Twisted Fate (Watch Me Burn Book 2)

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Twisted Fate (Watch Me Burn Book 2) Page 17

by R. E. Bond

  “Don’t look at it. C’mon, let me sort you out.”

  “Sort me out? Does that mean I’m bleeding? That’s what Slash says when I’m fucking bleeding,” I groaned, but he ignored me as he carefully towed me through the unfamiliar place, motioning to a chair by the sink.

  I sat, wincing as the burning became worse.

  “Hunter, what…”

  “Don’t panic, but you got shot, babe,” he stated before I could finish my sentence, not at all sounding calm as he grabbed clean rags and filled the sink with water.

  “I did?” I frowned, my head swimming at the thought.

  I couldn’t have gotten fucking shot.

  I swayed slightly, and his hand rested on my good shoulder to steady me.

  “Yeah, you did. I’ve got you,” he promised and gave me a small smile, his voice as smooth as honey.

  I stared at him silently as he cleaned me up, but I jumped when the door burst open and Slash stormed in, his dark eyes finding mine immediately.

  “What the fuck happened?!”

  “They shot my fucking house up!” I seethed, earning a glare from Hunter as I jolted around.

  “Sit still, for fuck’s sake.”

  Slash’s body went rigid as he noticed the blood on Hunter’s hand as he kept dabbing at my skin.

  “Did you get fucking shot?”

  “Yeah, fuck knows when though,” I mumbled, glancing at Hunter as he finished cleaning the wound.

  He winced at me, letting me know it wasn’t over.

  “This might hurt a lot. Sorry, hot shot.”

  I frowned with confusion, letting out an embarrassing squeal as he dug a huge pair of tweezers into the wound, tugging on what I assumed was the bullet.

  I gritted my teeth as he kept trying to remove it, but I appreciated him trying to soothe me as he occasionally ran his clean hand through my hair to show he was sorry.

  Skeeter and Diesel marched in, halting next to Slash as he put an arm out to block their path, letting Hunter finish helping me in peace.

  The bullet finally pulled free, and Hunter quickly wiped up the blood again before stitching me up.

  That hurt like a mother fucking bitch too.

  He stood in just the right spot so that I could fist his shirt to take my mind off the sharp pain of the needle.

  When he was finally done, he gave me a concerned glance as one of his hands lifted to cup my chin.

  “Hey, you okay? Is that the only injury you have, badass?”

  I nodded, giving him a small smile.

  I was getting tougher by the day, I swear.

  How was I not a fucking mess right now?

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks for getting me out in one piece. Well, sort of.”

  He gave me a playful wink, moving away from me to start cleaning up.

  “All good. You don’t feel shaky or anything?”


  He took my hand, raising an eyebrow as it shook like it was a high-speed vibrator jumping around his hand.

  “Liar. It’s just the shock. You’re a whisky girl, yeah?”

  I nodded, thanking him as he grabbed me a bottle along with some cigarettes, before heading out to talk to his crew, leaving me alone with mine.

  Diesel went to speak, but Slash glared at me, beating him to it.

  Maybe he was going to actually bury me this time?

  “What the fuck was Hunter doing at your house to begin with?”

  “He signed in at school as a visitor for the afternoon because the Soldiers got to town and he’d been trying to call me all morning and…”

  “Why the fuck does he have your number?” Skeeter snapped almost on cue, and I groaned with irritation.

  “I didn’t give it to him, so fuck knows where he got it. I was lucky that he followed behind me on the way home or I’d probably be dead, so shut up about it. He got me out of there and kept me safe, so…”

  “He got you fucking shot!” He exploded, and I shoved him hard, ignoring the sharp pain in my shoulder as my skin pulled against the stitches.

  “I’d prefer to be shot once than be fucking dead!”

  Diesel gently pulled me back a step, taking my face in his hands to make me look him in the eye.

  “But you’re alright, yeah?”

