No Stone Unturned

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No Stone Unturned Page 54

by Frank Morin

  "Is that why you arranged for me to return?" Verena's voice startled Connor from the darkness behind them.

  He spun, his heart singing to see her standing near the edge of the roof, dressed in her tan flying leathers, her face and hair recently cleaned, and her broken nose repaired. She had never looked more beautiful.

  "Wait? You arranged to meet up here?" Connor looked from one to the other, more confused than he'd ever been. The two girls were staring at each other, neither concealing their hatred.

  Verena took a careful step forward, her right hand poised over a satchel hung over her shoulder, which no doubt carried her arsenal of stones. "At first, I thought the message a trap and I came here to kill you."

  "Why didn't you try?" Shona asked, not looking intimidated.

  "You're actually alone." Verena took another step forward. "I could have ripped you apart a dozen times before you could even attempt to tap granite, but I'm curious what you intend."

  Connor knew what Shona intended. He prepared to tap granite, which he had made sure to acquire before answering her summons, and spun to restrain her. Instead of leaping at Verena to rip her apart with granite-hardened hands, Shona paced away and leaned against the outer rail above the long drop down to the ground below.

  Verena approached and slipped a hand into Connor's. He shared an incredulous look with her, then Shona turned to face them.

  "I'd kill her now, despite what you'd think of me, Connor."

  The fact that she phrased the threat that way gave him a tiny flicker of hope. "Why aren't you going to?"

  She returned to him, and Verena stepped to the side, hand slipping into her satchel. Shona ignored her and cupped Connor's cheeks with both of her hands. "I want you for myself, and I will not share you with that chattel in the other houses. Catriona and the rest cannot have you!" She spoke fiercely, but sorrow filled her eyes with unshed tears.

  Was she serious? He had no idea.

  Then she kissed him lightly on the lips and leaned against him. He glanced at Verena, who stood with her hand still inside her satchel, her expression dumbfounded.

  Shona sighed. "We could have been so perfect together." She held his gaze. "Our lives are complex, dear Connor, but never doubt I was truly looking forward to spending my life with you."

  Connor didn't trust himself to speak. His emotions were in turmoil. He hated her for what she'd done to Verena, but he was awestruck that she would consider releasing him to Verena over sharing him with all the other noble houses. That suggested a level of concern he hadn't thought she possessed.

  Shona retreated a step. "As much as I hate the thought of Verena having you, I will not share you with Catriona and all those other weaklings."

  "What are you talking about?" Verena asked.

  "The king wants to breed me with all the noble families," Connor explained with a grimace.

  Verena gasped. "You people are disgusting."

  Shona hesitated. "Why do you think you're here?" She stroked Connor's cheek. "Go before I realize what a fool I'm being."

  Her sudden change of heart shocked him to the core. He had convinced himself she was an uncaring monster, driven only by self-preservation and ambition, but she actually cared? Before the warmth of that genuine love, his hatred wilted.

  He took her hands in his. "Shona, I never wanted to hurt you. All I ever wanted was to serve you."

  "I know." She gave him a sad smile. "But you were never mine to own, were you?"

  She threw her arms around him and kissed him with desperate passion.

  Verena stalked forward, but Shona broke off the kiss to snarl, "Give us a minute! You've already stolen him from me. Do not deny me this."

  Verena frowned, but sighed and released the stone she'd held clenched in her fist. "I'll wait over there."

  Shona turned back to Connor and he took her hands in his. He didn't understand this conniving daughter of a terrifying high lord, but he could appreciate this kindness. "Thank you."

  She kissed him, and he tried kissing her back. Shona took her time and kissed him thoroughly, a long, sensual kiss filled with real passion and honest regret. It left him breathless and shaken.

  Verena was going to punch him eighteen times for that one.

  "The next time I see you, I expect another one of those," she said with a mischievous smile.

  "Don't bet on it!" Verena shouted from the far side of the veranda.

  "Will you be all right?" he asked. How could he properly thank her? What would happen to her? He hadn't told her what her father had attempted to do to him. Did she know? Was it all part of her plan? If so, then in releasing him, she was taking a terrible risk of angering him.

  "I'm fine knowing you asked."

  She pushed him gently away and he was not about to refuse the chance at freedom. He rushed across to Verena and swept her into his arms.

