Loving Raylynn

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Loving Raylynn Page 17

by C. R. Marcum

  “What do you want Jax?” she whispered, leaning down to press soft kisses on his stomach.

  “I want you.” Was all he could manage to say.

  “No, you have to be more specific.” She replied making her way lower, leaving kisses in her wake.

  “I want you to do whatever you want to do.” He said, raising his head to look at her.

  “No peeking,” she said sitting up. She waited until he laid back down and closed his eyes before returning her lips to his hip. She had made her way to his v cut and had slowly started to run her fingers up his thigh.

  “Now, are you going to tell me what you want, or do I need to give you options?” she asked.

  “Options would help, I’m not real sure what you plan to do, and I don’t want to say the wrong thing.” He said, putting his arm across his eyes. For some reason, he felt nervous. He hadn’t been nervous with a girl since his first time, and that was awhile ago.

  “Well, I could just tease the shit out of you and then we could snuggle. Or, I could grab you like this.” She said, grabbing his erection and giving it a slight squeeze. “ and jerk you off.” She finished. She slowly started to move her hand up and down. She could see the look of pleasure come across her face, and she couldn’t help but squeeze a bit tighter. His moans started, and her wetness was now evident on her thighs. This is what she needed.

  Her hand on him was amazing. She knew what she was doing, and he could only lie back and enjoy it. He felt her move a bit, but he was so wrapped up in the feeling of her jacking him off that he didn’t even think about it.

  “Jax, does this feel good?” she asked with a smirk. She could tell by his moans that it did, but she wanted to hear him say it.

  “Uh huh…” he moaned.

  She had been slowly shifting her body, and with every moan he made she got closer to her destination.

  “Jax, tell me you want me.” She said.

  “God I fuckin want you, you have no idea how much.” He replied without hesitation. His breathing had become more ragged, and his hips were moving in time with every move of her hand.

  It was then that he felt it. Her hand had moved to the base of his cock, and her mouth had come down to meet it. The feeling of the wet, warmth of her mouth was almost enough to make him come. He let out a guttural moan and opened his eyes. He had to see, he needed to see her beautiful mouth wrapped around his cock.

  “Oh my fuckin god. Baby, don’t stop.” He groaned as he watched her take more of him into her mouth.

  She locked eyes with him and smiled around him before taking him in all the way. She could feel him in the back of her throat, and the look of pure pleasure that came across his face was all she needed to push a bit further.

  “Jesus Christ Ray, you are fuckin perfect!” He moaned, louder than he intended.

  He watched as she sucked his cock, and when her hand disappeared between her thighs he could only imagine what she was doing. He visualized her sliding her fingers into herself and finding that sweet spot that would make her come. He imagined her playing with her clit while she sucked him off, and the image was all he needed. He wrapped his hand in her hair and held her still. When she let out a moan, he couldn’t stop himself. He thrusted his hips upwards.

  “Ray, I’m gonna come.” He groaned.

  That was what she had been waiting for. She pulled herself free from his grasp on her hair and started to suck him faster. She needed him to come, so that she could too. Her fingers circled her clit faster and faster while her mouth tried to pull his orgasm from him. She knew how close he was and she was almost there herself.

  “Fuck Ray! Suck my cock baby, make me come.” He moaned.

  With one final movement, she took him to the hilt. He came hard and fast and loud. The taste of him on her tongue, and the feel of his hand in her hair sent her over the edge, and she could do nothing but moan out her orgasm around him.

  When her orgasm had finally stopped, she raised her head to look at him. He had dropped his head back, and he was shaking a bit. She let out a small giggle before climbing up next to him and laying down. They lay there quietly for a moment, just the sounds of their breathing and the radio filled the room. Once they had finally caught their breath, Jax turned his head to look at her.

  “What was that for?” He asked.

  “I wanted to, why, are you complaining?” She asked as she rolled to her side to look at him. She felt a little self conscious now. She had thought he liked it, but now she wasn’t so sure.

