The Last Vessel (The Chronicles of Luna Moon Book 1)

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The Last Vessel (The Chronicles of Luna Moon Book 1) Page 18

by Winter Rose

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  After I changed into clothes that were no longer covered in blood, I called for a clan heads meeting. Eros knocked at my door before entering my room. He, too, wore fresh clothing, all signs of what we did gone.

  “Do you think we should talk about what the fuck happened?” Eros said, sitting on my bed.

  “It’s her.” I had been thinking of nothing else, and that was the only conclusion that made sense. “Just being near her is making us stronger.”

  Eros eyes widened.

  “I could feel the disease within Jabre’s blood; I was able to flush it out from him literally.”

  “My blood, like all Vampires, has always had healing properties, but never before have I been able to heal someone instantly.” We both stared at one another, as the situation weighted down on us.

  “How much more would we be able to do when we have bonded? The army won’t stand a chance.” Eros smiled, crossing his arms behind his head like he was certain that the victory was already ours.

  “We must speak with Luna first. It has to be her choice to bond with us. I don’t want her to feel forced into it.”

  “Agreed,” Eros nodded, jumping up and slapping me on the back.

  “Let’s go find our girl before the clan meeting. We need to know what powers we will have in our arsenal before the army reaches us.”

  The castle passed by me in a blur, my mind consumed with what was to come. I felt cheated that our relationship with Luna was not able to grow organically. I had imagined our bonding ceremony since hearing the prophecy, which was more years than I’d care to remember. I also imagined wooing her, learning all there was to know about her before I tied myself to her mind, body, and soul.

  Never in any of those daydreams did I imagine that we would have to rush into a mere blood bond, and I felt cheated. If Luna knew what the Oracles had promised, would she change her mind? Would she want what we wanted? Or would she run? From my experience with her, I would bet on the latter. She didn’t strike me as a woman who dreamed of romance. No, she was so much more than that.

  “We also need to talk about Balhar,” Eros’ voice cracked, and my chest tightened. The guilt that plagued me daily since our brother’s disappearance increased tenfold when Luna revealed that he still lived. I stopped walking, taking a moment to ground myself. A hand rested on my shoulder. “It will be okay, brother; we will find him.”

  “But will he forgive me?”

  Eros didn’t answer straight away, thinking about his answer, rather than giving me some bullshit nicety.

  “We will find out. I have every spy, witch, and seer at our disposal searching for him. We will find him, Magnar, and when we do, well, no matter what, we will always have your back.” I nodded; I suppose that was more than I deserved.

  The training grounds came into view; the sounds of swords clashing rang in the distance.

  “Do you think Vulcan will be back in time for the meeting?” I could have kissed him for changing the subject.

  “We will wait for his return. I have no idea why the Council specifically requested his unit. Asking the world’s most powerful creatures to fight against flight goblins is a little degrading. If his beast wasn’t so wound up, it would have lit up the entire Council for their audacity.” I chuckled at the thought of those pompous fools set ablaze. They probably did it for some sick power trip.

  “His Dragon chose her as a mate.” I had to strain to hear Eros’ voice.

  “I am not entirely surprised. The Oracle did say that she would be ours; it only makes sense that includes his Dragon.”

  “But Dragons don’t share mates … What will happen when …”

  “We must trust in our brother … and his beast. Vulcan would never hurt us; his beast choosing her means that she is protected. Nothing can come between a Dragon and his mate; she will be untouchable. It’s a good thing …”

  At least that is what I was telling myself.

  “There they are.”

  We reached the training field and stopped abruptly.

  “Oh. My. Gods.”


  “Again!” The obnoxious Elf declared, his disapproving face pissing me off. Grumbling, I stood rubbing my sore arse. “You wouldn’t be spending this much time on the floor if you were at your full potential.” Driving the point home, the Elf kicked my legs from under me, making me fall flat on my back, and pointed his sword directly into my throat.

  “Oh, and what potential is that?” I fumed. “Are you going to move your sword, pointy ears, or stick me with it?” The man in question held his sword against my throat for a lot longer than necessary, making me question his sanity.

