by D. L. EVANS

  “He gives the money he steals away... mostly to charities, anonymously.”

  “Robin Hood with a halo. Sweet Jesus,” Mack hissed. He seemed back in control. I relaxed a bit.

  “Actually,” Annie continued, “in the name of Jesus but he’s just Death with a halo. He declares his victims to be Disciples of Satan.”

  “Then we’ve seen the results of his handiwork,” Mack said. “He butchered Jack Hennessy, didn’t he?”

  “Yes,” Annie whispered.

  “When did you know?” Mack asked.

  He was her pushing again. “Damn it Mack... you go too far,” I said to the back of his head. “Annie doesn’t need to help you, you know. This guy is lethal... You should be grateful she’s even gone this far.... ”

  “It’s OK Adam,” Annie said. “It ‘s Mack’s nature not to trust me. To answer your question Mack, I knew about Hennessy when I walked into that room at the Lab. I received several... imprints, visions of retribution when I felt Gabriel Smith’s aura.” She paused to watch him take in that fantastic statement. Then she hit him again. “He has also killed Vladimir Roman and his two servants.” It was getting hard to breath again. She looked back at me. Her eyes were shiny and hard as glass. “He thinks, very clearly that they have been cleansed in the purifying flames for their sins.”

  Mack did not say a word. He rolled down his window and stared out over the pavement. I leaned back in my seat grateful for the extra oxygen he had let in. The seats were old and worn but spotless. I noticed my widow was also crystal clear. A fine rain had started. The bright stars melted down the windshield. Seconds passed, or maybe time had stopped. Mack finally said, “Roman must have ordered the death of your Uncle since the video showed that Mentz strangled him but we can’t figure out what the motive was. Can you guess why from what you saw?”

  “It’s not clear...” she said. “Gabriel did kill them because of my Uncle... but... it was more. I can’t see why Vlad Roman would want my uncle killed. I don’t think Gabriel knew either... at least... I don’t think so. The impressions are jumbled, and filled with religious symbols. He’s like a priest who thinks he’s been summoned by God to do these things. A mission.”

  “If we can take Smith alive, maybe we can get some answers. How can we stop him?”

  Annie looked at him. “You can’t! I told you. You don’t understand who you’re dealing with!” She wasn’t shouting but it had the same effect.

  “But surely we can...” I interrupted.

  Annie shook her head. “You’re not listening! Either of you. He can cause your mind to become confused. If you were behind the wheel of your car, he could cause you to drive off a bridge or into a wall. If you were armed, he could make you shoot yourself. Please, please listen and believe me. He is the most dangerous man alive and he’s insane. He is sure in the delusion that has been his life, that he is getting instructions directly from God! You can’t reason with this kind of illness! For heaven sake Mack, you couldn’t even photograph him, because he didn’t want you to... “ Mack was once again speechless. “Now do you understand?”

  He nodded secretly very pleased that she was on their side.

  How could we deal with such a mind? I thought. “Oh my God, Annie, he was at Morgan’s wake! That’s who you felt. That’s why you fainted. He wanted to see you in person so he risked being in the same room but... what...he couldn’t block himself off entirely from you.” She nodded her head in agreement. Her face was drained of colour and she started breathing deeply.

  I said “OK, OK... sweetheart, just relax.” She smiled at the affection and Mack sighed.

  Thoughts were spinning around. I said “Annie, you said he only listens to God... but... what about another angel. One he owes his life to, for instance?”

  She looked back at me intensely for a moment. I felt a slight sensation of static electricity. “Adam! You might be right! He just might listen to me but he’s so unstable that I would have to convince him that I was a real angel… an angel speaking to him with Divine Authority! It could work.”

  “Wait a minute Annie,” I said, “you’re jumping ahead of me. Is he capable of harming you in any way, even with his mind? I mean, you don’t actually know him, or anything. Not really.”

  “No, Adam . He wouldn’t hurt me I’m certain. He identifies with me somehow... but he could... ignore me. I just won’t let him. He must be stopped.”

  Mack found his voice. “But you don’t even know where he is? Right?”

  “That’s true Mack, but Adam said something to me before. It all has to do with proximity. I’m so tired of being manipulated. He’s counted on my preference, my need for isolation; watched me like I was a specimen under a bell jar; destroyed the men that I was close to - probably after the fact- so I couldn’t be connected to the killings.... It would only be a matter of time ‘til he came after you Adam. I think we can assume that destroying your car was a warning. Well, it’s over.”

  “You can find him?” Mack asked. “Maybe confuse him a bit ‘till we can get close?”

  “Nice thinking Mack,” she said quietly, “but I’d probably be responsible for your death if you even try to take him on. Besides, I don’t need to attack him. I can take advantage of his fanatical beliefs, his instability. I might push him over the edge. If I become his vision, maybe he’ll listen. Maybe I can make him stop... shut down... “

  “You’re going to... summon him like he did once to you when he thought he was dying? Will he come?” I asked.

