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Christian Page 5

by Sean Michael

  Salem licked his lips. “That’s it, baby. Sweet touch. You too.”

  “Me too?” He tugged his sweats down, just under his balls.

  Salem groaned. “Uh-huh.” Then Salem grabbed them both in one big hand, squeezing them tightly together.

  “Oh!” He arched, driving toward that touch.

  “Needy boy.” Salem stroked them, the sensations going straight to his balls.

  “I wasn’t! You made me.”

  “I did. And I’ll do it again.” The long pulls continued, driving his need.

  Fuck, he hoped so. “Okay. I’ll let you.”

  “Good boy.” Salem met his eyes, looking into him.

  “Not really a boy, am I?” He was buzzing, burning.

  “You’re my boy. Mine.”

  “Huh.” He wasn’t going to argue, because part of the words felt so good.

  Salem squeezed the head of his cock and bit at his bottom lip, both sensations sharp and zinging straight to his balls.

  “Mean…” His nipples were hard, his cock was leaking, and he wanted to moan.

  “No—this would be mean.” Salem let go of his cock, the other hand dropping away too.

  He frowned at Salem. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m showing you what mean is. And not touching you is way meaner than this.” Salem grabbed up his cock and squeezed his prick-tip again.

  “Yeah. Okay. Don’t be mean, at all.” That was easy.

  Salem chuckled and stroked him again, long and slow, with that pinch at the tip every time.

  Every pinch made him gasp and wiggle, dancing on Salem’s thigh. His balls were aching, and every time he moved against Salem, they rubbed harder, increasing that ache. Fuck, he needed.

  “I want to put you over my knee, boy. Color your ass.”

  He shook his head. “Don’t like it.”

  “How would you know?” Salem squeezed the tip of his cock again, very hard.

  He arched, head falling back as he bucked into the touch. “Oh fuck…”

  “I know things about you, Chrissy. Things you need to learn about yourself.”

  He didn’t understand. He didn’t actually care either, so long as that touch continued. And it did, Salem sending him higher with every stroke.

  He let himself go, let Salem take him where he was going. Higher and higher, Salem pushed and pulled, working him until he wanted to scream.

  “I need… Fuck, man. Help me!” he demanded.

  “That’s two more, boy.”

  Two more what?

  The answer didn’t take long to come—Salem swatting his ass, hard, two times.

  “No…” Fuck him, that burned.

  “Then don’t swear, baby. It’s really that easy.” Salem rubbed his ass, and he found himself wishing he wasn’t still mostly dressed.

  “You can’t just say…” Oh, he didn’t care. He needed to feel.

  “But I did.” Salem nipped at his bottom lip again, the little sting somehow perfect.

  “Oh—” So close. So close.

  “Uh-huh.” Salem licked where he’d bitten, then drew his lip in and sucked on it, pulling on his—their—cocks at the same time.

  He was going to shoot all over Salem’s cock, just pour himself out.

  “No coming until I say so.” Was Salem for real?

  “Salem!” No way.

  “You heard me.” Salem reached with his free hand and tugged on his balls, hard enough to surprise him, to make his orgasm back off a touch.

  He groaned. “Motherfuck…That aches!”

  “Chrissy!” Salem swatted him twice more, quick, hard snaps of his fingers against Christian’s ass.

  “No!” He pulled away, confused and frustrated and so hungry.

  Salem tugged him back in. “Where are you going?”

  “I don’t know!” He was going to scream.

  “Then stay. I know it’s not what you’re used to, but it’s so hot—you’re so hot.” Salem sealed his words with a kiss, tongue pushing into his mouth, fucking his lips. Then Salem’s hand was back around his prick, squeezing it tight against Salem’s.

  He grabbed onto Salem and held on tight, crying out into their kiss. Salem deepened it, working the tip of his cock even harder. It made him wild, and Salem met his need.

  He let go, trusting that Salem would help him, that Salem wanted to help him. The kisses became harder, wilder, the tugs on their cocks almost, almost painful. It was fucking perfect and he needed to come.

