Jameson's Addiction

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Jameson's Addiction Page 15

by Glenna Maynard

  “What?!” She shrieks. “You can’t put me out. Not with what I know about you,” she threatens, and Peyton looks to her father.

  “What’s she mean? What does she have on you?”

  “I did some things I’m not proud of on some development deals. Real estate. I could go to prison, but it doesn’t matter now that you’re grown. I’ll serve five years or at best house arrest. I was young and your mother had died, and I needed the money. Eventually I was just in too deep. I stopped around the time you turned ten. Barb found out when I hired her as a receptionist at the firm, and she blackmailed me into marrying her. At first, I thought I could grow to love her, because you needed a mother, and she promised to love you as her own, but she’s just a cold-hearted bitch. So now you all know. You want to talk to the police, you do that, Barb, but don’t forget if you do, you won’t get a dime from me in the divorce. If you go quietly, you’ll get fifty-thousand and not a penny more. I’m sorry, Peyton.”

  “Oh, Dad. All I ever needed was you. Not your money.” She hugs her father as a pinched face Barb looks like she might faint. “I’m sorry you felt you had to do that to take care of me and got saddled with such a bitch in the process. I wish I had time to stay here talk with you, but I think you have your own problems, and I am flying out to LA to record my album. You’ll hear about it in the news tomorrow over your morning coffee, but just know whatever they say it’s not true. I hope you’ll be happy for me and Jameson. He’s back in my life, and I couldn’t be happier.”

  “That’s all I ever wanted for you, Petty.” He reaches a hand out to me. “Treat her right this time.”

  “I will.”

  He nods and they embrace again. We leave her father to deal with Barb and finally have the truth. Barb paid that shady doctor to abort our child. I think Peyton and I are both feeling that loss all over again, but this time we have each other.

  I have the driver take us to the house I bought. It’s Peyton’s last night in Nashville for a while, but I want her to know that I’m serious about her—about us. She’s been lost in her own thoughts the whole way here and when we exit the car she is looking around in wonderment. “Where are we?”

  “Home,” I tell her simply.

  “What?” She breathes the word out.

  “I bought this house with you in mind the moment I stepped foot back in Nashville. There’s even a mother-in-law cottage on the property that would be perfect for Nana and Pappy. It’s a new build, never lived in. The man who built the home died before it was finished, and his daughter lives in New York and wanted to sell. After you record your album and do whatever you need to, I’m going to bring you back here.” I tuck her hair behind her ear. “And then, I’m going to marry you, Peyton Mathews.”

  A tear trickles down her cheek and she laughs. “Aren’t you supposed to ask me first?”

  I smirk. “Nope. Not asking. I’m telling you. You’re going to be my wife, and we’re going to have babies and have dogs and chickens. Maybe horses. I don’t know, but whatever you want, I’ll make it yours. I promised you the fairytale, and I intend to deliver.”

  “I love it—you. It all sounds so perfect.”

  “Let’s go break the place in.” I wiggle my brows at her, and she kisses me.

  Chapter 32


  She was a blue jean baby

  product of a broken home

  she had her mother's eyes and her daddy's smile

  a young girl trying to make her way

  She was a blue jean baby

  living on a hope and a prayer

  wishing to know if dreams come true

  would she ever find her way home

  She was a blue jean baby

  walking down a broken road

  a shattered heart tumbling in the wind

  She was a blue jean baby

  holding onto her grandmother's rosary

  the only thing left of home

  She was a blue jean baby

  She was a reflection of me

  “Let’s go again from the top,” Steven says through the loudspeaker.

  I know my voice sounds like shit right now. I’m just not feeling this music. It’s not me.

  “Can we take five? I’m out of water.”

  “Yeah sure. Time isn’t money.”

  “Smartass,” I mutter under my breath forgetting he can still hear me.

  “I heard that,” he quips.

  I smile and remove my headphones. “Oops.” I exit the recording booth and grab a new bottle of water, twisting the top off.

  “You doing okay? You’ve been off all day?”

  Steven is my producer and a bit of a hard ass, but I like him. He’s older and has that fatherly vibe about him. Like I could go to him for advice about anything and he would genuinely want to help me. “I miss Jameson as usual, but this music…this whole identity the label has created, it’s not me, and it doesn’t work. You know it doesn’t. I’m not a country singer or a bubblegum pop singer.” I point at the photo they did for my album cover and it’s pretty, but it’s me blowing a big pink bubble and dressed like I am ready to announce the winner of the prettiest pig contest at the county fair.

  “So, who is Peyton Mathews?”

  I smile. “Let me show you.” I go back into the booth after handing him a sample of the music track, I made with the band when we were goofing off after our last session.

  My voice comes out sultry and whispery.

