 186, 231–32, 235–36

  Twitter and, 90, 186–87, 236–38

  YouTube and, 232–34

  Lamo, Adam, 110

  Landale, James, 82

  Latour, Bruno, 16–17, 29

  Laughlin, Joe, 64–65

  Left Foot Forward (blog), 95, 195–99

  Legend, John, 169

  Leigh, David, 103, 110, 119–22, 127, 208

  Le Monde (French newspaper), WikiLeaks and, 105, 117, 121–22, 209

  Leveson Inquiry, 211, 213

  Levitsky, Stephen, 12

  Lewis, Julian, 198–99

  Lewis, Paul, 206

  Liberal Democrats. See also Clegg, Nick

  coalition government and, 1, 3, 223

  post-debate surge and, 95–96

  social media and, 71, 96–97, 99

  Liberal Democrat Voice (blog), 95

  Libraries of the Future (Licklider), 45

  Libya, 106, 281

  Licklider, Joseph, 45, 48

  Liddle, Rod, 212

  Lieberman, Joe, 106, 123

  Lippmann, Walter, 35

  “liveness,” 3, 48, 90–91, 139

  Livingstone, Ken, 192

  Loach, Ken, 127

  London Assembly, 192–93

  London riots (2011), 210

  Lott, Trent, 63

  Louis XIV (king of France), 34

  Lownsbrough, Hannah, 218, 221–24

  Lubbers, Eric, 271

  Luhmann, Niklas, 48

  Lukes, Steven, 19

  Lumière brothers, 30, 46

  Luntz, Frank, 95

  Luther, Martin, 33

  “Macedonian news factory” (Veles, Macedonia), 272–74

  Machlup, Fritz, 45–46

  Macrory, Henry, 227

  Maguire, Kevin, 99

  Mail on Sunday (British newspaper), 75

  mainstream media, evolving nature of, 69

  Mair, Eddie, 203

  Mandelson, Peter, 78–79, 82, 85–86, 92, 191, 230

  Mann, Michael, 22

  Manning, Bradley, 110, 117

  Manning, Lucy, 80–82

  Manovich, Lev, 46–47

  Margolis, Jim, 134, 139

  Marsh, Kevin, 202–3

  Marshall, Gordon, 12

  Marvin, Carolyn, 28–29

  “Mary” (senior campaign official for Labour), 217, 230–31, 235–37

  Mascolo, Georg, 120

  MasterCard, 123–24

  Matrix film trilogy, 66

  Mawer, Philip, 85

  Mayorwatch (blog), 192

  McBride, Damian, 56, 234

  McCain, John

  “Bomb Iran” video and, 168

  Bush and, 137

  campaign autobiography by, 159

  campaign finance and, 134–35, 138, 155–56

  CNN and, 178

  internet campaigning and, 139–40

  “Joe the Plumber” and, 142–43

  Obama “celebrity” ad and, 164–65

  Palin vice-presidential selection and, 177–78

  Republican Party convention (2008) and, 141

  Republican primary (2000) and, 145

  McCann, Madeleine, 215

  McCarthy, Kerry, 78–79, 84

  McCarthy, Smári, 113

  McCord, Ethan, 113

  McCrory, Henry, 187

; McDonald, Terry, 13

  McLuhan, Marshall, 28

  McNair, Brian, 20

  McQuail, Denis, 5, 19

  media. See also media systems; specific media

  commercialism and, 25, 34–35

  definition of, 29

  entertainment functions of, 34–35

  genres in, 15–16

  government regulation of, 210–13

  information functions of, 34–35

  newness and, 29–31

  older and newer as relative terms and, 4

  political systems and, 23–26

  professionalization of journalism and, 34–35

  public monopoly model of, 35

  social responsibility theory of, 35

  media logics,

  concept of, 4, 22–26

  broadcast media and, 95–96, 263

  campaigns and, 6–7, 96, 140-41, 151–52, 154, 156-57, 170, 181–83, 256, 263

  digital media and, 119-20

  mass audience and, 25

  Trump’s campaign and, 270

  vs. media logic, 22–26

  mediamorphosis, 31

  Media Performance (McQuail), 5

  MediaQuant, 259

  Media Research Center, 164

  media systems

  actors within, 183–85

  definition of, 19

  Great Britain and, 4, 26, 49–56, 185–213

  media logic and, 23–25

  norms in, 183–85

  political systems and, 23–26

  power relations within, 23, 183

  United States and, 4, 26, 35, 57–65

  Westminster Lobby journalism and, 186–92, 213

  megaplatforms, 275, 289

  Meek, James, 120

  Meet the Press (NBC program), 137, 159, 248

  Méliès, George, 30

  memes, 64, 168, 276

  memetic metaphor claiming, 242, 246, 284

  Membersnet, 231

  Mercer, Robert, 265–66

  Messner, Marcus, 63

  Microsoft, 61–62

  “Mike” (director of the London office of an international public relations agency), 237–38