  “Your form is sloppy, your movements predictable, and you do not have a single magical edge.” I stood once more and again was put directly on my arse.

  “Tell me again what makes you think that you’re a worthy candidate for the Elites?” Arsehole.

  “I was the best fighter back at The Estate.”

  Ehre laughed, “You mean those mangy mutts?” I stood once more. “Those animals are only as strong as their Alpha. Considering the pathetic excuse, they have at the moment … an Elven child would destroy them.” With his left hand he punched me in my solar plexus and kicked my legs from under me, causing me to fall face first on the ground. Gods, I hated him.

  “They are some of the best fighters I know.” Puffing out my chest, I stood once more, defensive of the place I was raised.

  “Oh, and how many other species have you fought, Miss Moon?” Ehre smirked, reveling in my misery. I crouched, readying myself for another attack. “Please, the Koray fell apart the second …” his breath shook. “The Koray stopped being the strongest pack when he left.”

  I leaped up, aiming to land a blow on his side facing me. In one seamless movement, he expertly dodged it and tripped me up, landing another blow against my spine.

  “Ahh,” I rolled onto my back, closing my eyes to stop the world from spinning. “You mean Balhar?” I asked, fighting against a wave of nausea. Silence followed; I opened my eyes. Ehre’s far-off stare and defeated stance made me almost feel sorry for him … almost. He soon realized his vulnerability, and his signature sneer was back.

  “What happened to him? You all thought he was dead. Why?” I asked.

  “He was one of the most honorable men I knew … That honor got him k—trapped.” I stood slowly, even my skin ached.

  “How?” I wanted to know more about the man I saw in the water, something inside needed to know what had happened. Ehre walked toward me, and when he wasn’t glowering the full force of his beauty was breathtaking. Just before I thought he was about to have an actual conversation with me, like a sane Elf, he threw two throwing knives directly at my head. If it wasn’t for my fast reflexes, I would have died.

  “What. The. Fuck. Is. Your. Problem?!” I tried to land a hit, but it just ended with me back on the ground.

  “Your enemies will come in all forms. Do not get distracted, especially by sob stories.” I stood, anger prickled up my spine, and before I could think about moving, he was on me once again. “I knew that you were not a worthy Warrior. My brothers may have been won over by your pretty face, Luna, but I haven’t.”

  I was getting pissed at losing to such a chauvinist, nothing I was doing was proving him wrong. He was winning, and it pissed me off.

  I moved my blade, loosening my tight muscles. He circled me like a lion does its prey. He wore a smug, self-assured smile; I had to wipe it from his face. Heat prickled up my sword hand, as though my blade agreed that Ehre needed to be taught a lesson. He was waiting for me to make the first move, cocky that he would win.

  Anger, like no other, burned through me. I needed to win. I needed to make him bleed. My vision narrowed, and every single detail around me came into focus. Sound became so clear I could hear both of our heartbeats, steady and strong. Each feature of Ehre’s face was sharp, the silver flecks in his emerald eyes vis
ible from six feet away. My body felt stronger; my resolve harder. The Elf was going down.

  Ehre flung himself feet first toward my chest. Time slowed; I was able to clearly think of my next maneuver as his feet edged closer. I caught them mid-air, and with all of my might and pent up frustration, I pushed. Ehre flew at least ten feet backward, landing on his back. His startled cry stoked the embers within me, and I began to burn. He unfurled his limbs to stand, the metal in his hand glinting in the sunlight. I was able to see each and every detail carved into his blade. The look of sheer determination in his face said that he was done playing, and something within me roared at the challenge.

  Shifting my grip on the hilt of my new blade, I closed the distance with only one thought in my mind: I must draw his blood. Our swords kissed just inches before my face, the weight in which he had struck shook my bones. He wasn’t playing. The blow could have easily taken my head clean from my shoulders. I dodged another attack spinning so that I now had the upper hand, landing blow after blow. Each advance I made, Ehre matched me, in a dance as fluid as water. The blades, along with our cries, orchestrated a haunting melody that Warriors have been conducting since the beginning of time.

