The Prince's Cinderella Doc

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The Prince's Cinderella Doc Page 12

by Louisa Heaton

  ‘We’ll keep monitoring your father overnight, but if he maintains his rhythm I see no reason why he can’t be up and about tomorrow.’

  The cardio doctor shook Matteo’s hand, smiled at Krystiana and then left the room.

  Krystiana sat down in the chair opposite Matteo and smiled, happy for him and his father. She knew how much he needed his dad. Knew that connection. She missed her own—or she missed the father she’d believed she’d had before he took her. That father—pre-kidnapping—had been someone she’d idolised.

  Afterwards...after all she’d been through...their relationship had been spoiled. She’d had no father to come home to. And every time she’d turned on the television she’d seen her father’s face. Every time she’d opened a newspaper there had seemed to be a new story about him and his ‘unstable mind-set’, according to ex-girlfriends and old enemies who had all earned a few zloty selling their stories.

  When she’d gone back to school everyone had treated her differently. Even the teachers. All she’d wanted was normality. To be treated as she had always been treated. But all the kids had suddenly wanted to be her friend. To be invited back to her house so they could examine the home that had once belonged to Piotr Szenac.

  Even her own mother had begun acting strangely, and she’d felt a distance between them. A distance that had puzzled her—because surely her mother had wanted her back? She’d fought for custody of Krystiana.

  And then she’d died. Less than a year after Krystiana had come home Nikola Szenac had been hit by a bus. Krystiana had been fetched from her school lessons to be told by the headmistress. And then she’d been alone in the world, struggling to understand all that had happened, until Aunt Carolina had reached out to save her.

  And now here she sat, an orphaned girl from Poland, beside the bed of the King of Isla Tamoura.

  ‘We should get something to eat. It’s late.’ Matteo stood up and kissed his father’s cheek. ‘Is there anything you want me to bring tomorrow?’

  Alberto smiled. ‘Some decent pyjamas would be good. These hospital gowns are a bit itchy.’

  ‘Nonsense! I’m sure they are the finest cotton.’

  ‘Hmm... You’re not wearing one, though, are you?’

  ‘Fair point. Goodnight, Papà. Krystiana and I will be back in the morning.’

  Alberto turned to look at her curiously. ‘I must thank you, Dr Szenac, for saving my life.’

  She shook her head. ‘I didn’t do anything. Not really.’

  ‘You looked after me and my son. I am grateful you were with us.’

  She smiled. He was a good old man. A good father. ‘I’m glad you’re feeling better, Your Majesty.’

  ‘Call me Alberto.’

  She blushed. That didn’t seem right. He was the King of Isla Tamoura! Calling him by his first name was intimate. For friends and family. She wasn’t family—so did he consider her a friend?

  ‘Thank you, Your Majesty.’

  He smiled. ‘Go and get some sleep. It’s been a long day.’

  ‘It has. Yes. You too—sleep well.’

  ‘I’m sure I will. Now you go and do the same.’


  ONCE THEY WERE back in the palace Matteo couldn’t help but pull her close, savouring the feel of her in his arms. He’d nearly lost his father. But she was still here and he needed her closeness and comfort.

  ‘You were my rock tonight. I don’t know how I would have got through it without you.’

  ‘You’d have survived. You’d have had no choice.’

  ‘I guess not.’ He looked at her and stroked her hair. It was so soft.

  ‘You need to get some sleep,’ she said.

  ‘Are you prescribing that?’

  She smiled. ‘I am.’

  ‘Perhaps you could help me sleep tonight?’ he asked, with intent.

  She knew exactly what he meant. But was he suggesting it for the right reasons?

  Laughing, she pushed him away, pretending that she had misunderstood. ‘I could prescribe you a sleeping tablet.’

  ‘You’re not my doctor, though.’

  She smiled. ‘No. I’m not. All right, why don’t you have a mug of warm milk? A warm bath?’

  He considered both options. ‘I’ve never enjoyed warm milk, and I take a shower first thing in the morning.’ He raised an eyebrow. ‘There is another way that you could help me sleep...’

