Bishop: Part One

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Bishop: Part One Page 11

by Elisa Leigh

  Reacting the only way I know how I pull back his hand, so he is no longer grabbing me, and pull it back until he is howling in pain.

  “You fucking bitch!” He screams. He jumps up off the couch. Ahh yes, he got the hint finally. I rub the pain away from my shoulder, and instantly the bone aching pain that was searing through me where he had his hand is fading. I’m paying him no attention when I grab my phone from my pocket, needing to tell Mandy about this and find out where she went. Pulling up her name I’m about to text her when my phone is pulled from my hands, and I look up into angry eyes. “What the hell is wrong with you?” I shout and stand to grab my phone away from him.

  He pulls me by my wrist so that I’m standing by his side, then wrenches it behind my back so I’m unable to move. For a moment I’m shocked silent. I’ve seen this shit in movies and read about it, but I’ve never seen a guy treat a girl like his, let alone me. “Good I’ve finally gotten you to shut the fuck up and pay attention.”

  I feel a cold, sharp point dig into my side. I look down and confirm that yes, the fuck-head has a small, but painful looking knife in his hand. With wide eyes, I look around, but no one is paying attention to us. The cabin is crowded with kids from our school who have been partying for the last couple of hours since we won the game.

  He pulls me forcefully down the hall to a quieter area in the back. Pushing open a few doors, we find couples in all stages of undress, enjoying each other’s bodies, paying us no attention. He finally gets to a room that is dark and empty, where he proceeds to shove me inside with his hand in my hair, and close and lock the door while keeping the knife dug into my side.

  “What the fuck do you want?” I seethe.

  Removing the knife away from my side I feel liquid drip down my side, but keeping his hand tightly wound in my hair, he sighs tiredly.

  “I’m fucking this up. She paid me two hundred dollars to get you away from Bishop for about an hour.” Who is she?

  “What else did she want you to do?”

  I’m scared and pissed. How dare he do what I think he is about to. “What the fuck did she want you to do Brent?” I scream.

  He smells of liquor, and the way he’s looking at me is making my stomach knot up. “I was supposed to hook up with you, and if you didn’t go along with it, make it seem like that’s what happened.”

  Brent pushes my front against a wall. With his hand tangled in my hair tightly and his other hand gripping my waist, I’m in a position I never thought I would be. “You know, I would have done it without her paying me.” He groans, rubbing his erection against my ass. Suddenly I’m drowning in fear. He may be drunk, but he’s still stronger than I am.

  “You don’t want to do this Brent. I don’t want this. You can stop right now before you do something you’re going to regret later.” My voice trembles, as I try my best to be strong and reason with his crazy.

  His hot breath sends chills down my spine as he licks my ear and bites my lobe. “See, that’s where you’re wrong little girl. I want to do this. I’ve wanted to do this all week.” Kissing my neck, he moves my shirt to the side so he can get to more of my flesh.

  Struggling, I try and get away from him, but he overpowers me easily. Unfortunately, my screams have gone unnoticed because of the blaring music through the house. Rubbing his dick against me, he grinds me into the wall and pushes his hand under my top and begins to rub down my stomach. As he kisses all over my neck and shoulders his hand that isn’t in my hair starts to undo the button of my jeans, and zip the zipper down.

  The only thing I can focus on is Bishop as I block out what is about to happen to my body. The only person who should ever have his hands on me, my other half, my soul, is Bishop and I’ve been pushing him away from the start, even though I knew without reason he was mine and I am his. God, how I wish he would appear and save me from this horrible nightmare.

  I must call out to him because the next thing I know Brent shoves my head into the wall, his hand pulling my hair so hard my eyes blur from being stretched. “He would never want a fat bitch like you. He wouldn’t know what to do with a real woman, you’re not even his kind.” His words are meant to hurt, and unfortunately, he hits my insecurities head on. “Alexis and Bishop deserve each other. She’s the kind of girl he can have on his arm to help run the little empire he’s had lain at his feet since he was born. He’s never had to work for it. I know what it takes to get what I want. I take it. I’m taking you, and when I’m finished with you, he’ll never even wonder where you went.”

