Loving Raylynn

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Loving Raylynn Page 35

by C. R. Marcum

  “I need to taste you baby.” He said, a wicked smile playing on his lips.

  Raylynn arched her back, her knees parted and before she could make a sound, Jax was between them. His tongue flicked at her most sensitive spot, and it felt as if every bit of energy in her body was focused there. It was almost painful, but not quite. She would come soon if he kept it up, and god did she hope he did.

  Jax could feel her body tensing, her orgasm building, and that thought alone made him want to explode. He needed to make her cum, he needed to taste her sweetness before he buried himself in it.

  Her legs were shaking now, and an errant thought crept in her mind. Tristan had never gotten her off with oral, hell he had barely ever gotten her off at all. She had never had the mind blowing, earth shaking orgasms that you hear about until she met Jax. Jax never disappointed, and tonight was no different. She felt her body heat up, and all her nerves were on edge. She was so close now; it wouldn’t take much more to tip her off the edge.

  Her body responded to his touch in ways he had never seen, and with every swirl of his tongue, he could feel her tighten around him. He was almost painfully hard now, and he needed to be inside her. He needed to lose himself in her warmth, but he needed her to lose herself first. With one final swirl of his tongue he slid two fingers inside her center and found that sweet spot that made her detonate around him.

  “Holy Shit Jax!” she screamed, unable to stop herself. The waves of pleasure crashing over her like a tsunami. Her body a livewire, buzzing and sending jolts of electricity throughout her.

  Painfully slow, Jax withdrew his fingers and licked the sweet wetness from them. He smiled a devilish grin as he kissed each of her thighs and felt them shake under his touch. Slowly, he kissed his way back up her stomach and came to a stop above her. He lowered his head and trailed light kisses along her jaw to her earlobe, and he let his teeth graze it. He felt her shiver beneath him, and the feeling sent a jolt to his core. He wanted her so badly, but he wouldn’t take her until she asked him to.

  “God I fuckin want you Ray.” He whispered, leaning in close to her ear. Her shiver and her hands on his back let him know that she wanted him too, but she hadn’t said it yet, and he needed her to say it. He slowly pushed himself away from her and up onto his knees. He knelt there, still fully dressed, and took in the full beauty of her.

  He knew she wanted him, she was panting and biting her bottom lip the way she did when she was horny.

  “Do you have any idea how perfect you look right now?” he asked, reaching up and removing his ball cap.

  “Nope, but I know how sexy you look.” She replied pushing herself up onto her elbows.

  “Is that so? Huh, so tell me, how sexy am I right now on a scale of one to ten.” He said smiling.

  “I give you a solid seven.” She replied, pushing herself up more, now resting on her hands.

  “A seven huh?” he asked, cocking his eyebrow. “What if I did this?” He asked reaching one arm up and pulling his shirt up and over his head before replacing his cap.

  His dog tags hung low on his bare chest and brought attention to his muscles. His jeans sat low on his hips which allowed the waistband of his boxers to show. He was every bit a ten, any girl could see that, but Raylynn couldn’t let him off the hook that easily.

  “Mmm, that bumps it up to an eight.” She said, biting her lip.

  “Only an eight? Damn, you’re harsh.” He said leaning in closer to her.

  “What? You asked. I’m just saying that in your current state, you sir are an eight. Now, if you would like to improve that score I’m sure that you could think of something.” She said, leaning in closer to him. Their lips mere centimeters apart now.

  “Oh yeah? How do you suppose I do that?” He whispered, softly brushing his lips across hers.

  “Not sure, but I’m positive you can figure it out.” She all but moaned, the brush of his lips sent tingles straight to her core.

  Jax loved the tease. He and Ray had been doing this dance since they met, and he hoped that it never changed.

  “Oh I’m sure I can.” He whispered in her ear before nibbling on the lobe. She was still propped up on her hands, but that wasn’t going to work. Jax slid his hands up her thighs, and across her hips before reaching for and encircling her wrists. With one quick motion, he pulled them out from under her.

