Over the past year, I've struggled with guilt like I'd never felt before. I made that little girl a promise and abandoned her the very next day. I can only hope I didn't fuck up her life too much. All will be revealed soon, and as worried as I am about the kid, I need to get answers, now.
I walk the path down to her house after taking an Uber to the neighborhood. I almost managed to forget what a shitty place Willa lives in. If she's still here.
When I round the corner and find the window of her bedroom, my heart fucking stops. There it is… the bear in the window.
I don't get overcome by emotion easily but seeing that fucks me up more than I'd care to admit. Swallowing my anger at the world, I approach the window. It's closer to night than evening now. I knock on the window gently. I can't see inside the room, because the shitty, threadbare curtains are drawn. But a moment later, they fly open, and there she is.
Willa looks... different. She's not much taller, but her face bears the brunt of the changes she's gone through this year. She looks older. Tired.
When she sees me, she crosses her arms and glares. It almost makes me chuckle, but I stop myself, motioning for her to open the window. She shakes her head no.
I put my hands in a prayer position and mouth pleases at her. Willa rolls her eyes, then finally opens the window. The look of hope in her eyes doesn't escape me, though. The kid is happy to see me, even if she won't admit it.
"How have you been?" I ask softly.
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
The sight of this little kid spewing curse words at me is kind of adorable, but I force myself to wince and shrug. "I'm sorry, Willa."
"You abandoned me."
"I didn't have a choice."
"That doesn't make it better," she hisses.
"I'm sorry."
"You better be," she mutters, rolling her eyes.
I know she's making light of the situation, but the pain behind that watchful gaze doesn't escape me. I've betrayed Willa. Left her here to deal with her family on her own, after promising to take care of her. I deserve to be on the receiving end of her anger. I did this to her.
"I'm back now," I get out.
"For how long? Are you going to tell me when you leave again?" She sighs, waving her hand. She looks oddly grown up. "Never mind. It's too late, anyway."
"I promise you, it's not," I say roughly, my voice hoarse and breaking over the words. It's fucking painful to see a kid this disillusioned with the world. "I'm going to take care of you from now on. Do you need anything?"
"Yeah," she mutters. "I need you here a year ago."
"I'm sorry, Willa." I really do mean it and my conscience has a vicious bite, reminding me once again of how much I fucked up the kid's life. Giving her false hope, then disappearing. What kind of monster am I? I never should've done what Hodge wanted. Willa was counting on me. "I won't disappear again. I'll tell you everything."
"So tell me." She crosses her arms, staring me down with the wisdom of someone ten times her age. "Where did you go?"
"I had to leave for work, I didn't have a choice," I grit out. "I... owed someone. And they were using something to blackmail me."
She nods, not offering any further commentary on my admission. "Then why are you back?"
I think about my answer. What am I supposed to tell her? That I took the first chance I got to get away from Hodge, come back here to be with my woman? Yes. I'll tell her the truth. Willa deserves it.
"There's a girl," I mutter. "Her name is Dove."
"That’s a nice name. Is she beautiful?"
I look up into Willa's eyes, noticing for the first time how matted her once light blonde hair is. She looks... neglected, for lack of a better word.
"She's very beautiful," I smile weakly.
"Would she like me?"
In that one question the kid asks, there's a promise for so much fucking heartbreak it twists my stomach into knots. She wants Dove to like her. As if it will make a difference. Willa's doomed to this life, just like I'm doomed to mine.
"Yes, I think she would," I smile weakly. I'm tired. Tired from all the lies. "Maybe one day you can meet her."
Willa nods thoughtfully and I dig in my pocket, bringing out a phone and a charger and passing them to her. "Here, I got you this."
"A phone?"
"I assumed you didn't have one," I mutter, showing her how to charge it. "It's pretty easy. Keep it hidden. Call me if you need me. Whenever."
"You're not going to be walking by my house anymore?"
"I will if you call me," I grin darkly. "And this way, we can stay in touch even if I have to leave again. Is that ok?"
