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The Book Boyfriend Series Box Set

Page 60

by Carly Phillips

  Blinking slowly, sensually, he lifted a hand toward her face, and as his fingers touched her jaw, Katie heard her daughter’s high-pitched voice from the front yard outside, heading toward the door. That snapped her out of her trance, and she jerked back just as the door burst open and her daughter ran through, wearing the cute pink party dress that Katie had given Avery to change Val into, and her hair pulled back into a ponytail with a pink bow.

  Val came to a sudden stop when she saw Connor, the little girl’s eyes slightly narrowed and confused, and Katie could nearly feel the anxiety pouring off of Connor, that his daughter wouldn’t remember who he was since she hadn’t seen him since last Sunday.

  “Happy birthday, Val,” he finally said, and it was the rich timbre of his voice, which his daughter had heard every single night, that made a huge smile spread across her face and light up those matching blue eyes.

  “Connor!” she said happily, clasping her hands beneath her chin. “You came for my buthday!”

  “I said I would.” He smiled at his daughter, the softness in his eyes making Katie’s heart swell with a startling emotion.

  Val’s eyes widened as she caught sight of all the gift bags on the table. “Are those for me?”

  “Yes,” he said with a light laugh at Val’s enthusiasm. “But first, I think your mom has something to show you for your birthday.”

  Val ran over to Katie and tugged on the skirt of her dress. “Show me, Mommy! Show me now!”

  Katie touched the top of Val’s bouncing head. “In just one minute,” she said before glancing back at the two grown-ups in the living room.

  While Connor’s attention had been focused solely on Val, Avery had been blatantly checking out her baby daddy. Her friend had seen the picture of him in Chicago Magazine, but Katie knew that eyeing Connor live and in person was far more impactful and magnified his good looks, personality, and charm by tenfold.

  “Connor, this is Avery, my good friend and neighbor,” Katie said, introducing the two of them. “And that adorable little girl is her daughter, Leah.”

  He gave them an amicable smile that only made him more breathtakingly handsome. “Nice to meet you both.”

  “Likewise,” Avery said, completely enamored of him.

  Katie held back, just barely, from rolling her eyes at her married friend.

  “Show me, Mommy!” Val said exuberantly, reminding Katie of what awaited her daughter in the backyard. “Show me, now, pwetty please!”

  “Okay, come on.” Katie took Val’s hand and the five of them headed toward the back of the house.

  Val swung Katie’s arm back and forth as they walked. “I’ve been waiting and waiting all day long for my party and . . . ”

  Her daughter’s squeal of delight cut off whatever she’d been about to say as they stepped out to the patio and Val saw all the streamers, balloons, and the My Little Pony piñata and other decorations that had transformed the backyard. There were cupcakes and goodie bags for the kids and fun games set up out on the lawn, along with the big, pink bouncy house that looked more like a castle for a princess.

  “Is this for me?” Val asked in awe.

  “Yes, baby, it’s for you,” Katie said. It was the first time she’d really gone all out for her daughter’s birthday, and seeing her guileless reaction, she was glad she had.

  Val went up to Connor and slid her hand into his, as if it were the most natural thing in the world for her to do. “I want to go in the big castle,” she said, giving him a hopeful smile. “Will you take me?”

  “Me, too!” Leah said, grabbing his other hand because she didn’t want to be left out of the fun.

  Connor laughed, surprisingly comfortable being the object of both little girls’ attention—whereas some men might not be as tolerant. “Come on, I’ll go with both of you,” he said, clearly not wanting either one of them to feel ignored or that he was playing favorites.

  The trio headed toward the bouncy house, with Katie and Avery watching them go.

  “Oh, damn, girl,” Avery said on a wistful sigh. “Your baby daddy is so fine. And the way he is with Val . . . I swear my ovaries just exploded.”

  Katie gave her friend an incredulous look at her outrageous comment. “Seriously?”