  “Fuck no, I have zero complaints about any of that. I was just wondering why you did it. I just don’t want you to think you have to do anything you don’t really want to do, that’s all.” He said pulling her close and placing a kiss to her forehead.

  “I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t want to. Besides, I owed you one.” She replied with a smile.

  “You didn’t owe me anything, but I will gladly take it. You really are fuckin perfect you know that?”

  “Whatever, I’m far from perfect. In fact, I’m pretty fucked up to be completely honest.” She said snuggling into his chest.

  “Raylynn, you are the most perfect girl I have ever met, and you being fucked up just makes you that much more perfect. Seriously, if you weren’t a little fucked up would you be into a guy like me?”

  She had to think about that for a second. He was right, if she hadn’t been exposed to the life she had been exposed to, she wouldn’t have even thought about being with someone like Jax. She shuddered at the thought that she may have been into a football player or something.

  “Ok, I guess your right about that, but I’m still not even close to being perfect.”

  “Your perfect for me.” He said before he could stop himself.

  Raylynn felt herself stop breathing for a second. She didn’t know how to respond to that, and luckily for her she didn’t have to. The knock on the door was loud, and the voice that followed was louder.

  “Jax! Get your shit, we gotta go now! The shop was just broken into, we need to go!” called Lucas from outside the door.

  “Fuck!” Jax shouted before standing and pulling his jeans on. “I gotta go babe, I don’t know when we’ll be back.” He said pulling his shirt on and bending down to place a kiss on her lips.

  “It’s fine, go. I’ll be here when you get back. Just be careful okay.” She said, her voice giving away her worry.

  “We will, love you.” He said as he walked out the door, pulling it closed behind him.

  It took an instant for the words to sink in. He had said the L-word. She was terrified. Without thinking she said the words to herself.

  “Love you? What the hell do I do with that?” she said lying back on the bed.


  The drive to the shop was quicker than usual. Drake had driven and had broken all of the traffic laws in the process. Jax had spent the drive going over the last few moments he had spent with Raylynn. He couldn’t make his mind focus on the task at hand, instead all he could think about was what he had said as he walked out the door.

  “Snap the fuck out of it.” He heard his brother say.

  “Shit, sorry.” He replied, knowing he needed to focus.

  “What the fuck are you thinkin about anyway, you never space out like that.” Syn asked.

  “Nothin, not a big deal.”

  “Yeah, sure.” Syn replied as he stepped out of the car.

  “So, what’s the plan?” Lucas asked.

  “Don’t need a plan, we go in, fuck em up, leave. Simple.” Syn replied placing his gun in his waistband.

  “Cool, just making sure.”

  Once Drake and Lucas were out of earshot, Syn grabbed hold of Jax’s shoulder.

  “You gonna tell me what’s up or am I gonna have to beat it outta you. Either way works for me.” He said.

  “I accidentally said Love you to Ray before I left. I don’t even know why, I don’t say that to anyone other than you guys. Fuck, I’ve never said that shit to any female, ever.” />
  “Not even to get laid?” Syn asked with a smile.

  “Never had to.” He answered.

  “Fuck lil brother, you love her?” Syn asked seriously.

  “I don’t know, maybe.”

  “We’ll talk about this later, let’s go handle business first.” Syn said with a shake of his head.

  It hadn’t taken long at the shop. A couple young kids had broken in, nothing to be worried about. Drake scared them pretty good though. Jax couldn’t contain his laughter when Drake grabbed the bigger of the two boys and hooked him to the lift. The kid was almost in tears, he was so scared. Drake had told them both that if them or any of their friends ever broke into any building again, that he would find them and rip their fingers off with his bare hands. The smaller kid pissed his pants and took off running. When Drake finally let the bigger kid down, Jax swore he could smell his fear, and apparently fear smells like shit.