"Yeah," she mutters, quickly putting the phone and charger out of sight then scampering back to the window. "How long are you staying for?"
"A few weeks, probably," I mutter. "I'll come see you a few times, as much as I can."
"What about Dove?" she asks. My woman's name feels strange in this setting, but I kind of like being honest with this adorable kid. I see something in Willa, something that makes me want to take care of her.
"What about her?"
"Will she be happy you're back?"
I take a moment to ponder the kid's words. The answer is probably not. She was more than eager to get rid of me a year ago. But in that time, my obsession has only grown darker, deeper. I thought I'd start getting over Dove by now. That I'd be balls deep in another pussy. But the sad truth is, I haven't fucked a single other person. It's just me and my fucking fist, and the thought of Dove ever-present in my mind.
"Probably not," I smirk at Willa. "We got into an argument before I left."
She shrugs, her clever eyes on mine. "Then fix it."
I laugh out loud. "It's not that easy."
The kid grins. "It's always that easy, monster."
"Hey, who you calling a monster?"
"You," she smiles. "The scar looks scary."
"Do I scare you, Willa?"
She thinks about it for a moment, then shakes her head. "No. Monsters aren't scary. People are."
Her words hit me hard and I nod thoughtfully before pointing back into her room. "Get some sleep, kid. Call me tomorrow, if you want."
"Even if there's nothing wrong?"
"Yeah," I smile thoughtfully. "Even if there's nothing wrong."
She waves me off and I slink back into the shadows, my hands in my pockets as I walk away from her shitty place. Dove's next on the agenda. Of course, I have to be careful, so she doesn't see me. I don't want her to come through on her promise to call the cops if she sees me around her place again. I know it's been a year, but she seemed fucking determined to keep me away.
It's a long walk from Willa's to Dove's, and I take my time, dragging my feet and avoiding walking to Dove's neighborhood. As much as I want to see my little bird, I'm afraid of hurting her even more.
It takes me hours of walking around the city, dragging my feet along, to finally decide I can't stay away.
I tried to be good.
I tried to give Dove what she wanted.
But I fucking can't stay away.
It's early morning by the time I show up in front of her house. I don't recognize any of the cars parked on the street, which isn't much of a reprieve. Knowing that smug piece of shit Raphael, he probably upgraded his ride since the last time I was here. He seems like the smug type who always drives the newest model. Prick.
I find my spot in the shadows, remembering Sam. There's nothing left of him, not even the stack of newspapers and blankets Dove gave him. He's gone, erased. But he still left his mark on this world. I know, because I carry it in my rotten heart. And I think Dove does, too.
I wait in the shadows until the front door of Dove's house opens. My chest tightens as I watch him exit. Raphael. So, he was here. He was here all along, watching my woman, taking care of her when I fucking couldn't.
Instantly, jealousy and anger demand me to go over there and strangle the piece of shit on
the spot. Is he fucking her? Has he been inside what's mine? The mere thought of it makes me enraged, threatening to unleash every single demon I've kept silent in my head. But I push it back, force it behind closed doors. He's not going to win in the end, anyway.
I watch Raphael walk up to a flashy car – just as I suspected, the newest Tesla. He gets behind the wheel and drives away while I grit my teeth and watch Dove's house for any sign of life. But there's nothing. She must be still asleep.
Jealousy's a dangerous fucking drug. Right now, it's making me lose my mind, imagining all the ways Dove betrayed me since I was last here. If this were a year ago, Raphael Santino would be dead fucking meat.
But in my year away, I've picked up some self-control.
Besides, it'll feel sweeter to rip her out of his arms. Make him fucking watch Dove pick me. Because the poor little photographer never stood a chance.
Dove Canterbury has always been my property. And I'm not letting anybody have a piece of what's mine.
With a satisfied smile, I pull away from the alley. It's not our time yet. But I know now for sure, I'm not giving up on the woman of my dreams. And I think I know exactly how to get my little bird back...
Whether she wants it or not.
Chapter 38
I examine my reflection in the mirror critically. I look good – even for my standards.