  “Oh, yeah. Mark my words. There are going to be a few single moms here today who you are going to have to beat off with a stick.”

  Katie shook her head. “I’m not his keeper, Avery.”

  “You should be,” her friend said with a sly smile. “Even if it’s just to keep him as your baby daddy with benefits.”

  Katie declined to respond to that remark. She and Connor shared a child, and despite their phone sex sessions, the truth was they weren’t in a committed relationship, and he was free to date other women.

  Except that mental pep talk came to bite her in the ass a few hours later, when the party was in full swing and the moms who’d elected to stay during the festivities zeroed in on Connor, who was the only guy at the party. Even Avery’s husband had opted to stay home and watch football over being around a dozen screaming, sugar-fueled kids with endless energy to burn.

  Katie had introduced him as a friend when everyone arrived, because until Val knew that Connor was her father, she didn’t want her daughter to hear the information secondhand somewhere else. But delegating Connor to the friend zone for the day did have a few of the single women eyeing him with too much interest while he spent most of his time playing with the kids out on the lawn and around the bounce house. The little boys climbed all over him like he was their own personal jungle gym, while the girls demanded his attention, too, and Connor did his best to keep them all happy while looking like he was actually enjoying himself.

  Julia, a recent divorcee, strolled up to where Katie and Avery were cleaning up the paper plates, napkins, and cups scattered on the table now that the kids were done eating. The other woman was in her late twenties, with long, bleached-blonde hair. Her petite height was out of proportion to her huge, fake boobs, and she never failed have her figure on display. Today she was wearing a formfitting camisole that displayed an ample amount of cleavage, a pair of cute lacy shorts that showed off her tanned legs, and four-inch wedge heels.

  “Your friend looks very familiar,” Julia said, talking as Katie kept clearing away the trash so she didn’t have to do it all when everyone left. “But I can’t place where I’ve seen him before.”

  “I thought the same thing,” another woman, Rachel, said, adding her input to the conversation. “I keep thinking he’s that guy who’s featured in this month’s Chicago Magazine as Chicago’s Hottest Bachelor. The property redeveloper. Is that him, Katie?”

  From across the table she and Avery were still clearing, her friend gave Katie an unmistakable look that said, You better claim him, and quick, and shut those bitches down. Except she wasn’t going to publicly claim Connor, and she wasn’t going to lie to Rachel and Julia, either.

  “Yes, that’s him,” she admitted.

  Avery groaned beneath her breath and shook her head in disappointment.

  “My God.” Julia’s interest perked up even more as she gazed out at Connor with newfound enthusiasm. “Single, drop-dead gorgeous, and probably rich since he’s part owner in a real estate business. And he seems to love kids.”

  Rachel laughed. “Sounds like you’re already sizing him up as husband number two.”

  “Oh, he definitely has potential.” Julia studied Connor a few seconds longer before a slow smile curved her overly plump lips. “You know, he looks hot and thirsty. I think I’ll take him a cold bottle of water and save him from all those annoyingly hyper kids. Think that’ll earn me a date?”

  “It’s worth a try,” Rachel said, encouraging the other woman since she herself was already married.

  Julia grabbed a bottle of water from the cooler and made her way out onto the lawn, which wasn’t an easy feat in four-inch wedges. But she was clearly determined to be a good Samaritan and make sure that Connor stayed hydr
ated. When she reached where he was, she shooed away the little kids he was playing ball with and handed him the cold water.

  Katie tormented herself by watching the exchange between the two of them. She couldn’t hear their conversation, but she could see Connor’s charming smile, as well as the way Julia laughed at something he said, then flipped her hair over her shoulder while making sure her chest was pushed out in a way that Connor couldn’t easily overlook.

  Ugh. Katie hated the slow burn of jealousy that coursed through her, which only increased in temperature when Julia grabbed Connor’s arm to look at his tattoos. She brazenly ran her fingers over the ink, her smile undeniably flirtatious, but the kicker came when the other woman pulled her phone from the back pocket of her shorts and began typing something into it. The only thing Katie could think was that she was exchanging numbers with Connor.

