Sanctuary, Texas Complete Series Box Set

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Sanctuary, Texas Complete Series Box Set Page 22

by Krystal Shannan

  “I do want to stay, Rose. And I do want to help the Sisters to be free from Xerxes. I know I don’t understand everything that’s going on yet, but I can learn. I’ve never felt more at home than I do here in Sanctuary. The people who live here care about each other..”

  “We are a family, in a sense.” She turned back to face me, leaning against the edge of the table. “Even though, in other parts of the world certain Others wouldn’t deem it safe to be within a hundred miles of one another, we’ve found a way to coexist and have become stronger for it.”

  I looked past her to the wall behind the table. Another large painting hung on the carved stone wall. A landscape so beautiful it took my breath away. Lush forests, mountains, and buildings unlike anything I’d ever seen on earth. They had spires that must’ve reached thousands of feet into the heavens, giving the residents of them the amazing sense of living among the clouds.

  She turned and looked up at the painting as well. “The Veil. The original home of the Lamassu.”

  “Why aren’t you there?” I asked, not able to imagine why anyone would want to live in Texas if they could live there. Calliope had mentioned it, but her description paled in comparison to this painting.

  “In the chaos of the battle that destroyed Babylon, we also lost the key to the Veil.”

  “Are there people trapped on the other side?”

  “I suppose for a long time there were. Eventually, we heard whispers that the Drakonae, the dragons, had the key and had taken over the Veil, leaving earth completely.”

  “If all the dragons left, how did Miles and Eli end up here?”

  Rose shook her head. “That is not my story to tell. I wanted you to see where we come from—why this town is so important to us. Why we protect the Sisters at all costs. They are never allowed outside the castle. With Miles and Eli’s aid, Xerxes can’t get inside either.”

  “Is he scared of dragons?”

  Rose’s face split into a grin. “Very.” She motioned toward the stairwell. “Dragons are the Lamassu’s only equal in size, when shifted. And we can both fly. Lamassu have more magick, but dragon physiology creates a natural shield against it. However, their true advantage lies in their breath. Dragons are either born of fire or ice. Miles and Eli are both fire dragons. And one Lamassu against two fire dragons would be suicide.”

  “That’s why he keeps sending Djinn.”

  She sighed. “He’s trying to steal one of the Sisters.”

  I stood and followed her up the stairs. “Calliope said I should ask one of them to breathe fire for me.” I heaved one foot in front of the other and peered up the seemingly never-ending stairwell. “Honestly, I thought she was kidding,” I added.

  “It is an amazing thing to see. Perhaps one day they will show you.”

  “Do any of you in town ever shift? Just because?”

  Rose paused on the stairs above me. She looked back at me. I could see sorrow in her eyes. It haunted me, sending an icy chill across my already cool skin. “I haven’t shifted in nearly a thousand years. With the advances in technology, it’s just not safe. Some here are able to shift regularly. Wolves aren’t a red flag to anyone in the country, but they have to be careful about the ranchers in the area. Many of them are trigger happy, even if their cattle haven’t been disturbed.”

  She turned away and began climbing again. “Most of us hide in plain sight, trying our best not to draw extra attention to our existence. Even though the Texas Republic favors Others right now, there’s no guarantee it will remain so.”

  Made sense. Still, I wondered what a Lamassu or a dragon really looked like. It would be amazing to see them in their element. Scary for sure, but I couldn’t imagine that it was anything short of breathtaking. Having all that power locked inside for so long must be excruciating. But, they were right to do it. If people knew there were beings like them walking among humans, it would be the riots all over again. Maybe worse.

  I ran my fingers along the stones as we climbed. The golden glow slowly faded and I saw the light from the moon above flooding the stairwell.

  We stepped clear of the vault rim. Erick, Calliope, and several others stood a few yards away. The stone covering began moving again, closing up and returning to a solid, smooth disk. I stared carefully, searching for a crack or crevice that showed where the parts fit together.