  She gripped his collar, her face scant inches from his, her expression fierce. "If you ever kiss that woman again, I'll rip your lips off."

  He tensed for a blow, but instead she pulled his face forward and kissed him soundly. Her kiss was far simpler, but he'd never felt the depth of emotion from Shona that poured from Verena. His pulse pounded, and his own passion responded to hers, like living fires intertwining with them.

  That kiss left him grinning like an idiot, savoring the fading minty taste of her lips.

  "Get out of here before I kill her," Shona shouted.

  Verena led him to the edge and untied a rope looped around one of the veranda rail posts. She used it to draw the Swift up out of the shadows. Its thrusters were humming softly, barely generating enough air to keep it aloft.

  Verena settled into the seat and Connor stepped into the stirrups on the back. As she pivoted away and increased the power to lift them into the sky, Connor glanced back. Shona stood in the center of the Veranda, one hand raised in farewell, tears glittering in the light of a single lantern.

  Only when he could no longer see her without quartzite assistance did he allow himself to believe it was not all just another trap. He really was free!

  Connor laughed as the weights and cares of the day fell away. He placed a hand on Verena's shoulder to convince himself she was really there and not about to disappear as part of a crazy dream.

  As they soared off into the deepening night, Connor could not help but marvel at Shona's unexpected change of mind.

  He really hadn't known her at all.

  Chapter 91

  Shona stood on the rooftop veranda looking up into the air long after Connor disappeared into the darkness, taking with him all of her hopes and dreams. His laugh echoed softly from the sky, mocking her grief. His leaving filled her with bittersweet sorrow and buckets full of lingering doubts.

  Could she have played her hand any differently, somehow arranged events better?

  A soft footstep turned her around.

  Her father stepped out of the shadows, dressed in sturdy outdoor clothing so unlike his normal fine suits. He walked with the help of a cane, and winced with each step.

  "What happened?" Shona cried, rushing to him.

  "I'm fine, my dear," he said, but his voice sounded distant and strained.

  Shona wiped uselessly at her tear-streaked face, but couldn't contain her sorrow. Her father wrapped her in his arms and held her as she sobbed into his chest. Only after the storm of emotion eased did he tip her chin up to look her in the eye.

  He gave her an approving smile. "Well done, my dear. That was brilliant."

  Shona sniffled away the last of her tears and wiped her face dry with the sleeve of her silk dress. She squared her shoulders and returned his smile.

  "Thank you, father. I only ever want to please you."

  Petralist Stones

  Three for the masses

  Two for the many

  Four for the privileged few



  Speed, agility

  Tapped: Powder through the skin

brion: Strider

  Granadure: Wingrunner


  Strength, summoning

  Tapped: Powder through the skin

  Obrion: Boulder or Fast Roller

  Granadure: Wingrunner


  Magnifies innate abilities

  Tapped: Powder through the skin

  Obrion: Blade

  Granadure: Allcarver




  Tapped: Held or worn

  Obrion: Solas

  Granadure: Solas



  Tapped: Held or worn

  Obrion: Healer

  Granadure: Healer




  Tapped: Under the Tongue

  Obrion: Firetongue

  Granadure: Flameweaver


  Air, Senses

  Tapped: Placed in Mouth

  Obrion: Pathfinder

  Granadure: Longseer



  Tapped: Soles of feet

  Obrion: Sentry

  Granadure: Sapper



  Tapped: Powder swallowed with water

  Obrion: Spitter

  Granadure: Water Moccasin

  New Stones!


  Igneous Stone

  Explosive Power

  Tapped: Powder through the skin

  Obrion: Unknown

  Granadure: Unknown


  Igneous Stone

  Rage Monster

  Tapped: Powder through the skin

  Obrion: Unclaimed

  Granadure: Rampager

  Anthracite (Blind Coal)

  Sedimentary Stone

  Aggressive Slipperiness

  Tapped: Held or worn

  Obrion: Unknown

  Granadure: Unknown


  Metamorphic Stone


  Tapped: Unknown

  Obrion: Unknown

  Granadure: Unknown

  Author’s Note

  If you enjoyed this book, I'm hoping you'll do me a huge favor and consider posting an honest review on your favorite sites. Amazon reviews help the most, and Goodreads reviews are very valuable, but don't feel limited. Blog about the book, tell all your friends, buy copies for everyone who lives in your city - whatever you feel is enough to share how much fun you had reading this book.

