The Last Vessel (The Chronicles of Luna Moon Book 1)

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The Last Vessel (The Chronicles of Luna Moon Book 1) Page 9

by Winter Rose

  “Elves, Luna, are very proud creatures. Ehre is the greatest weapons master and Elementalist in all of the realms, and I think you have just been challenged.” Vulcan looked entirely too gleeful.

  “Great,” I sighed; Elves did not make good enemies. “I get to die on my first full day.” Vulcan didn’t stop laughing. I really wish I hated the sound.

  “What’s so funny?” Eros joined us at the side of the hall. He wore a suit similar in style to Vulcan’s. Unlike his friend, Eros didn’t seem to be afraid of color. The suit was a midnight blue, each of his buttons was gold and a crimson sash that ran across his chest. His sun-streaked hair was down and pushed back out of his face as if he had been running his hands through it. He looked like one of the princes from the books that Sarah used to read as a child. He was effortlessly perfect, and currently smirking at my slack-jawed expression awaiting my answer.

  “My impending death,” I almost shouted—smooth, Lu.

  “Luna has just met Ehre,” Vulcan said as if it would explain everything.

  “Ah, of course. Well, before you die at the hands of our brother, will you dance with me?” He held out one of his hands for me to take, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

  “I don’t dance.” I took a step back.

  “Everyone dances.” Eros frowned, as he took the hand that I held up defensively.

  “No, seriously! I need to get things straight, because you both may have mistaken me for a dress-wearing, dancing at balls, type of girl. I mean I’m totally grateful for the position here, but I’m more of a beat you up in a ring while wearing armor type of girl.”

  Vulcan chuckled, “Are you sure?”

  Eros’ turquoise eyes glittered with mischief. His lips turned up into a dazzling smile, which seemed to light up the whole room. He was the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. His golden skin glowed with an energy that I felt myself being pulled toward. He smelled of fresh air and salt, and I wanted to be surrounded by it. I wanted to dance with him. I wanted to be pressed against his strong, solid body. I wanted to feel his lips pressed against—

  “Cut. It. Out!” Vulcan backhanded the top of Eros’ head, making him laugh.

  It was like I had been plunged into a freezing lake. Suddenly I was stocked awake from my heated daydream. I realized that I was practically pressed against Eros, and I pulled myself away completely mortified. Did I all of a sudden come into heat? What in the worlds was that?

  “Spoilsport,” Eros chuckled. “I nearly had her, then.”

  “Luna is not one of your playthings!” Vulcan growled.

  “I never … It was a joke! I was just trying to get her to loosen up!” Eros waved his hands toward me, then smirked at the drink in my hand. “Looks like I’m not the only one, brother.”

  “Did you just use compulsion on me?” The absence of Eros’ magic was so strong; it had to be compulsion. I felt a huge sense of loss like a hole had been punched through my chest.

  “Not compulsion, it’s just glamour. It’s not as invasive as compulsion.” Eros shrugged nonchalantly. “Besides it only works if you find me attractive.” He arched his eyebrow along with a roguish half smile.

  “Oh, so that type of mind control is alright then, is it? Eros, that was the most invasive thing that anyone has ever done to me.” I couldn’t look at him. I needed to get away before I punched him, or worse, cried. I walked away from the pair ignoring their protests.

  I needed to cool down.

  Chapter Twelve

  The frigid air outside whipped against my bare skin, yet another reason I don’t wear dresses. The relief I felt escaping the crowds was instant, and my reaction to Eros’s little stunt seemed a little over the top.

  Eros had glamour, which meant he could be some sort of Demon, an Incubus maybe? I was certain now more than ever that the god-like man was one of Aphrodite’s creations. The goddess of love and beauty could be the only god to have created someone so perfect.

  What was with me today? I have never given a man a second glance, and now I was turning into a one-woman free for all. I was blaming it on Eros’ glamour.

  I walked deeper into the grounds, breathing in the crisp air. The castle was alight with life, though there were plenty of dark corners which couples took advantage of.