I'm wearing a skintight black dress which reaches the tops of my thighs, and a pair of black heeled boots. I slip on a coat over and take a deep, calming breath to steady myself. I can do this. I haven't promised Raphael anything. And he should know by now I'm not ready to do anything sexual. Aside from one very awkward kiss, we haven't even broached the subject... in a full year.
Sometimes I feel bad for him. Other times, I feel guilty for leading him on. But Raphael's all I have now. My best friend and my confidant, besides my therapist, of course. He's helped me heal so much and for that, I'll always be grateful. And to be fair, he hasn't pushed to sleep with me at all. So why should tonight be any different?
As much as I tell myself not to worry, there's no denying the special glint in Raphael's eyes when he asked me to come to his place. He's planning something and I'm not sure I'm going to like it. But it's too late to back out now. I can't be so scared all the time, anyway. I have to try to be open to new opportunities.
With that thought in mind, I grab my purse, lock up and get into the Uber that's waiting for me outside. The entire ride to Raphael's, I stare out the window, nervously chewing my bottom lip. By the time we arrive, my lipstick is gone.
I pay the driver and ring Raphael's doorbell. He answers in his calming, kind voice and lets me in. The elevator ride up is too short for my frayed nerves, but I do my best to keep it together. I tell myself it's nothing. Probably just a nice dinner he cooked for me. He's not going to hurt me. He's not... Nox.
The elevator dings and the doors slide open.
I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I've been holding back for nothing, because Nox is a thing of the past, and I'm going to make him stay there. On an exhale, I open my eyes and walk into Raphael's penthouse apartment.
"Hey," I call out, surprised he hasn't greeted me at the door.
"In the kitchen," he calls out. I hear the sound of clinking glasses and smile to myself, my fear dissipating. But then another voice joins Raphael's. A woman's.
Instantly, my smile fades. I walk into the kitchen to find Raphael pouring wine for himself and Elise, who's sitting on one of the barstools at his kitchen island.
"Hi, Dove!" She jumps up and comes closer, air-kissing my cheeks. Pepper is nowhere in sight and I'm relieved. But the fact that Elise is here concerns me. Did Raphael invite her? Why, after he was so dismissive of her that time we ran into her? "It's so good to see you again!"
I nod robotically. Even though I'm scared to admit it, it's nice to see Elise, too. She reminds me of a time I can never go back to. She reminds me of Robin.
"Would you like a glass of wine, Dove?" Raphael asks as I sit on one of the barstools.
"Sure." He passes me a glass and I wait for one of them to explain whatever the hell is happening here. "So..."
"So, Elise is going to help us with a little something today," he goes on. "Would you mind coming with us to the lounge?"
I grab my glass and follow them. My eyes dance between Elise and Raphael who seem to be in some sort of silent agreement over something I'm not privy to. I don't know what's happening, but I don't fucking like it.
Once I enter the lounge, the glass falls from my hand. The deep-pile carpet beneath my feet absorbs the spilled wine and the glass lies on its side, slowly leaking the last of its blood red liquid.
But none of us pay it any mind. I'm too focused on the set up in front of me. And before I have enough of a chance to react, Raphael grabs me by the waist. I struggle against him but he ignores my screaming, handcuffing my hands together. My resistance is of no use. He drags me to a chair in the middle of the room with added restraints and straps me in. My heart races. I stop screaming. Instead, I focus my eyes on the figure before me – Raphael. The only man I thought I could trust.
And he's just betrayed me.
"Don't scream," he tells me in a low, threatening voice. "You know nobody's going to hear you, right?"
I stare at him with pure contempt. "Why are you doing this?"
"Because, Dove," he says, his kind voice accented with toxicity. "I've waited long fucking enough."
Before I can answer, he pulls off his tie and ties it around me so I'm silenced, my mouth covered and my nose inhaling his scent coming off the fabric.
"Come here, Elise."
I remember the other woman then, just as she offers me a smug smile and saunters up to Raphael. She hooks her leg around his waist and he lifts her up in a movie-like kiss. I want to fucking scratch her eyes out, but I fight those urges and keep staring at the scene unfolding in front of me.
