The Prophecy

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The Prophecy Page 17

by Sakwa, Kim

  She held him tight, never had she imagined making love would feel like this. She was suddenly overcome with emotion.

  “Am I hurting you, Gwen?” Greylen lifted his head and asked. He must have felt her shake, then realized her entire body was trembling. He shifted his weight, swearing under his breath as he looked down. Tears spilled down her face. “Ah, Gwen, I did.” He cursed again, gently separating their bodies before pulling her against his chest. Then he held her as she cried.

  “I’m so sorry, Gwen. I never meant to hurt you, love. I won’t touch you again. I—”

  “What?” She was on her knees in a second. “You won’t touch me again? Then you…”

  She pointed her finger at him, and her husband grinned, his eyes gleamed brightly like he was calculating a tactical defense.

  “…might as well pick up your frigging sword and march back into battle, you sorry—” Gwen shrieked as Greylen grabbed at her with both hands. She laughed as he wrestled her beneath him. Then he kissed her laughter away and held his head just above hers.

  “Are you sure I didn’t hurt you, Gwen?” he whispered in the darkness.

  “Yes, Greylen, I’m sure.”

  “What made you cry, love?” he asked, kissing the corners of her mouth.

  “It’s a girl thing.”

  “Would you be willing to share?”

  “Not on your life,” she cried, shaking her head.

  “Then I can touch you again?”

  “Oh, God, yes.”

  “And I can stay right here? Even if I crush you?”

  “Oh, Greylen…you crush me so good I wouldn’t want you anywhere else.”

  “God, you’re amazing,” he whispered.

  He smiled, and she returned it. She ran her fingers through his hair and rubbed her face against his, feeling like it was the single most enjoyable thing in the world to her right now. And in that moment, she’d never felt closer to anyone. There was something in his eyes that said he felt the same. Then he confirmed it.

  “I love you, Gwen.”

  “I love you, too, Greylen.”

  His wife slept like a babe, wrapped in his arms the entire night. After they made love, he kissed her for nearly an hour. Slow reverent kisses that left no part of her face untouched. She returned each one in kind, her fingers stroking his hair while her feet caressed his legs. He finally wrapped her body from behind, lulling her to sleep as he nuzzled her shoulders and neck.

  She stirred now and turned in his arms, sighing as she rubbed her face against his chest.

  “Good morn, wife,” he offered with a squeeze.

  She smiled. “Good morn, husband,” she mimicked.

  Greylen pulled her up until her head lay next to his, her blush visible even in the soft light from the fire. “What’s this?” he asked, running his finger down her cheek.

  “It’s called being self-conscious,” she said softly, closing her eyes.

  Self-conscious? This from the woman who gave herself with wanton abandon. “Gwendolyn, you displayed not a shred of self-consciousness last night,” he reminded her in a voice rough with sleep.

  “Shh, I’m going to kiss you now, just to shut you up.” She finished with an “mmmm,” then rubbed her face into his neck.

  “Sore?” Greylen asked.

  “Do I have to walk today?”

  “Nay, I’ll carry you.”

  “Greylen,” she whispered. “I can still feel you inside me.”

  He groaned and rolled on top of her. “I’ll carry you for a fortnight,” he promised while kissing her laugh away. But he stopped a moment later when she tensed. “Don’t move,” he told her, stepping from the bed.

  When he returned he was wearing his robe, hers in his hand. He soaked a small towel in the basin by the fire, then sat next to her again. She moaned in relief as he pressed the cloth between her thighs. “There’s something I wish to show you. Are you rested enough?” he asked, as if it were an everyday occurrence to carry on a conversation as he tended to his wife so intimately.

  “I thought you were going to make love to me,” Gwen said with a pout.

  “I am. But you’ve an hour reprieve.”

  He helped her from the bed and held her robe. Then he tied the belt himself. “I’ll dress and find you something to wear,” he told her as he began walking away. Then he turned as she stretched, a move which spanned her entire body, from the tips of her toes to the ends of her fingers. “You do that every morn?” he asked.