  Miliband, Ed, 186, 235

  Minitel (France), 42

  Miranda, Luis, 280

  Mitchell, Greg, 103

  mobile devices

  British political class and, 235

  campaigns and, 167–69, 176–77, 182

  Camp Obama and, 149–51

  internet access and, 50–51, 57–59, 65, 176

  multiple functions of, 29

  news and, 69

  penetration rates for, 50, 57–58

  Twitter and, 191

  video streaming and, 2, 49–50, 59

  WikiLeaks and, 109, 120

  Moir, Jean, 212–13

  Montgomerie, Tim

  Bullygate and, 76, 80, 85

  general election campaign (2010) and, 226–27

  prime ministerial debate and, 92

  Moore, Michael, 127

  Moreno, Javier, 106

  Morning Edition (NPR program), 165

  Motion Pictures Association of America, 124

  Mottola, Chris, 140

  MoveOn (American political movement), 2, 18, 140, 168, 217–18

  Moyers, Bill, 171

  MSN, 60–62, 89

  MSNBC, 61, 137, 139, 165

  Munday, Rod, 11

  Murdoch, James, 3, 223

  Murdoch, Rupert, 3, 53, 207

  Muybridge, Eadweard, 46, 135, 145, 148–49, 228, 228

  myPersonality Project (University of Cambridge study), 265

  MySpace, 148

  Nagourney, Adam, 154

  National Bullying Helpline, 70, 79–87, 194

  National Organization of Women, 244

  National Security Agency (United States), 104

  Natural History (Pliny the Elder), 10

  Nayak, Navin, 279

  NBC (National Broadcasting Company), 43–44, 59, 251

  Nederveen Pieterse, Jan, 18

  Neij, Fredrik, 109

  “Neil” (former official from the Prime Minister’s Office), 232–33

  Nelson, Fraser, 198

  Netvibes, 232

  networked activism, 64, 214

  network power

  theory of, 20–21

  campaign videos and, 182–83

  media logics and, 285

  “newer media.” See also internet; social media

  hypermediacy and, 30

  immediacy of, 29–30

  interactivity and, 46–47

  media and political elites’ relations in, 24–25

  media logic and, 4–5, 26, 57, 74, 96, 101, 126, 136, 171, 215, 286–89

  real-time aspects of, 47

  relationship with older media and, 4–6, 8, 18–19, 40, 42–43, 53–54, 56–57, 63, 66–69, 131, 181–83, 190, 199, 202, 214–15, 285–86

  social norms in, 29, 37, 42

  technological aspects of, 37, 42

  Newman, Cathy, 199–201

  News at Ten (ITV program), 202

  News Corporation (Murdoch), 3, 53, 207, 211. See also specific media outlets

  news cycles, 72–73, 76, 101

  news frames, 71, 74, 94–95, 101, 128, 197

  Newsnight (BBC program), 94–95, 98

  News Now (ABC program), 169

  News of the World (British newspaper), 3, 207, 211, 215

  newspapers. See also print media; specific newspapers

  bloggers and, 63

  Bullygate and, 70, 75–78, 81–85

  campaign news and, 60

  campaigns and, 142, 161, 171

  competition with television news, 30

  electric light and, 39–40

  versus internet, 51–54

  local, 161

  MPs’ expenses scandal and, 54–55

  “phone broadcasting” and, 40

  Prestel and, 42

  radio and, 31, 41

  regulation of, 210–213

  Smeargate and, 56

  social media and, 55

  as source of information, 31, 51

  Trump and, 250–263

  U.S. presidential campaign (2008) and, 61

  U.S. presidential election (1892), 39

  user comments and, 55

  News That Matters (Iyengar and Kinder), 57

  News World Communications, 174

  The New Yorker (U.S. magazine), 175, 182

  New York Post (U.S. newspaper), 164, 250

  The New York Times (U.S. newspaper)

