Forbidden Territory (Galaxy Smugglers Book 3)

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Forbidden Territory (Galaxy Smugglers Book 3) Page 1

by Amelia Wilson

  Forbidden Reunion

  Galaxy Smugglers series Book


  Amelia Wilson

  Table of Contents:















  Preview: The Klaskians Series Book 1

  Copyright © 2018 by Amelia Wilson

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  ∞ Amelia ∞



  Love Beyond the wall

  Sight of Love

  Claimed by Love

  In Love with the Enemy

  Love for you Alone

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  Rune Sword

  Rune Master

  Rune Hunter

  Rune King's Daughter

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  Aeon Captive

  Aeon Fugitive

  Aeon War

  Aeon Ending

  Sensual Abduction Series Box Set


  Bearly Deniable

  Hunting for Love

  The Soul of a Bear

  UnBearable Romance Series





  The Adna Planet Series Box Set


  Rival Love

  Strong Love

  Magic Love



  Ignition (Dec 18)


  A Chosen Fate

  A Dark Truth


  A Friend in Love

  A Witchy Girl

  A Final Game

  A Vampire in Disguise Box Set


  To Catch A Killer

  The Alien Surrogate

  Alien Message

  Wild Winter



  Twitter: @AmeliaWilsonB




  “Take a left!”

  “Becca, there’s just more trees!”

  "Falax! Take a left! I swear that's where the ship is!"

  “And I swear that if you’re not right…”

  “I’m always right!”

  One might think that my wife, Becca, and I are on a galactic road trip, having a simple, civil discussion about where we parked our ship. I wish we were.

  Unfortunately, we're on the run yet again on another mission for our newest client. My wife clings for dear life around my waist as we careen through the jungle on a hovering bike. I hold tightly to my helmet to keep it from flying off, swerving our vessel towards the left, into a deep thicket of dark blue trees.

  A piercing blast of a laser cannon bursts past us, incinerating the foliage and nearly destroying our right engine. "They're right on our tail!" Becca cries over the thundering chug-chugging of the speeder. I check the side mirrors, but only for a second. One false move will have us spiraling into a ball of flame. Becca has every right to be worried as a tank barrels into the reflection of the mirror.

  It's a team of security officers. We've just completed our latest heist from their base and they're definitely not happy about it. I pat my waist with caution. Other than Becca's hands, there's a pouch containing one hell of a treasure, though neither of us is quite sure what it is.

  I take another turn, hoping that we'll somehow lose them, but these guys seem to know the jungle pretty well as the tank crashes back into our view. "Stop your vehicle and we will take you without harm," A deep robotic voice blares over the sounds of trees being crumpled and engines burning fuel.

  "Do they really expect us to believe that?" Becca shouts into my ear. I smirk as I swerve the bike around another curve of the jungle, weaving in between trees. "We've warned you! Now we have no choice but to utilize force," The robot calls again. I can just make out their formal uniforms engrained in their metal as the leader calls for them to fire another blast.

  With a loud ping, another bolt emerges from their cannon, this time hitting a tree just inches from my left side. The leftover heat sears near my cheek. Out of panic, I turn too sharply, sending us into a clumsy wobble. "Hey! We're almost there, Captain Hotpants! We don't have time for mistakes!" Becca shouts as I try to recover the bike. It's almost a joke when she says that. Ten times out of ten there is always something that will go wrong on a mission. It's been smooth sailing so far, leaving me waiting for that particular something to creep up on us.

  I take another look at the mirror, just in time to see the tank deploy two vessels from its sides, buried in clouds of smoke. Guess I don't have to wait anymore. "They've got something up their sleeve!" I warn Becca as I guide the bike over a fallen tree trunk. We can hear more chug-chugging of engines as two other bikes emerge from the clouds of smoke.

  They catch up to us almost in an instant. What they lack in strength, the bikes surely make up for in speed. They're each driven by a robot, their expressions blank but still menacing as they flank us. "Give us the core!" One of them shouts, his voice mechanical and flat.

  "You mean this one?" I ask as I pat my treasure-carrying pouch. "Let me just hand it right over." Becca knows where this is going, and picks up her knees in preparation.

  I dodge another tree, swerving into the bike of the robot on my right. Metal clashes with metal as I ram into him over and over. He struggles to hang on, and clumsily swivels his bike hard against the ground, disappearing in a wave of fire. One down, one to go. A sudden blast of a rifle whizzes past my ears, and I duck my head to the side just in time for it to miss me and burn into a patch of pink grass.

  “Hey, Becca?” I ask, clutching the handles of the bike with desperation.

