Cam's Chance (Arrowtown Series Book 5)

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Cam's Chance (Arrowtown Series Book 5) Page 17

by Lisa Oliver

  “We’ll worry about that next week,” Doc said firmly, putting the wand in a holder and handing Fergus some tissues. “I’ll leave you alone for a few minutes, Fergus. I believe Cam has some groveling to do, then I’ll come back and we can talk diet, rest and exercise.”

  “Thanks, Doc.” Fergus cleaned up his stomach. Cam mentally whacked himself around the ears. How could I even think…?


  I’m not dying of some mysterious illness. Those drugs aren’t having an effect on me anymore, or the baby and now I know I’m just suffering from morning sickness. All ticks in the plus column. Fergus sat up, throwing the dirty tissues into the bin and reaching for his shirt. He felt surprisingly happy about the impending birth. Sure, it was a shock when the doc told him, but the ultrasound confirmed what the pee stick told him. Now what to do about my clueless mate?

  Pulling his shirt over his head, Fergus asked, “Who told you I was at the doc’s?”

  “Liam.” Cam sounded distracted. “He was worried you’d taken up a delivery service, Rocky would never get any work done if that was the case.”

  “Uh huh.” Fergus swung his legs over the side of the bed but remained sitting on it. “I am guessing you realized after talking to Doc I wasn’t a slut before we met, I didn’t trick you into claiming me, and that the baby is yours.”

  Where Cam’s cheeks were red before, now his skin was pale. “I wasn’t thinking. I’ve never been in this position before. The words came out, and then the damage was done, and fuck, I don’t know what to say now.”

  “Hmm, well good thinking that words have power and it’s really hard to walk back something stupid when you’ve said it out loud. Maybe my influence is rubbing off on you at last.”

  “It is.” Cam nodded, not looking at him. “It definitely is and it’s a good influence too. A great influence, that you have on me I mean.”

  Fergus hated that his huge mate looked so unsure of himself. In every other situation Cam was a confident god who walked among mere mortals. It was touching that he felt he could be this vulnerable in front of Fergus, but it was totally unnecessary. Fergus had been hurt, but only for a moment. He’d been shocked when the doc had told him as well.

  “I’m guessing, if in other matings one person put their foot in their mouth and said the wrong thing, the first thing the offender would say when they realized their mistake was that they were sorry.”

  “I am so sorry.”

  “And then, because we’re in a doctor’s office, and we have had some big life changing news, they would probably say something like, I’m really blank, blank, blank learning about the new baby, with you filling in the blanks of course.”

  “I’m thrilled. I’m stunned. I’m over the moon. I’m scared. I’m anxious. I’m worried. I’m happy, oh, my gods, I am so happy. I’m…”

  “Just like a new dad would be hearing the news.” Fergus reached out, pulling a willing Cam closer so he could rest his head on his mate’s stomach. “I’m all of those things too, but the main thing I feel is total confidence, because I’ve got you and I know nothing will ever harm our little one with you around.”

  “I won’t let you down.” Cam’s arms rested on Fergus’s shoulders and Fergus could feel fingers threading through his hair. “I won’t let you or the little bump down. I’ll make mistakes. I’m sure I will. I haven’t got a clue about how to be a father. But I’m a fast learner.”

  Fergus looked up. “You never did tell me what happened to your parents.”

  “Because there was nothing to say.” Cam’s jaw set in a tight line. “I never knew my father. I remember my mother, vaguely. From the time I could walk I was often left on my own, and then one day she just never came back. I never heard from her again.”

  Oh no. Fergus rubbed up his mate’s arms, offering him comfort. “How old were you when she left?”

  “Nine, ten, something like that. Times were different back then. No one blinked an eyelid at a child alone. I guess she owned the house because no one kicked me out of it, but I lived alone until I looked big enough to join the army.”

  “How old were you then?”

  “Fourteen, fifteen. Just after my first shift. I had a lot of catching up as far as schooling went. I’d never been to school and could barely read or write, but the guy who signed me up liked my size and I learned as I got on.”