  campaign autobiographies and, 159–60

  coverage of U.S. presidential election (2016) and, 282

  Democratic primary (2008) and, 132

  inauguration crowd stories (2017) and, 243, 248

  McCain and, 178–79

  Obama campaign and, 154, 170, 172

  Palin and, 179, 182–83

  U.S. presidential campaign coverage (2008) and, 61–62

  Vietnam War and, 114

  WikiLeaks and, 104–5, 109, 115–22, 125, 128–29

  Nielsen, Rasmus Kleis, 73, 143

  Nixon, Richard, 88

  nonlinearity, 13, 290

  norms. See also hybrid norms; 20–21, 22–24, 28–29, 100, 118, 128, 129, 146

  North Korea, 106

  NPR (National Public Radio), 165

  Nuttall, Sarah, 80–81

  Nye, Joseph, 20

  O, the Oprah Magazine, 133

  Obama, Barack. See also Obama for America

  autobiographies of, 158–60, 250

  Berlin speech (2008) by, 163–64

  CNN-YouTube debate and, 166–67

  Democratic Convention speeches by, 161, 164–65, 171

  Democratic primary and, 131

  foreign tour (2008) by, 163–64

  fundraising and, 132, 133–35

  general election campaign of, 131

  “Joe the Plumber” exchange and, 142
  Muslim rumor regarding, 174–75, 182

  National Constitution Center speech and, 171–72, 182

  presidential inauguration (2009) of, 243, 246, 248

  presidential inauguration (2013) of, 240–41, 247–48

  Obama for America

  American Stories, American Solutions (documentary-infomercial) and, 139

  Bittergate and, 172–74, 182

  campaign events and, 160–62, 165–66, 246

  campaign outcomes and, 7, 154–56

  campaign war room of, 131–32, 145–50, 153, 156–58

  Camp Obama gatherings and, 149–51

  celebrity endorsements and, 133, 169

  community organizing principles and, 150–51

  data analytics and, 148, 152–53

  Democratic Party convention and, 141–42, 162, 164–66, 171

  Democratic primary campaign and, 132, 135–36, 140–41, 147, 152–54, 160–62

  early voting and, 152

  e-mail strategies of, 147–48, 152–53, 155, 160, 174–75

  focus groups and, 132

  fundraising and, 132–36, 138, 144–45, 153, 155, 160, 173, 176, 264

  Hispanic voter registration and, 150–51

  internet advertising and, 138

  internet strategies of, 130–45, 147–48, 155–56, 160–69, 174–76, 287

  journalists and, 153–54

  McCain’s “celebrity” ad and, 164–65

  new media staff and, 147

  online video and, 161

  opposition research and, 132

  phone banking and, 151, 162

  “press ads” and, 139–40

  press office of, 147

  radio and, 134, 136

  re-election campaign (2012) and, 259, 267

  SMS text messages and, 176–77

  social media and, 147–48, 155, 176, 256

  television advertising and, 134–36, 138, 146, 156

  television strategies of, 130–46, 155–56, 160–69, 172, 181–82

  visual art and, 159, 168

  volunteers and, 136, 146–51, 153

  voter turnout and, 155, 268–69

  Wright affair and, 132, 169–72

  YouTube and, 139–41, 156, 160, 170–71

  Obama Minute campaign, 162

  The Obama Nation (Corsi), 175

  The Observer (British newspaper), 55, 70, 75–79

  Occupy movement, 64

  O'Connor, Mary, 86

  O'Donnell, Gus, 77–78, 82, 86

  Office of Communications (Great Britain, OFCOM), 88, 185, 211, 214

  “older media”

  adaptation by, 16, 31, 52, 62, 75, 205–6, 215, 247, 286

  fact-checking and, 247

  media logic and, 4–5, 26, 74, 96, 126, 136, 151, 181, 288–89

  relationship with newer media and, 4–6, 8, 18–19, 40, 42–43, 53–54, 56–57, 63, 66–69, 131, 181–83, 190, 199, 202, 214–15, 285–86

  Oliver, Jamie, 16

  O’Loughlin, Ben, 67, 69

  On Expenses (BBC show), 16

  online video, political campaigns and, 167–69, 180

  ontology, definition of, 11


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