  What in the hell am I doing letting this needle dick touch me? I might have no one, but I have me. That’s all I need. I will not let him rape me and take everything from me. But, I’ve had so much taken from me my entire life, what’s something else? Really, what would it matter? I might as well just sit here and take it until he’s finished. Just as apathy begins to set in and my numb body starts to shut down, a woman’s voice shouts in my head. Shut the hell up and fight. Fight for you. You are stronger than you know Cara. Slam your head into his. It’ll hurt like a bitch, but you can do this baby girl. I don’t know who the fuck this is. Fuck you. You have no idea what you’re talking about. I scream back to whoever is in my head. Good get pissed. Now fight! The voice urges me.

  Shaking violently, I wait for my chance to do just as the voice said. With as much force as I can muster, I bring my head forward, which isn’t by much, and slam it back as hard as I can, causing him to fall backward.

  “You mother fucking bitch,” Brent screams from the floor. I take my chance and unlock the door and open it. The bright lights from the house momentarily blind me, and I run with my eyes closed bumping into God knows what. Seconds later I bump into someone, and I finally open my eyes to see Alexis standing in front of me glaring daggers at me. “Eww. Get your skanky ass away from me.”

  I hear a few laughs before everything goes completely silent. I look across the room and catch my horrid reflection in a mirror. My hair is a tangled, sweaty mess. I do look skanky. There are red marks where Brent bit and sucked all over my neck. My clothes are disheveled, and my pants are undone. My face is sweaty, and I’m a tear covered mess.

  Eventually, I connect with a pair of dark blue furious eyes. My heart breaks with the censure I see there, and I collapse to the ground. I’m so fucking broken I’m unable to deal with it all. I curl into myself and begin rocking on the floor. I hear nothing but whispers, but I’m unable to comprehend what is being said.

  Eventually, I feel secure hands lift me off the ground. I don’t move from my position. Whoever my savior is, they are strong, strong enough to carry me in the tight fetal position I’m in. He doesn’t try to soothe me. Instead, he brings me to a dark SUV and deposits me in the front seat. He comes around the front and gets into the driver's side. Before he pulls out of the driveway, he grabs a blanket from the back and lays it over me. He then backs out and drives into the darkness.

  I know I should be frightened to be alone with someone I don’t know. A man that could take advantage of my weakened state, but I’m numb. I’m so numb I have no fucks left to give about anything. There is no hate, no embarrassment, no shame. I’m not scared, nor do I feel alone. I’m blank. Empty. I am unable to be filled with any emotion, because there are too many rips in my soul, that if an emotion were to gather, it’d merely leak out from whence it started.

  Chapter 15


  Waking up I’m hot. So hot, that I begin to strip the layers of sheets and blankets strewn over me. Someone sure tried to make sure I didn’t get cold last night. I sit up and find that I’m in a massive bed that I have never been in before. The room I’m in is new to me yet feels familiar and comforting. As I try to move to get out of bed, my muscles tense and ache with every movement.

  Last night’s events play out like a bad horror flick through my mind. I look down and see that I’m not wearing anything that is mine, but men’s boxers and a dark blue t-shirt that is too big on me. Where the hell am I? Who
did I go home with last night?

  I hear a quiet knock on the door before a beautiful woman comes in with tears in her eyes. She rushes to me and pulls me into her arms as she sits with me on the bed.

  “I’m so, so sorry sweetheart. He only told me a few moments ago what happened last night, and I had to come to check on you. I had to see with my own eyes that you were okay.” She rubs her hand against my back and holds me how I imagine a mother would hold her child. I wouldn’t know, I never had that growing up, but that’s what it reminds me of. How does a child not know what a mother’s touch feels like? I begin to cry for the mother I never had. The family that I’ve lost. The family who doesn’t want me. “Shh, shh pretty girl. I’ve got you. I’ll always be here my girl.” I hold this mystery woman tighter, for she is offering me something I’ve never had. I know my father and grandmother loved me, but they didn’t show their feelings with hugs and kind words.