  Pictures of you sent earlier in the day

  Light up my screen

  Every night I wait for your call baby

  I burn to hear your voice

  Your country cool

  Every day I ache for you baby

  Your pictures light up my phone like a motion picture

  But they don’t compare to the real thing

  Another day goes by without you baby

  I burn bright

  Missing your touch

  Needing you here

  I burn bright

  And fade out fast

  I need your country cool

  Your hands on my hips

  Your taste on my lips

  I’m wasted and crazy

  I need you here baby

  I’m ready for you to save me

  Call me your lady

  I burn bright watching your life on my phone like a motion picture

  Wearing your favorite perfume

  Wanting your touch

  Call me your lady

  “Now that’s how you make a first single.” He high fives me after finishing the mix. “I tell you what, Peyton. This shit could get me fucking fired, but I’ve been in this business a long time. I know a hit when I hear one. Meet me tomorrow down at the beach. I have some friends. We’re going make your first video and leak it to Musictube through the right people. The label won’t be able to say no once you go viral.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “I don’t joke about music. I’m going to send my daughter over to do your look with you tonight. She’s in wardrobe at one of the studios. She’ll know what to do.”

  I feel on top of the world when I leave the recording studio. I’ve hated everything the recording label has been having me do. None of it has felt right and has made me look like a freaking joke. The press has been up my ass still over this Viola pregnancy cheating schedule. Wes has been eating it all up too. Giving interviews like we were madly in love and he’s a jilted groom. Jameson wants to leak the fact that Wes put his hands on me, but I don’t want to ruin the guy’s life. I just hope in time he will move on with his life after he has his five minutes in the spotlight.

  I’ve been in LA for five weeks and the story is as hot as the day it first broke. Viola is milking all the attention for what it’s worth. She smears mine and Jameson’s names every chance she gets.

  I’m the villain playing on your radio

  Got my red dress and high heels on

  Lips painted red like in the magazine spread

>   I’m the girl you love to hate

  The other woman you made me out to be

  Far from sugar and vanilla

  I’m filled with poison but still have grace

  Singing my venom on your radio

  Haunting your stereo

  The other woman

  Got my red dress and high heels on

  Lips painted red like in the magazine spread

  Things have been rough. Jameson went as far as hiring me a bodyguard for when I go out because I received death threats calling me a homeworker. People can be so mean behind their keyboards. They don’t even know me, and they hate me. Some have said they would buy my music just to burn it. It’s pretty fucked up. Of course, Jameson has received his own fair share of hate, but for every fan who has turned on him, there are five more ready to defend him. In their eyes he’s a God. I am just an evil temptress, and no one is good enough for their man.

  The guys in Jameson’s band have been welcoming. Mainly Austin. He’s picking Ruby Jane up from the airport. Jameson convinced Thea and Rodney to allow her to come out and spend the week with me. I can’t wait to see a familiar face. They should be at the house by the time I get there. I’m staying at Jameson’s place. It’s nothing like the house he bought back in Nashville. All windows and ultra-modern, a true bachelor’s pad with everything stainless steel and black leather.

  The gate closes and my bodyguard opens my door and sees me safely inside. It gets annoying having a babysitter, but I know it is for my safety. “Thanks, Frankie.”

  “No problem, Ms. Mathews.” He’s a large man with a bald head who wears nothing but suits and dark sunglasses. He is all business too.

  “I told you to call me Peyton.” He doesn’t respond and when I open the front door, I hear Ruby Jane’s loud voice echoing off the walls.

  “Peyton!” She squeals taking a run at me and nearly tackling me to the ground.

  “Easy. I think you squished a kidney.” I laugh, hugging her back. “I’m so happy you’re here.”

  “Me too. I am so sick of touring colleges.” She rolls her eyes. “This house is bitchin’.”

  “It totally is. How was your flight?” We walk toward the kitchen, and I drop my bag on the counter. Austin is in the living room watching some stupid Hollywood gossip show. And of course, Viola is on there with live coverage of her A-list baby shower.

  “It was okay. I sat next to this really cute surfer. I got his digits too and thought maybe you could take me to this party he invited me to.”

  Austin’s head snaps in our direction and he has this weird almost jealous look on his face. I tuck that away for later though. He is way too old for her and I think Jameson would kill him. “How old is this surfer?”

  “Not too old,” she evades answering, and I laugh.

  “I’ll think about it,” I respond, watching Austin from the corner of my eye, but he appears oblivious to the conversation now. I look back at the TV and want to scream. The tagline for their piece is Jameson Lewis’ love child gender reveal coming up next.

  “Ignore her, Peyton. She will get hers when Jameson gets the court order on that DNA test. He’s got that attorney your Dad recommended working on it.”

  “I know. It’s just she infuriates me. She’s a big boobed Barb,” I grumble and Ruby Jane giggles. My Dad got a rush put through with the divorce. Barb took her settlement and ran. I hope it is the last we see of the bitch. She was forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement about being married to my father and anything to do with me or Jameson before she was given her money

  “A what?” Austin asks, looking over at us as I take some strawberries and fruit dip from the fridge.

  “A royal see you next Tuesday,” Ruby Jane tells him, and he doesn’t get it based on the blank expression on his face.

  “A cunt,” I inform him with a laugh.

  “Noted.” He winks at Ruby Jane and she blushes. God, they have trouble written all over them.

  “You know she just graduated from high school, don’t you?” I point out.

  “Shut up,” she hisses, and he looks surprised I am calling him out.

