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Drilled Page 6

by Jayne Rylon

  “Oh, shit!” Kate went ramrod straight in his arms, risking making their current child the last one they were capable of having.

  He guided her knee safely away from his groin.

  “I forgot to call. I’m so sorry. Things were…intense when I arrived, and then I passed out. Literally and then for a nap and…”

  “You what?” Devon asked.

  Kate shrugged it off. “Nothing serious. I got overwhelmed for a second.”

  “As long as you’re okay, it’s fine.” Dave chuckled. “I’m glad you’re safe and everyone is happy. You all right, Mike?”

  “I’m ecstatic.” Mike’s chest puffed up as he thought again about how they were about to expand their family. “We were about to celebrate. I’m sorry I didn’t think of calling you to join us.”

  “Exactly what kind of party are you having?” Neil wondered.

  “Are we on speaker phone?” Mike asked.

  “Yeah, but there aren’t any little ears around, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Devon added. “We’re still at the job site. Abby and Landry are with Kayla up at the resort. They might never come down from that tree house, just so you know.”

  Kate smiled at that. “I’m glad they’re having fun. I felt so bad leaving them, but…”

  “You couldn’t get to Mike fast enough,” James said with a sigh. “We know, Katiebug.”

  “Maybe I can make up for leaving you guys with all that grunt work,” Mike suggested. “Let’s turn this into a video conference…”


  When Mike suggested they let their friends see what they were up to, Kate practically purred and rubbed up against him. He never would have imagined it when he’d first met the shy young neighbor who’d recently inherited the property next to one of their projects, but over the years she’d developed quite a thing for allowing people to watch her get him off even as she let go herself.

  At least these people, whom she knew and loved and trusted.

  The years they’d spent together had ensured their bond was unbreakable. Or at least he’d thought so until recently. Maybe it was time to reinforce it and show them all how strong it really was, even if they weren’t in the same city at the moment.

  “Tell me we’re about to see some tits and ass.” Neil sounded like he might be high-fiving either Dave or James, or hell, maybe Devon, who sometimes was into that too, though usually with Kayla, not Morgan or Kate.

  Mike looked around. Joe, Morgan, and Kate smiled back, definitely not reaching for anything to cover up with.

  “Do it. Just hurry,” Kate rasped. “I’ve already lost some of my patience.”

  “Since when have you had any?” Morgan teased. “You never do when it comes to Mike’s cock.”

  Mike tapped the camera button and allowed his phone to start transmitting video. As soon as the half of their crew on the other end saw what was going on in Joe and Morgan’s sunroom, they started to undress.

  Neil had his shirt off when he squinted at the screen. “Does that whole room have leaded glass windows?”

  “Are you seriously looking at the fucking windows right now?” Mike growled. “I should hang up on you.”

  “Don’t! Don’t do that.” Dave smacked Neil in the gut with the back of his mammoth hand. “Aim the phone a little more to the right, though. So we can see more of you guys and be less distracted by the architectural details.”

  “Ohhh, that’s a much better view.” James hummed. “Nice lighting with the sparkles from the bevels in those fancy-as fuck-windows I definitely did not notice as much as you four hanging out surrounded by them while naked.”

  Kate laughed. “Good to know. Now, if you don’t mind, we were about to get to the good stuff. So can you please catch up?”

  “Yeah, what she said.” Morgan rocked against Joe, probably rubbing her clit against his erection to keep herself hyped up.

  Joe’s hands flew to her ass, guiding her up and down. The motion spread her cheeks and gave Mike all sorts of wicked ideas for later. He took the phone and propped it up on the windowsill nearby. “How’s that? Can you still see? I need my hands for more important stuff.”

  He ran them up and down Kate’s back, scratching light circles there, which never failed to set her off. Sure enough, she reached for his cock.

  “We can see just fine. So go ahead, show us what you were up to.” Neil shucked his jeans as Dave, Devon, and James finished getting naked too. Boots clunked onto the wooden floors as the crew headed into the living room. They’d left the mattress Dave had put there after Joe had told them of his plans to come out to Middletown.