  “Yeah, it just happened so fast. My cars a mess,” I groaned, wanting to cry at the thought.

  He rolled his eyes at my dramatics.

  “We can fix the car, babe. Don’t panic.”

  I nodded, letting him pull me in for a hug, ignoring the glare from Skeeter as I pressed my cheek into Diesel’s chest.

  Chapter nine


  “Stay as long as you want,” Slash stated as he led me into his house later that night.

  I gave him a tired smile, absolutely exhausted from the long afternoon.

  The cops had kept me with them for hours, grilling me for information on the shooting.

  They were more than happy when I told them it was probably something to do with Max, since they knew he was involved in bad shit.

  I played the victim until they believed it.

  “Thanks for this. I didn’t want to take the trouble back to Josie’s place, and…”

  “That’s fine. Like I said, stay as long as you like. I don’t mind the company anyways,” he waved it off as I quirked an eyebrow.

  “Not going to cock block you, am I?”

  He smirked, amusement taking over his face.

  “I don’t ever bring them home, babe. Why would I need pussy when I have your company anyway?”

  “Because I won’t put out?” I offered, but his expression turned soft.

  “I don’t care. I’d still prefer to kick back with you.”

  “Thanks, Slash. It’s good to know I’m worth giving pussy up for,” I said sweetly, his tongue darting out to lick his lips before he gave me a wink.

  “Wasn’t giving it up, I’ll go out when I want some ass like I always do. Like I said, I don’t let bitches come to my house.”

  He grabbed us a beer each and put a movie on, chatting while we watched it until my phone rang.

  I groaned before answering it, just wanting some peace for the night.


  “Hey, babe! Party at the shed. You and Slash get down here and drink with me,” Diesel exclaimed, already sounding tipsy.

  The idea sounded perfect to wind down after all the crazy lately, and I glanced at Slash to speak in an angelic voice.

  “Can we go to the shed? They’re having a party.”

  “No,” he replied bluntly without looking at me, making me pout.

  I’d give up a quiet night if it meant going to the shed to drink.

  “Why not?”

  “You got shot today for starters, but it isn’t safe,” he said flatly, obviously not going to budge on his decision.


  “Please, Donovan. Not tonight,” he asked gently, appearing to be tired all of a sudden.

  I sighed, deciding not to cause him grief for once.

  “Sorry, D. Going to have to miss this one.”

  “Boo!” He whined before hanging up, making me smirk.

  He was such a fucking drama queen sometimes.

  We finished the movie and Slash stood to put music on, my eyebrow raising curiously.


  “We can have music and drinks here. It’s kind of like a party,” he joked, playing Salt Shaker by the Ying Yang Twins, cranking it up before handing me a fresh beer.

  I loved seeing him so relaxed, and after a few beers he was dancing around like an idiot, making me laugh.

  Dirty Mind by Boy Epic came on and I waggled my eyebrows at him, moving my hips slowly to the music and making him groan.

  “Don’t be a fucking tease, Donovan.”

  I swayed my hips more, moving towards him and biting back a grin as he clenched his jaw, his hand twitching by his side.

  He finally growled, reaching for me and yankin
g me against his chest.

  I was surprised that he was actually a good dancer, considering how bulky his body was.

  He moved with me as his hands went to my waist, his thigh sliding between mine.

  How we’d all of a sudden become besties, I’d never know.

  I guessed getting shot changes things and brings people closer.

  His thigh pressed against my core as I grinded, a sudden groan of frustration leaving him.

  “Rory, we have to stop,” he said almost painfully, a playful laugh leaving me.


  “Before I don’t want to.”

  I slowed my movements, meeting his gaze with confusion.

  “We’re just dancing? Why would you want to stop?”

  “You’re making me fucking horny,” he bit out, moving away from me to have a mouthful of beer, as if it would fix his growing erection.

  I tried to keep my eyes up on his face.

  I really did.