  “It’s a stretch, Greylen. I do it every time I wake up.”

  “You’ll nap then—often.”

  Gwen laughed as she walked to the bathing chamber, and he left her to her privacy. He dressed in comfortable breeches, a linen shirt, and sandals. Then he stood before his wife’s wardrobe, searching through the hanging dresses, and even the drawers below. But he found only gowns. Gowns, frivolities, and night-robes.

  He stepped in the doorway to ask of her clothing. She was brushing her hair, a drawer on the right side of the chest opened. He couldn’t seem to move. He just stood there, stunned, as his wife tended to her personal care in their private chamber. He leaned against the wall as she opened and closed drawers. Watched as she secured a leather strap in her hair and washed her face. Then she took something from another drawer and dipped it in water before rubbing it against her teeth.

  “What do you do, wife?” he asked.

  She removed the handle from her mouth and held it up, displaying rows of small bristles. “I’m brushing my teeth,” she explained. “That cloth you use obviously does a great job, but this is better.” She pointed to his drawers on the left. “There’s one in your top drawer.”

  Curious, Greylen walked over and opened the drawer. She was right. An instrument exactly like the one she used lay next to his shaving tools.

  “I asked your mother to have them made,” Gwen continued. “She liked the idea so much, now everyone uses them.”

  He watched her a moment longer, then began doing the same. “You’re right, Gwen,” he said. “This is better.” Then he couldn’t help teasing her as she bit her lip. “Your mind labors, wife. What is it?”

  “I don’t know.” She shrugged. “It just seems so…” She turned, as if searching for the word.

  “You’re beautiful,” he told her, reaching out to caress her face. “And the word you search for is intimate.”

  “You’re right.” She sounded surprised.

  “I’m always right.”

  She rolled her eyes and walked to the chest next to the door. Then she took something from the valet and turned to him. “I’ve been wearing your medallion. Do you mind?”

  Mind? He loved that she wore it. He tied it around her neck, then hugged her from behind. “I was distracted before. Where are the rest of your clothes?”

  “Behind me.” She motioned with her head. “It’s before dawn, Greylen. Where are we going?”

  “I told you, I wish to show you something.”

  “Will anyone be there?” she asked.

  “Nay, only us.”

  His wife smiled, obviously pleased by his statement. Then she proceeded to slip on the smallest item of underclothing he’d ever seen. She put on drawstring trews next, similar to what he wore, but she folded the waistband. Then she’d the nerve to look shyly into his eyes. Shy was dead and buried, Gwendolyn.

  “I—you’re not leaving, are you?” she asked.

  Was she daft? “Not on your life,” he replied, mimicking her words from last night. She muttered something as he continued to stare at her. And in truth, ’twas all he could do. He simply stared in wonder. Wonder of why in God’s name Anna fashioned clothing completely unacceptable for his wife.

  Fascinated, he decided to inquire later.

  He watched as she let her robe fall and reached for another item of clothing he
’d not yet seen. She slipped the small swath of material over her head, pushing it down until it covered her breasts, then tied what was left behind her neck. When she reached for her shirt, his arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her back till his erection pressed snuggly against her bottom. “I would have you now but for the time,” he whispered against her ear.

  “Can it wait?”

  “I’m quite disciplined, Gwendolyn.” The remark came out harsher than he intended.

  Gwen turned in his arms. “I meant what you have to show me.”

  Greylen smiled. “Nay, it can’t wait, but I’ll have you within the hour.”

  In truth, he wanted nothing more than to make love to her again, but he’d waited too long to share this moment with her. She took his shirt from behind the door and rolled the sleeves before tying the sides at her waist.

  “You need shoes,” he grumbled…and a dress and proper undergarments. And I need you—beneath me, on top of me, and beside me.

  “We’re going outside?” she asked, putting on her sandals.