  “Oh, babe.” Fergus’s heart melted for the young man Cam had been – so alone in the world with no one to hold him and let him know he was going to be okay. Fergus had been alone too, not much older than Cam had been, but he’d always known his momma loved him unconditionally. “Our child won’t grow up alone.”

  “No, they won’t.” Fergus smiled as a touch of Cam’s confidence showed in his voice.

  “They’ll be loved, cared for, taught how to cope with life’s ups and downs,” Fergus continued softly. “Safe in the knowledge their parents love each other forever more.”

  “I do you know.” Cam nodded. “I love you so much sometimes I think my heart’s going to burst with the wonder of it.”

  “I love you too.” Fergus realized in that moment that was the first time he’d actually said the words. “I will always love you.”

  “And our little fig.”

  That wasn’t a question, but Fergus nodded anyway. “Come on,” he said, suddenly needing to get Cam alone and out of the doctor’s office. “Let’s call Doc back in, find out how long I’m going to be allowed to have sex for, and then head home for the afternoon. I think this sort of news deserves a nap time.”

  “Nap time?” Cam hugged him close and then let him go.

  “You know, naked in bed in the middle of the afternoon when everyone else is busy working – that sort of nap time.”

  “Ah,” Cam smiled, looking almost giddy. “The non-sleep nap variety. I like it.” He sobered up, leaning forward and dropping a kiss on Fergus’s nose. “Congratulations, babe. I’m really truly happy I’m going to be a daddy.”

  “Congratulations to you too, babe. After all, you were part of this too.” Although Fergus wished he hadn’t mentioned that last part as for the next hour Doc drilled them on everything from vitamins to sexual habits. What was worse was the number of pamphlets Cam left with, including a do’s and don’ts list a mile long. By the Fates I hope this baby takes after the dragon shifter’s side. Otherwise, it was going to be a very long pregnancy.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  It was time, Cam could feel it in his bones. For the past three mornings he’d woken up in his animal form, his face resting against Fergus’s baby bump. And it was a huge bump – five months in the making, during which time Fergus had smiled, joked about not seeing his feet and been the model of patience even when Cam tried to forbid him from working. In short, his mate had had an amazingly hassle-free pregnancy.

  The same couldn’t be said for Cam. He worried – a lot – about all sorts of things. Was the baby growing the way it should be, was Fergus getting enough rest? Was his diet nutritionally balanced enough to give their new baby the best start in life? What type of shifter would the baby be, or was his genetics such a pea soup of different animal types, would the baby even shift at all? And if the young one couldn’t shift – what then? Would they be bullied and tormented in a shifter town, would he and Fergus have to move?

  Fergus, bless his big and open soul, took all Cam’s worries and let them go. Just poof – gone – something Cam still couldn’t work out how to do even after seven months of living with his mate’s beaming smile. He remembered grumbling about it to Ra once, after a few too many whiskeys in the bar. But Ra wasn’t any help either and he had three kids. He just said what would happen would happen, and there was nothing Cam could do about it until it did.

  But now it was happening. Today was the day. Cam fretted even as his animal side sniffed along Fergus’s baby bump and then licked it. The birth was going to be a c-section. He and Doc had discussed it at length. Because Fergus was only half dragon, they couldn
’t trust his magical nature would come to the party on the day, so Doc wasn’t taking any chances.

  Which meant Cam had to call him as the Doc would need time to prepare. And that meant shifting and finding clothes because walking naked down their road once was enough. Mrs. Flaherty still winked at him, every time they passed in the street and Cam could only wonder what she was doing peering out of her curtains in the middle of the night.

  The baby. His animal side was getting most insistent and willingly let Cam’s body morph into his human side. Fergus was still sleeping – his full lips open slightly, gently snoring. But as Cam watched, Fergus flinched and his hands went to his belly, stroking it. When it happened for the second time, Cam moved.

  Snatching the phone from the side of the bed, Cam hurried into the bathroom and closed the door. Pushing the number he had on speed dial, he was thankful when Doc answered after the second ring. “It’s time,” he said quickly, keeping his voice low. “My animal’s screaming at me, and Fergus is flinching in his sleep and rubbing his belly.”

  “It matches the dates we had,” Doc said brusquely. “Bring him in and don’t forget a bag of clothes for the little one.” He disconnected the call before Cam had a chance to ask anything else.