  In that moment, Mike had never imagined he might be far away too, soon. Especially not with his life changing at least as drastically as the other guy’s had lately. But as he sat there in the glistening sunlight with his wife and the couple beside him, he couldn’t say it felt wrong either.

  Mike looked at Kate, who grinned, then to Joe, who didn’t wait to swoop in on Morgan. The guys shifted gears. Sure, letting their wives play was fun, but this…this was what they did best. Mike pressed Kate to the soft carpet and blanketed her with his body, being more careful than he might have been before she’d shared her news with him and rocked his world. The other times, they’d been trying, he’d expected it. This…was a shock. Like winning the lottery when he hadn’t even bought a ticket.

  “I hope you enjoyed teasing us,” he rubbed the stubble on his chin over her cheek before nibbling on her ear.

  “Because now it’s our turn.” Joe reached over and fist-bumped Mike before crushing his mouth to Morgan’s. Where things had been flirty and fun before, they were suddenly more serious as the rest of the crew observed.

  Mike never could explain why this worked for them or the extra edge it lent their sex lives, but it was undeniable that whether they were in the same city or not, they shared a connection that enriched all of their lives.

  Relief added to arousal as he realized that no matter where they were, they would always have this. Someway, somehow, they would stay a crew. One that played and loved together even if it wasn’t in the same ways they’d done it before. They were capable of growing—of evolving—without breaking apart.

  He looked over his shoulder at his phone and barked, “You perverts aren’t just going to sit there and watch us fuck, are you? I want to hear how much you’re enjoying the show.”

  “Hell yeah, foreman,” Dave sounded off. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”

  The rustle coming from the direction of the phone guaranteed he was settling into place on the mattress. Some people took coffee breaks; the crew liked to blow off steam with an entirely different vice. It worked for them, bringing them closer and chilling them out when they were under the pressure of deadlines and the physical demands of manual labor. After all, an epic orgasm was even better at unknotting muscles than one of Kayla’s infamous massages.

  Mike kissed Kate, knowing the display they were putting on would inspire their friends to treat each other to the same simple pleasures. Well, at least that’s how they’d start out. And sure enough, it wasn’t long before he heard soft moans not only from Joe and Morgan beside him, but from Devon, Neil, James, and Dave back home.

  He checked on them long enough to see that Dave was making out with Neil as James and Devon did the same before switching off between them. There was an awful lot of bare, tanned flesh on display too. When he turned his attention back to Kate, he caught her peeking over his shoulder.

  “You like what you see?” he asked.

  She nodded. “You should call me next time you guys decide to do this at work.”

  “Me too,” Morgan added on a gasp. “Why haven’t we thought of that before? I always wonder what you’re up to.”

  “Today you don’t have to imagine. You get the real thing.” Mike smiled down at Kate and rubbed up against her, his dick sliding over her mound. He loved how slick she was already. He didn’t have to ask if she was up for it—she made that clear with
her ragged breathing and her nails digging into his shoulders—but he did anyway. “Is this okay?”

  “No. It won’t be okay until you’re inside me. Fuck, Mike. I’m so horny I’m going to die if you don’t do it soon.” She clawed at his back.

  “I did notice that the other day, outside, too.” Mike chuckled. “I think I like you pregnant. Maybe we should do this another couple of times.”

  “What’d we miss?” Neil asked. “That sounds like fun.”

  “It was something like this…” Mike took his cock in hand and fed it into his wife. The first contact of her hot pussy on his shaft took his breath away every damn time. And this one was no exception. “Except faster, and harder, and up against the exterior wall of our house in broad daylight.”

  “Damn.” Joe nuzzled Morgan’s neck and must have followed Mike’s lead because his wife gasped then hummed, her ankles locking in the small of Joe’s back. “I knew we were missing the good stuff while we were out here.”

