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by Jeremy Dronfield

  Documents and photographs in possession of Peter Patten DRG

  Documents and photographs in possession of Reinhold Gärtner FDR

  FDR Presidential Library, Hyde Park, New York


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  326 B i b l i o g r a p h y a n d S o u r c e s FTD

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  Records of births, marriages, and deaths for England and Wales: General Register Office, Southport, UK


  Home Office: Aliens Department: Internees Index, 1939–1947: HO 396: National Archives, Kew, London


  Archiv der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde, Vienna


  Documents on victims of Nazi persecution: ITS Digital Archive: International Tracing Service, Bad Arolsen, Germany


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  lection: Box C213‑05: American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati PGB

  Prisoner record archive: KZ‑Gedenkstätte Buchenwald, Weimar PGD

  Prisoner record archive: KZ‑Gedenkstätte Dachau, Dachau PGM

  Prisoner record archive: KZ‑Gedenkstätte Mauthausen Research Center, Vienna PNY

  Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York: Microfilm Publication M237, 675: National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC


  Trial of Adolf Eichmann: District Court Sessions: State of Israel Ministry of Justice: available online at (retrieved March 19, 2016) WLO

  Adolph Lehmanns Adressbuch: Wienbibliothek Digital:

  .at/wbrobv/periodical/titleinfo/5311 (retrieved May 20, 2017) YVP

  Papers and documents: Yad Vashem, Jerusalem: some available online at www


  Central Database of Shoah Victims’ Names: Yad Vashem, Jerusalem: available online at (retrieved April 14, 2017) Books and Articles

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  Barton, Waltraud, ed. Ermordet in Maly Trostinec: Die österreichischen Opfer der Shoa in Weißrussland. Vienna: New Academic Press, 2012.

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  328 B i b l i o g r a p h y a n d S o u r c e s Gerhardt, Uta, and Thomas Karlauf, eds. The Night of Broken Glass: Eyewitness Accounts of Kristallnacht. Translated by Robert Simmons and Nick Somers, 36–55. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2012.

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  330 B i b l i o g r a p h y a n d S o u r c e s Plänkers, Tomas. Ernst Federn: Vertreibung und Rückkehr. Interviews zur Geschichte Ernst Federns und der Psychoanalyse. Tübingen: Diskord, 1994.

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  A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s

  THIS BOOK COULD NOT HAVE BEEN WRITTEN without its primary source material—Gustav Kleinmann’s concentration camp diary and Fritz Kleinmann’s memoir, which came to me through Professor Reinhold Gärt‑

  ner of University of Innsbruck. Reinhold helped Fritz publish both documents in the book Doch der Hund will nicht krepieren (Innsbruck University Press, 2012), and has provided indispensable cooperation in my initial research for this book, for which I thank him.

  I am profoundly grateful to Kurt Kleinmann, who lived through the Anschluss and the Nazi occupation of Vienna, for the many hours of inter‑

  views and months of correspondence. Without Kurt’s generous and tireless help, this tale would have been far less rich in depth and detail. Peter Patten, Gustav’s grandson, has also very kindly contributed interviews and correspon‑

  dence. I am grateful also to Rachel Schine, who helped put me in touch with the American branch of the family. The Austrian side of the family has also provided support. The encouragement of Pete
r Kleinmann, Victor Zehetbauer and his father, Ernst, as well as Richard Wilczek, has been indispensable.

  A draft English translation of Doch der Hund prepared by John Rie was my first contact with this story and provided a vital foundation for creating my own translation of Gustav’s diary and Fritz’s memoir. For the preparation of the Hebrew section titles, I am grateful for the expert advice given by Keren Joseph‑Browning.

  Many archives and their archivists have provided me with guidance, docu‑

  ments, and images, and have patiently dealt with my queries. I am grateful to all of them. They include the Austrian State Archive, Vienna, for documents on Gustav Kleinmann’s WWI record; Ewa Bazan, head of the Bureau for For‑

  mer Prisoners at Auschwitz‑Birkenau Memorial Museum; Douglas Bal man and Georgiana Gomez, access supervisor, University of Southern California 333

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  334 A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education, for providing a transcript of Fritz Kleinmann’s 1997 interview and helping with photographs; Johannes Beermann, archivist, Fritz Bauer Institut, Goethe‑Universität, Frank‑

  furt am Main, for Fritz’s and Gustav’s witness statements from the Frankfurt Auschwitz trials; Cambridge University Library; Judy Farrar, archives and special collections librarian, Claire T. Carney Library, University of Mas‑

  sachusetts, Dartmouth, for information on Samuel Barnet; Harriet Harmer, archive assistant, West Yorkshire Archive Service, Leeds, UK, for documents on Edith Kleinmann and Richard Paltenhoffer; Elisa Ho, archivist and special projects coordinator, The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jew‑

  ish Archives, Cincinnati, for documents on Maly Trostinets; Heike Müller, International Tracing Service, Bad Arolsen, Germany, for documents relating to the Kleinmanns’ incarceration in various concentration camps; Katharina Kniefacz, KZ‑Gedenkstätte Mauthausen Research Center, Vienna, for prisoner records on Fritz Kleinmann; Albert Knoll, archivist, KZ‑Gedenkstätte Dachau, for information on Richard Paltenhoffer; Kimberly Kwan, volunteer, Gedenk‑

  stätte Buchenwald, for information on the Kleinmanns and Richard Palten‑

  hoffer; Susanne Uslu‑Pauer, head of department, Archive of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde, Vienna; and the Wiener Library, London.


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