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Slack Page 2

by Alana Albertson

  I clenched my fist.

  “Yes, that is exactly what I’m saying. What is your problem? What are you asking me?”

  “Well, Mr. Martinez. There is no evidence of another Jedi. No parents nor any cast members saw him, except your own son and then your daughter mysteriously vanished. Do you see the problem here?”

  I wanted to punch this motherfucker for even insinuating that I had something to do with my daughter’s disappearance.

  But the last thing I could do in this situation was display rage toward a policeman. I activated my calm SEAL demeanor.

  “Yes, I see how that could look, but I absolutely assure you that I had nothing whatsoever to do with Sienna’s disappearance. Sam saw the guy. You need to get all the parents and guests near the Jedi Academy at that time to hand over their phones as well as look at all the surveillance. I’m sure someone saw something.”

  I looked at my phone. Multiple missed calls from Ashley and a text. She was on her way with Grant and Mia. Good. I needed her. I needed them.

  I had called Grant after it happened, and he had promised to be by my side. I’d helped him find his child—now with him, I knew he could help me find mine.

  “Aren’t there tunnels in here? Employee tunnels? I saw it in a documentary. Can’t we search them?”

  “We are searching them, sir. Please show me the most recent picture you have of Sienna.”

  My hand trembled as I scrolled through my phone. I took a picture of her this morning. Would it be the last picture I ever had of her? She was so beautiful. I scrolled and saw another picture of Ashley, Sam, Sienna, and I posing in front of Carsland. We almost looked like a family. Sienna and Ashley even had similar smiles.

  I showed the officer the picture. He stared for a moment.

  “Can I look through your phone?”

  I paused. I had nothing to hide and would do anything to find Sienna.

  “Sure, have at it. Now can you please let me go so I can start looking for my little girl.”

  “Wait here. I’ll be back.” He walked out of the room, with my phone, and shut the door.

  Great. I was a prisoner in here.

  I walked back over to Sam, who was now squirmy.

  “Daddy, am I ever going to see Sienna again?”

  Fuck. How did I answer that? I didn’t know. I had to believe the words I was saying. “Yes, buddy.”

  Another hour passed, and my mind wouldn’t quit. It was pure torture. I’d rather be a prisoner of the Taliban than trapped in the hell of my mind imagining what was happening to my princess.

  The officer finally came back.

  “We have no updates, but please remain calm. Kids always get lost at Disneyland.”

  “She’s not lost. She was kidnapped.”

  “Sir, I’m sure she’s with a cast member. Lost children are led to City Hall. There are so many plain-clothes cast members. I’m sure one of them will find your daughter. You must stay positive.”

  But I could never stay positive. As a SEAL, I was trained to see everyone as a threat. Including this man standing in front of me with a badge. Including each and every cast member.

  “Can I go to City Hall?”

  “Yes. I will escort you. The FBI should be here soon, and then I’ll take you to meet with them.”

  I was escorted by this cop through Main Street—clutching Sam’s hand. Seeing happy families and little girls in princess dresses were like a knife to the heart.

  How could this be happening to me?

  I scanned every little girl’s face for Sienna’s. But she was nowhere to be found.

  I arrived at City Hall, and there was still no sign of her. Just condescending looks from employees.

  After the longest two hours of my life, I finally got a text

  Ashley: I’m here.

  Me: Thank God. I’m at city hall

  Twenty minutes later, Ashley burst into the door with Grant and Mia beside her. Grant and Mia both hugged me, and Mia went over to Sam.

  Ashley kissed me.

  “I’m so sorry, Mitch. This is all my fault. I should’ve told my supervisor no—I should’ve never left you alone with the kids.”

  “No, babe. This isn’t your fault, and as much as I wanted to blame myself, it wasn’t my fault either. She was right there with all the other kids. And then—she was gone.”

  She placed her hand on my face. “Any leads?”