  She fell backwards onto the bed with a squeal. She had just started to giggle when Jax appeared above her. His dog tags dangling, cap backwards, and bare chest. His obvious off the charts sexiness stared her in the face and before she had a second to process it all he was kissing her.

  He positioned himself almost next to her, so that one of his hand was free to roam while the other wrapped itself in her hair and pulled her into the kiss. His other hand found her breast and her already hardened nipple. He rolled it between his fingers, and loved the arch in Ray’s back as he did. He loved the way her body responded to him. After a minute or two, Jax pulled away from the kiss.

  “Am I still an eight?” he asked, his voice thick with need.

  “Getting closer to a nine.” She whispered, her own voice raspy.

  “I think I know what you want.” He said, before reaching down and unbuttoning his jeans.

  “Definitely a nine now.” She replied with a smile.

  Jax smiled back at her before planting a quick kiss on her lips and rolled off the bed.

  He stood there with his back towards her, not that she minded; the view was great from every angle. Ray turned onto her side and propped her head up with her hand. As he moved around, she could see the muscles in his back working, and for some reason it was turning her on badly. Luckily for her, she didn’t have to wait long.

  Jax walked over and flipped the radio on, just in case Ray couldn’t control herself, which was an inevitability seeing as how he didn’t plan on stopping until she couldn’t. He then turned on his heel and strutted towards the bed. Ray had rolled to watch him, and he loved it. He knew what she wanted to see, and he was all about giving her what she wanted.

  He stopped only a few feet from the bed, and she watched that sexy grin of his spread across his face. She watched him intently as her own hand ran up and down her thigh, sending waves of sensations to her center. She was dripping wet already, and just watching him made it so much worse. He was the definition of a panty dropper, and he belonged to her. That thought pushed her closer to the edge, and without thinking she let her hand travel down and between her legs.

  The feeling was like nothing she could explain. She was so tightly wound that she had almost came with the first touch of her fingers and knowing that Jax was watching made it that much more erotic. She let her fingers make small, gentle circles around her clit as she watched Jax remove his chain and set it on the end table. She moaned softly and bit her bottom lip as she watched Jax unzip his jeans and let them fall to the floor. She continued her slow assault on herself as she watched Jax slide his fingers into the waistband of his boxers and she had not been able to keep the moan in when he removed them a second later. She had started to feel that familiar pull in the middle of her stomach, the orgasm building with every circle she made. She was going to come, and god did she want to.

  Jax watched as Raylynn lay on their bed naked, rubbing her clit, completely unashamed of herself with him. Something about that was so fuckin hot, but he couldn’t think properly with her doing that, so instead he reached down into the nightstand drawer and[n1] pulled out a condom. He couldn’t wait much longer; he was already painfully hard. Jax leaned down over the end of the bed and gave Ray a quick kiss before climbing back onto the bed.

  “Lay on your back sexy, I wanna watch you make yourself cum.” He instructed.

  Without hesitation, Raylynn did as she was asked and Jax positioned himself between her legs. Raylynn closed her eyes and continued to please herself.

  “Open your eyes sexy, watch me watch you. I want you to see what you do to me.” Jax said, his voice thick. />
  Ray opened her eyes to find Jax watching her intently. His hand moved slowly up and down his impressive length, and without thinking, she licked her lips.

  “Where do I rate now?” he asked cockily.

  “Ten. Now come here already.” She said, grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling him to her.

  Sleep came quickly for Raylynn, just having Jax there was enough to keep the monsters at bay. She had slept long and hard, not waking once. The afternoon sun poured through the curtains and slowly turned the room into a sauna. Raylynn woke then with a sheen of sweat the only thing covering her body. She stretched with a groan and felt the familiar aches of a night with Jax.

  He had started off so gentle, but that hadn’t lasted long. She needed him, and he needed her. It was like their first time all over again, and it had been amazing. She wondered if she would ever tire of sex with Jax. She couldn’t see how, but in the back of her mind she worried that at some point he would tire of being with her. Everyone left her at some point, why should Jax be any different.