  “Aye, love, you’d have dressed differently otherwise?”

  “Of course, I’d have dressed differently.”

  He suspected there was much more to her answer, yet dawn approached quickly. He held out his hand and she took it, then together they left their room. As he reached for the front door, Anna called out.

  “I knew you’d be going early, so I made something for you to take.”

  Greylen thanked her and took the pouch. Then he led Gwen down the steps and headed toward the stables. Once inside, he went for his black, stroking his neck as he brought him from the stall. He placed Gwen’s hand beneath his, repeating the motions along the horse’s neck, when James, the stable master, approached them.

  “Would ye be wantin’ me to saddle ’em, sir?”

  “Nay, James. Take a few hours before you begin your duties.”

  He continued to guide her hand with firm, sure strokes. Then he introduced them, though his horse had not a name. Gwen laughed, and as God was his witness, he was truly enchanted. He kissed her before moving her safely aside so he could see to the saddle. He saw from Gwen’s expression she was pleased that he praised the animal, stroking not only his neck but also his flanks. Then he secured the bag and laid a plaid over the front of the saddle.

  “’Tis a short ride, Gwen. I’d hoped the plaid would help.” He made the statement after he lifted her atop the saddle and noticed her grimace. Gwen gave him a look, one that let him know she didn’t appreciate being embarrassed. But he only smiled and settled behind her, one arm around her waist, the other holding the reins.

  He rode toward the back of the keep and stopped atop the cliffs, looking to the sea for a long moment, before nudging his mount forward again. Halfway down the narrow path, he made a soft clicking noise and halted their descent. “Gwen?” He squeezed his wife’s midsection. “Gwendolyn?” he tried again.

  “What?” she finally answered.

  “Do you fear heights?” he asked.

  “No,” she whispered.

  “You shake, love, and your fingers dig into my arms. Something frightens you and I wish to know the cause.”

  “I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”

  “Nay.” He shook his head. “But you’ll tell me what troubles you.”

  “I don’t want to go down there, Greylen. I…I don’t want to go down there.”

  “Look at me, Gwen.” He waited for her to turn and then gently wiped her tears. “Don’t fear the water,” he said softly. “It brought you to me.” She started to say something, but he couldn’t hear the words, just the agony in her voice. He circled her waist and turned her in his arms.

  She burrowed against him. “I love it here, Greylen,” she whispered. “I don’t want to go back.”

  “I’ll never let you go, Gwen, and I swear to you, I will always keep you safe.” She only nodded and he kept her in his arms. She clung to him as they made their way down the path and as he slid from the saddle. Still she didn’t let go.

  “You can open your eyes, love,” he whispered. “We’re far from the water.” His reassuring tone must have helped, for she finally lifted her head from his shoulder and slowly opened her eyes. ’Twas another full minute before she untangled her legs and he could lower her to the ground. But he continued to hold her, waiting until she was ready to let go.

  She stood facing the cliffs, a massive wall alive with vegetation. Then turned to look down the beach, the entire shorefront cast aglow in the predawn light. Natural rock formations jutted from the sand and gentle waves washed upon the shore. “It’s beautiful,” she whispered.

  Greylen smiled as he took her hand, then started down the beach. They walked a short distance before he spread the plaid and motioned for Gwen to sit. She removed her sandals and scooted to the center, where she sat hugging her knees. He removed his sandals as well, but sat facing her, his legs wrapped around her body. ’Twasn’t long before she graced him with a smile.

  “What’s in the bag?” she finally asked.

  “Food and drink, wife. You must be hungry?”

  “I’m starved,” she exclaimed. She grabbed the bag and removed the items Anna had packed, rattling off each as she placed them on a linen square. “Let’s see, we have bread, cheese, fruit, yes—oh God, I love her.”

  Greylen laughed as he reached for the cheese and bread and asked what pleased her so.

  “You’ll have to wait and see,” she teased, opening the canteen and moaning from the aroma she inhaled.