  Krystiana could only imagine how wonderful that might be, but someone had to be sensible here. ‘And what would that be?’

  ‘You could come with me to my quarters and make sure I get into bed on time?’

  She tilted her head to one side, considering it. Trying her hardest not to laugh.

  Oh, she wanted to. She could feel her body saying yes. ‘Perhaps.’

  ‘You could lie in my arms and stroke my hair until I fall asleep.’

  She smiled. ‘I could.’

  ‘There are many things we could do. I keep fighting this...but I want you in my arms so much, you have no idea.’

  She had a very clear idea. She could feel his arousal pressed against her.

  He kissed her lips. Then her neck, trailing his mouth delicately down the long, smooth stretch of skin, drinking up her little moan of pleasure. ‘I hear that orgasm is a wonderful precursor to a good night’s sleep...’

  He heard her throaty chuckle and raised his head to look into her eyes, a dreamy smile upon his face.

  ‘Prolactin levels do make men sleepy. As does oxytocin and vasopressin—all produced by the brain after sex.’

  ‘I love it when you talk dirty to me.’

  She laughed, but then her face grew serious. ‘You know, wanting sex is a classic response after someone has experienced the shock of feeling their mortality.’

  He raised an eyebrow. ‘Is that right?’

  ‘Yes. People want to prove they’re vital. What better way of cheating death than to do the very thing that creates life?’

  He cocked his head to one side. ‘Is that a bad response?’

  ‘Not necessarily. But a woman likes to know that her man wants her because he wants her and no other reason—not just because he wants to prove how full of life he is.’

  He looked her directly in the eye, so that she was not mistaken. ‘I want to be with you. Because you’ve been driving me wild for days and I’ve not been able to do anything about it. Because I’ve been fighting it. Telling myself it was the wrong thing to do. But right now I’m not sure I believe any of that. What happened tonight proves that life is short. I want your lips, your kisses, your arms around me. I want your body pressed into mine and to hell with everything else! I might have had a shock tonight, but that shock has taught me that life is meant to be lived—and why should we deny ourselves what we want in life more than anything?’

  She smiled.

  The press of her curves against his body was almost driving him insane! To hell with tradition and law and being careful! He’d done that for so long, and since coming back from the mountains he had kept a tight control on so much of his feelings and emotions. But he couldn’t do that with her. She changed him. Made him want. And need.

  And right now he needed her in his arms and in his bed.

  She kissed him on the lips. ‘Then I’m yours.’

  * * *

  What the hell am I doing?

  Acting recklessly. Giving in to her temptations. Not thinking.

  Despite everything—despite the fact that he could have anyone he wanted—he wanted her, and that knowledge was strangely exciting and powerful. It gave her a thrill. Her heart pounded and her blood hummed with an inner energy that she couldn’t explain when she was with him.

  As she slipped out of the grey dress lent to her by Mara she looked at herself in the bathroom mirror and wondered briefly who this woman was. She felt
as if so much had changed since she had come here.

  Krystiana removed her earrings, her necklace, slipped her feet out of her heels and removed the last of her underwear. On the back of the bathroom door was a robe and she pulled it on, checking her reflection.

  I’m ready.

  Sucking in a deep breath, she opened the bathroom door and leaned against the doorjamb as she gazed at Matteo, who stood waiting for her beside his bed.

  ‘Are we sure about this?’

  ‘Do we have to be?’ he asked, before making his way over to her, his hands cupping her face and pulling her lips towards his once more...

  * * *

  ‘Good morning.’


  She kissed him, inhaling his lovely male scent of soap and sandalwood. ‘Any news from the hospital?’

  ‘He had a restful night.’

  ‘That’s great!’ she said, even though she knew that the quicker King Alberto recovered, the faster everything would change, throwing them into turmoil once again. But that was for later. For a time she wasn’t ready to think about.

  He must have seen the hesitation in her features. ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘Nothing. Honestly, I’m happy for your father.’