  "I got this, babe," she says, her hand leaving my waist for a second to grab something wrapped tightly around her leg. I hear a heavy crackle of static, and a blue light wavers in my peripherals as Becca pulls out her trusty transforming baton. It was a special gift
from our friend, Quin, a tech wizard and geek extraordinaire.

  Becca adjusts herself so that her back is pressed against mine, and holds onto the back of the bike. I watch as she twirls her baton over her head, generating a thick strand of blue lightning, releasing it as a hefty ball of electricity that hurtles towards the other robot on the bike. It hits him right in the chest, sending him flying backward. Nuts and bolts on the loose.

  His bike crashes into a tree, spinning out of control right towards us. "Pull up!" Becca cries, trying to get back into place. I hit the thrusters as hard as I can, violently lurching us straight up into the air. The whizzing comes to an explosive halt as another pillar of fire shoots up around us.

  I can feel my stomach drop as we plummet back down to the forest floor, as well as a cold emptiness around my head where my helmet once was. Through the trees, I can just see our drop ship parked right on a rocky cliff. "We're going to make it!" I beam, but there's another cold emptiness around my waist.

  Becca! I pull back on the handles of the bike, the engines whining to a halt as I swivel around just in time to see her getting up off the ground, wiping her dirty pants as she glares daggers at me. I put the bike in reverse, gliding gently backward to scoop her back into the seat. “Sorry about that,” I say.

  “Someone got a little too cocky,” she grimaces. Just as I’m about to grab her, though, the tank from earlier makes another appearance, firing a sharp blast into my left engine. The engine flies wildly around us like a balloon running out of air before it explodes in the sky. I dive from the now-useless bike and cover Becca as shrapnel rains over us.

  "Fantastic," Becca sighs as she swings her baton over her head again. The end transforms and expands into a large round end, resembling a baseball bat's as it collects another ball of electricity. She launches it towards the tank, hitting the side of it with a loud bang. As the smoke clears, we're horrified to see it hasn't even made a dent.

  The tank shoots at us again, and both of us roll away just in time as the red bolt collides into the ground. "Those bastards," Becca says, about to go for another swing, but I pull her away. "Let's pick our battles wisely," I say, grabbing her hand and running towards our ship in the distance. "Let me hit them again!" Becca says with rage, a side of her that I've come to find very sexy. "Easy, dearest," I joke as we duck under thick clusters of vines and toxic flowers covering the ground.

  We make it to the cliffs, our ship just several yards away. “Get the engines nice and hot,” I say, guiding Becca in front of me. The robots have left their tank now, and are charging us in a massive hoard, their blasters at the ready.

  The ramp of our ship lowers down, and Becca waits on it halfway, making sure that I'm almost there. I'm horrified when she shouts, "Falax! The core!" My heart pounds as I reach for my pouch, startled to find it lighter now. Becca points to the center of the cliff where our treasure lies, wrapped in old linen, right between us and the robots.

  "You're going to need this!" She says as she hurls a blaster towards me. I start running, catching the blaster as I make a run for our prize. The fire is heavy, and I nearly catch a blast with my ankle. I fire back, just enough for me to sweep my arm around our precious whatever-it-is and run back to our ship.

  The robots wave their guns at us as we take off into the atmosphere. I barely have time to buckle myself up, incredibly dangerous when one is about to shoot into hyperspace. I chuck our wrapped treasure at Becca, who promptly places it in a heavily-guarded tube and sends it shooting out of our ship through the mail-lock. We high-five one another, then collapse in our seats in exhaustion as we watch the blinking light of our delivery disappear into the depths of space.



  I excitedly clutch the handles of my communications tablet as I swipe through my list of old contacts. I finally have a device with a signal strong enough to reach my lovely home planet, Earth. It's been about six years now since I've left home. Well, I didn't exactly leave home. In fact, I was kidnapped by Falax, a super-hot, purple-skinned, tattooed Kellion that was originally smuggling women to his wretched king on his home planet. Long story short, we ended up falling in love with each other and got married out in the stars instead. Probably the most romantic venue if you ask me.

  Since then, I've been his copilot and partner in crime, traveling the galaxy to see which clients could fill our pockets with the most cash. Smuggling has certainly helped us pay for the more finer things in life, like our massive cargo ship complete with a state-of-the-art drop ship for ground and air missions. It's got me hi-tech lingerie from the sex planet Yuta, and a dazzling string of gems known as the Hearts of Reina that I like to wear when we're not on dangerous missions. It's even paid for the very tablet in my hands. Smuggling is certainly not the safest occupation but definitely keeps our marriage exciting.

