Dark World Genesis

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Dark World Genesis Page 3

by A. R. Kingston

  “No, Rupert.” Alex closed the lid and let butler grab her plate “I didn't much care for eating tonight.”

  “I see. Bored with fish already, are we? Well, no matter, did you enjoy the scraps Cosmo?”


  “Good, at least it will look like our mistress ate something.” Rupert glanced over at the window and frowned “It looks as if the rain has finally let up.”

  “Yes. It seems that way, doesn't it?”

  “It's still a chilly night out tonight. Best bundle up if you know what I mean.” Rupert gave Alex a knowing wink “Anything else I can get for you tonight, my lady?”

  “Thank you, Rupert, but that will be all.”

  “In that case, I will have your breakfast up for you tomorrow at eight. Try not to stay up late miss.”

  “Of course.”

  “And you, my little friend, keep an eye on her and make sure she stays out of trouble.”

  “Hoink, hoink.”

  With a roll of his eyes, Rupert walked out the door, and Alex listened for the sound of the lock being closed behind him. When she was sure he had gone, she went over and reached under her bed. Long ago, Alex discovered a secret compartment underneath, one she now used to hide items from her family. Lifting the small hatch, she reached in and pulled out a worn, plain, brown cloak Richard had gifted her years earlier.

  In the mage society, it was dangerous to go out into the world of the grays when everyone could recognize your blood status by the way you dressed. As for Alex, being the princess of Manevia, her face was known by every peasant, guard, and noble alike. She did not have to worry about the grays, they did not care if the lady of the land was breaking the rules, but the guards and nobles would have her executed for the indiscretion. The cloak helped conceal her identity from people at first glance, and so long as she kept moving, no one would give her a second look.

  Sitting down by her window, Alex looked over the dark manicured lawn sprawling across the deserted courtyard below. A small square of grass glowed of washed out yellow, illuminated by her father's study below. Arthur liked to work late, and Alex would have to be extra careful sneaking out unnoticed. Quietly, she opened her window. The cool air outside was heavy with moisture from the day's rain. Throwing the cloak around her neck, Alexandra covered her head and changed into a dove. Sitting on the window ledge, she looked out into the distance.

  No shadows moved in the window's light below, and Alex felt it was safe to escape. With a nod to Cosmo, she flapped her wing and took off into the night, heading for the harbor. The sky was a dark gray tonight, and the thick cloud cover obscured the stars. Above her, the sliver of a moon shone weakly above the rooftops. Below, the halo of the gas-powered street lamps cast an eerie glow onto the cobblestone streets. Shadows of people and carriages moved about in a mundane flow.

  Gliding between the buildings, Alex observed the grays go about their evening, oblivious to her presence. Ahead, she could see the harbor come into view. The lights from the ships danced upon the uneven surface of the ocean. Alex always loved the ships from East Ashland, the only free territory where grays and pure-bloods were equals, and there were no strict rules to follow. Having kept most of the prewar technology their ships’ electric lights were always so brilliant compared the oil lanterns of the other vessels.

  Tilting her head, Alexandra spotted Richard just below her. His dark brown, wavy hair swayed in the breeze. Swooping down, Alex landed in front of him transforming back into human form in the process. Richard’s chocolate eyes appeared to be even darker at night, almost as black as the sky above. Spotting her, he beamed through his well-trimmed circle beard revealing his bright white teeth.

  “There you are.” Richard swooped Alexandra up in his arms and spun her around “I was beginning to wonder if you would ever show.”

  “Sorry. I got caught up looking at all the people.”

  “After all this time, you still find the general population fascinating?”

  “Naturally...” Alex giggled “... your life is so different from my own that I can't help but marvel at its simplicity.”

  Richard was now laughing and shaking his head with a huge smile on his face. Alex knew he did not understand her as well as she’d like, but at least being around him made her feel a little less alone in the world. Glancing over at him wiping tears from his eyes, Alex couldn’t help but smile over his simplicity.

  “I swear Alex, you must be the only person in existence who would rather do mundane work, live in a hovel, and cook dinner for a dirty man than live in the lap of luxury with everything handed to you.”