  I walked along the side of the castle until I reached another water feature with seating. My body had still not recovered from the trials, so sitting down was a glorious luxury. I took a drink of the delicious whiskey that I snagged on my way out of the castle; why had I never tasted this heavenly drink before today?

  Two raised, male voices moved closer toward the fountain, and I dropped my head.

  “Why now?” One of them shouted. Their footsteps drew closer, and I held my breath.

  “I can smell the goddess on her. She’s in there with them as clear as day!” They were practically on top of me now.

  “She has really gotten under your skin, brother.” The other man chuckled; his deep baritone was like a haunting memory.

  “Do you know what this could mean, brother? If it’s really…She could be the key to this war.” This conversation sounded private, but if I moved, they would assume I was eavesdropping.

  “Does she know?” the deeper of the two voices asked. Why do I recognize that voice?

  “I’m not sure; I didn’t exactly ask her. Brother, this could be it. The prophecy …”

  “Sire,” another voice joined the two. “They are ready for you.”

  “Ach, give me strength,” the silky baritone huffed.

  I laid still until I could no longer hear their retreating footsteps. Breathing out a sigh of relief, I stood and headed back toward the grand hall before I could get into any more trouble. I needed to find the guys. Looking back, I probably shouldn’t have stormed away, especially from a prince. Couldn’t I get beheaded for that?

  Back in the main hall, the party had gotten a lot busier. People were shoulder to shoulder, men in kilts wandered around with silver trays, handing out goblets to each person. The string quartet was now a nine-piece, playing a much more upbeat song. One of the musicians held an instrument I had never seen before. It was a bag that he held under his arm with a mouthpiece and other pipes attached, the sound it made was enchanting.

  Plenty of energy signals in the room indicated that a lot of the guest were Vampires. Most of the Vampire men wore kilts in the same tartan of green, blue, and red. I could see there were Lycans; the energy trials they left were familiar. I could also see several sets of pointy ears, but I was not yet able to tell all species by their energy.

  I stood in the shadows, trying to grasp the different signals in the room. One of the men in kilts offered me a goblet from his silver tray.

  “For the toast,” he said, placing it in my hand before I could refuse, and walked away to the next supe. The liquid was a deep burgundy that left a glistening sheen behind when I swirled it in the goblet. The smell was so delicious, and I couldn’t quite put my finger on what made it so enticing. It reminded me of berries and leather, but then I could also smell a hint of copper and chocolate. I hoped it tasted as incredible as it smelled.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” a man started, stepping onto the raised platform before the musicians. He was dressed in a kilt similar to the servers, but this one looked to have more folds of material. “’Tis my deepest honor to introduce to ye tonight, our Chieftain, his royal highness, King Magnar Dracar.”

  A bolt of recognition shot through my body as the king stepped onto the stage. The whole room plunged into silence as he raised his thick, tattooed arms. At some point, everyone in the room must have bowed before the king but me. I just stood and stared, too shocked to move. Amber eyes flicked over to me and recognition with them—shit.

  The king’s mouth lifted in a smirk at the same time I realized that I was the only one in the room not bowing. I lowered my head into the worlds’ worst curtsey and cursed my heart for beating so loud.

  “My clan. Today marks yet an
other year of strength!” Yet again, we have produced the finest Warriors that our worlds have ever seen.” The crowd cheered, and I raised my head to find two amber eyes burning into my own.

  “Only the very best Warriors can call themselves the Elites. But remember, with this title comes a duty. Never lose sight of what we are fighting for.” The castle roared a response as he raised his glass everyone followed. “To the glory of an honorable life, and the glory in a Warrior’s death!” His deep baritone echoed through the hall, and the skin on my arms prickled.

  “To glory,” the entire room followed, draining their glasses. I lifted the spicy, red liquid to my lips and took a sip.

  A crescendo of flavors danced across my taste buds. The wine was the most exquisite thing that I had ever tasted. It was as though each one of my senses was dead until that very moment. I drained the goblet greedily, quenching a thirst that has lasted a lifetime. Too soon it was over, and the fire that the drink had momentarily soothed was once again clawing its way up my throat.

  Opening my eyes, it took everything in me not to cry out in agony. It had always been there, but I had never been as painfully aware of it until today.