  “No. He’s too careful to be close enough physically. That’s why he watched me through recordings. They must have been relayed somehow to Harmon Labs through the security control at Omni, which is over fifteen miles away from the studio and even farther from the Gallery. You were right Adam, he must have the distances all worked out. I’ve got to make him communicate, and for that I’ll have to convince him that I’ve come to realize that I’m an angel like him... with a message. A message just for him!”

  Chapter Fifty-Seven


  The three of us arrived at Annie’s studio in a state of apprehension that was unbelievable. She had a plan. No one spoke. When the elevator door opened, Annie set up several boxes of candles and we made ourselves busy lighting them. She set a fan to blow gently and dimmed the lights and disappeared into her bedroom to change clothes and fix her hair. A few minutes later, we were ready. She walked across the room in a floor length filmy white nightgown and flowing hair. Mack and I just stared stupidly. We could see every curve, every detail under the fabric, even in the low light. With an impatient gesture she ordered us to take huge art books off the bookshelves and open them to the Renaissance artists’ rendering of heaven, angels and God. We laid them in a circle around a pool of light from the lamp hanging from the ceiling. Next, Mack and I carried a full-length mirror from the bedroom area and positioned it so she could see herself when she stood in the circle of candlelight. Would he be able to sense two hostile observers? Annie felt sure that Gabriel would be so preoccupied with her voice and the religious imagery that he would be overwhelmed. At least, that was the hope. It looked spooky, even to me. We waited in the shadows.

  Annie stared at the religious images surrounding her, concentrating on the visual representations. Michelangelo’s version of God reaching down from heaven to touch Adam filled her mind. She recalled the religious fervour that inspired the original masters and allowed herself to be carried away with the inspiration. Mack and I watched in awe. Something was happening. An incredible stillness filled the room that caused me to reach back and feel the wall. I wanted to hold onto something solid. The hair stood up on my neck and static crackled. Energy swirled around. It was like being in a cloud that was gathering power for a lightening strike. The room ceased to exist. We had crossed over to White Rabbit and Cheshire cat territory. The dream state settled down upon her like some kind of magic dust. Did she have control?

  She was floating as she stood in the flickering light. Wit
h her mind voice she called his name and waited. Mack and I could hear, as though she was speaking directly to us. Surely, he could not refuse. Annie glanced at her reflection in the mirror. A gentle breeze moved her hair and gown. I knew from the pictures that she was staring at, that she was in the clouds with the angels. Common sense told me that she was not really levitating above the floor. My mind was playing tricks, an optical illusion. Annie raised her arms in supplication as I felt some kind of ghost form to her right. Nothing of substance, my eyes told my brain. I couldn’t have moved if I wanted. It had to be him. Dear God, what were we doing? Please let her start from a position of strength... she had the power. The other ‘thing’ was apprehensive. A nervous ghost? I couldn’t see anything but I was damned if I was going to faint and let it know that I was in the dark trying to be the wall.

  “Gabriel,” Annie said as she closed her eyes. “I was waiting for you.”

  “Angelique, dear angel. I have been waiting for you also, for such a long time. I am so proud that you have accepted your destiny. I am here to guide...”

  “I have a message for you Gabriel. It is time to stop. God wants you to stop killing in His name. Do you understand?”

  “I can see what you’re trying to do, my angel but you are misguided. I am not insane. No one but the Almighty Himself can stop me. Your friends must not interfere. There is so much more to do. I was hoping you would join me but I can see you have not truly opened your heart to Him. There is so much evil and so few of us!”

  “The four men you are watching, I’m asking you to ...”

  “I’m sorry my angel. They are already destroyed. Please... I can feel your anger.... You don’t understand. You don’t understand evil. It can come in the form of love. But true evil cannot love. Please don’t hate me, my Angel... I just...”

  “Enough! You may NOT call me your Angel. I regret saving your life. I forbid you to interfere anymore.”

  “But, there is still danger my... You don’t know....”

  “Stop, Gabriel. No more! You have become a Disciple of Satan yourself!” She was shouting behind her eyes. The ghost form reeled back and seemed to be shimmering in pain. Even from my dark corner where I was pretending to be wallpaper, I felt, or sensed his form willing her to control her anger. He couldn’t handle it. Did he fall or faint before he disappeared?

  In the split second of time before his energy dissolved, Annie saw into his unguarded mind. Visions she would never chose to see. Memories that Gabriel had painstakingly interred in the deepest recesses of his psyche. She saw what he did not want her to see. She experienced his passion, felt his justification, even his love and gratitude to her. Then she saw the reason he needed to protect her and she also fainted.

  Adam and Mack’s concern and worry overwhelmed her as she opened her eyes. Adam had carried her to the couch and was holding her hand. Mack offered her the glass of water he was holding. She took it gingerly as she raised herself against the cushions. “Are you alright?” I asked. She managed a weak smile to reassure me. “Can you tell us what happened? It felt like the room was full of electricity. A kind of storm forming as we stood there helpless. We could hear your voice but not his although we saw some kind of shape or distortion of sorts. What happened?”