  “Not now you’re not,” Mike told him. Their gazes collided for a moment before their attention returned to their wives and the pleasure they brought each other.

  Someone—Devon, he thought—moaned from the other side of the phone. She confirmed it when she begged, “I need someone to fuck me too. Please, hurry.”

  “I’ve got you,” James promised. “If Neil has me.”

  “Hell yes. I do,” Neil said.

  “And I’ve got you,” Dave added. The smack that followed was likely a slap on Neil’s ass as the four crew members lined up to please each other in one long train of passion.

  “Oh God, that’s hot.” Morgan spread her legs wider, her knee nudging Mike’s hip as she made as much room as possible for Joe to plow into her. “No wonder you guys love working together.”

  “We don’t fuck around all of the time,” Devon promised with a snort that dissolved into something like a gasp. Mike knew that noise and could picture James sinking into her, distracting her from her sass as usual.

  Mike dropped his head so his forehead rested on Kate’s and he could stare into her eyes. Did she realize that she was at the core of this? It was her that had made it possible. Meeting her and falling in love that long-ago summer had shaped his life. Her acceptance of his desires and those of his best friends had brought them to this place where they could be honest about what they needed and how their rapture triggered each other’s.

  He loved her and the life she’d given him. The children who made him laugh, and sometimes want to pull out his hair. It was all because of her.

  “I love you,” he murmured as he began to rock, impaling her on his cock a little more gently than he might have otherwise.

  He should have known she wasn’t going to settle for only some of him.

  Kate bit his lower lip, then ordered, “Fuck me, Mike. Like you know I want it.”

  He couldn’t have stopped then if he’d wanted to. He dug his knees into the carpet and adjusted his weight so that he pressed more fully into her, his elbows bearing the brunt of his force where he levered himself above her.

  Kate purred and rubbed up against him, as if it turned her on even more when her chest caressed his. Hell, maybe it did. So he shifted his hand from her hair to her breast and flicked his thumb over the hardened peak of her nipple. It wasn’t usually her most erogenous zone, but he remembered clearly that when she’d been pregnant before, her body had responded in all sorts of ways it didn’t ordinarily.

  It seemed this was one.

  Kate’s pussy fisted around his cock, making it more difficult for him to fuse himself as tightly to her unless he went faster, and drilled harder into her. When he glanced to his right, he saw Joe was matching him stroke for stroke as he fucked Morgan.

  They were lost in their own rapture and yet caught up in the group’s. The crew on the other side of the phone was doing the same, fitted together in a chain as though they would never break apart.

  Mike kept thinking over and over, as he filled Kate and listened to the rest of his friends doing the same with their partners, that they could make this work. No matter what came next.

  That thought alone made him nearly shoot deep in his wife.

  Even if they weren’t in the same location, he got an identical—okay, almost identical—thrill from knowing they were safe and loved and about to be very sated. Maybe that would mean he could stay to help Joe out for a bit longer. He’d have to talk to them. Call a group meeting this weekend when they were together in Middletown for Kyra, Ollie, and Van’s big day.

  But for now…he had other things on his mind.

  Mike growled, “What’s going on over there?”

  Of course he could hear the ecstasy in their vocalizations, which he’d come to recognize through the years. But he wanted them to say it out loud. To admit that even like this, it was so damn good.

  “James is fucking me,” Devon moaned.

  The slap of skin on skin grew louder as they picked up the pace. Joe and Mike did the same as they all made love to one beat, as if they were dancing to a song only the crew could hear.

  “Neil is fucking me!” James cried out.

  “And Dave has his huge cock up my ass.” Neil laughed as he said it, enjoying it even if he pretended it was some kind of imposition to be spread around Dave’s fat shaft.

  “You know you like it.” Dave, who was rarely very aggressive, drew a look from Mike. His brow raised, he wondered if being separated might give the others a chance to grow like being here did for Joe, and for him.

  It never hurt to try something new. Hell, that was practically their motto. Why should now be any different?