  It was almost ten thirty when Jax made it home. He was almost afraid to go back into his room. Raylynn’s car was still there, but he wasn’t sure if he could face her yet. He took a seat on the porch and stared out at the darkness of the neighborhood.

  “So, what’s up?” Syn asked handing Jax a beer.

  “I don’t know. I think I might have fucked everything up.”

  “How you figure that. Her car’s still here.” Syn replied.

  “We weren’t just talkin earlier. We were fuckin around and then next thing I know is Lucas yellin for me and me tellin her Love ya.” Jax explained.

  “And, what does that shit matter for?” Syn asked, shifting in his seat, and taking a long drink of his own beer.

  “You don’t think she’s gonna be suspicious. I mean seriously, I hadn’t ever said some shit like that until after she had my dick in her throat. Sounds pretty fucked up to me.” Jax said before downing the rest of his beer.

  “Wait, what? In her throat huh? Lucky you.” Syn said with a smile.

  “Really bro, outta all the shit I said that’s all you heard?” He asked with a slight grin.

  “You can’t slip something like that into conversation and not expect me to say something about it.” Syn smiled back.

  “Bro, I’m losing my shit over here and you’re worried about that. I could use some advice or something.”

  “My advice is don’t lie to yourself. If you said it then you meant it. I’m just sayin, you may not be in love with her, but you love her. You know what I mean.” Syn replied.

  “Yeah yeah,” he hesitated. “but what if she doesn’t feel the same?” he asked seriously.

  “Little brother, if she didn’t, she wouldn’t still be here.” Syn replied looking down at his feet.

  “You care about her too huh?” he asked looking to his brother.

  “Of course I do, because you do. Nothing more, nothing less.”

  Jax looked at his brother for a second more. He wasn’t sure if he could believe what he was being told, but he could only take him at his word. With one last chug of his beer he stood.

  “Well, here goes nothing. Night bro.” Jax said as he patted him on the shoulder.

  “Night bro.” Syn replied.

  Jax left Syn alone on the porch and made his way through the house. He came to a stop outside his bedroom door. He took a deep breath before turning the knob and walking in. He looked to the bed and saw her there, sleeping. She was dressed in one of his t-shirts and was curled up in her typical spot. He felt the normal flutter in his chest at the sight of her there. She was beautiful, and perfect. He felt something else too, relief. He was relieved that she had stayed, and even more relieved that she was sleeping. He didn’t have to worry about whether or not she felt the same way tonight. He smiled to himself and stripped down to his boxers before climbing in bed beside her.


  She could feel his breath on the back of her neck. The warmth of his body pressed against hers, and the feel of his arm around her waist. She felt safe. In his arms, in his bed, in the roughest neighborhood, she felt safer than she had in years. Last night he had said, Love you, and while it could have been an accident, she secretly hoped that it wasn’t.

  She felt her phone vibrate on the bed beside her. Slowly, so as not to disturb Jax, she grabbed it and slipped out of bed. Jax pulled her pillow close and snuggled in. Raylynn smiled at the sight and snuck out of the room to answer the call.

  “Hello.” She said.

  “Hey, glad you’re awake. I need you to meet us at the mall. We need to get our accessories for the dance, and they are having blow out sales today.” Paisley said perky as ever.

  “Okay, give me a few. I gotta get dressed and grab some coffee.” She replied.

  “Fine, but don’t take forever. We need to get there early.” Paisley said before hanging up.

  Raylynn shook her head before heading towards the kitchen to grab coffee. It was still early, so she was shocked to find Syn in the kitchen. He was seated at the table drinking his own coffee. She smiled at him and went to pour her own cup. He sat in silence and watched her. She could feel his eyes on her as she stirred her coffee. When she turned around, he was watching her. His eyes slid down the contours of her body and came to a stop at the apex of her thighs. It was in that moment that she saw the lust in his eyes. She could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks, and realized that in her absentmindedness, she had forgotten that she was wearing only a t-shirt.