  Katie threw away the last of the ripped wrapping paper from the presents Val had torn open a little while ago, her stomach in an uncomfortable knot. And it didn’t help matters when she glanced at Connor and Julia again and found him looking at her while the woman in front of him had her head down as she continued to do something with her phone.

  His speculation only made her feel self-conscious, and after gathering a few bowls and empty platters, she carried them into the house and sequestered herself in the kitchen so she didn’t have to witness her baby daddy making a date with Julia. For the next fifteen minutes or so, she made herself busy putting away leftovers and washing the dishes, knowing that Avery had everything covered out in the backyard.

  Finally, when she couldn’t hide out in the house any longer since she had guests outside, she exhaled a deep breath and prepared herself to deal with whatever Julia and Connor were currently doing together.

  She turned around from the sink, a startled gasp escaping her when she saw Connor leaning oh-so-casually against the doorframe that led into the kitchen. His arms were crossed over his broad chest, his expression concerned. She hadn’t heard anyone come into the house, and she had no idea how long he’d been standing there, watching her.

  The thought was unnerving. “I was just getting some cleaning done so it doesn’t take me hours to do when everyone is gone,” she said, in case he’d come to find out where she was and why she’d been missing. The last thing she wanted him to think was that she was battling a green-eyed monster.

  His gaze searched her face, his eyes too perceptive. “Are you okay?”

  “Of course,” she said, realizing too late that she’d jutted her chin out much too defensively. “I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

  He pushed away from the doorway and slowly approached her, making her heart race with each step he took in her direction. “Because I saw the way you were watching me and Julia before you came in the house, and you didn’t look fine.”

  Somehow, she managed a nonchalant shrug and glanced toward the floor and away from those intense blue eyes. “It’s none of my business what you do with other women.”

  He touched his fingers to her chin and forced her gaze back up to his, his thumb brushing along her bottom lip. “Do you honestly think that I would talk to you the way we do on the phone and say the hotter-than fuck things that make you moan my name as you come, then turn around and go out with someone else?”

  She swallowed hard. “I don’t know what I think,” she answered honestly, hating that vulnerable note of emotion in her voice. The doubts and insecurities. “I just know that the men in my past haven’t always taken my feelings into consideration when it comes to relationships. Not that I’m calling what we do a relationship, it’s just that . . . ” Her voice trailed off, because she was at a loss over what to say next.

  His jaw clenched with frustration. “Just for the record, I’m not like Brice, or any of the other idiots who came before him who didn’t know a good thing when they had it. And I don’t screw around with other women when I’m focused on the one I want. And to ease your mind, Julia doesn’t do a thing for me, because all I can think about is wanting you. I’ve had one relationship since our night in Denver over three and a half years ago and it was very short-lived, and you want to know why?” he asked as his fingers slid around the side of her neck and he drew her face, her mouth even closer to his. “Because I’ve compared every woman to you, and they always come up lacking. So do not doubt what you feel between us is real. You just need to let that guard of yours down and give what’s still between us a chance. Can you try and do that?”

  He wasn’t asking her for a commitment, which she wasn’t sure she was capable of giving him when she’d never personally had a relationship with staying power, anyway. And truthfully, resisting Connor was getting more and more difficult, and taking that next logical step to just give in to what they both wanted and desired—each other—was easier than fighting their attraction when they were near one another.

  She just had to be careful to keep her heart and emotions out of the equation, and just enjoy her baby daddy with benefits. “Yes, I can try.”

  Chapter Eight

  Connor finished washing the last of the dishes in Katie’s sink, trying to help out where he could while she gave Val a bath and got her ready for bed. For the most part, everything was put away and cleaned up, thanks to Avery staying to help speed up the process.