  I had a ton of fun writing it.

  Reviews help more than you know. They directly help the book become more visible, which is the best way you can support me, one of your favorite authors besides going out and buying all of my other books, of course.

  Thank you!

  Support from you, my readers, is the only way I can succeed as a writer. You're awesome for finishing the novel and actually taking time to read the boring Author's Note.

  Thank you!

  Really, I mean it. I hope you return to my imaginary worlds often.

  No Stone Unturned was a major project, and it's the best chapter of the Petralist series so far. I'd feel sad that it's over, except now I can get to work on book four of the series - and that one's going to be even more amazing! I am really really thrilled to get that next draft completed and get it into your hands. If you thought the adventures Connor and his friends have had so far have been awesome, strap in for a wild ride as this story prepares to really take off!


  Book three, and the world of the Petralist just keeps growing in scope, complexity, and awesomeness. Development of this novel was challenging on many fronts, and more people assisted than I could possibly name. To you all, I say, "Thanks!"

  As always, my family are my greatest fans. Kate and Kyle are the think tank that never fails to churn out great ideas, while Emily and Jacob pour endless enthusiasm into the mix. My wife Jenny is the fount of all the magic in my world.

  Several of my core Fast Rollers team have moved on to college, but the team is thriving with enthusiastic new members. Thanks to all of them for their unwavering support, particularly those who eagerly attended feedback sessions over chocolate-waffle-ice-cream-sandwich sundaes. Gabby Ridenour, Eve Ledesma, Emily Pool, Josh Lee, Tammy Willian, and Gavin Johnston. You're all elite Guardians.

  Brad Fraunfelter delivered another stunning cover, and Joshua Essoe is in my opinion the most brilliant editor on the planet. His deft touch and brutally honest insights helped me carve away the excess and reveal the shining heart of the story. And Jared Blando delivered more outstanding illustrations for the new stones.

  Thanks to all the many fans who have been clamoring for the book.

  Please start clamoring for the next one.

  Other Works by Frank Morin

  The Petralist Series

  Set in Stone - Book One

  A Stone's Throw - Book Two

  No Stone Unturned - Book Three (You're reading it!)

  The Facetakers Series

  Face Lift - Prequel short story

  Saving Face - Prequel

  Memory Hunter - Book One

  Rune Warrior - Book Two

  Aeon Champion - Book Three (Release date in 2017)

  Short Stories

  Odin's Eye - Part of the Red Unicorn Anthology - A Game of Horns

  Only Logical - Part of Unseen: United! Box Set Anthology to raise funds to fight plagiarism

  The Essence - Part of the Dragon Writers Anthology (Release date in Q4 2016)

  About the Author

  Frank Morin loves good stories in every form. When not writing or trying to keep up with his active family, he's often found hiking, camping, Scuba diving, or enjoying other outdoor activities.

  Frank writes all types of fantasy, from his exciting Facetakers sci-fi time travel thrillers (with cool rune magic) series, to these popular Petralist novels, and more. Check his website for updates and to sign up for his newsletter to receive the latest on all his releases, scheduled events, and insider information:

  Or you can follow him on Twitter: @MorinWrites

  Or like his Author Facebook page:

  Frank lives in Oregon with his family, who are both his most rabid fans and his most brutal critics. In their home, storytelling is a cherished family tradition that keeps magic alive.

  Frank is also part of the Fictorians, a group blog by writers for writers and fans of great writing. Check out their web site at

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Book 3 of the Petralist

  Map of Obrion

  Map of the Carraig

  Map of the Known World

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59

  Chapter 60

  Chapter 61

  Chapter 62

  Chapter 63

  Chapter 64

  Chapter 65

  Chapter 66

  Chapter 67

  Chapter 68

  Chapter 69

  Chapter 70

  Chapter 71

  Chapter 72

  Chapter 73

  Chapter 74

  Chapter 75

  Chapter 76

  Chapter 77

  Chapter 78

  Chapter 79

  Chapter 80

  Chapter 81

  Chapter 82

  Chapter 83

  Chapter 84

  Chapter 85

  Chapter 86

  Chapter 87

  Chapter 88

  Chapter 89

  Chapter 90

  Chapter 91

  Petralist Stones



  New Stones!

  Author’s Note


  Other Works by Frank Morin

  About the Author




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