After their makeout session is over, Elise falls to her knees in front of Raphael. He looks right at me as he unzips his pants, but I refuse to give him the satisfaction of looking at his cock. Instead, I allow my gaze to penetrate him, wishing he'd turn to stone as he smirks at me.
"You left me waiting long enough, Dove," he tells me. "Any other man would've given up faster than me. So today, you get to watch what you can't have anymore. But Elise can, isn't that right, Elise?"
The blonde looks at me over her shoulder, smiling sweetly as she nods. "Mm-hmm."
I can feel my cheeks igniting. Before I get a good chance to look, Raphael's cock disappears from sight as Elise starts to suck on it. Wetness fills my mouth, as if I'm the one pleasing him. I clear my throat, desperately shutting my eyes closed so I'm not forced to look at them go at it in front of me. But then the noises start.
Elise's desperate moans with her throat filled to the brim.
Raphael muttering curse words in Spanish, choking her as she sucks him off. My blood boils at the sight of them. I want to fucking slap her and scream at him to stop, but my pride won’t let me. Instead, I furrow my brows and continue to glare as she slobbers all over her own chest. Raphael pulls his cock out of her and spins her around so she's facing me. Elise's blue eyes glitter as they meet mine.
"Look what you can't have, Dove," she purrs, making me want to explode with jealousy.
But am I really jealous? If this were Nox, I would've already ripped her eyeballs out, somehow. But not with Raphael. Yes, I'm upset, but it's more about losing my position of power and feeling uncomfortable because I'm being forced to watch them fuck. I don't want to watch, and yet I can't look away. It's like a train-wreck.
Raphael pushes her to the floor and the bitch lifts her ass for him. He lifts her dress clear and gets on his knees behind her. Elise's long pink claws dig into the carpet as he fucks her and she moans his name over and over again. I want to rip myself out of these restraints, but the more I struggle, the tighter they seem to get.
"Keep watc
hing," Elise purrs in her annoying Barbie voice. "He's never fucked you like this, has he?"
"Let me go,” I mumble through the gag. "Let me go right now. Or I'm calling the cops and telling them what you did to me."
"It's just a kinky game," Raphael smirks, thrusting into her.
"You're fucking with my head."
He pulls out of the blonde and pulls up his boxers. Then, he approaches me, eyes narrowed into dark, burning slits. "I thought that's what you like, little bird."
I want to fucking kick him but instead I struggle in the chair, doing everything I can to break free. Raphael finally rushes to my side as the chair topples over, with me still strapped to its legs.
"Stop fighting it," he mutters as he frees my hands. "I'm only trying to help you."
The moment I'm free again, I rip the gag from my mouth and spring away from him, avoiding the weight of his dark brown eyes. My heart speeds up with the betrayal that still feels so fresh.
"How could you do this to me?" I hiss at Raphael.
"I thought you didn't even care about me, little bird."
"Don't call me that!" My voice rings out, deafening in its intensity. I press my palms over my ears and groan as the sound drowns out everything else happening in my head. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."
Raphael makes a grab for me but I push him away and race to the elevator. He calls out after me but I ignore him, continuing to push my finger against the elevator button. When it finally arrives, I'm instantly inside, praying the doors will shut before Raphael can catch up with me. And they do.
Calming music begins to play over the elevator and I take a deep, healing breath as the descent begins. My heart is still faster than I thought possible, hammering in my chest and reminding me with each beat what I've just been through. It doesn't even compare to all the shit Nox has put me through, but I'm still angry with Raphael, feeling the fresh sting of his betrayal cut deep.
The elevator doors slide open and I stumble into the lobby. The lights are bright and the doorman is saying something to me, but I'm not paying any of it any mind. Instead, I stumble through the lobby until the fresh air hits me hard, like a punch to the gut. I take off running without a goal in sight. In my effort to get away, I left my purse at Raphael's. That's going to bite me in the ass later, I just know it.
Tyrant Stalker: A Dark Forbidden Romance (Tyrant Dynasty Book 2) Page 24