  Each blow that Ehre skillfully blocked stoked the rage that swelled within me. He continued to taunt me with his smirk, tutting when I mis stepped and was nearly stabbed in the heart. My thoughts darkened, and my blade’s handle heated in my palm. You will be sorry, Elf.

  With no effort at all, I managed to catch Ehre’s cheek. A ribbon of blood formed; the smell almost broke my resolve. The shock in his eyes enraged me further, and I pushed to do more damage to the bastard who just tried to kill me.

  I swung again and again. With each failed attempt, it became apparent that he was not really attacking, just defending my blows and taunting me when he was bored. The arrogant arsehole thought that he was better than me, and I wanted to kill him for it. The next advance came so close to Ehre’s neck, he grunted with surprise. That’s right, arsehole, take me seriously.

  Blow after blow; our lethal dance continued, the need to kill Ehre building with every swing of my sword. With all my might, I met his sword, in a blow that could crack teeth. We were stuck, our blades locked against one another. I could see that my strength surprised him; that I had the ability to match his own. It surprised me too.

  We were both unable to pull away, confined to a battle of wills. I looked into his cold gaze, and he honest to gods winked!

  Unable to retain the rage that now swelled within me, I sought for my dagger with my left hand. And I was not alone with the idea. In perfect synchrony we each pressed the new blades to each other’s throats.

  “I believe we are at an impasse, tiny Warrior,” Ehre smirked, lowering his weapon. That gods be damned smirk!

  The blade in my right hand burned so hot that all I could think of was the Elf’s impending death, and before I gave it a second thought, I swung the sword up and plunged it into his neck.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “Stop her!” I bellowed. The shock of Luna stabbing one of my oldest friends in the throat wore off the second I saw her swing the goddesses’ blade again in an attempt to slice his head clean off. This was no spar. Luna meant to kill Ehre.

  Magnar was there in a heartbeat, his speed enabling him to stop her just inches before the blade touched his skin. I ran like my life depended on it; Luna’s eyes glowed with so much power her gaze was almost too bright to look into.

  Magnar unsheathed his sword in a blink of an eye meeting Luna’s with such force; I was surprised both blades stayed intact. He lifted his other arm, holding on to Luna’s wrist, I could see that he was using all his strength; which shouldn’t have been needed for a Vampire as strong as Magnar.

  “Little thief, let go of the sword; you’re safe.” Luna made a hissing sound that made the hair on my arms stand up, everything about her energy signal screamed predator.

  Pressing my hand against Ehre’s throat, I was relieved beyond measure to see that he was still breathing. His lifeblood spilled freely, out of the wound in his neck.

  “Why aren’t you healing?” I swore as I checked my friend’s vitals. In my peripheral, I was aware of the lethal waltz that was happening behind me. Using my knife to nick my wrist, I dripped the steady flow of my blood over his open lips. “Why aren’t you healing?” I cried.

  “Magnar, a little help here?”

  “A little busy,” my friend grunted, the clang of swords punctuated his words.

  “Shit, shit, shit! Stay with me, Ehre!” Pulling my top off, I pressed it against the gash that refused to heal. “It must be the blade, the goddesses’ magic is stopping him from healing himself,” my voice shook as I watched my friend pale before my very eyes.

  We five had a remarkable healing ability that surpassed the norm for our practically immortal species. Blood allowed my brothers and me to speed up the process when badly hurt, unlike with Jabare, I could smell no poison. This had to be the goddesses magic.

  “Luna, stop! It’s me; it’s Magnar. You’re safe; I’m not trying to hurt you.” Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Luna attacking Magnar with the ferocity of a wild animal that had been backed into a corner. A halo of silver light surrounded her. Her eyes and the sword glowed with the power of the goddesses. The more I watched, the more apparent it became that Luna was not in control of her movements. The sword would move, and she would follow.

  “Magnar, mate, it’s definitely the sword. It’s controlling her; you need to take it from her.”

