Sanctuary, Texas Complete Series Box Set

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Sanctuary, Texas Complete Series Box Set Page 16

by Krystal Shannan

“She said I would become the Protector. That it was my destiny.”

  “So you have to die?”

  “That was my understanding.”

  “Do you want to die?” She cocked her head to the side, studying me, waiting.


  “Okay, don’t get your panties in a wad. I was just asking.” She crossed her legs and sighed. “Well damn, girl. I can see why Erick was so testy.”

  “Erick said no one would turn me against my will.”

  “He’ll make sure of it, too. I can vouch for that.” She rolled her head from side to side, vertebrae popping loudly. “Now Rose is something called a Lamassu, if she hasn’t already explained. She’s a really powerful supernatural being that was worshiped back in ancient Babylon.”


  “Shit, they don’t teach y’all history anymore. I keep forgetting the U.S. dropped into the Dark Ages after the L.A. riots. All right. So Babylon was a city that existed thousands of years ago and a world away.”

  “Is everyone in town really old?”

  A snort of a laugh erupted from her mouth and she nodded. “Pretty much. I’m from around 1600 BCE.”

  I scrunched my forehead, again not really grasping what she’d said. I’d never heard the acronym BCE.

  “Like it’s 2096 right now. If you counted the years backward to zero and then kept going into the negative numbers you would eventually get to 1600 BCE.”

  “You’re almost four-thousand years old?”

  “Shhhh, don’t say it out loud like that. Damn, girl, you’re making me feel old. Anyway, Rose is from a species of supernatural that guarded a kingdom called Babylon and the portal to a place called the Veil, the original home of everything supernatural. One of her kind betrayed them and she and her husband were the only ones who escaped the massacre. Her brother-in-law, Xerxes, was the betrayer. He freed the king of the Djinn from his prison and helped him lead an army that succeeded in destroying Babylon for good.”

  “Why would he want to destroy people who worshiped him? And what is the Veil?”

  “The Veil is a Garden of Eden, of sorts. Untouched by humans. Beautiful. Perfect.” She looked at me and waited, but I didn’t know what to say. I’d never heard of a Garden of Eden, either. “You need to read some books, girl. Anyway, it’s a secret realm you can only get into with a key. We’ll talk about it later. As far as Xerxes goes, I just think he’s crazy. But the common story is that Babylon wasn’t enough for him. He wanted to sire half-Lamassu, half-seers, control the world, and wipe out humanity completely. He’s pretty much as crazy as the Djinn king he freed.”

  “I thought the Sisters couldn’t have supernatural children.”

  “There’s always a loophole when it comes to the supernatural and the Lamassu are it. They are powerful enough to get around whatever it is that keeps the Sisters’ children from being hybrids. This is just what I’ve been told, but before all this went down and Xerxes betrayed the Sentinels, which was what the Lamassu were called in Babylon, he fell in love with one of the Sisters and got her pregnant. They broke all kinds of rules and traditions. The baby was a boy and he was recognized as a hybrid from infancy. The mother died in childbirth and Rose and the rest of the Lamassu hid the child from Xerxes.”

  “So really it’s more of a revenge thing for him with a side of taking over the world?”

  “Yeah, that sums it up nicely.”

  “What are the Protectors for exactly? What spell were you talking about?”

  “The Protectors are warriors dedicated to protecting the House of Lamadae. I don’t know the specifics of the spell, other than it will be permanent. Oh, and they need eight Protectors to complete it.”

  “And Arlea says I’m number five.”

  “Apparently so.” She stood from her chair abruptly. “You want a drink? I think it’s late enough for a glass of wine.”

  “No, I’m good. Thanks.”

  “Okay.” She shrugged and disappeared through a swinging black door into the back room of her shop.

  I got up and walked over to look at a cute pair of red sandals. When she reappeared, a wineglass was in one hand and a bottle was in the other. She set them both on the counter and joined me by the shoes.

  “You like?”

  “I like a lot of things. That doesn’t mean I need them.”