  ‘But nothing.’ How could she tell him? It was incredibly selfish! What did she want? For his father to be ill a lot longer?

  He smiled and pulled her close for a kiss.

  It was heaven. Being kissed by him. Being held by him. In his arms she just felt so...adored. It was an addictive state, and Krystiana knew all about addictions, having looked after many addicts in her time. They constantly craved that high. That feel-good moment when every worry and concern just melted away because they were in a state of bliss. She could understand it a little more, experiencing this. The high she got being with him.

  ‘Are you going to the hospital this morning?’

  ‘I thought we could go after breakfast?’

  ‘You want me to come with you?’

  ‘I’m taking Alex to see her grandfather. Mara’s staying here, as she has a business meeting, and I thought Alex might cheer him up.’

  She nodded. Alex brightened everyone’s lives. She was such a cutie. And she would grow up to be a stunner, she had no doubt. If Krystiana was going to get to know Matteo, perhaps she ought to get to know his daughter better, too?

  ‘All right. But are you sure you need me in the way? It seems like a family moment.’

  He took her hand and squeezed it. ‘I want you with me. Now, let’s eat. Out on the terrace—it’s a wonderful morning.’

  Sergio—who appeared to be totally unruffled to find her in Matteo’s bedchamber this morning—served them dark, strong espresso, sour cherry crostatas, custard-filled ciambellas and some strudel di mele, alongside a selection of fresh fruits and juices.

  ‘I can feel myself putting on the pounds just looking at this.’ Krystiana smiled.

  Matteo smiled back at her and reached for her hand, bringing the back of it to his sugared lips and kissing it. ‘Eat.’

  * * *

  Mara brought Alex to them, greeting Matteo by kissing both his cheeks and doing the same to Krystiana.

  ‘Give your father all the best from me and tell him I’ll be in this afternoon.’

  ‘I will.’

  Matteo crouched down to look at his daughter, who smiled at him from behind her mother’s legs, holding a bedraggled teddy.

  ‘Hey, Alex! Are you ready to come with me and see Nonno?’

  Alex nodded. Smiling, Matteo reached out for her hand and then scooped her up into his arms.

  ‘Saluta tua madre.’

  Alex gave her mother a smile and Mara bent down for a kiss. ‘You be good for your father.’

  Alex nodded, hugging her teddy.

  Mara smiled too, and then her eyes narrowed with amusement as she looked at the two of them. ‘Something’s changed...’

  Matteo smiled. ‘Just pleased to be with my daughter again, in the knowledge that my father will be back pounding the hallways before we know it.’

  ‘Okay...’ But Mara seemed to suspect there was something else. She looked at Krystiana and seemed to come to some conclusion. She raised an eyebrow. ‘You’re happy.’

  He laughed. ‘Is that so wrong?’

  Mara smiled ‘Being happy? No. Not at all. Remember to say hi to your father for me.’

  ‘I will.’

  She kissed her daughter and walked away.

  Today was going to be a good day. He was going to see his father and then, when he got back, he was going to think about what was happening between him and Krystiana.

  It was all moving so fast. And he had done something he’d told himself not to do. He’d given in to his physical desires and slept with her, and it had been wonderful, mind-blowing, and everything he’d suspected it would be. But where did it leave them? It could never be serious between them. That was against the law—they couldn’t marry. And he’d never thought he’d be the type to have a fling, so...

  Whatever happened, he wanted to do the right thing. He didn’t want to upset Krystiana. He didn’t want to confuse Alex about who was in her life and who wasn’t. And nor did he want to cause pain to himself.

  He strongly suspected he might do that anyway. Either way, whatever it was that they had could not continue for any length of time. The time would come when it would have to end.

  The question was, could he end it without hurting her?

  * * *

  Matteo and Alex walked hand in hand into King Alberto’s room, Krystiana following dutifully behind.

  ‘Papà! How are you?’ Matteo kissed his father on both cheeks.