  I looked over to see the king heading in my direction. I should have been running the other way, but instead, I found myself walking toward him. It was as though my feet had a mind of their own.

  “Little thief.” My stomach flipped at the sound of his voice so close to me. Run, Luna, he is going to kill you. My head warned me, but my feet could not move. In the light, I could see his features more clearly, and they were even more formidable than I remembered.

  Dressed in a kilt that draped over his shoulders, his moonlight skin was made for its colors. His dark hair was pulled behind him in a thick braid, which my hand itched to touch. His face was freshly shaven, and a wicked scar ran through his right brow. Like Vulcan, nothing about this man was pretty.

  “Your majesty,” I dipped my head in a bow. His rough hand gently lifted my chin, and I almost whimpered from the power his energy signal exuded.

  “Do not bow to me, little thief, I am Magnar, just Magnar.” I looked up. “You seem to have my brothers in quite a tizzy.” Magnar’s smile was otherworldly. He removed his hand from my chin. “I can see why. You look breathtaking tonight, Luna.”

  “Sorry about the whole breaking into your room while you were bathing thing.” I winced at my moronic self, but Magnar just laughed. It was a deep rumbling sound that I could feel all over my body.

  “Ah, yes, that was a surprise. Do not even think about it; it was your mission. It serves me right for getting distracted by a beautiful face.” Was the king flirting with me? “Will you dance with me, Luna?” He had a slight accent, no way near as thick as some of the voices I could hear, but it was there.

  “I don’t dance.” Was refusing to dance with the king treason?

  “Walk with me then?” he asked me. I just nodded and fell into step with him.

  “Have you fed?” Have I? I couldn’t remember.

  “Not since this morning, but I’m fine.”

  Magnar arched his brow.

  “I can practically smell your hunger, little thief; I will have the maids send something up to your room.” We stopped at the edge of the dance floor away from the crowds, and I watched as beautiful men and woman spun around carefree. It was such a foreign concept, one which made my heart ache with envy.

  Magnar handed me a goblet filled with a deep burgundy, “I find alcohol curbs the hunger.”

  I smiled, taking a sip of the dark red liquid. The wine was rich and smooth as it rolled over my tongue, but nothing compared to the one I had earlier.

  “Is the vintage not to your taste?” Magnar questioned.

  “No, it’s fantastic. I just thought it would be the same one as before.”

  He smiled, and it was breathtaking. “You liked the taste of that wine, did you, Luna?”

  I nodded. “It was incredible.”

  He took a step toward me, and my breath vacated my lungs. His voice deepened as he leaned in to whisper, “I will make sure you have some more sent to your room, then.” With mischief dancing in the depths of his amber eyes, it was as though he was divulging a secret that only he was privy to.

  “Thanks,” my own voice had become breathy. “Are you using your compulsion on me?” That could be the only reason my head felt so light; I was swooning like a maiden. Magnar furrowed his brows.

  “No,” his lips quirked. “I think it is you who is using your powers on me.” He took my drink and replaced it with his own hand, my skin prickled against it. “Dance with me, Luna?” He pulled me closer, and my traitor body went willingly.

  “I don’t dance.” One last pathetic attempt left my lips.

  “You’re doing a pretty good job of it,” he whispered in my ear as he pulled me closer.

  He led me in a slow dance, my skin feverish under his touch.

  “Tell me about yourself, little thief,” Magnar’s breath tickled my neck and my back arched.

  “There is not much to tell really.” He spun me around, doing nothing to help my dizzy mind.

  “Tell me one thing about yourself, anything,” he coaxed.

  “I’m a fairly good fighter,” I replied, to which he chuckled.

  “The way Vulcan described it; you are better than fair. Apparently, you managed to draw the lizard’s blood. An extremely impressive feat few have managed.”

  I laughed at that.

  “I spent most of the time on my back than actually fighting him.” My skin flushed as I remembered how close I had gotten to Vulcan, and I cleared my throat to cover my embarrassment. “Wait, did you say lizard?”