  “Easy for you to say. Anyone who desires my life doesn't know what it's like behind the place walls.” Alex frowned. “Alexandra, why won't you wear this dress, it suits a lady of your class better? Alexandra, be a proper lady and don't speak unless spoken to.

  “Alexandra, you will marry whoever we say you will marry and bear his children.” Alex did her best to imitate members of her family while trying not to get angry. “I swear Richard, the next time someone tells me how to act, or live my life, or insist that happiness is all in my head, I may just lose my shit on them.”

  “Did I just hear Lady Hamilton of Manevia cuss like an average sailor?” Richard laughed harder, snorting as he doubled over in amusement. “Wonder where you picked up such colorful words your ladyship?”

  “Ruh.” Cosmo voiced his displeasure, never having taken a liking to Richard.

  “Yes, I do wonder.” Alex ignored Cosmos complaints and jabbed Richard playfully with a laugh. “Now, I do believe the same person who taught me bad words also promised to corrupt me in other ways.”

  “Ah, but of course.” Richard bowed and offered his arm “If you will, my lady, would you accompany me to a shady gray establishment tonight? There, my beloved princess can experience the delicious pleasures of alcohol and the company of rowdy, drunk men.”

  “Why, Sir Cadwall...” Alex giggled as she put her arm through his “... I thought you would never ask.”

  The two of them laughed as they walked arm in arm down the narrow street. Their heels clicked rhythmically on the cobblestone as Cosmo fluttered beside them, grinding his teeth and voicing his constant stream of complaints.

  Alex and Richard chatted while they moved through the sea of people going about their evening. An occasional carriage rolled passed them as they made their way to the outskirt of the village. On the edge of town, as the cobblestone ended, they stopped at a small dirt road that went up a dark hill towards the woods.

  “Not much further now.” said Richard pointing uphill “Just a half mile up the road.”

  “The Tavern is not in town?”

  “Afraid not love.” he glanced over and gave Alex a weak smile “Jay is an odd duck, likes his privacy. And unfortunately, he’s got the best establishment in Manevia, so he gets away with it.”

  Now Alexandra was curious about this friend of Richard’s. What kind of man could like his privacy that much, and why? She hadn’t even met Jay, and yet, Alex was already drawn to him, seduced by his need to be left alone. Drunk on the possibility of finding a kindred spirit, Alexandra nodded and walked beside Richard on the uneven dirt road, eager to come face to face with the barkeep.

  Kicking up dirt, they ambled up the hill. The lights of the village faded away, and darkness enveloped them, barely lit by the waning crescent peeking its face from the clouds. In the distance, Alex could see a small, two-story cottage coming into view with soft lights gleaming from its downstairs windows. In front of the shabby little building hung a worn wooden sign that read: The Black Paw.

  “What an odd name” Alex marveled at the sign with some curiosity.

  “It is, isn't it?”

  “Why did he name it that?”

  “You know...” Richard looked up at her with a nervous laugh. “... I don’t know, I never thought to ask. Would you like to go in? You can ask him yourself.”

Oh, you bet. This man sounds interesting, I can’t wait to meet him.”

  “Rwee, wee” Cosmo squealed with approval, and Alexandra wondered even more about the mysterious man inside.

  Taking Alexandra's hand, Richard led her up the gravel passage to a small building attached to the cottage. Moss covered its stone walls, and the tiny square windows cast a vague glow onto their feet. A studded wood door separated the tavern from the outside world. Pushing it open, Richard lead Alexandra inside the strange tavern about to reveal some secrets.

  Chapter 4

  The Boy and The Barkeep

  Empty tables were spread out in the small, dimly lit room. The few shady patrons who were there looked up from their glasses to study Alex and Richard over carefully. Satisfied with what they saw, they turned their focus back to their drinks. To Alex's left stood a small bar, the stools lining it were devoid of bodies. Behind the bar, was a man dressed all in black, his back turned to the tavern.

  The barkeep was tall, at least a head taller than Alex if she was to take a guess. A collared, silk shirt was untucked from his waistline, its sleeves rolled up past the elbows to reveal big, muscular arms. His dirty blond hair came down to the base of his neck and curled up ever so slightly.