  “Welcome to my world, I’m always horny,” I grinned, suddenly finding myself sitting on the table with him standing between my legs, his dark grey eyes boring dangerously into mine.

  “You have no idea how hard it is not to touch you all the fucking time.”

  “I don’t mind you touching me, I trust you,” I shrugged, his fists clenching as he tried to restrain himself.

  “You know what I mean.”

  I held his gaze as I rested my hand on his chest, his heart rate picking up the pace under my palm.

  I went to speak, but he swore under his breath and then his lips were suddenly on mine.

  It was desperate but gentle, forcing a groan from me as his hand ran through my hair and tugged, my body arching against him with similar desperation.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist tightly, letting out a breathy moan as he pressed against me even more somehow.

  He was everywhere, and I was fucking drowning in him.

  He deepened the kiss as if I were the air he breathed, his rough hands moving up under my shirt cautiously until I leaned into it, encouraging him to touch me.

  A small growl left him as he yanked my shirt over my head, causing me to wince as a sharp hot pain shot through my shoulder from where Hunter had stitched me up a few hours prior, causing Slash to pause and meet my eye as he seemed to catch his breath.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, my shoulder’s just really sore,” I replied honestly, his face falling with guilt.

  “Shit, I forgot about it,” he mumbled, suddenly appearing unsure.

  He wasn’t stopping.

  No way in fucking hell.

  I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and removed it, kissing down his solid tattooed chest until his skin shivered at my tender touch, but when I reached for his pants, he halted me.

  “I’ll hurt you, babe. I…”

  “Good,” I answered softly, leaning back on the table to remove my pants.

  I needed it to fucking hurt.

  I knew it wouldn’t fix anything, but I’d forget about everything for a little while.

  His eyes raked over me until he finally yanked his pants down, kicking them off and hauling me against him again, kissing me hard.

  He shoved me flat on my back, his lips trailing down my neck and chest as his hands roamed.

  His fingers brushed against the outside of my panties, my breath catching in my throat as his lips continued their sinful trail down my body.

  He peered up at me, and I held his stare as he started to slide my panties down.

  Just as the cool air hit my dampness, there was a knock at the door, making Slash snarl like an animal.

  “Who the fuck is it?!”

  “It’s Ty, let me in bro,” Tyler’s voice said from the other side of the door, a groan of frustration leaving me.

  I wasn’t getting laid, the universe had fucking spoken.

  Slash cursed, helping me put my shirt and pants back on, before yanking his pants back up and opening the door with more force than necessary.

  Tyler walked in, pausing when he noticed me perched on the table, looking flustered and horny as fuck, but Slash glared at him.

  “What do you want?”

  “I was going to have a beer with you. What’s going on?” He asked slowly, and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes as I climbed off the table to grab my beer.

  My lady boner had vanished, and I didn’t feel like fighting with Tyler.

  “I might head to bed anyways. I’ll see you in the morning, Slash.”

  I went to leave the room, but Tyler frowned, suspicion lacing his tone.

  “Why are you staying here?”

  “None of your business,” I retorted, but Slash opened his big stupid mouth.

  “Her house was shot up this afternoon, the Soldiers found her.”

  Tyler’s gaze instantly snapped to mine as fear took over his face, his eyes roaming over me frantically.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” I snapped, but Slash scoffed.

  “She got shot.”

  “Why the fuck was she alone?” Tyler growled, throwing Slash a dirty look as if it was his fault.

  I scowled. “I wasn’t alone. I was with Hunter.”

  “I swear you’re banging that dick head. You two were all over each other at lunch, and I saw you with him this morning when he stopped in to talk. You fucking swooned over him,” he said bitterly, and he was lucky that I didn’t punch his lights out.

  “He’s not a dick head, and I’m not screwing him,” I cut him off angrily, and as if on cue, the man himself wandered through the front door like he owned the place, grinning wide because he knew he was interrupting something important.

  “Wow, a foursome? Alright, I guess I can roll with that. You want to get on top this time, babe? My back’s a little sore from earlier.”