  “He’s gone,” she said softly. “Really gone. I don’t feel well. Nothing serious, just tired Adam. But I have to tell you that Vladimir Roman and his two servants... they’ve been purged with cleansing fires, as he put it, so I think you’ll find them in the furnace where he worked with the metal. Gabriel didn’t tell me this, I saw it, though not the reason... Clearly it had to do with Mr. Roman ordering the death of Uncle Richard... to avoid meeting me.” She rubbed her forehead and started to cry. “To avoid meeting me. Can you imagine something so horrible. Uncle Rick had to die the day before the Plaza Opening. The death was planned so I would be too... occupied with funeral arrangements to attend the opening. It was the only way Roman could guarantee that we would not meet face to face. He just wanted me to be ... occupied. He didn’t actually intend for me to be accused of my uncle’s murder. It was just my bad luck that I was actually visiting him that day. Roman had his man wait until I left to ... kill. He thought of it as a gift. A sign that he was meant to get rid of me too, without having to do the deed himself. I would be charged, arrested, you see. I would miss the unveiling of his masterpiece and he wouldn’t have to meet me or see me in the audience. It was so awful Adam. I felt Gabriel almost enjoy... “ Annie sighed, and touched her chin. A gesture I knew signalled her distress. Mack and I remained quiet, letting her tell us in her own time. “He... Gabriel, shot the two brothers and strangled.... before he put them in the...”

  “It’s OK, it’s OK Annie love. It must be terrible to see these things, let alone feel what he felt when it happened,” I said. “Why didn’t Roman want to meet you? That’s weird. Maybe Morgan told him that she was afraid of you. She was so superstitious, remember? They came from the same background, same culture, so maybe....”

  “He didn’t want to meet a witch?” Annie said. Mack laughed but it didn’t sound sincere.

  “Maybe our boy had something to hide, eh?” Mack said.” And Annie, with her mind reading abilities would know, and he made damn sure that their paths never crossed.” He looked at Annie. “You never actually did meet Roman, did you?”

  “No. You’re right. I just never thought of it like that. And now he’s dead. We’ll probably never know what he didn’t want me to see about himself... what Uncle Rick had to die for. But you know Adam, you were right about one thing, my abilities are stronger, at least in some areas. Gabriel is afraid of my anger, and me... but he’s gone now. One more thing Mack. I know how important this is to you and I wish I didn’t have to tell you but, he’s already destroyed Smythe, Harmon and the others. I’m sorry I didn’t get to him soon enough to stop...” She started to cry again. I put my arms around her and rocked gently. Mack went to the chair where he’d thrown our jackets, and put his on. Annie looked into my eyes, “I’m very tired, Adam, could we talk about this tomorrow?”

  “Sure, my love. Get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow, whenever you can get away.” We said our goodnights, I kissed her lightly and we left.

  The rain had stopped. The streets glistened in the streetlights. I noticed that Mack was unusually quiet as we walked to the car. “What’s the matter?”

  Mack ran his fingers through his hair in a gesture of frustration. “I don’t know for sure, but that was the fuckin’ weirdest thing I’ve ever experienced. It defies explaining Adam. I’m not even sure I saw what I saw.”

  “Do you believe what you saw? What you felt?” I asked.

  “Hell, I’m Catholic. I believe in anything that makes me nervous.” I laughed. He looked at me and started laughing too. I think it was nerves. “You know, this Gabriel jerk, is some kind of killer. I mean, maybe the biggest serial killer that ever lived, right?” I nodded. “And... he’s afraid to get too close to Annie.” I was feeling uneasy. I didn’t think I wanted to hear what Mack was going to say. “Hear me’ Adam? It’s like the devil himself is afraid of Annie.” I stared ahead in silent agreement. “Don’t go all philosophical on me and try to explain all this. I’m tellin’ ya Adam, witch or spook or whatever, is the fucking understatement of the century. There isn’t a word for her. I’m having trouble getting my head around this... And... I’ll tell you something else. I know she’s pretty upset but I still got the feeling that there was something that she didn’t tell us, something she’s holding back.”

  I was getting a headache. My mouth was dry. “About the murders or Gabriel Smith?”

  “I don’t know, I’m not the psychic. I just have a gut feeling. She was different when it was over.”

  “She just looked exhausted to me,” I reasoned. “But Jesus Mack, think of what she’d just seen. It’s a wonder she’s still sane. And don’t get all gushy with gratitude or anything, considering that she has just solved several of your cases for you even if
you haven’t caught the bastard yet. At least you know who he is and what he looks like. You’ll have to take the bows too because Annie can’t. So spare me the complaints.”

  “I know what you’re sayin’ Adam, and I am grateful, believe me. I’m just worried. I’m used to dealing with things that I can see, and explain, to some extent. How can we ever tell anyone what happened tonight?”

  “Look, Mack. Annie is a powerful psychic and she’s also telekinetic. It’s been in her family for generations. Let’s just leave it at that.”

  “Just like that. Forget what we saw, just like that!” he snapped his fingers. ”Saints preserve us. Did y’ever see the movie Carrie? Well, I know all about that stuff.”

  “No, you don’t remember? It didn’t happen. This is not a Steven King movie, and there won’t be a movie about Annie either because I’m not writing about her in my book. I’m going to delete all my notes too, just to be safe because her safety depends on us keeping our mouths shut.”


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