  Then I noticed a policeman speak to another officer. They looked at me and then came over. But they didn’t look happy.

  “Sir, come with me.”

  “What is it?”

  He said nothing.

  “What was Sienna wearing?”

  My throat closed. “Pink pants and a Moana shirt.”


  “Size twelve pink Adidas.”

  They whispered, and I lost my shit. “What the fuck is happening? I’m her father. Did you find her?”

  “Sir, we think we have found your daughter’s shoes and clothes in a bathroom near the Jedi Academy. Please come with us for identification.”

  My vision blurred. I left Sam with Mia and Grant, Ashley and I were led by a police escort to the bathroom. I wanted to run, but we were forced to walk slowly, so we would not alarm guests.

  After the longest five minutes of my life, we finally arrived. Police and FBI were processing the scene.

  And her shoes and clothes were on the floor of a stall.

  Surrounded by brown wavy locks. My daughter’s hair.

  I dropped to my knees and prayed.

  My mind began to fill with disgusting images of someone taking Sienna, cutting off her hair, and moving her somewhere. And what they probably did to her there, would eat me alive.

  I screamed at the policeman. “Dammit! Now, do you believe it’s a crime?”

  Ashley embraced me, holding me so tight.

  Tears streamed down my face.

  I didn’t want to live in a world without Sienna.

  But I wouldn’t give up.

  I would find my girl until my last dying breath, and I would slit the throat of whoever harmed her. They didn’t know who they were messing with. I was a motherfucking Navy SEAL, and I would not rest until she was found.

  “Close every fucking exit in this fucking place. Search every stroller. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “Sir, we need you to calm down. I assure you we are doing everything possible to find your daughter.”

  No, you aren’t. But I will.

  Sienna, I love you. Daddy’s coming for you.



  Oh, God! Oh, no!

  The sight of Sienna’s hair splayed on the cold tile floor in the bathroom was too much to bear. But I couldn’t look away. I focused on her wavy locks, and immediately my mind went to that dark place that I had inhabited since my sister was taken. I could feel the fear that Sienna must’ve felt when she had been sheared like a sheep.

  I wiped the tears away from my eyes.

  I needed to be strong for Mitch.

  Mitch let out a primal scream, and I held on to him tighter than I ever had before.

  My head began to pound. Please tell me this was a nightmare.

  No. This was real. This was so real and intense. A real-life horror film.

  Sienna was gone

  Her hair was cut by a savage, mostly like to disguise her and lead her out of the park. Perhaps they dressed her as a boy and walked right by the policemen. Or even Mitch himself.

  And then what would they do to her?

  And why?

  The first thing that came to my mind was the most awful thoughts—thoughts I had had about my sister daily.

  Some sicko could have abducted Sienna for some type of child sex ring.

  I kissed Mitch’s cheek. “Mitch, I’m so sorry.”

  That was all I could say—pathetic. Over and over again, I’m sorry. My words were of little solace to this broken man.

ant looked Mitch dead in the eye.

  “We will find her. We have the best minds on this. I won’t let you down. You came through for me with Julián. I give you my word. I will take leave and do anything to help you.”

  But our words were worthless. And both Grant and I knew it.

  Mitch didn’t even speak. He just stood there, staring at his daughter’s hair and rocking back and forth like some crazy man. Which he no doubt was.

  “Mr. Martinez, come with me.”

  Mitch gave me a pained look. “I’ll call you when I’m done.”

  “Okay. We will be with Sam.”

  He nodded and walked away like a zombie.

  Grant and I hustled out of the bathroom. I was speechless. Lost. And no doubt he felt the same way.

  We were also alone together for the first time since the Cruz case ended.

  I garnered the strength to speak. “Grant, I—”

  He shook his head. “Look, Ash. I know what you think of Mia, but we all need to sit down and just get on the same page so we can work together to help Mitch. Let’s hash it out—everything out in the open. All your suspicions front and center so we can move forward to find Sienna.”