  Syn was staring at her, and his eyes were burning. She could feel the heat in her face spread to her entire body. It was like the fire in his eyes was the cause of her warmth. She tugged the hem of the shirt downwards and smiled a meek smile.

  “Sorry, I didn’t think anyone would be up this early.” She said in almost a whisper.

  Syn had pulled his eyes up to meet hers.

  “I’m always up this early.” He said sternly.

  “I didn’t know, I’m gonna go get dressed now.” She replied turning towards the living room.

  “That’s probably a good idea.”

  “Yeah, see ya later Syn.” She replied, almost running towards the bedroom.

  Once Raylynn was safe in Jax’s room, she sat her coffee down and went to the dresser. She had a few outfits here that she had left in case she stayed the night. She had been doing her best to stay away from home. Katrina was a lot of things, but forgiving wasn’t one of them. She knew that if she were to say one thing to her, that Katrina would make good on her promise, and Raylynn would be alone once again. Staying with the guys was nice though. She felt like she belonged, she felt wanted. She never felt like a burden or a charity case. They didn’t know why she had moved to California in the first place, and she liked it that way.

  She pulled an outfit out of the top drawer, the one that used to house Jax’s boxers, and stripped herself bare. As she put on the black lace bra and panties, she thought about home. She had witnessed so much in her now eighteen years, and most of it illegal. She grew up too fast. She had been the only one in the house who had not broken the law in one way or another. She had even chosen to surround herself with people who broke the law. Her boyfriend back home, Tristan, had been the typical bad boy. He sold drugs, stole, and fought almost daily, and she had loved him. Her father, was the local dealer, and the reason she had even met Tristan. Her mother, well she had been strung out and had done a number of illegal things, none of which Raylynn had ever fully known about.

  As she finished getting dressed, she looked at Jax. His gun sat on the bedside table, and there was weed in the drawer below it. She knew what he did for a living, and she loved him. She didn’t care that he was slinging god knows what out of the back door of the garage. She loved him anyway. It was what she knew, it was what had drawn her to him in the first place. Jax was home for her. With him, the nightmares were gone. With him, she never felt out of control. With him, she knew that he would kill someone to keep her safe. She loved him and had from the moment she felt his skin on hers. He was her home.

  The thought scared her. She
had never felt that deep of a connection with anyone. She felt as if she was the center of his universe, and he was the center of hers. In that moment, Raylynn realized that if what Jax had said last night was an accident, it would kill her. With one last look at him sleeping, she grabbed her coffee and left.

  Raylynn stepped outside and found Ty sitting on the porch. He was still in only his lounge pants and was leaning back in the chair looking at his phone. He smiled when he saw her.

  “Hey Ray, how you feelin this morning?” He asked smiling.

  “I’m fine, how are you feeling? You look like you just hit the lottery or something.” She replied smiling.

  “I’m great. I just got a text from Paisley. She told me that I have to buy a red tie. I assume that’s because Aspen is wearing red to the dance.” He said.

  “Yeah, she looks great in the dress too, I mean if you can call it a dress.”

  “I mean, Aspen is good lookin and all, but I just don’t see her like that I guess.” He said.

  “You have got to move on from Pais. She doesn’t see you like that Ty. I mean, you are a great guy, but Paisley just sees you as her best friend. Seriously, you deserve to be happy and Aspen really likes you. I swear, you are all she talks about.” She said, sitting down next to him.

  “I guess. I just wish I would’ve told Paisley how I felt about her sooner. Then maybe I could’ve been going with her. I just hope Brian doesn’t hurt her ya know.”

  “He better not, I’ll kill him.” She said with a smile.

  “Yeah, I know you would. Hell, maybe he should say something stupid, just so I can see you beat his ass.” Ty said laughing.

  “Well, maybe you’ll get your wish. I just wish I knew who the hell this Nick guy is. I mean, we know Aspen at least, but I have no idea who Nick is.” She said shaking her head.


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