  I lounge on my purple plush couch in my personal suite, projecting my tablet onto a screen that takes up an entire wall. I've been excited to make this call.

  "Hello?" A voice crackles as the picture becomes clear. My human friend, Grace, appears on the screen, her arms full and her eyes tired. She's standing outside. It's bizarre to see the familiar green trees and grass of Earth. I feel a strange pang of nostalgia for the blue sky behind her, and the neat rows of houses behind the fence in her backyard. "Becca! Oh my God, I can't believe how long it's been!" she exclaims, her green eyes wide behind her glasses. "It's nice to finally see your face for a change!"

  “Right? Space definitely has it’s downfalls, mainly the service.” I say.

  “Damn, you look great,” she says. “Marriage has done wonders for you.”

  "I'd like to think so.” It's a nice relief to talk to another human face for a change. It's pretty rare for me to meet a fellow Earthling out here.

  "So, let me see her!" I exclaim.

  "Oh! You want to meet the little bug?" She asks as she raises the bundle in her arms. A beautiful blinking baby with pudgy cheeks stares at the screen as Grace coos at it and makes the baby's little hand wave at me. "Say hi to Becca, Rosalie!"

  "Oh my God, she's gorgeous," I sigh.

  "Yeah, but she's a real handful," Grace says with a smirk. "You won't believe the number of diapers we go through."

  “I can only imagine…”

  “So, you and Falax thinking about having one of your own?”

  The question nearly hits me like a rock. Being a smuggler gives us all kinds of life challenges, and we're moving so fast that we hardly have time to even plan these kinds of things. Before we met, I was driving cross-country in a van and now I'm traveling across the galaxy every day. "We're, um, focusing on our careers right now," I say, dodging the question. Grace knows about my space life, but I wouldn't dare tell her about my occupation. Earthlings wouldn't quite understand what we do out in the lawless lands of space, especially the Earthlings that I know.

  We catch up a bit more before Grace pinches her baby's cheeks and makes her wave at me one last time before I hang up. I roll over onto my back, staring up at the lights in my ceiling. I put my hand over my stomach, thinking about the strange possibilities of a child in our lives. It didn't occur to me until now, but the more I think about it, the more I wonder how fun it would be to be a parent.

  "Hand me that contained vortex?" Falax asks as he rummages through our treasure room. Our latest project has been decluttering this place on our ship, where we stash all of our odd prizes from past jobs. We keep our money in a safe of course, but the more awkwardly sized pieces and miscellaneous space items get to stay on display out here. I reach for a glass orb with a swirling storm quietly spinning inside of it and place it in Falax's hands. "Thanks, babe." He says as he arranges it on a shelf with other baubles and gems.

  “Mhm,” is all I can say as I absentmindedly fold materials in my lap.

  "Hey, are you okay?" Falax asks. "You do realize you're handling Revellion chainmail without gloves, right?"

  I gasp as I drop the material, already feel
ing a burning in my fingertips from touching it. “Can we talk about something?” I ask.

  “Is it something bad?” Falax asks in return.

  “I’m…not sure…”

  “Okay, shoot.”

  I want to word this question carefully, so I don’t catch him off guard and make him uncomfortable. But he’s my husband. How uncomfortable can he be?

  “You ever think about, you know, going another step further in our marriage?” I ask.

  “Oooh, you mean you’re finally going to let me try—“

  "No, no, not like that," I wave my hand. "More like expanding our family a little bit?"

  "Oh, so this is about Quin wanting to move in with us.”

  He's not getting it. I rub my temples in my hands. “Falax,” I sigh. “Do you want to have kids with me?”

  At first, he freezes, holding so tightly to a glass rod that I’m afraid he’ll shatter it. “You want to have kids?” He asks, after what feels like hours of silence. I can only muster a nod, even though I’m feeling a question mark hovering above my head. I’m shaking, waiting endlessly for his reply. Would I care if he said no? What if he says yes? I can barely answer this question myself.

  I don’t need to wait for another answer, since Falax drops the glass rod in his hands, letting it carelessly roll across the floor as he storms over to me. “What are you—“ Before I can finish, he gets down on his knees, grabbing me firmly around the waist with his strong hands.

  He pulls me onto his thighs, my legs straddling across his leather pants as he kisses me with a wild intensity. His palm press firmly into my back as his warm lips trail down my neck. "So is this a yes?" I breathe. Falax's two bottom fangs graze against my collarbone, sending an aching shiver down my spine. "I'd want nothing more than to make a baby with you," he says deeply.


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