  “Can everyone fucking leave, so I can get laid?” Slash asked dryly, Tyler’s attention turning to him instantly with disbelief.

  “You’re fucking her?”

  I threw my hands up in the air in defeat and pushed past them all, stalking up to the spare room and slamming the door behind me for good measure.

  I was done with men for the night.

  “Morning, hot shot,” Hunter grinned as I jammed my books into my locker with more force than necessary, glowering at him instantly.

  “Fuck. Off.”

  “You still upset about last night? Me too. I was looking forward to burying my tongue so far inside your pussy that…”

  Oh, yes fucking please.

  Wait, no. I was supposed to be mad, remember?

  “Not in the mood,” I growled, slamming my locker with every intention of leaving him standing there, but he gently grabbed my waist and pulled me back with a soft look on his face.

  “Hey, what’s wrong? Is your shoulder hurting?”

  “My pussy’s angry, now go away,” I bit out with frustration, a dark smirk slowly stretching across his lips.

  “Super horny kind of mad, or leaky ketchup bottle kind of mad? Go rub one out in the bathroom if you’re horny.”

  “Oh my fucking god, did you just call a period a leaky ketchup bottle? No, that’s not why it’s angry. Also, rubbing one out is not the same. I need a good hard fuck that hurts,” I whisper yelled, his eyes darkening more as he gently pushed me back against the lockers to press against me firmly.

  I was too horny not to appreciate it.

  “Do you want me to take you to the bathroom and fuck the angry out of you? My schedule’s full, but I’ll wipe it clean for you.”

  “We can’t,” I forced out, wondering if it would be worth the trouble to just have a quick round with him.

  If he fucked like Skeeter, then I was so fucking down.

  Wait, no I wasn’t.

  Bad kitty.

  “But you still want me to, right?” He winked, managing to force a smile out of me as I swatted his arm.

  Cheeky bastard.

  He moved his mouth next to my ea
r and spoke quietly, his hot breath tickling my skin.

  “My car has tinted windows, so if you really want…”

  Fuck it.

  I grabbed the front of his shirt and kissed him suddenly, and he did well not to pull back in surprise and just go with it.

  So. Fucking. Horny.

  His hands tightened on my waist as he took control, turning the kiss into something raw and dirty, smiling against my lips when Tyler spoke from behind us like the cock blocking bastard that he was.

  “So, you are fucking him.”

  Hunter stepped back, keeping an arm around me as I met eyes with Tyler, ignoring the other three that weren’t far behind him.


  “So, Skeet doesn’t know you’re fucking Slash, and neither of them know you’re fucking Hunter?”

  “It’s really none of your business,” I gritted out, but Lukas snorted, not being able to help himself.

  “Starting to look like a crew whore again, Aurora.”

  Seriously, what was his problem with me?

  It was as if he hated me all of a sudden.

  Hunter growled, standing over him with his fists clenched and violence in his voice.

  “Don’t fucking call her that again.”

  “Why the fuck do you even give a shit?” He sneered, but Hunter didn’t step down.

  I was waiting for him to throw a punch, actually.

  “Because, I respect her. Back off, before I make you.”

  Caden took a step forwards to defend his friend, but I moved in front of him and placed my hand on his chest.

  Mixed emotions crossed his face as he stared angrily into my eyes, but his body relaxed quickly from my touch.

  I missed him, I just hadn’t realized how much until now.

  “Caden, don’t,” I whispered, and just like that, he calmed down completely.

  He held my gaze, speaking as if he were in pain.

  “Baby, come home to us. We miss you.”

  I clenched my jaw, moving back a step and glancing away from him.

  They were better off without me.

  At least they’d be alive.

  “You need to stay away from me, all of you. I’m not safe to be seen with.”

  “Fuck that, we love you,” he said sternly, my heart aching to the point it became painful.

  My phone rang, and I took the chance to get out of the conversation.


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