  “Pfshht, you are spending someone else’s money and he hasn’t paid attention to a particular woman for more than a fleeting one-nighter since the late Middle Ages.”

  “When was that?” I asked, trying not to sound too eager.

  Another heavy sigh preceded her answer. “I think he was married to her during the 14th century.”

  “Has he ever talked about her?”

  “Elinor? Some … I know she was very small, fair-haired, and stubborn. He always carried on about how stubborn she was. But I think that’s also what he liked about her. She was the only human he’s ever wanted to turn that forbade him from doing it.”

  “Has he turned people?” I knew that’s how vampires were made. Other vampires turned them. But it couldn’t just be a bite or there would be a lot more vampires running around than there were.

  “A few, I think, before he met Elinor. After she passed away, he went off grid for a while. Rose couldn’t find him. No one could. A few centuries later, he reappeared and rejoined Sanctuary … He doesn’t talk much about when he was gone, but I know he never had the chance to have a real family or kids and it eats at him. Elinor was a taste of what he missed out on.”

  Calliope smiled and pulled the red flats from their display shelf. “You should see him though when one of the couples in town has a baby. That big, scary Viking is the first one on their doorstep with gifts and well wishes, waiting patiently to hold the new bundle of joy.”

  My heart warmed at the image of Erick cradling a baby. It sounded like he would’ve made a good father. He certainly was compassionate and caring enough. Sure, he had a rough exterior. Who wouldn’t after living as long as he had, but I felt completely safe with him. And after only one night. Hell, I left a bus station with him in a matter of hours after meeting him. Both were miracles, since I’d made a concerted effort to avoid the male species altogether, if possible.

  “I think you should try on those shoes.”

  “But they’ll form to me?”

  “Exactly. Then we can pick out an outfit to go with them.”

  Chuckling, I set the red flats on the floor in front of me and slid my feet out of the shoes I wore. Then slipped my feet into the red ones and watched, still awed by the magick as the shoes shrank to my size and width, fitting so perfectly I’d never want to take them off.

  “Now, come this way.” She guided me to a line of racks and proceeded to walk up and down each, pulling off garment after garment—blouses, skirts, dresses, pants, and several pieces I didn’t think were meant for use in public. When my arms were sagging beneath the load, she threw a couple pairs of jeans on top and pointed me toward a curtained area on the other side of her shop. “Go get undressed and I’ll grab you a few more bra and panty sets, too.”

  “This is too much.”

  “Nope, you’ll need it. You’re gonna be here a while, doll.”

  “But it’s too much money.”

  “Erick has more money than he knows what to do with. Don’t worry about price tags. Plus, he specifically told me to spoil you.”

  “He did not,” I shot back, pulling the curtain across the dressing area. I dropped the mound of clothing on a nearby armchair and pulled off the purple dress I was wearing.

  “Yes he did, you just didn’t hear him.” Her voice was close, right on the other side of the curtain. Her arm came through the gap near the wall, holding out a variety of bras and panties. “Found these, too.”

  Two hours later, after trying on and modeling each piece of fantastic clothing, she took all of them, wrapped them in tissue, and put them in three large recyclable bags. I couldn’t believe how many beautiful things were
in those bags just for me. It was more clothing than I’d ever owned in my entire life and certainly nicer than anything I could afford.

  “Hungry?” she asked, tucking the bags behind the counter. “We could head over to Rose’s. Erick texted a little while ago that they were still working.”

  “What are they doing?”

  “A Djinn has been popping in and out of Sanctuary all day. I get faint reads on him and then nothing.”

  “How can you tell?”

  “I’m a siren. We have a sixth sense about supernatural individuals. Kinda like a warning radar. Helps us with hunting.” She grinned. “Rose has it, too. If we can’t smell them, we can usually sense them another way.”

  “Erick said that was one reason he was willing to leave you with me.”

  She belted out a laugh. “Yeah, that and I’m a bitch with claws.” Her eyes darkened and I watched, spellbound, as her bright red nails lengthened into what could literally be described as claws. Holy crap!