  Getting myself together, I take a shuddering breath and pull away from the kind woman. She wipes the tears from my face and holds my cheek in the palm of her hand for a brief second before releasing me. I get a good look at the dark-haired woman with familiar deep blue eyes, and it all makes sense.

  “You’re Bishop’s mom, aren’t you?”

  She smiles proudly. “I am.” She’s dressed in leggings and a long fashionable t-shirt. She looks effortless but refined at the same time. Her beautiful features, cute nose, long eyelashes, and long straight hair only add to the beauty that is pouring from her soul.

  Why do I get the sense that she is one of the kindest individuals I may ever encounter? Just like last night, I’m able to sense the intentions of the person I’m with. I may have not cared what happened to me when that stranger took me, I knew he meant me no harm and was only trying to help. Just as I knew that Brent was intent on hurting me and inflicting every bit of pain he could. The only person I have trouble with reading is Bishop. I could feel his anger and hurt, but I was unsure as to whom it was directed. At the time I thought he was upset at me, but now it’s cloudy and I don’t know.

  Holding my hand out, I try and shake Bishop’s mom’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you Mrs. Arnetti.”

  She looks at me like I’m crazy, pushes my hand away and pulls me into a firm hug. “You, my girl can call me Momma.”

  “Oh, no I couldn’t do that.”

  “Nonsense. I know exactly who you are to my son Cara.” My eyes get big, and hers twinkle with excitement. “As soon as he told me that he found his one, I could barely contain myself. I’ve been dying to meet you for almost a week now. I wish it were under better circumstances, but I’m happy you’re finally home.”

  “Home?” I squeak.

  She laughs. “Yes. Home. I know this is all new, but you are family, and this is your home, Sweet Cara.”

  I smile nervously, not really knowing what to say. Bishop enters his room wearing black basketball shorts and a white t-shirt that molds perfectly to his broad muscular chest. He gives his mother a disapproving look. “Mom, I gave you the time that you requested, but I’m sure Cara needs to get up to shower and eat.”

  She jumps from the bed. “Oh of course. I’ll go make breakfast. See you two in about an hour.” She winks and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

  I’m unable to look at him, not wanting to see what I saw last night. I can’t bear to see it. He sits where his mother just vacated and pulls me to him, but I stiffen up, and he senses it. “Shit,” he mutters.

  I pull away from him edging towards the other side of the bed.

  “Cara baby, I would never hurt you. Please know that.”

  He pulls my hand into his and strokes his thumb over the top of my hand in a soothing way. His gaze on me feels right, like he’d wait a lifetime for me to be ready for him. I shore up enough courage and look at him. The pain I see there is too much, and I look away. What happened to the girl last night who felt nothing? That was way easier to deal with. “It’s okay my Princess, you can tell me anything.” I suck back the tears that want to fall, willing myself to be strong. I think I’ve cried more over the last week than I have ever cried in my life. Where is the girl that never showed her emotions?

  I look him in the eyes. “Last night was terrifying Bishop.”

  Grabbing both my hands he runs his thumbs over the back of my knuckles slowly, soothing me. “You have to know I didn’t want that Bishop. I didn’t initiate what happened.”

  Pulling me into his lap, he holds me close. Kissing my temple, he murmurs against my skin. “I know baby. I know exactly what happened.”

  “What? How could you know?”

  “I got it out of Brenton last night while Lamar was bringing you home.” Home. There’s that word again.

  “He didn’t, we didn’t. I didn’t let it get that far, I fought back before he could…”

  “Thank God. If he had, he’d be a dead man, hell he still might be. It wouldn’t change how I feel about you though Princess. You are my everything.” I nod against his chest, believing his words.

  “Who is Lamar?” I ask.

  “He’s my head of IT. He is the one who took you from the party last night and brought you here.”