  “Please!” he begged. “I need you!”

  “Come on then. Show me. I want to feel your heat. Smell it.” The words growled out of Salem, and another squeeze pinched his cockhead against Salem’s.

  “Yes!” He shot, coming hard and fast, his whole body into it.

  Salem moaned, the sound deep and low, sexy as hell, and more heat splashed between them.

  He sighed, his eyelids going heavy. Salem kissed the side of his head. “Beautiful boy.”

  “Uhn…” That was close to an answer, right?

  “I love that I have made you incoherent.” Salem brushed his lips with seed-covered fingers, then licked them clean.

  Fuck, that was breathtaking.

  “We taste good together,” Salem told him, painting his lips again. “Taste for yourself.”

  He grabbed one finger with his lips, sucking good and hard.

  Salem groaned and bucked beneath him. “You make me want so much.”

  He couldn’t. Salem had just come.

  “You’re an addiction I don’t want to recover from,” Salem told him.

  “Flatterer.” He was floating.

  “Uh-huh.” Salem’s hands were warm as they wandered over him.

  “You’re a fantasy. I swear to God, Salem.” He leaned and rested in Salem’s arms.

  “I’m real, Chrissy. I’m right here and I’m not letting go.”

  He needed to believe that. Seriously.

  Salem squeezed him tight. “It’s okay to fall asleep—I’ll still be here when you wake up.”


  Salem met his gaze. “I do.”

  “Okay. I trust you.” He wasn’t sure what was going on, but he believed in Salem.

  “Thank you. I won’t let you down.”

  “I’m not worried about that, man.”

  No, he didn’t have to worry about Salem letting him down. That was his job.

  Chapter Four

  Jerusalem left Chrissy hunkered down with movies, coffee, and doughnuts while he went to the monthly Daddy meeting at Java the Hut.

  There were anywhere from five to twelve of them at any meeting, some with boys, some without. They rented the back room so they could speak freely, and he’d never regretted joining them. Along with lifelong friendships, he’d learned so much from them over the years.

  Walking into the place, he waved to Josh and Watson, who were just going into the back room, before he headed to the counter to order a London Fog.

  “Good afternoon. Would you like any pastries with that?”

  “I’ll take one of the chocolate almond croissants, please. Actually, make it two and put one in a bag, please.” He’d bring home a treat for Chrissy.

  “Yes, sir. It will be just a few minutes.”

  He paid, laughing as Mark and Anthony came up behind him, teasing and poking him, pinching his butt.

  “Hey, buddy. How’s it going? Mark, honey, order me a latte, please?” Anthony hugged him tight.

  He hugged the man back. Close friends now, Anthony and his boy had taught him so much.

  Mark came and stayed in the main coffee shop every meeting, studying for his master’s in library science, on call in case Anthony needed him for an example.

  Jerusalem picked up his tea and sweets at the other end of the counter and made his way into the back room. Looked like they had a pretty full house today.

  “Hey, everyone.”

  “Jerusalem! Hey!”

  The greetings made him feel a hundred feet tall.
These were his people, his friends. He hoped to introduce them to Chrissy soon, hoped that Chrissy would find his place among these men’s boys.

  He sat with Josh and Watson, leaving a chair for Anthony. “Hey, guys, how’s it going?”

  Josh shrugged. “Can’t complain.”

  “Sure you can,” Anthony countered. “But nobody will listen.”

  Jerusalem chuckled at the byplay.

  “Do we know if there’s a class today or are we just bullshitting?” Watson asked.

  “I have no idea,” Jerusalem admitted. “I’m kind of hoping we’re just getting together to talk.” He wanted to share what had happened with Chrissy. He needed advice on how to introduce the lifestyle to his boy.

  Anthony gave him an arch look. “You have something to share, Jerusalem?”

  He nodded. “I do. And advice to seek.”

  “Then we should talk. If there’s a class, we’ll go find a quiet corner.”

  “Thank you, friend.” He hoped there wasn’t a class—he wanted the counsel of all of them.