  I choked a little and took a step back.

  “Sorry,” she giggled out. “I love doing that.”

  “Let me guess, you don’t get to scare humans very often anymore.”

  “Oh, touché!” She laughed again as her eyes and nails changed back to normal. “You saw Miles today. Did he breathe fire?”

  “F-fire? He can do that?”

  “Of course. He and Eli are both fire dragons.”

  “No, he just leaned in and did something with his eyes. It was creepy, like what you just did.”

  “Well, you should ask him to breathe fire for you sometime. It’s an amazing thing to see.”

  “I’m sure it is. I think I’d rather keep all my hair unsinged for now. Thanks for the heads up, though.”

  Calliope grabbed a small yellow purse from behind the counter and waved toward the door. “Come on, let’s get some lunch. I’m starved.”

  “Sure.” I could eat again. Though if they kept feeding me three meals a day, my clothes would have to readjust for my growing waistline. “Don’t y’all ever get bored of eating at just one restaurant?”

  I stepped to the side and waited while Calliope locked the door to her shop. “Nope. The brownies and pixies are always changing things up. The menu rarely stays the same for more than two weeks at a time. Now, if there’s something specific you want. You can always ask for a special order.” She turned toward me and we strolled down the concrete sidewalk toward Rose’s Café. “The café is like home. You never get tired of home cooking.”

  “How long have you lived in this town?”

  She sighed and swiped her dark chocolate bangs to the side. “I’ve been here since the 1920s. I was between husbands at the time and Rose convinced me there could be more purpose to my life than finding my next sugar daddy.”

  “How many husbands have you had?”

  “Dozens by now. I lost count years ago, though I haven’t married anyone since moving to Sanctuary. Most humans who visit the Castle are already attached to a partner. I’m not really interested in developing an attachment to anyone who lives in town, and my reputation keeps me pretty single. I stick to out-of-towners.”

  “What reputation would that be?”

  “Everyone I develop a lasting sexual relationship with dies.”


  “I’m a siren. I fall madly in love, but it’s never allowed to last long. One day I’m happy, then the next I wake up and they’re dead beside me in bed. The longest relationship I’ve had lasted five years. I knew every day I stayed with him put him in danger, but I just couldn’t leave.”

  “So it’s not really intentional?”

  “Well … it’s complicated. But, like I said, there’s no one in town who would risk a relationship with me and certainly no man who would spend an entire night in my bed knowing I was a siren.”

  “You must be lonely.” I couldn’t imagine living with that kind of curse hanging over my head. The thought of killing the person you loved while you slept ...

  “Being single this last century has been good for me. The cravings for a relationship have gotten easier to ignore. Rose and this town and the people in it have filled an emptiness in my soul I could never do on my own.” She paused in front of the café door and turned, catching my gaze. “Plus, if I need a good fucking from time to time, the Castle is right across the circle.”

  I swallowed. “You sleep with—?”

  “Ah, ah, ah, I do not sleep with anyone. I do, however, fuck several sexy older gentlemen when they visit from out of town. It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement. They enjoy it and it helps me stay satisfied … sexually.”

  I reached for the café door and shook my head as I pulled it open. “I never would have believed all of this only a few days ago. Now, it’s one weird story after another. Are there others like you?”

  “Of course. We aren’t a prolific species, but there are others. I’ve only met a handful of other sirens in my lifetime.”

  She entered the café first and I followed her over to sit at the bar. Raven walked up on the other side, her flowing locks every color of the rainbow.

  “Love the new colors, girly,” Calliope said, opening the menu lying on the counter in front of her.

  “Thanks. It was time to freshen it up. You should see Maven’s. Prettiest solid purple.”


  “How are you settling in, Bailey? Did you hear about the Djinn setting fires over in the Lycan neighborhood?”

  “That’s why she’s with me, pixie. Her ever-protective vampire actually had to work today.”

  “Garrett came in earlier, said it’s not going well,” Raven added. “The Djinn keeps jumping, never staying in one place long enough for anyone to get a good look at him. But, he did say the scent was familiar.”