  I nodded rapidly. “I agree.” He eyed me. “No, really. I’m done. Sienna, she changed me. I only knew her for a few days, but I felt a connection to her.”

  Which was ridiculous—I never felt connections to children.

  But somehow saving Sienna would be like saving my own sister—who I had given up hope of ever finding.

  Grant and I shook hands, which was very awkward, but then we walked back toward city hall to meet Mia.

  She wasn’t there. Grant texted her and found out that she had taken Sam to get a slice of pizza. We finally met up with them. The little boy had tomato sauce smeared on his face.

  “Did they find my sister yet?”

  I shook my head. “No, not yet.”

  “Where’s my daddy?”

  Grant sat next to him. “He’s talking to the police. We’re going to watch you for now.”

  He pursed his lips. “Can we go on some rides?”

  I looked at Grant. Well, it wasn’t appropriate to go on any rides right now, but I wanted to make Sam happy, I was sure we all did. This could be the last time that he had any semblance of a normal life.

  In a week, he had been through so much. His mom was in the hospital, and his sister was missing. His world was about to fall apart.

  Grant turned to Mia and whispered something in her ear.

  Mia’s mouth gaped, and she immediately began to cry.

  Grant embraced her. After they finally separated, Grant went to buy himself a beer. He offered us drinks, but we declined. I needed to keep my brain sharp.

  Sam was now focused on his chocolate pudding. Grant joined us with his beer and Grant, Mia, and I huddled in the booth.

  I spoke in a low tone. “Look, guys, tell me if I’m crazy, but this has to be connected to Julián.”

  Mia rolled her eyes at me.

  “You’re crazy, Ash.”

  “No, seriously. I think it is.”

  Mia’s face grew intense, and Grant seemed to be monitoring our interaction—probably to make sure we didn’t break out into a fight. “What are you talking about?”

  “Look—there are too many coincidences.”

  She shook her head, her voice getting louder. “No, there aren’t. You did work my case, didn’t you? My brother lost it, was obsessed with me, kidnapped my son because he thought it was his kid because he raped me. Remember?”

  I bit my lower lip. I needed to slow my role. “Doesn’t that seem a little far-fetched, Mia? Do you really think he acted alone?”

  “I don’t know what to think. I’d like to say he didn’t, but he swears to me he did. I think he’s telling me the truth. I didn’t want to believe it—it’s been my worst nightmare—but through therapy, I have learned to accept it. He’s sick.”

  I turned my gaze to Grant, who was noticeably calm and non-reactive. His breathing was steady, his hand wasn’t shaking, he was like a machine.

  But why wouldn’t he have an emotional response to this conversation?

  “What do you think?”

  He paused before he calmly said, “I think we have no idea what’s happening.”

  I was not satisfied with that answer. “I’m not asking about Sienna. I’m asking about Joaquín.”

  He glared at me.

  I knew that glare. The SEAL death stare. He would not let me into his thoughts.

  “Are you suggesting that Joaquín was involved in kidnapping Sienna because he kidnapped my son? Joaquín’s in jail, Ash. You should know that. You put him there.”

  “I’m just saying he could be involved.”

  Mia exhaled. “No, he couldn’t. You’re unbelievable. Now you are blaming my brother for this? For Sienna? Joaquín made a mistake. He’s sick, and he’s sorry. He’s healed, and so have I. Why can’t we leave the past in the past?”

  Because I could never ever leave the past in the past, no matter what. I lived in the past. My entire life was built on rectifying the sins of the past and making sense of them to save the future.

  “I just think there’s something there, that’s all.”

  I knew I was pushing too hard. It was too close to comfort now. But I would not stop asking questions.

  Mia scowled at me. I think I had pushed her buttons too far. “What are you getting at Ashley? You are always stirring shit up. We are here to find Sienna. This has nothing to do with Joaquín. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  So many things. I had been off-kilter for so long I was a wreck. I was a legit fucking mess, but I owned it.