  But now everyone was gone for the evening, and after four hours of continuous birthday festivities and activities, Val had been smudged with dirt, sticky from cake and candy, as well a little grumpy from being so exhausted. Connor had witnessed his first toddler tantrum and meltdown when Katie had to take away the soft, plush unicorn that he’d given to Val as one of her gifts since it couldn’t go in the tub with her.

  The corner of his mouth twitched with a grin as he recalled the way his daughter had flung her little body onto the living room floor and kicked her feet while bawling crocodile tears and crying, “I want it, I want it,” while Katie tried to reason with her. It had taken major effort for Connor to school his expression so he didn’t die laughing at the little girl’s dramatic display. Seeing it all for the first time, he thought it was funny and adorable, though Katie had failed to see the humor in it—probably because she was as tired as Val.

  But things had quieted down in the bathroom once Katie had gotten Val in the tub. He heard them talking quietly, and though he couldn’t hear what they were saying, he was in complete awe of Katie’s toddler-whispering skills that had calmed their daughter and had her cooperating again.

  As he finished wiping down the counter, Katie came into the kitchen looking a little fatigued, and he walked right up to her and pulled her into a hug, just because she looked like she could use one. There was the barest hint of hesitation before she gave herself over to the affectionate embrace and slid her arms around his waist, leaning into him. It was a small, trusting gesture, but he’d take it.

  He rubbed his hands up and down her back and smiled against the head she’d rested on his chest. “Someone’s a little cranky tonight.”

  She glanced up at him, a delicate brow raised incredulously. “You’d better not be talking about me,” she said, though there was a playfulness in her tone.

  He chuckled. “I wasn’t, but even if I were, I know exactly how to make your grumpies go away.” He gave her a sexy, meaningful wink that made her cheeks go pink, then loosened his hold. “Now it’s your turn to go and take a nice, hot shower. I’ll go say good night to Val and make sure there’s nothing left outside or on the patio that needs to be put away.”

  “Connor, you don’t have to do that,” she said with a shake of her head. “Whatever’s not done, I’ll finish up tomorrow sometime.”

  “I want to do it.” She was so used to doing everything herself, and he wanted to lighten her burden where he could. “Remember that conversation we had about having someone taking care of you for a change? Let me do that for you tonight, okay?” He’d let her interpret that any way she wanted, because if the opportunity presented itself, he definitely wanted to take
care of her in more ways than one.

  She smiled at him, her expression grateful. “Okay. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He placed a soft, chaste kiss on her forehead. “Now go.”

  He followed Katie down the short hallway, and when she disappeared into her bedroom, he slipped into Val’s. The overhead light was off, though the room was illuminated by the glow of a nightlight on the small table beside her bed. She was already passed out, and even though Connor would have liked for her to see him one more time before she’d fallen asleep, he knew the fun-filled day had completely worn her out.

  Pushing his hands into the pockets of his jeans, he stood there for a few minutes taking in the long lashes that framed her closed eyelids, the pink parted lips drawing in even breaths, and her sweet, serene expression as she slept. He’d only known about Val for a short time, but he already knew that this little girl held his heart, and that he loved her unconditionally, with a fierce protectiveness he never knew was possible. He would, undoubtedly, slay dragons for her . . . and kick any guy’s ass in the future who dared to make her cry.

  She had a choke hold on the plush unicorn he’d bought for her under one of her arms. The moment she’d pulled it out of the gift bag and seen the gold horn on its forehead and the rainbow-colored mane and tail that shimmered in the sunlight, her eyes had sparkled with such delight. She’d hugged and kissed the soft stuffed animal, had immediately named her Sparkles, and wouldn’t part with it for the rest of the party. Well, until her little conniption fit right before her bath.

  He grinned to himself. He didn’t know if she was so attached to the unicorn because it resembled one of her My Little Ponies or if it was because he’d given it to her, but it didn’t really matter. He was definitely winning over his little girl. Now, it was time to work on her mother.


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