  “Easier said than done captain obvious. She’s fucking strong. Call for Vulcan!”

  Focusing on our mental bond, I pulled the Dragon’s essence toward me.

  “Come on mate …” Hot rage like I’ve never felt greeted me. That must have been his Dragon. I tried to push past that, to send him thoughts of Ehre. Ehre chose this exact moment to gurgle on his blood, a terrible sign that I was losing him.

  “I refuse to let your stubborn fucking arse leave these realms before we find Balhar. You better keep fucking fighting, Elf. I have some serious plans for the six of us.” Ehre’s eyes fluttered, if there was any time for his stubbornness to be a blessing, now was it.

  I pulled Vulcan’s essence toward me once more, and this time, I was able to reach the man.

  Vulcan mate, get back quick; it’s Luna … Ehre, he’s in serious trouble.



  Nothing around me but inescapable death.

  “Luna, stop. It’s me; it’s Magnar. You’re safe; I’m not trying to hurt you.” Words, nothing but words, it will be hard for him to make words when he is a dead man. Death was the only thing I wanted now, death for all who stood in my way.

  My body blazed alight; my vision as clear as the one in my mind.

  “Magnar, mate, it’s definitely the sword,” another voice chimed in. “It’s controlling her; you need to take it from her.” I would deal with the other person next; I will kill all who stand in my way.

  My arm shook with the vibrations each time our swords connected. This wasn’t good enough; I need blood! With that thought, my throat burned like I had swallowed a hot poker. The most delicious smell managed to catch me off guard, allowing my opponent to land a hit on my arm.

  “Shit, you cut her, you fucking idiot!” a voice shouted.

  “I didn’t mean to; something distracted her … I think it’s Ehre’s blood.” Yes, blood, I needed blood. A growl that came from the deepest corners of my soul reverberated in my chest.

  I needed to feed, to bring death and destruction to all who …

  Fire, literal fire enveloped me into a circle. Everywhere I looked, a burning wall of flames stood inches from me, hot enough to melt the skin from my bones.

  “Luna, you need to drop the sword.” a different voice boomed. Blood and death are the only things I need right now.

  “She won’t listen to reason but maybe … Vulcan let me in there.”
r />   “It’s too dangerous; a second later she would have killed you, Magnar.”

  “Magnar, Ehre needs your blood now!” Yes, blood, I needed blood.

  “She’s hungry; she needs to feed!” a torn voice cried.

  “I’ll do it Magnar; you need to trust me with this … Go help our brother.” A few beats passed, and I heard movement. Another scent invaded my senses, a smell so maddening it made me hiss.

  The fire before me parted revealing glorious, topless, ax-wielding Vulcan. His bare, tattooed chest moved with slow, patient breaths. Scars covered his arms and stomach, the foreboding feeling of danger prickled up my spine.

  “Luna, you need to listen to me.” He started to circle me, and I mirrored his movements, never taking my eye off the threat. “You need to feed, and I will help you, Luna, but you have to put the sword down.” I could not trust a single word he said. I clenched the sword tighter in an act of Rebellion, one which he saw.

  Vulcan’s Dragon’s eyes flickered as he inched forward. In one quick moment, he moved his axe up toward his chest, and another smell stole the air from my lungs. Crimson blood pooled above his pectoral. The speed in which it dripped down his chest and abdomen was excruciating.

  Instinctively, I took a step toward it, and he matched me, closing the distance. I held my sword defensively in my hand, but the desire to taste the blood was overpowering.

  Vulcan’s large palm flattened against the vee that pointed down into his trousers. Dragging his hand upward, he smeared his blood all over his chest. My eyes watched hungrily. I could have screamed in frustration as I watched Vulcan slice his healed cut once more. The ribbon of blood made my jaw ache.

  His fingers pushed against the wound, making torturous circles of red, and my mouth watered. With caution, Vulcan lifted his fingers toward my mouth. My hand twitched against the hilt of my blade, but I could not move further, entranced. We both took a step toward each other.


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