  But even so, I was on to something. I felt it in my gut.

  Sam had now finished his pizza. Grant downed his beer, and we all headed down Main Street. I checked my phone for a message from Mitch, but there was nothing.

  Grant took Sam to the Buzz Lightyear Astro-Blasters ride as Mia and I stayed outside.

  I put my hands on her shoulders.

  “Look Mia—I need to ask you something.”

  “What now?”

  “Can we go visit Joaquín?”

  She shook her head. “What? No. Why?”

  “When’s the last time you saw him?”

  “A few months ago.”

  “Did you go alone?”

  “No, I took Grant.”

  Yup. Something was off. So off. Why would no one listen to me?

  “Grant still sees him?”


  “Doesn’t that strike you as odd? Why would he see him?”

  “Because he’s his brother in law. They were friends. I forgave him. So did Grant.”

  I laughed. “But he raped you and kidnapped your son. Grant’s son. And Grant doesn’t forgive anything. He specializes in revenge.”

  “Look, I don’t get you, Ash. One second you think I’m the devil, and so is my brother, and Mitch. You only ever liked and believed in Grant. Next thing you know, you are fucking Mitch, being nice to me, and wanting to visit my brother. You are peppering me with questions about Joaquín. What is your point?”

  “My point is something isn’t right at all, and it’s deep in the world of these SEALs. And I think it is connected to Julián’s disappearance. And Sienna’s. And my sister’s.”

  Mia’s eyes bulged. “Your sister’s?”

  “Yeah. She was kidnapped from the SEAL base twenty years ago.”


  I took a deep breath—I was going to tell her my suspicions.

  “Yeah. And I think you may be her.”



  I stood in the middle of Disneyland shaking. What on earth was Ashley talking about? She was almost unhinged.

  “Excuse me? Come again?”

  She walked closer to me, placed her hands on my shoulders, and looked deep into my eyes. I forced myself not to take a step back.

  “I think that there is a possibil
ity that you are my sister.”

  Ashley’s words rocked me to my core.

  “Start talking Ashley. Start talking now.”

  She maintained steady eye contact and spoke to me slowly.

  “What do you know about your mother?”

  “I . . . I know nothing.”

  And it was true. I found out that the woman who raised me was not my biological mother. She was Joaquín’s mother. And I was my father’s daughter.

  And I didn’t find this out until they had both passed away.

  But now, in retrospect, there had always been so many clues.

  Like that time when I was a little girl, and I asked her what she remembered about the day I was born. She smiled, looked at me, and just said that I had been beautiful and small. No details like I remembered when Julián was born. Like the way he smelled, how he looked at me, and most importantly, that overall feeling I had of love when I first held him. When I tried to pry, my father told me to shut up. And my mother and I didn’t even look alike. She was so beautiful, skin the color of fall leaves, while my own skin was the color of sand.

  But my parents took their secrets to the grave.

  After Joaquín had been convicted, I had begged him to tell me what he knew about my parents. But he kept their secrets too. And he would probably keep them until his grave.

  And I still wondered why.

  Ashley interrupted my thoughts. “Well, my sister was kidnapped when I was a little girl. And after seeing that picture of our fathers today, I wondered if you could you be my long-lost sister?”

  No. It wasn’t possible. I did not want to be related to this woman. A woman who hated me. A woman who told my husband to leave me. A woman who put my brother behind bars.

  I examined blonde haired, blue-eyed Ashley. “We don’t look alike.”

  She laughed. “Well, you look like you could be the star of “The Real Housewives of The SEAL Base.” I mean, come on. You’ve had so much plastic surgery, who knows what you look like?”

  Truth. Ugh.

  “Well, I don’t want to deal with this. Definitely not now since the only thing that matters is finding Sienna, not entertaining your delusions. I don’t have time for this.”


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