  Greylen laughed even harder. “It can’t be that good, wife,” he argued.

  “Oh, Greylen, it’s sooo good.” She poured the drink into a tall mug and came to him on her knees. Then she tilted it to his lips, blowing on its surface before he took a sip.

  ’Twas a moment that he would remember forever.

  Undone by her care, he obediently took a sip. Its flavor and warmth completely overshadowed by her attentiveness. “What drink is this?” he asked.

  “This is coffee,” she explained. “I found it in the pantry, and Gavin’s already ordered your captain to acquire more.”

  “I knew he’d be useful one day,” he muttered.

  They ate in relative silence while sharing the coffee between them. Then Gwen poured the last cup and handed it to him so she could put the items back in the bag. He motioned for her to sit between his legs and wrapped his arms around her waist, taking sips when she brought the coffee to his lips.

  Then the soft glow shone on the horizon. Greylen stretched his arm, pointing to the east, silent as the importance of this moment swept through him. He’d watched this sunrise his entire life, for years waiting to share it with the one who would be his. He knew he would love her, whomever she was, but the depth of his feelings for Gwen was more than he ever imagined.

  He took the empty mug from her hand and placed it on the sand, then leaned back and shifted to his side, laying Gwen beside him. “I would have you now, wife,” he bid.

  “Then have me, Greylen,” she whispered.

  Greylen kissed his wife and caressed her body, removing first her clothing and then his. He stroked her with his fingers, enthralled by her surrender. Then he entered her with care, holding her eyes until they closed to the pleasure of being joined again.

  He took her slowly, each motion unhurried as he pushed himself deeper inside, and more frenzied as they became lost in their passion. He told her again and again that he loved her, overwhelmed by emotions again. When Gwen at last tightened around him, calling out his name, hers tore from his lips with one final thrust. They lay on the beach a long while after, silent at first and then talking quietly as he held her in his arms.

  “Do you miss your home, Gwen?” Greylen asked cautiously.

  “I would miss this one more.” She made the admission with a sad shake of her head.
  “You’ll never leave here, Gwendolyn,” he vowed. “You’re forever mine.”

  When they returned from the shore, Greylen carried Gwen upstairs and laid her in bed.

  “Get some rest, Gwen, I’ve much to see to,” he said, reaching for the covers.

  She wanted to tell him she didn’t need to rest, but she couldn’t spoil the moment. “Stay with me, please, just for a few minutes,” she whispered. He smiled and lay beside her. She didn’t remember him leaving.

  She awoke to noises, and for a moment, she worried it had all been a dream. But as she rolled over, she smelled his scent. He was really home. Funny how that one word, home, a word that had always filled her with sadness and longing, now only filled her with happiness.

  Anna was quietly putting their room back in order and had brought a tray with fruit and coffee. “There’s a bath by the fire, child,” she called softly.

  “Thank you, Anna.” Gwen sighed happily. She was definitely enjoying her new way of life.

  “I’ll see to the sheets while you soak yourself,” Anna said, stepping toward the bed.

  Gwen felt her cheeks warm immediately. Good Lord! “I’ll do it, Anna.”

  “You’ll do no such thing,” she admonished, stripping the sheets as Gwen stood.

  “Let me help then, please,” Gwen insisted. But she turned when Anna pulled back the covers, revealing small spots of blood.

  “You’re wrong to shame yourself, Lady Gwendolyn. ’Tis an honor you give your husband.”

  “Anna, please.” While of course Gwen knew this, it was still a very personal topic. She grew up when everyone was on this kick about chastity and abstinence until marriage. She’d liked the idea, and honestly, good Lord, it was worth the wait. Anna shooed her to the tub, and she blissfully complied.

  Gwen stuck to her usual habits during the day. She missed Lady Madelyn and Isabelle for breakfast but walked through the paths with Kevin. Obviously, she still needed a guard, even if he was a liar. At least he blushed when she asked about his leg.


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