  As if by magic the empty locket Alex wore around her neck grew hot, almost as if it was trying to burn a hole in her chest. She pressed it tighter against her skin, wondering what was going on. No one ever explained where the locket came from, but Rupert stated it belonged with her since before she was born. Walking up to the bar, Richard pulled out a stool for Alexandra, and she sat down. Her throat was growing parched, and her heart fluttered in her chest for no reason at all as she continued to stare at the strange man’s back.

  “Hey Jay,” Richard cleared his throat “I brought my girlfriend with me. You know, the one I keep telling you about.”

  Jay turned around to face them. Alexandra’s eyes trailed upwards, and she noticed he undid the top three buttons of his shirt, revealing his hairy chest. Around his thick neck was a long, silver chain with what appeared to be a wolf’s tooth hanging off it. It seemed almost peculiar, and Alex reckoned it must have had some amazing story behind it, but she could not bring herself to ask.

  Continuing her gaze up towards Jay’s face, Alex noted his long sideburns that came down to the bottom of his square jawline and the well-manicured goatee. Their eyes locked, and she sat there frozen as they were the most brilliant shade of electric blue she had ever seen. This man was handsome, or so Alex thought, and it instantly drew her to him as if some invisible force was reeling her in. Mesmerized, Alexandra gazed into Jay's cornflower blue eyes. She was sure she'd seen them before, but she could not say where.

  A faint scent of juniper and bergamot filled her nostrils, causing her head to spin. Alex knew she smelled that cologne before, a few years back if she remembered correctly, though she could not remember where. Trying to shake the idea they meet before, Alex reminded herself this was the first she ever laid eyes on Jay. But a funny feeling was coming over her. By now her heart was pounding in her chest as they continued to stare at each other in silence.

  Slowly Jay raised an eyebrow at her and then fixed his gaze on Richard. His expression grew stern as he readjusted the collar on his shirt and flared his nostrils. As Jay spoke, his deep, husky voice was cold, menacing, yet smooth and comforting at the same time.

  “You forgot to mention she was a pure-blood, and not just any pure-blood, she’s the goddamned princess of Manevia.”

  “Relax Jay.” Richard waved his arms, trying to calm the barkeep down “Alex was only born a pure-blood, but I swear she’s more like us than she is them.”

  “They're nothing like us.” Jay bellowed, and everyone at the tavern turned to look at them. Calming himself down, Jay glared at Richard and continued to lay into him. “They're all the same you bloody fool. Just a bunch of good-for-nothing jerks who think they are superior to everyone else. And you go and have a fling with the worst one you can find, her royal fucking highness, Lady Alexandra Hamilton.”

  “Come on Jay...” Richard pleaded “... don't be like this... just give her a chance... I know you'll like her if you get to know her.”

  “I don't want to like her, or anyone else of her kind. And lest you forget, your squeeze is betrothed to the Prince of Rexham. Your stupid ass is bound to get hurt once she’s married off, unless you like affairs with married women. Now take your little princess and get the hell out of my tavern.”

  “All right… all right, have it your way...” Richard got up off his chair “... we'll leave.”

  “No. We won't.” Alex grabbed hold of Richard and pulled him back down, her blood boiling over what Jay said about her. “We came here for a drink, and that is what we are going to get.”

  Jay turned around, glaring at Alexandra, his eyes narrowing, his fists clenched, and his nostrils flaring. Not willing to be intimidated by him, Alex glared right back. The sudden silence in the room was deafening as all eyes fixed upon the two of them. Some would have sworn they could feel the electric charge fill the air. The tension was maddening, but Alexandra refused to give in to a man who dared bring up her betrothal to Philip. Finally, Jay broke the silence by turning his attention back to Richard.

  “Is this chick for real?” he snapped “Is she actually telling me what to do in my tavern?”

  “Well... I'm not sure...” Richard stammered “you see... Alex is a bit stubborn... but don't worry... I'll get her out right away.”

  “No, you won't. Not until I get my drink.”