  “When I couldn’t find you last night after searching all over for you, I had him pull the footage from the cabin. When he couldn’t find you, he came to the party. He has a connection with you. He doesn’t understand it, but he knew you were in trouble. He was the only person you would let near enough to get you out of there.”

  I’m shocked, not realizing that others had tried to help me. Looking up I’m surprised when I ask, “not even you?”

  He shakes his head sadly. “Especially not me. As soon as I touched you, you became hysteric and began screaming. The only way you would stop is when I got away from you. It tore me up, but I needed someone to get you out of the there to safety. Lamar has requested to be your head of security, and after last night, I granted him that as long as you don’t have a problem with it.”

  “What? Bishop, I don’t need security.”

  “After last night Princess, I’d have to disagree with you. We’re concerned that it’s only going to get worse. Others are going to try and tear us apart before we can join.”

  “Why? Because I’m not good enough for you? Because you should be with someone like that succubus Alexis?”

  “What the hell are you talking about? Good enough? Princess, you are everything to me. You aren’t good enough, you’re better. I thank my stars you’re mine.”

  Smiling I ask, “then why don’t people want us together?”

  “We will be very powerful once we join. Many are fearful of the power we will hold.”

  “There’s more to what you are, isn’t there?”

  He looks at me for a moment, weighing his words. Eventually, he nods but says nothing. Sensing his reticence to talk about it, I refuse to push, right now. There will come a time for him to tell me more, but that time isn’t now. Right now I need to cleanse myself of the filth that is covering my skin. Thinking of last night, I can feel the way he touched me and bile rises in my mouth. I feel as if a part of my soul was taken from me, something I will never be able to get back. The security I once felt in my body, I can no longer claim. I never realized so much could be taken from one person. When I thought I had nothing left, I found myself. I never appreciated that when you have nothing you have yourself, and that is truly magical.

  How dare someone reach in and take something that wasn’t given freely. How dare he cause me to question everything. He has no clue the damage he has done. Thankfully I’m healthy, considering what could have happened. My body will recover with rest. My mind, on the other hand, has fractured. Like a window that cracks when hit with a rock, the glass remains, but the perfection that once was is no longer. Things no longer look the same after a hit.

  I feel his warm hand squeeze my foot and I come back to the real world. “I lost you there for a moment. There must be a lot going on in there.” I shrug, u
nwilling to share my thoughts. “Why don’t you go take a shower.”

  I move to get off the bed and wince when I move. “Mother fucker,” Bishop growls seconds before he scoops me up into his arms and carries me into the bathroom. Setting me on the sink, he leaves me to turn the bath on, and almost immediately the room begins to fill with steam from the hot water filling the tub. “Do you want me to wait for you or do you want to meet me downstairs?”

  “I’ll meet you downstairs.” Bishop nods and kisses my forehead then lifts me off the counter.

  “Ok Princess.” Grabbing a towel from the linen closet, he sets it on the counter and then goes to leave the bathroom.

  “Hey, Bishop?”

  “Yeah?” He says turning back to face me.

  “Thank you.”

  He smiles tremulously. “Never thank me for doing something as necessary as breathing. Keeping you safe, taking care of you. That is my duty. You are my greatest responsibility, one that I cherish with everything inside me.” Then he walks away.

  He just walks out like he didn’t drop some sweetness on me. I don’t miss the fact that all of the essentials that I need are suddenly in Bishop’s bathroom, unused and the same brand and scent as I always buy. I take my time cleaning myself, washing every inch of skin twice. Washing my stomach, I freeze when I realize there should be a wound on my side, but there’s not a mark there. Where the hell did it go? Did I just imagine being jabbed with a knife? I’ll need to ask Bishop if he knows what happened because that experience was too real to be a figment of my imagination.

  When I walk back into the bedroom, I find a pair of new black leggings, a tunic style cotton shirt, bra and panties, all in my size. I throw my hair up into a messy bun and make my way to the kitchen I remember passing when I was here a few days ago. Smelling bacon and coffee, I follow the smell to the large kitchen where ‘Momma’ is whisking up the batter. God, I hope that’s for pancakes.


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