  Ben Jeffries stood up, clearing his throat to call them to order. “Good day, my friends. I have news today, but then, I thought we could break into groups, share ideas.”

  Oh, that so worked for him. He nodded, happy with the plans.

  “News?” Cap asked. “What news?”

  “Well, I’m pleased to announce that Isaac, Tab, and myself purchased a house this week. We will officially be renovating it and making a place for our small community to meet, have scenes, just be Daddies with their boys.”

  How wonderful! They all clapped and cheered.

  “Thank you, thank you, everyone.” Ben laughed, looking so pleased. It was a great thing for their community. “I’m going to be asking for ideas, help, ways to decorate. Furnishings. There’s so much for us to do to organize. If you want to join in, we can use the assistance.”

  “There’s going to be a sign-up sheet, right?” Jerusalem asked. Ben Jeffries loved his sign-up lists.

  “Of course. Always. And the email list will have a Google doc to fill out.”

  “Called it!” Jerusalem laughed as Ben stuck his tongue out in very un-Daddy-like behavior.

  “Okay, you all visit and plan our new community home. I’m going to sit and panic.”

  “Jerusalem has news too,” Anthony told the room at large, and he actually found himself blushing a little.

  “Oh?” Ben grinned at him, looking so pleased.

  “Chrissy came home the other day. He’d lost his job and his apartment and needed a safe place to land. I’ve taken him in and convinced him to stay. For now, at least.”

  “Chrissy? Your Chrissy?” Anthony looked him, wide-eyed. “Seriously?”

  “Yes, my Chrissy. It’s going well. Or as well as two days can be.”

  “So? What are you going to do?” That was Watson.

  “I’m going to love on him.” It was as simple as that. And also just as complicated.

  “Is he…” Anthony looked around the room. “Does he know?”

  “He knows I’m going to love on him, but he doesn’t understand his needs, no. I could use some advice on how to help him understand.”

  “Wow.” Anthony blinked at him, obviously stunned. “God, you’re going to have so much fun.”

  He was. “I get to love on him the way I want—the way he deserves.” Even if Chrissy didn’t believe he did.

  “I remember when my boy and I were just starting out. We had so much fun. So many new, exciting things to explore.”

  “But Mark understood what he was getting into, right? He knew what Daddy play was. Chrissy has no idea.” And anytime he’d tried to explain had freaked Chrissy right out.

  “He did. Cap’s boy wasn’t though. He was totally innocent. Hell, little Seb was a virgin.”

  Jerusalem chuckled. “Chrissy’s no virgin.” He sighed. “So how do you explain to your boy how this whole thing works? I know Chrissy wants it—he needs the guidance, the love, the discipline. And he will thrive on it.”

  “Have you tried just being straightforward?” Winston asked. “Maybe he just doesn’t know he wants it.”

  “I think so? I mean he just looks at me like I’m crazy.”

  “Do you remember when you first heard about Daddies?” Ben asked.

  Jerusalem thought back and nodded. “I got the facts—they were totally in line with what I wanted to be as a Dom, but I was thrown by the word Daddy. Now it just makes my stomach do flips.”

  “Maybe you just need to tell him, then?” Anthony asked.

  “Or have him try it. Just for a week or a month. Just try it.”

  “Technically, we are trying it. Only without the honorific of Daddy.” Jerusalem nodded. “If he leaves because of it, he’s just not ready yet, eh?” That honestly was his biggest fear. That it would make Chrissy run, and he’d finally convinced his oldest friend to stay this time, to give staying for a while a chance.

  “You could always dare him.” That was Dan, the big man grinning evilly. “Dare him to try.”

  “But what if he can’t let himself admit he likes it?” Anthony asked.

  Dan shrugged. “His body won’t lie.”

  “Yeah, his body has already proven what it wants and needs.” Jerusalem was pretty good at reading Chrissy, especially now with the training under his belt.

  “That’s good for both of you, I think.” Ben smiled at him. “Part of the fun at the beginning is the negotiation, hmm?”