  “Amazing.” I ran my hand over the smooth rock, tracing along the markings decorating the edge.

  “Magick,” Rose whispered. “Speaking of which, would you like to see the sunrise in a few hours?”

  I nodded and smiled up at Erick who had already moved to my side.

  He slipped an arm around my waist and squeezed me against his hip. I loved being close to him. His touch filled me with longing and comfort at the same time.

  Chapter 18

  After a quick detour to his apartment to wash the blood off my skin and change clothes, we walked slowly toward the Castle. Rose, Calliope, and the others were already there.

  “What are you thinking, my precious Bailey?”

  “That even though I’ve only known you a short time, I love you.”

  “Mmm,” he rumbled. “Perhaps you should wait to declare your affections until after we have our time together in the Castle. I worry that you may not want to have anything to do with me afterward.”

  “Why do you want to go through with it then?”

  “You deserve to go through your now-very-long life without coming undone at the smell of leather and the sound of a cracking whip. Submission can be a beautifully exquisite exchange and I want you to see that part of it.”

  “Oh.” I shivered at the mention of the whip. He was right. It did bother me. I dreaded hearing or seeing it, even now. It didn’t matter that I was a vampire with supernatural strength, fangs, and the ability to protect myself. I’d proved that by taking down Darius. Yet, the thought of restraints or a whip completely terrified me. Given the choice, I would hide from them still.

  I had no clue how he thought he could get me over it. The idea that a scene in a place called a dungeon could be beautiful was doubtful in my mind, but I trusted him completely. If he really thought he could help, I was willing to let him try.

  The great doors of the Castle opened and a wave of heat rolled over my cool body. When I looked up, Miles’ honey brown eyes stared down at me from the gaping entryway. I knew it was Miles, even before I saw the tell-tale scar above his eye. Miles didn’t smile. His brother, Eli, was always grinning, even though his eyes held great sorrow.

  Both of them were saddened by something terrible, but they each dealt with it differently. Miles hid behind a gruff exterior and Eli behind a smile. I had a feeling it had to do with the woman Erick had mentioned when they confronted me in his house. Diana.

  Miles bent to give me a hug. “Everyone is ready and waiting for you in the main courtyard.”

  “Thank you, Miles,” I said, still a little shocked by the show of affection.

  He and Erick nodded to each other and we paused to wait while Miles secured the huge front doors. I watched in awe, amazed he was moving them at all without any type of mechanical assistance. The doors were easily a foot thick and wrapped in wrought iron.

  “Can anyone else open those doors?”

  The light in the entryway dimmed as the door slid slowly into place, leaving only the soft glow from the chandeliers high above our heads. The dark floors and walls, while decadent and polished, still made the place seem more like a cave than a castle.

  Miles pulled down a heavy bar from the side of the entrance and it dropped into place across both doors. The thump of the bar echoed ominously through the room. I swallowed, wondering if there were any other exits from the Castle that didn’t require help to open.

  “Rose can,” Miles finally answered, bringing me back from my thoughts. “But it would take several vampires or wolves working together to get them to budge.”

  Wow. It was hard to believe Rose, so small physically, possessed as m
uch or more strength than one of the giant Blackmoor brothers.

  A few minutes later we were in a small, grassy area, separate from the large garden I remembered from before. Sisters lined the walls and Arlea stood with Rose in the center. The breeze had died down, but I could smell the grass underfoot and the scent of fresh water on the soil. Other smells mixed with the natural ones—oils, leather, sweat. No one would have suspected a group of women dressed in flowing, white dresses were the heart and soul of a sex club.

  Erick stopped and I paused beside him. I felt a little underdressed in my white shorts, blue sparkly t-shirt, and flats. But no one looked upset. They were all smiling.

  Rose caught my gaze and motioned me forward.

  One of my feet stepped forward, but I hesitated when I realized Erick wasn’t moving with me.