  The door creaking open pulled her from her thoughts.


  “Hey Ray, Jax wanted me to come wake you up…ummm shit…sorry.” Syn said, as he walked into the room looked her up and down and backed out.

  “Fuck Syn! Knocking would be nice!” she yelled, throwing the sheet back over herself.

  “You wearing Fucking clothes would be nice, but I guess that shit ain’t gonna fuckin happen either!” he yelled back.

  Raylynn had had enough of him telling her to wear clothes. She wouldn’t be walking around the house in turtlenecks and baggy sweats for the rest of her life, so he was just gonna have to suck it up. She knew she would have to answer to Jax later for what she was about to do, but honestly at this point she didn’t care. She stood up, dropped her sheet, and opened the door.

  Syn stood in the doorway of his room, leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed.

  “Now, listen here, if I come out of this room like this,” Ray started, doing a small turn, letting Syn see her naked body from all angles. “then and only then can you tell me to put on some fucking clothes, other than that, keep your opinion to yourself. What I decide to wear in my room with my boyfriend is my business, not yours, so either learn to fucking knock or get used to seeing me naked, cause I know your not stupid nor deaf and I tend to fall asleep without clothes pretty often. Now, if you have had a good enough look, I’m gonna get dressed now and go get a cup of fucking coffee.” She said before flipping him off and turning on her heel and slamming the door behind her.

  “Sounds like you two are back to normal.” Jax said, coming around the corner with a plate of eggs and a cup of coffee.

  “Yeah, next time you want someone to wake her up, ya might wanna warn them that she’s naked.” Syn said, clapping Jax on the shoulder before disappearing into his room and slamming the door closed behind him.

  “Fuck…” Jax mumbled under his breath before opening the bedroom door and stepping in.

  “Why in the fuck would you send Syn in here to wake me up? He saw me completely naked Jax, like fully naked. So thanks for that.” She said, sitting on the edge of the bed, pulling her shirt over her head.

  “Yeah, sorry. I forgot that you slept naked last night. I figured you would be all snuggled under the blanket and he would just yell at you from the doorway until you opened your eyes. I’m sorry babe, you know I wouldn’t send him in here to look at you on purpose.” Jax apologized, sitting her food on the end table, and handing her the cup.

  “Well, before he tells you, I stood in the doorway naked and yelled at him, I even did a little turn so he could see the back too. I just get so tired of him acting like I am supposed to stop being who I am because I live here now. It’s fucking irritating. So yeah, Syn got to check me out for like five minutes while I yelled at him.” She said, matter of factly.

  “Um, that’s one way to piss him off I guess.” Jax said, unsure of how he felt about this information.

  “Honestly, I don’t know what’s with him anymore. I swear, while you were gone, he was so good to me. Like every night, we would eat, watch tv and joke around and stuff. Then when the nightmares would come, he would be right there to help me through them. Now, he’s a dick all over again. I swear he’s fucking bi-polar.” Raylynn finished.

  “I just think he’s trying to figure out how to act around you. I mean, we never had the same girl in the house for more than a day or two babe. We didn’t have to worry about it for any length of time.” Jax replied.

  “Even so, he needs to figure it the fuck out.” She said standing. “preferably before Thanksgiving with my Uncle.”

  “We still doing that?” Jax asked, hoping she would have changed her mind.

  “Yes we are, and you are going to be fine. Now if you would excuse me, I promised Ty and Aspen that we would hang out today before she leaves for Colorado tonight.” She said, pulling her shoes on.

  “Oh okay, I’ll see you tonight after work then.”

  “Yeah, I’ll see you tonight. I love you.” She said, planting a small kiss on his head.

  “I love you too babe, and I’ll talk to Syn.” Jax said standing and encircling her wrist. He pulled her to him and looked in her eyes. “I know he cares about you Ray, he just doesn’t know how to show it. He is just trying to be protective.” Jax said, holding her against him.

  “I know that Jax, but his mood changes are gonna give me whiplash.” She replied looking up at him.