  That thought alone had Mike poised on the verge of losing control. He rode Kate, his hands migrating to her hips to anchor her in place as he gave her what she had asked for and so desperately needed. In sync with each other, it would only take one of them to cave before their partner and the rest of the crew followed right behind.

  Joe whipped his gaze to Mike and said, “I hope you’re not planning on dragging this out. I…”

  “What?” Mike asked through gritted teeth.

  “I missed you guys.” Joe tipped his head back, the tendons in his neck standing out as he grappled with his self-control. “This. I missed this.”

  “Me too,” Morgan cooed as she caressed his cheek.

  “Thought that time up at the cabin might have been our last,” Dave groaned.

  “It wasn’t. It wasn’t,” Devon chanted as if to reassure herself and both of her husbands, who moaned in response. “We’re still a crew. We’re still together, even if we’re…not.”

  “Then prove it,” Mike commanded. “The crew that fucks together comes together. Who’s ready?”

  A chorus of agreements and moans was exactly what he needed.

  “Good, because I can’t hold on any longer. Not with you here, sharing this moment with us.” Mike roared, then let go. He felt Kate squeeze around him, her pussy rippling along his length as he took off and flew. “Now. Do it now.”

  Joe jerked beside him as Morgan and Kate screamed out their releases.

  The phone crackled as the crew’s cries distorted over the speaker. Their unmistakable bliss caused his balls to draw up tight to his body as he poured his release into Kate. And as they rode out the storm of ecstasy together, they kissed, touching each other everywhere while his rocking subsided and their heart rates began to slow to something that wouldn’t require immediate medical attention.

  Mike sighed and rolled off Kate, lying beside her next to Morgan and Joe. He didn’t want to crush her, especially now. Morgan kissed his shoulder and ruffled his hair. Joe clapped him on the back. “Congratulations, you guys. You know we’re here for you if you need anything.”

  Devon echoed their sentiments. “Absolutely. Joe’s got your back when you’re up there and we’ll do the same when you’re home. I know you’re probably freaking out about being pregnant without Morgan, Kate. And I know I’m no expert when it comes to tiny
humans, but I hope you know Kayla and I will do our best to help out.”

  Kate relaxed fully then, going limp on the sunny carpet beside Mike. She knuckled the corner of her eye and sniffled, making Mike hug her even tighter to him. “Thanks, Devon. All of you. I appreciate that. I’m not going to lie, I am a little worried. I’m older now and…yeah. You’re right, but we stick together. And with you, we’re in good hands. Thank you.”

  Steering things to lighter territory, and also to maintain the balance he considered himself in charge of in the group, Mike turned to the crew on the camera, intentionally meeting Dave’s gaze as he flopped on his back, sandwiching Neil and James between him and Devon. “You’re going to have to make this up to Kayla. Maybe call back much later tonight.”

  “Don’t worry, I will. We will. We’ll let her be the center of attention tonight.”

  Kate teased, “Just make sure you lock the door. Abby and Landry don’t always remember to knock.”

  “You know we’ll take good care of them,” Dave promised. “Besides, we gave them walkie talkies so they can call over to the main house if they need anything…you know, like a restock of the s’mores ingredients and sodas Kayla hooked them up with.”

  “Oh God, they’re going to be on a sugar high for the next year.” Morgan shook her head, but she was smiling when she said it.

  For a few moments they were silent, with huge smiles on their faces. Mike figured the rest of the crew was as relieved as him to see they could find ways to keep connected, no matter the circumstances.

  “Welp, some of us don’t get to lounge around all day.” Devon cracked her knuckles, then started getting dressed. “Our break is long over. We’ve got work to do. A ton of it.”

  Mike winced; he hadn’t even asked. “How’s the project going? Is everything okay?”

  “Yup, fine. Totally fine.” James had always been a shit liar.

  Neil erased the unease that threatened to coalesce in Mike’s gut when he added, “It’s under control. We’ll get this done. Don’t worry about us. Take care of things out there with Joe and we’ll do the same here.”


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