  “He’s a Dragon, Luna.” I tripped over his foot; I had fought a Dragon? Magnar laughed as my paling face. “Don’t you worry, Vulcan is extremely in control of his beast. You were completely safe.” I thought back to the way Vulcan had sparred, he was the epitome of control.

  “I could tell he held back.” I wasn’t worried really, just shocked. I had never met a Dragon before, let alone one as powerful as Vulcan. No wonder his energy signal was immense.

  Magnar recovered from my stumble like a pro, he spun me out with one arm then wound me back into their confines.

  My back was facing his front, “Vulcan doesn’t hold back, little thief.” My skin puckered against the silk of my dress as his voice grazed my ear. It took everything in me not to rub myself against him like a needy cat. His cool fingers traced lightly against the flushed skin from my shoulder until they reached my hand once more.

  “Once we know what we want, Miss Moon, my brothers and I never hold back.” I almost moaned aloud as he spun me back around and into a dip.

  The next song was slower—a waltz. Each couple on the floor began to move in synchronized choreography. My eyes widened in panic.

  “Just follow my lead, Luna.” The fire in Magnar’s eyes blazed. Easy for him to say, I’m not very good at following anyone’s lead. “Let go, Luna,” Magnar chuckled at my stiff body.

  “How about I lead you?” I asked, causing him to chuckle. “We could just do a couple of side steps. I’m great at leading side steps. In fact, it is safe to say, I am a professional sidestepper.” This made the king laugh loudly, causing a few heads to turn.

  “I’m the King; I’ll do the leading.”

  I tried to ignore the thrill his words caused.

  “Fine, but if I break your toe, you can’t chop my head off. If I hurt the ‘King,’ it’s on you.”

  Magnar laughed, “I will have to check the laws but I think that would count as treason.”

  As I followed him around the floor and soon realized that the waltz was not my forte. Each time I took a wrong step, he would chuckle, and my heart would lift at the sound. After a while, he gave up on trying to teach me the dance; instead, we just moved with the music.

  “Everyone is staring,” I laughed as Magnar spun us in the opposite direction of the crowd nearly running over a nearby couple. �
�You went the wrong way.” I could feel my cheeks ache from laughing so much, I felt so at ease with him. Like my soul had known his forever.

  My body was unbelievably sensitive, every touch, every graze, sent shockwaves of sensations straight to my very core. I craved his touch; each time I lost contact with his skin, my own would practically ache. What was happening to me? Magnar’s eyes twinkled mischievously.

  “I’m the King; it is everybody else who is going the wrong way.” I was smiling like a damned fool.

  “It seems our Warrior has found her dancing feet,” Eros cut in with his roguish smile. “May I?” he asked. Magnar grunted and looked down at me expectantly. “Share nice, brother,” Eros smirked, and Magnar blew out a breath.

  “Thank you for the dance, little thief,” he bowed and kissed my hand, causing my skin to hum before he melted back into the crowd—kiss number three…Or was it four?

  “Forgive me, Luna?” Eros asked, his turquoise eyes pleading with me. I took his outstretched hand because we were starting to receive some stares. He gave me a dazzling smile complete with two dimples, and my resolve wanted to cave like a bitch. What was it about these men?

  “Glamour is in my nature; I sometimes forget that I am even doing it.” He winked. I wanted to step into his arms embrace, but I refused to give in to the pull. He needed to know now, that he couldn’t mess with me. I was going to have to teach him a lesson.

  “Well, it’s in my nature to kill, so if we’re giving in to our natures …” I pulled my dagger from my right thigh, through the split on my dress. Placing the blade against his groin where the femoral artery would be, I gave him my best don’t fuck with me stare. His turquoise eyes were wide with shock as he visibly swallowed.

  “You won’t ever use your glamour on me again,” I pushed the blade harder to prove a point, his eyebrow lifted.

  “I will never use my glamour on you again.” I relaxed my hand, but he pulled me closer so that the blade dug into his skin deeper. “I will never use glamour on you again until you ask it of me,” his husky voice sent shivers down my spine. “Believe me, Luna, one day, you will.” He dampened his bottom lip with his tongue, the sicko was getting off on this!


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