  “Good point to remember.” This was fun and exciting and if he communicated that to Chrissy, well that would be the best thing he could teach his boy at the start. He was called to care for his boy, to bolster his Chrissy, but there was sex, need, joy, play, hunger. So many aspects.

  “Are we going to get to meet this boy of yours?” Ben asked.

  “Yes. Hopefully, sooner than later.”

  “Well, we’d be happy to meet for supper. You know how Isaac loves to entertain.” Ben rolled his eyes, but the expression was fond.

  “I think that’s a fantastic idea. Give us some time for him to understand the concept and I’ll take you up on that. It’ll help for him to see others living the life, I’m sure.”

  “I’m sure it would.”

  His phone buzzed, and he peeked.


  He’d managed to help Chrissy stay off them for a couple of days now.


  Oh, wicked boy.

  He was pretty sure Chrissy didn’t have money for cigarettes anyway.

  There was a pause.



  He wanted to indulge Chrissy, to make sure his boy knew he was cared for, important.


  “Is that him?” Anthony asked.

  Jerusalem nodded. “Yeah. Sorry, I know we try to keep phone interaction to a minimum during meetings.”

  “Yes, but a new boy? Who would blame you?”

  Who could blame him indeed. Even now, he wanted to rush home and bring Chrissy ice cream to share. It was the first time he’d ever wanted to leave a meeting early.

  Ben smiled at him. “You should go. Be with him. I’ll arrange to meet for lunch next week one day.”

  “That would be great. Congratulations again on your news. Chrissy’s good with his hands. Maybe he can put in time with your renovations.” It would give Chrissy a sense of purpose, to have something to do.

  “Oh, we would welcome that. Absolutely.” Ben shook his hand. “Call. Anytime.”

  “Thank you.” He stood and moved to each of the men, giving them all hugs. Accepting their congratulations and good lucks.

  Then he headed to the store, calling his boy on the way.

  “Hey, Salem. What’s up?”

  “I’m on my way home. Well, via the store.” He was going to buy every flavor of chocolate they had—they could play with it.

  “Are you going to grab me a pack of Camels?” Little shit.

  “No, I said I was bringing home ice cream.” He still wanted to know where Chrissy had found money for cigarettes. Of course, maybe Chrissy just always kept a stash for when he really needed it. Like when he was out of cigarettes.

  “I’m craving bad. Ice cream sounds good, though. I miss you. No, that was a stupid thing to say. Ignore me.”

  “Ignore the nice thing that you said to me? I don’t think I will. And ice cream sounds great. I’ll be home five minutes after I get it and I’m pulling into the parking lot now.” The grocery store would have a bunch of different brands and he’d buy them all. He was pretty sure there was a lot of room in the freezer.

  “Okay. I…I did some laundry. I hope that’s okay.”

  “Of course it’s okay. Do you have any other stuff that we need to pick up from somewhere?” He hadn’t even thought about that. For all he knew, Chrissy had a whole storage locker full of stuff.

  “No. No, this is it.”

  “Okay, cool. I’m at the freezer section. There are like a dozen brands and like twenty different types of ice cream that include chocolate in them.”

  “Just something chocolate. That’s good enough.”

  “I’m going to get everything chocolate.” He started filling up his cart. “I want to spoil my boy.”

  “I don’t…I can’t pay you back.”

  “Let’s not worry about money, okay?” He would take care of Chrissy.

  “You don’t want me to worry about anything, love.”

  “Exactly.” Chrissy would be busy enough being his boy.

  “Dork.” Chrissy’s laughter was soft, warm, and it made him smile.

  “That’s me, babe. Dork, dork, dork.” He headed for the checkout lines.

  “I’ll see you soon. Be—be careful coming home.”

  “I will be. See you in five.” He nodded to the girl behind the counter and put up the twelve different ice creams he’d chosen. He just grinned at her. “Don’t ask.”

  “No, sir. I hope she has the baby soon.”

  He cackled. He was going to have to tell Chrissy about that. “Thank you.” He was still grinning as he headed back to his car.


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