  Think of this like a military operation, Cam told himself as he peed, then washed his face and hands. Operation bring baby home. The nursery was ready – Mrs. Hooper and Marybelle being surprisingly helpful on what was needed. It seemed like everyone in town was holding out for the birth, offering gifts and suggestions in equal measure.

  And now it’s time. Going back into the bedroom, Cam silently got dressed, hunting for the bag Fergus had packed the week before. It was all ready. Cam couldn’t help but pick out one of the little onesies Dave Hooper from the bar had bought for the baby. It was bright red, with a honey badger snarling on the front of it and the words “My dad’s a badass, what’s yours?” Just one more little thing my mate does for me, choosing this as the baby’s coming home outfit, Cam thought fondly as he put it back in the bag again.

  Okay. I’m ready. Cam strode out of the room. He was almost at the door when he stopped himself. Damn idjit, Cam slapped his head, dropping the bag and rushing back to the bedroom.

  Fergus was awake, his eyes sleepy, his hand moving restlessly over his bump. “Did you forget something, mate of mine?”

  “It’s time, isn’t it?” Cam came over and caressed Fergus’s bump. “Our little one wants to see your smile.”

  “And feel your hugs,” Fergus smiled, but it was tight. “Can we?”

  “Going now.” Cam found a pair of sweatpants, the only thing that fit Fergus anymore and gently eased them over his mate’s legs. “Do you need to pee, or…”

  “I don’t think we have the time. I’m a little worried if our little fig doesn’t get out soon, they’re going to develop claws and cut their own way out.” The fact that Fergus let his wince show, while awake, was telling.

  “You’re in pain.” That went against everything Cam stood for. Whisking Fergus into his arms, he ran through the house, out the door, totally forgetting the bag, his boots pounding on the footpath.

  “Cam. Babe. The bag.” Fergus was trying to be reasonable; Cam knew that was just who his mate was, but there were tight lines around his mate’s gorgeous mouth and eyes, and Cam wasn’t going to allow that a second longer than necessary.

  “Later.” There was no way of knowing how long Fergus had been in labor. For fuck’s sake. I was sleeping. How the hell could I sleep at a time like this? I should’ve known… I should’ve…

  Deputy Joe was just coming out of the Doc’s home as Cam ran up. “Leave it open. Emergency coming through.” Yes, he was yelling, but who the hell cared. Ignoring Joe’s knowing smirk, at least the deputy left the door open, Cam barely noticed Joe tipping his hat to Fergus as Cam pushed them past him.

  “Doc. Doc.” Was Cam still yelling? It seemed he was, because he got a headshake from the man who was at least dressed in scrubs and looked professional enough.

  “Put him on the bed, then wait outside.”

  “Outside! You’ve got to cut him now.” Cam managed to be gentle placing Fergus on the bed, but he was ready to tear strips off Doc. “I have to be here.”

  “You will get outside, now. I’m not fighting your animal when he smells your mate’s blood. I need to be focused on Fergus.” Doc pointed at the door.

  Cam was torn. Fergus was in pain. The baby needed to be born. But he couldn’t let Doc cut into him without being there. A Komodo dragon. I can take him. No. No. No. Now Cam was warring with his animal side. We need the doc. But… but… He whirled as hands gripped his biceps, while an arm wrapped around his neck. “What the hell?” Liam, Deputy Joe and Rocky were all hanging onto him and dragging him towards the door. “I’ve got to…”

  “Doc said out,” Rocky grunted. “Good luck, Fergus. We’ll make sure this one doesn’t come to any harm.”

  “Love you, babe,” Fergus called out cheerfully, and that was the last thing Cam saw as Mal of all people closed the door, blocking his view.

  “You fucking assholes.” Now Cam was mad. Twisting and kicking out, he tried to get free, but it was a lot harder in his human form. “You motherfucking pieces of shit. I’ll get you for this. That’s my mate in there. My baby.”

  “Right outside,” Rocky ordered quietly, tightening his grip around Cam’s neck. “We can’t leave him in the waiting room like this. He’ll scare women and children.”