  “I’ll talk to him. Go have a good time with Aspen and Ty. I’ll see you tonight.” He said, kissing her sweetly.

  “I love you, do you know that?”

  “I had a feeling.” He said with a smile. “Now go on, before Ty has a coronary out there.”

  “Kay, see ya later.” She said before leaving him standing alone in the bedroom.

  “Tyler! I’m leaving in two minutes with or without you!” Raylynn yelled from the kitchen. She had her go cup ready, and Ty’s too.

  “Fuck Ray, I’m tryna sleep!” Lucas yelled from the depths of the house.

  “Sorry Lucas! I love ya! Hope you sleep well you pretty little thing you!” she yelled louder.

  “I really hate you sometimes! I hope you know that!” He yelled back.

  “Awe! You don’t mean that! You know your life would be so boring without me! Seriously though, move your ass Tyler Joseph! I’m leaving now!” she yelled again.

  “Ty, so help me god if you don’t get your ass out there, I will beat the shit outta you!” Lucas yelled.

  “Calm down, I’m coming! Jeez, can’t a guy take a leak in peace?!” Ty yelled as he rounded the corner into the living room.

  Raylynn stood at the door, her hands full, waiting for Ty to open it for her. As he approached her, she reached out the hand that held his coffee.

  “Thought you might need this.” She said.

  “Thanks.” He replied, taking the large cup from her hand.

  “Alright, lets go. Aspen has texted me three times already with her impatient ass.” Ray said with a small giggle.

  Ty just shook his head and opened the door, and without another word they left.


  I need to get laid. I don’t even remember the last time I got some. Fuck, was it Ashlee? The night of the party? Syn thought, lying on his bed. The morning events replaying in his head. That can’t be right, can it? Fuck, that was weeks ago. He thought, a loud knock pulled him back to the now.

  “What?” he yelled, more irritated than intended.

  “Who shit in your cereal this mornin bro?” Jax asked as he made his way into the room.

  “Sorry, I was just thinkin about some old shit, got me in my feelings I guess. What’s up?”

  “Well, I wanted to talk to you about some shit, but if you’re in your feelings, today might not be the right day.” Jax replied, leaning back in the chair.

  “I’m cool, what’s up? Whatcha wanna talk about?” Syn asked, knowing the answer already

  “You sure? We can talk later bro.”

  “Just say what you came in here to say Jax.” Syn replied, standing and walking towards the dresser.

  “Fine, I wanna talk to you about Ray.”

  “What about Ray? She okay?” He asked, knowing full well what Jax wanted to talk about.

  “You know what I’m talkin about. Ray told me already.” Jax said looking towards his brother.

  “Told you what Jax, I’m not really in the mood for guessing games, so either man up and say it or bitch out and don’t either way is fine with me.” Syn said, the irritation in his voice apparent.

  “Fine, let me ask you something. Why is it that when I’m around you are a prick to Ray, but when it’s just you and her you are in her words sweet? Why is that Syn?” Jax asked, his own annoyance apparent.

  “The fuck are you talkin about? I don’t treat her any different than I have since we met. Some days we get along fine and others she gets on my last fuckin nerve. I don’t know what else to tell you. I mean, while you were gone, yeah we hung out and shit, but that was only so I knew where she was and what she was doin. I didn’t want her out and shit when It was on me to keep her safe, and the nightmares, fuck those screams, anyone with a fuckin soul would have held her through those screams. I was only doin what you asked me to fuckin do. Now you are back and I don’t have to babysit anymore.”

  “Look, all I’m sayin is that it is really hard on me when the two people I LOVE most in this world don’t get along. It puts me in a tight spot, and not the good kind. I mean Ray was so fed up with you making comments about the way she dresses that she came out and screamed at you naked. Bro, what the fuck am I supposed to say to that?” Jax said standing and heading towards Syn.

  “I don’t know Jax, tell her to put on some fuckin clothes and stop walkin around here showin her ass to everyone. Honestly, if it were me I’d be fuckin pissed if my ol’ lady walked out naked in front of you.” Syn grumbled.


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