  “Meaning it’s the same one who followed me from Fort Worth,” I muttered. Every muscle in my body tensed and the fear I’d managed to push away came roaring back like a tidal wave, threatening to drown me. What use was running? The Djinn would always be coming for me. He’d never stop … just like Kevin.

  “Doesn’t matter, sweetie. We’ve got you covered. He’s just trying to get on people’s nerves. Rose will have him bottled soon enough.”


  Raven turned to Calliope. “Oh, Charles popped in this morning and said to let you know to come see him when you got a chance.”

  “He wasn’t supposed to be here for another week. Why didn’t he come to the shop?”

  “Said you had company and he didn’t want to interrupt. Something about the shop being closed.”

  “Oh.” Calliope grinned. “Guess Bailey and I were a little distracted earlier.” She turned in her stool and winked. “Charles is one of my friends from out of town.”

  I nodded. “I can stay here in the café if you want to go see him.”

  “Nope. I’m on duty. Charles will understand. Plus, he’s the one who showed up unscheduled. The Sisters will keep him entertained until I get there.”

  Chapter 13

  Calliope might be on duty, but I couldn’t help glancing at the door every time the bell rang. Always watchful. Always worried. Always waiting to be caught. That feeling never left me.

  This time it was just Garrett, the mind-reading, sexy-as-hell werewolf who preferred to be called a Lycan. I really wished I didn’t know about the mind reading. Ignorance really was bliss sometimes.

  The door swung closed behind him and I waited patiently for Erick to come through after, but the door didn’t budge again.

  “Afternoon, Rose. I’m here for the guys’ lunch order,” he called out. Then he walked straight to the table where Calliope and I were eating, pulled up a chair and sat.

  A strange hissing sound came from Calliope and I covered my mouth to avoid snorting water all over my plate. What kind of noise was that?

  “Beat it, wolf boy.” Calliope spat out. “I prefer to eat without smelling sweaty dog.” Her voice was low, but playfully menacing. Almost like
a tease.

  “You like it, siren. Stop whining.” He didn’t even blink when he turned his gaze onto me. “Sexy as hell? Good to know.” His mouth curled into an arrogant, self-satisfactory smile as his eyes swept from my face down to my chest and then back. “If you get tired of your Protector, just let me know. My brother and I would take really good care of you.”

  My jaw dropped and heat rushed to my cheeks. Presumptuous much? Not only had he he invaded my private thoughts again, he’d had the nerve to proposition me in the middle of a diner. And he’d proposed that I sleep with him and his brother—a man I’d never met! What the hell was he smoking?

  A chuckle rolled from his chest and he leaned back in his chair. “You may not have met Travis, but he got a peek at you already. If you think I’m attractive, I don’t think you’ll complain about him.”

  “Stop! Stay out of my head!” I glanced at Calliope. Her eyes were black and her fingernails had lengthened into claws around the white porcelain coffee cup. Holy shit! “Calliope?” My voice faltered. She didn’t look like she was playing anymore.

  “Djinn,” she whispered.

  My heart fell into my stomach and nausea clawed its way up my throat in return. This was it. Darius would kidnap, torture, and kill me.

  Garrett’s eyes flashed gold and a growl rumbled in his chest. “I won’t let that happen, even if you don’t want to sleep with me and my brother.” He grinned before dashing to the door and slipping outside.

  A moment later, Rose ran into the dining room from the kitchen. “Bailey!” She and Calliope exchanged some sort of look. Then I heard a thud on the sidewalk out front.

  Outside the front windows, I saw him. The Djinn from the bus station. Darius. He smiled and waved, disappearing just as Garrett’s body came flying through the air. Garrett landed with a familiar sounding thump on the sidewalk.

  He appeared again, but this time had a gas can in his hands and was sloshing it all over the windows and walls outside the diner. Garrett leapt again, this time fast enough to catch hold of him before he teleported.

  I stood and stared at the fight, just like everyone else in the diner. We just waited.


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