  “She’s your best friend’s little sister and like seven years younger than you. He’ll bury you in the backyard.”

  “It’s not like that,” he lies with a red face.

  “Whatever you say, but it’s your funeral,” I warn. I don’t get to say anything more because the gate intercom is buzzing. Steven’s daughter is here. That man works fast. Layani is amazing at her job, and I can see her being someone I’d want to hang out with. She’s a little older than me, a single mom who lives and breathes fashion. I make her promise to let me treat her to lunch soon for the look she put together for me.

  It’s so not something I would have ever dreamed of picking for myself. I am a jeans and t-shirt girl, but when I put on this red satin dress that has a retro Hollywood feel about it, I’m in love. It fits me like a glove. Ruby Jane smoothed my hair into big waves, and I put on my red lipstick. Austin is whistling when we ask for his opinion.

  The next day Ruby Jane and Austin accompany me to the beach. Steven ends up casting them as love interests in the shoot against my reservations, but I go along with it. I’m on the pier with one of those old-style microphones, lip-syncing to the song. The guy filming it all gets a few shots of Ruby Jane having a picnic on the beach and rolling around in the sand with Austin. Jameson is going to have a shit fit.

  I’m your pretty little doll

  Dress me up in lace with diamonds and pearls

  Take me anywhere you want

  Pose me pretty for all to see

  Paint my face with a smile

  I’ll always be your favorite girl

  Unbreakable and bendable

  Pose me pretty for all to see

  I’ll do whatever you like

  Paint my face with a smile

  I’ll always be your favorite girl

  I’m better than all the rest

  Strip me bare and start all over again

  I’ll do whatever you like

  Paint my face with a smile

  I’m your favorite doll

  Take me off your shelf

  Dust me off and make me pretty

  Dress me in diamonds and pearls

  It will take a few days for the final video edits to be done, but I have a good feeling about it, and I trust Steven. When Jameson called me for our nightly chat, he was not pleased to hear his sister and best friend were fake making out on the beach for the shoot. They never actually kissed though. I didn’t need Thea and Rodney’s permission because she’s eighteen and signed her own release form. I can’t sleep I am so excited about the video, and I miss Jameson terribly. Filming for the show was delayed by a week when Harvey Grant suffered a mild heart attack. I don’t want to say that karma is a bitch but she kind of is.

  I’m lying in this massive bed alone, tossing and turning, wishing I could feel my man’s arms wrapped around me when the bedroom door opens, and a bag drops to the floor. Jameson smiles at me, and I pinch myself to make sure he’s real before hurling myself from the bed and into his awaiting arms.

  “Oh my God. You’re here!” I scream loud enough to damage his hearing as I plant kisses all over his face.

  “You okay?” Austin comes rushing down the hallway to investigate the noise in his boxers followed by Ruby Jane rubbing her eyes with messed up hair and all hell breaks loose simultaneously. None of us were expecting him yet.

  “You’re a dead man,” Jameson seethes, and I slide down his body.

  Ruby Jane looks confused, and Austin is backing up slowly holding a hand over his crotch. “Nothing happened. It’s not like that,” he swears as Jameson pushes past his little sister and tackles his best friend to the floor. I tried to warn them.

  “Stop it, J,” Ruby cries as his fist slams into Austin’s jaw. “Peyton, do something,” she whines, stomping her foot at me.

  I do the only thing I know that can get their attention. I make
my way around the brawling pair and grab the kitchen sprayer and turn it on them. “Enough,” I shout, and they freeze looking up at me.

  Austin shoves Jameson away and gets to his feet, wiping the blood from his split lip.

  “You’re dead to me,” my man seethes, fury raging in his eyes.

  “You’re mad now, but you’ll get over it,” Ruby Jane states calmly. “I’m eighteen, and I am going to college in the fall, so I’m an adult. Deal with it. I like Austin and he likes me.”

  “You could have any woman in the world, and you choose my baby sister.” He shakes his head and stomps down the hall.

  Austin scratches the back of his neck wearing a guilty expression as Ruby Jane inspects his busted lip.

  “Maybe you should go home,” I suggest. “It’s probably going to be better if you’re not around in the morning. He’ll come around. Just give him some space,” I tell him. Ruby Jane kisses him, and I look away. She’s all grown up now. Jameson will have to face the fact eventually. “Good night you two.” I leave them to it and go in search of my man.

  Chapter 33


  “Is this night really happening?” I look at Peyton as she approaches me slowly.

  “Afraid so,” she says softly, sinking down on the bed next to me wearing one of my t-shirts. Sexiest fucking thing I have ever seen.

  “My best friend and my little sister. How the fuck did that happen?”

  “I don’t know, but they must have a connection. I saw them together when she first got here and then shooting my video. I tried to warn them you would flip out, but you know as good as I do that you can’t fight love when it’s real.”

  “You think he loves her?”

  “I don’t know, but he’s your best friend, and you know him better than anyone does. Would he pursue her if he was going to hurt her knowing that you’d beat the shit out of him?” She lays her head on my shoulder and I know she makes a point. I don’t know how to feel about it. “Not that I’m not happy you’re finally here, but what are you doing here so soon?”


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