  ‘Much better, today, Matteo. Now! Do I see a tiny little princess who needs a big hug from her nonno?’

  He reached out for Alex and the little girl let go of her father’s hand and jumped up into Alberto’s grasp.

  ‘Careful, Papà. You’re meant to be resting.’

  ‘Holding my granddaughter will do me good, Matteo.’ Alberto kissed Alex and gave her a little tickle, and her wonderful bright laughter filled the room. ‘Oh, and Dr Szenac! You are here, too! Hello! How is my son behaving himself without me there to keep an eye on him?’

  Krystiana smiled. ‘He’s being good.’

  ‘I’m glad to hear it. Though I’m surprised to see you here today. You doctors just can’t stay away! You’re like vultures!’ he said with a laugh.

  Krystiana felt her heart pound with nerves as Alberto sat Alex on the bed and passed her a small wrapped gift. ‘Here, I got you something. Open it!’

  Alex tore through the paper and beamed when she saw a book covered in bright animals. She lay back against her grandfather and began to turn the pages.

  ‘Alex, what do you say to Nonno?’

  ‘Grazie.’ Alex smiled shyly at her grandfather.

  ‘Good girl.’ Matteo ruffled her hair, smiling at the cute response. ‘How on earth did you get her a present?’ he asked his father. ‘I thought you were on bed rest?’

  ‘One of the perks of being a king, Matteo, and I needn’t tell you, is that I have servants to do my bidding.’

  His son smiled. ‘Ah... Have the doctors been in to see you yet?’

  Alberto nodded. ‘Yes. They’ve checked me out and told me I need to take it easy. Take it easy? I run a country, I told them. That’s no easy feat.’

  Matteo smiled. ‘And you do it very well. If I’m half the King that you are then I will consider myself to be lucky.’

  ‘Well, you’re going to get the chance earlier than you suspected.’

  Krystiana felt her heart miss a beat. Matteo? King? That was very different from just having a romance with a prince.

  Matteo frowned. ‘What? No. You’re as fit as a fiddle.’
r />   ‘That’s just it, Matteo. I’m not. I wish I were—I do. I know you need more time to get used to the idea, but you’ve had a whole lifetime waiting for this day. I’d hoped that a grand tour of Tamoura would be a gradual introduction to your new duties, but I’m having to face facts. My heart has given me a second warning now. If I want to be around to see this beautiful little one grow up and walk down the aisle one day, then I’ve got to take a step back earlier than I expected.’

  Matteo glanced at Krystiana. ‘What does that mean?’

  ‘I’m going to abdicate now. The press have been notified already, and told that it’s my recommendation that you are crowned as soon as it is possible.’

  Matteo shook his head. ‘Papà, no!’

  Alberto reached out to take his hand. ‘Matteo... No one ever feels ready. Do you think I was? Do you think I knew what I was doing when the crown was placed on my head? No. But it’s how you act when it is. How you learn and grow to become the man you need to be to carry the country forward.’


  Matteo seemed lost for words, and almost on the verge of having to sit down. Instead he reached out for Krystiana’s hand and squeezed it, not noticing the King’s raised eyebrows as he did so, nor his questioning look at Krystiana.

  ‘You still have months left before you said you’d abdicate. Take that time—a final farewell to the people. I—’

  Alberto held up his hand for silence, his face stony. ‘I was a new father when I took the throne. You were three weeks old. I was sleep-deprived, stressed and worn out. I’d just finished a world tour, had a new baby son... Life happens, Matteo. There will never be a perfect time. Dr Szenac, you seem to know my son well. You think he’s ready, do you not?’

  Krystiana swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry. She looked at Matteo, knowing he wanted her to say something that would support Alberto’s carrying on for a bit longer. But she couldn’t. She had to answer the King honestly.

  ‘He’s more than ready.’

  Alberto smiled. ‘You see? Everyone else knows you can do it.’

  Matteo would make a great king. He was kind and caring, considerate and thoughtful. Yes, he had been through a great ordeal, but it had only served to make him stronger. More resolute.


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