  “I have to stay here. You will be fine, kjaere. I promise.”

  “It won’t hurt?”

  “It tingles a little, but nothing worse than a static shock.”

  I took a deep breath. The action relaxed my brain and I stepped forward. The Sisters parted, creating a straight path through the well-trimmed lawn to the center of the group.

  When I reached them, Arlea took my hand and kissed the top of it. “Thank you for accepting the role as Protector of the House of Lamidae. We will forever be indebted to you.”

  “This is where I belong,” I answered. “I know that now.”

  “I have dreamed of you since you were a baby. It has been so many years since a Protector was chosen. We are blessed by your presence, Bailey D’Roth. Welcome to Sanctuary.”

  “Thank you.” I didn’t know what else to say. I meant it, but the crowd was making me nervous. I wished they would just get whatever they were going to do over with.

  Rose stepped forward and took my hand from Arlea. She turned me so that I was facing east. I could see the midnight blue of the sky starting to fade as morning approached. They better get their shit together soon, or I’d burn to a crisp before they ever started.

  “You will see my wings surround you for a moment and then you will feel an influx of energy transferring to you.”

  “Your wings?” I squeaked.

  She chuckled. “I don’t have to fully shift to activate the spell, but you will see my wings.”

  I shivered and nodded.

  Rose stepped behind me and laid her hands on my shoulders. She and Arlea began chanting a phrase I couldn’t understand. The words ran together faster and faster. Then I felt it.

  A jolt of energy passed through her hands and shocked my body, like touching a metal doorknob after rubbing your feet on the carpet. Then another jolt and another.

  I focused on Erick and frowned. A tingle my ass!

  The flow of energy increased and I gritted my teeth. The skin on my back heated, not uncomfortably so, but just enough to feel the outline of the tattoo in my mind’s eye.

  Her chanting changed and then I saw them.

  Her wings.

  They were beautiful. Golden feathers with highlights of ivory. Bigger than anything I could’ve imagined. Surely they would reach from one side of this grassy area to the other if she completely stretched them out, easily forty or fifty feet. Instead, they curled in front of me, blocking my view of the Sisters and the rest of the audience.

  Time stood still as the golden color of her wings lightened more and more, until they were too bright to look at. I closed my eyes. She and Arlea stopped chanting and the energy exchange built to a climax. My body shook and I struggled to remain standing. Then her magick shot through me with one final burst. The overwhelming light, even through my closed eyelids, faded and I slowly opened my eyes.

  Her wings were gone. The energy was gone. The heat from my tattoo had left. Instead, I felt the light and warmth from the morning sun shining on my face. More time had passed than I realized.

  I held up my hand in the morning sunlight and smiled.

  “Thank you,” I said, spinning in place to face Rose and Arlea. “I hope someday I get to see you completely shift, Rose. I know your Lamassu form must be truly spectacular.”

  “One day, sweetie. One day.” She pointed behind me. “I think someone is waiting for you now.”

  I looked over my shoulder and met Erick’s bright gaze. Strength radiated from him toward me like the sun’s rays warming the earth. His lips parted in a small smile and he whispered a few words in his foreign tongue. The only one I recognized was “min.”

  Walking forward, I smiled and nodded. I was his. Whatever he had planned, I knew I was ready.

  Chapter 19


  So small, but so strong. A warrior in every sense of the word. Even my father would have approved, had I met her before I became what I am now.

  A vampire.

  A Protector for the House of Lamidae.

  From the very first time I laid eyes her, I knew she was special. She wanted more than what the world had to offer. Her soul fought for something better, instead of giving in. When she agreed in the bus station to come to Sanctuary, I knew I would never be content again without her at my side and in my bed.

  I could not pinpoint one thing exactly that had attracted me to her so strongly and so quickly, but I’d known without a shadow of a doubt that she was mine. Darius following her had only furthered my possessiveness.