  “You can’t do this to me.” The men had dragged Cam right out of the house, still kicking and yelling for all he was worth. On the street, Cam tried to get traction with his boots, but the damn shifters holding him were too strong.

  “Pubs not open yet,” Joe said cheerily. His hair was mussed, and he seemed to be limping slightly. “The alley might be a good place to sit on him, until Doc is done. Taking him to the diner isn’t fair on anyone else.”

  “I’ll do you, you fucking bastard.” Cam would not give up. “I thought you were my friends.”

  “We are your friends, numbnuts.” Mal stepped in front of him, chin raised as if daring Cam to hit him. Which Cam might have done, if it wasn’t for the fact that a bloody lion and a bull shifter were hanging onto his arms, and his neck was being squished by a cocky wolf. “Doc needs to focus. Fergus is a half-breed; he doesn’t know what’s going to happen when he cuts your mate open.”

  “That’s why I need to be in there,” Cam snarled.

  “No. You don’t.” Rocky grunted as Cam threw some of his weight into his shoulders. “Your animal is a give no shit, take no prisoner, hard ass type. One whiff of blood, and there’s no telling what you would do. Now settle the fuck down and be reasonable about this.”

  “Reasonable? What the fuck is reasonable about you guys ambushing me, in front of my mate?” Cam was panting so hard he could barely speak.

  “I’m not allowing you to tear strips into my mate for doing his job.” Joe grunted under the effort of holding him. “In ten minutes, this will be over, and you can see Fergus and the new baby. Ten minutes. You just need to calm down.”

  “I need to smash someone, and you’re a handy target.” Cam tried to do just that, but Liam was hanging off his other arm. “Fuck, you guys eat far too much of my mate’s baking. At least let me get a punch in.”

  “I’m already going to have bruises,” Liam snarled. “You’d better hope that baby of yours is cute, otherwise you’re going to have a pissed off wolf and a phoenix after your ass.”

  “The baby. Fuck.” All the fight went out of Cam like someone had flicked a switch. “The baby’s coming… today… like in the next ten minutes. Oh, my gods, what if they look like me?”

  “Finally.” Cam felt the weight of Rocky’s body against his back and the hold around his neck loosened. “The big guy finally gets it.”

  “You don’t know the sex of the baby yet?” Mal asked, pulling up an old beer crate and sitting on it.

  “Fergus wanted it to
be a surprise.” Cam shook off the holds on his arms and from around his neck, leaning against the wall rubbing his face. “I didn’t care either way, but shit, what if the little tyke is like me?”

  “Personally, I’m hoping for someone more like your mate,” Rocky said. “We already have a good bar, but you can never have too many bakeries. I think there should be one on every street corner.”

  “That’s only because then you wouldn’t have to walk so far to get your fix,” Mal teased, slapping his friend in the leg. “The walking is good for you, burns off all those extra calories.”

  “He won’t let me use the patrol car to buy supplies,” Rocky said mournfully. “He considers it a waste of resources.”

  Cam snorted and then laughed. It wasn’t so much what Rocky said, but the puppy dog look on his face was hilarious. Mal must have been immune, because he just laughed too. And then Cam had a horrible thought. “Oh, no. I forgot the bag Fergus packed for the baby. It’s still sitting just inside the front door of the house.”

  “Well,” Joe said, grinning as he pulled out his phone, and glanced at the screen. “Now the danger to my mate has passed, I’ll pop along and pick it up. I doubt you even thought to close the front door, running like a maniac down the street. Congratulations, daddy. You have a beautiful nine-pound five-ounce baby boy.”

  “I’m a dad. Oh, my fucking gods, I’m a dad, guys. Did you hear?” But Cam didn’t wait for a response. He was running around Doc’s house, bursting through the door.

  Marybelle and Mrs. Hooper were hovering by Doc’s surgery door, Marybelle moving her chair out of the way as soon as she saw him. “Everything went perfectly,” she said with a huge smile. “Go in and meet your new son.”

  “How did you know?” Cam meant to call her. In fact, he distinctly remembered promising her that he would.

  “You men,” Mrs. Hooper scoffed. “Like anything would happen in this town without us knowing about it. You yelling your silly ass off all the way down the street was clue enough. Look at the state of you.”


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