  Richard swallowed hard as he looked at her wide-eyed, shaking his head in panic. Cosmo was grunting and snapping his jaw in displeasure at Jay while hiding behind Alexandra’s hair. Not one to get deterred, Alex leaned in, locking eyes with Jay as she seethed in ire over what everyone knew was common knowledge. She couldn’t say why, but hearing those words from Jay stung, and she was not leaving until she could figure it out.

  Leaning back, arms crossed, and stroking his goatee, Jay chuckled as he looked back at Alex. Nodding his head, he came over to her and slammed his big, right hand down on the bar top next to her. Right away Alex noticed a ring on his finger in the shape of a wolf's head and her jaw dropped open a notch. Noticing her gaze, Jay pulled his hand back and stuffed it in the pocket of his pants.

  “So, what will it be, princess?” Jay leaned in closer to her face with a sly smirk “I'm afraid I have nothing for your refined tastes.”

  “That's fine. I'll just have what he's having.” Alex nodded her head towards Richard.

  This made Jay topple over with laughter and made Cosmo squeal in her ear in an attempt to dissuade her. Still, Alex refused to budge even as Jay looked up at her, wiping the tears from his eyes while he was still chuckling. Sitting next to her, Richard swallowed hard as Jay’s lip curled in a partial smirk, and his eyebrow arched at Alex.

  “Whatever you say darling.” he pulled out three glasses “After all, it's your funeral.”

  Pulling out a bottle of amber-colored liquid, Jay topped off the jars. Still smirking he slid one glass towards Alex and one to Richard. Looking over the contents of her glass Alexandra wondered what to do. She glanced over at Richard for guidance, but he was staring at her with a frightened look on his face, his hand trembling while clutching the glass. Her eyes trailed back up to Jay who was looking back at her in amusement.

  “First time drinking, princess?” he laughed with a broad smile on his face “This is called whiskey.” he waved the bottle in front of her face “Here... let me show you how it's done.”

  Putting the glass to his lips, Jay tipped his head back and gulped down the contents in one go. Slamming his jar down on the table he leaned over and glanced at Alex with a mischievous look.

  Gazing into his eyes, Alexandra clenched her hand around her glass and lifted it up to her lips. The contents smelled terrible. A sweet, woody scent with a hint of methanol assaulted her nostrils as Cosmo yanked
on her hair trying to get her to stop. Taking a deep breath, Alex took a swig and swallowed. The liquid burned on the way down, and she had to fight back the tears that were forming in her eyes.

  “Too rough, princess?” Jay chuckled.

  “It's great” Alex coughed and slammed the jar on the table while glaring at him “Pour me another.”

  “Rwee, weee.”

  “Alex...” sputtered Richard “perhaps we should go.”

  “Nah, stay.” Jay looked in Alexandra's eyes, smiling playfully “You were right Richard, I do like this girl, she doesn't know when to quit.”

  Without breaking eye contact, Jay reached over and grasped the bottle of whiskey. Bringing it closer, he was about to pour them another round of drinks when a door to the cabin creaked open behind him.

  “Daddy...” a small, blond boy stood behind the bar. His light blue eyes glimmering in the dim light. “I can't sleep.”

  Discontented, Jay placed the bottle down, sighed, and turned around. Kneeling he put his hand on the boy's shoulder as he looked the child in the eyes. Alexandra’s heart panged as she observed the two of them, unable to get the insane thought of having seen this exchange before out of her head.

  “How many times do I have to tell you to keep out of the tavern?”

  “But Daddy...” the little boy pleaded “I can't sleep.”

  “Daddy?” Alex leaned over and whispered in Richard's ear.

  “Yeah...” he whispered back “that's Jay's kid.”

  “Well,” Alex swallowed bitterly, “where is his wife.”

  “Never had one from what I gather. I don't know the whole story... never dared ask.”

  Alex looked over at Jay who was trying to reason with his son behind the bar. The boy’s gunmetal blue eyes grabbed hold of her and melted her heart in an instant. She knew she’d seen this child before, and as irrational as it was, she had a nagging urge to swoop him up and kiss his chubby little cheeks.

  “Come on Andy...” pleaded Jay “you know I can't leave right now.”


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