  He’d haunted my existence for more than a millennia already and had once again tried to steal the life of the woman I loved. I didn’t heal or turn humans without permission—most didn’t want to be vampires. My wife, Elinor, hadn’t been an exception. Even as she lay dying in my arms from Darius’ blade, she made me promise not to heal her.

  Those were the hardest seconds in my very long life, up until the point when Kevin stabbed Bailey and I had to wait again, either for the second love of my life to leave me or come back as something she might detest.

  A vampire.

  I’d come to terms with it as the centuries passed. We weren’t the glorified heroes the media played us up to be in the twenty-first century. We were just average men given the ability to learn and grow for as long as we could keep our heads. Some became better men and others became vicious monsters, no different than their human selves—just more powerful.

  So far, I’d been surprised by how well Bailey had taken to her new state of being. Most new vampires were obsessed with feeding and couldn’t stand to be in a room full of people. She behaved as if she’d been one of us for decades already. Her hunger was that of a newborn, but her control was beyond her years. I attributed it to the time she’d spent hiding from Kevin. She’d developed an awareness and fortitude most humans her age didn’t have.

  I watched her in silence as she wandered the private room of the Castle I’d requested for us to share. A luxurious, wrought iron, four-poster bed lay against the far wall, draped in a rich, red velvet coverlet.

  She traced her fingers along the fabric and my skin warmed, imagining her fingers instead caressing my body. Holding myself back was going to be difficult. I wanted nothing more than to take her, body and soul, but she needed more. She needed a way to work through the pain her mind carried from her past.

  Her hand traveled up one of the headboard posts and touched the chains hanging down from it. One of my favorite features of the beds in the Castle—used to restrain a sub at any point, heightening the intensity of the experience.

  I took a step forward on the plush carpet, not making a sound, but her keen senses realized my movement and she cast a quick glance over her shoulder at me.

  “Keep looking,” I said, not wanting her to feel rushed.

  She walked away from the bed, going over to the St. Andrew’s cross I’d had Miles move to this room especially for this day. Usually the crosses were only used in the large common areas on the main floor and the more private dungeons on the lower level, but neither brother balked at having the large piece of equipment moved for me. This one, in particular, was constructed on a crank and could be moved from an uprigh
t inclined position to horizontal while the sub was bound in place.

  I’d decided against having an audience for this. Not only did I not want to share the lush view of her naked body with anyone else just yet, I wanted her to feel comfortable. This scene wasn’t for me. It was for her. Only her.

  “You said no restraints,” she whispered, touching the padded leather cuffs attached to each of the four ends of the cross.

  “We won’t be using those, kjaere.”

  “Oh.” She turned to face me and crossed her arms over her chest defensively.

  No. That would never do.

  I moved to stand in front of her and lifted her chin, placing a kiss on her soft, sweet lips. Even after the change, she still tasted just as sweet to me—perhaps even more so. Her resistance and defensive body language melted away. Her arms fell loose and she slipped them around my waist.

  Her soft breasts pressed against my body and her hips tilted into mine, seeking out my growing erection. She was everything I wanted.

  I couldn’t fuck this up. Losing her was not an option.

  I sucked her bottom lip between mine and nipped just enough to pinch. She growled and dug her nails into my back, but I could feel a smile curving over her face. I swept my tongue into her mouth, tasting her sweetness and wanting more. I wanted to taste her from head to foot.

  Pulling back, I stepped forward, pushing her flush to the large X-shaped cross. She looked up nervously, her blue eyes flashing. Caribbean blue now. Just like mine. I would miss her soft brown eyes, mixed with flecks of green.

  “Take off your shorts, kjaere, fold them, and lay them at your feet. But leave your shirt, bra, and panties.”

  She cocked her head at the instructions, but didn’t say anything.

  I went to a dresser a few feet away and pulled out several silk scarves from a drawer, holding them up for her to see. She frowned, something I had anticipated, but I was pleased to see her following directions and slipping out of her shorts.


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