Dark World Genesis

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Dark World Genesis Page 11

by A. R. Kingston

  “Damn Alex, I would have never guessed you could keep up with my drinking.”

  “I suppose you were right, you do get used to it.”

  They both laughed as neither of them appeared to be drunk. Jay marveled at this tiny little thing who could hold her liquor better than the buffoon she was currently dating. For a moment, he entertained the idea of taking Richard’s place before quickly wiping those thoughts from his mind. He was not the type of guy who would do that to someone, not to mention the princess would be better off without someone like him to drag her down. Stealing a glance at the woman beside him, Jay watched her give him a smile.

  Looking back at him, Alex couldn’t help smiling at the man she found almost irresistible. Like a moth, drawn to his flame, she cared not if she burned up in the process. Deep inside, she felt the kindling of a fire reignite in the tomb of her heart. She wanted to stay there with Jay forever, have a few more rounds, savor his presence, and perhaps surrender to the temptation of flesh. But, at this hour it was best to allow him to get some rest.

  “It's getting late,” Alex sighed, “I suppose I better go.”

  “What if I don't want you to go?” Jay gave her a beseeching look “Would you stay if I asked you to?

  “I'd stay forever if I could.”

  Jay stood up, wrapping an arm around Alex, lifting her off the chair into his embrace. As he caressed her face with his free hand, he pondered what about this woman made him act crazy. Why was it so difficult to part with her? He never had such a problem saying farewell to anyone, yet here he was, unable to pull away from a girl who wasn’t even his. Keeping her around would be dangerous for both of them, but for once in his life, Jay didn’t mind flirting with fate, not if there was a possibility of being with Alex.

  “Will I see you again?”

  “Depends on if you want to see me again?”

  “Yes.” Jay's voice had a hint of sadness to it “How soon can you come back?”

  “Tomorrow if you'd like.”

  “And every other night you're free?”

  “Of course.” Alex smiled at him.

  Relenting to the inevitable, Jay let Alex go. Walking behind the island, he pulled open a drawer and took something out. Taking Alexandra’s hand, he placed an old skeleton key in her palm, wrapping her fingers around it. Clasping his hand around hers he looked at her eyes filled with confusion.

  “What's this?”

  “A key to the back door.” Jay’s head motioned to the door behind him. “Use it to come into the house. Less chance of you getting caught.”

  Delighted by this gesture, Alex stood on her toes, pushing herself up just enough to land a soft kiss on Jay's cheek. A hint of pink washed over him that made her smile even more as she felt a surge of electricity tickle her body.

  “Thank you. Can I still bring things for Andy?”

  “Yeah, sure, but only if it won't get you in trouble.”

  “Don't worry. It's far beneath my family to go to such places, and if the servants notice anything out of place, they sure won't tell.”

  “Okay, but go easy on that chocolate stuff. I don't want him getting used to it.”

  “All right, I will. I promise. See you tomorrow Jay.”

  As Alex headed for the door, she could not help but steal one last glance at him. Jay was leaning against the counter with his arms crossed and a sly smile on his face. He tilted his head and gave her a quick nod.

  “Sure thing princess. I look forward to it.”

  Watching Alex walk out his door left Jay with a numbing void in his heart. He could not help thinking how all this happened before at some point, and he hated seeing her go. Reaching out his hand, he touched the spot her lips had touched, and smiled. Maybe thinking there was a future for them wasn’t as insane as he first thought, and Jay was sure looking forward to seeing her again tomorrow.

  Shutting the door behind her, Alex clutched the small key in her hand. This night had turned out far better than she had hoped. Here in this cabin, Alex had found something she had lacked all these years. She found a sense of belonging, a sense of family. It also seems Jay felt the same way she did, and if she were to give it time, their friendship could blossom into something beautiful. All they needed was a little more time in each other’s company.

  Walking down the old dirt road, Alex thought about all the wonderful possibilities before her. She was looking forward to seeing Jay again tomorrow night, and all other nights after it. It had been a long time since she was so excited about anything. Alex always thought her soul was slumbering, waiting for something to free it, and tonight, she felt awake. The world looked different now, darker and colder, gripped by an unspeakable evil which needed to be purged if she wished to have a future she sought.

  Approached the edge of the village, Alex got a sensation someone was following her, and the feeling of several eyes upon her made her skin crawl. Stopping dead in her tracks she thought she heard footsteps behind her, but upon turning around, she found herself faced only with darkness. Convincing herself she had imagined things, Alex transformed into a dove and flew away into the distance, but what she had not noticed was a great pair of dark eyes, watching her from the tall grass below.

  Chapter 11

  Unforgiving Thoughts

  Back in her room, Alexandra lay in bed looking at the picture of the wolves. Again, she entertained the idea of Jay being the black wolf, now that she knew what he was. Unfortunately though, Alex did not know if it was possible for half-bloods to have a totem. The mages scrubbed such information from their history books after they murdered the last half-blood. Watching Alex stare at her drawing, little Cosmo wondered if this was a good time to bring up what he wanted to back at the cabin.


  “I don’t know Cosmo,” she turned to face the miniature pig fluttering above her face, “I just can’t shake this idea that I belong with Jay.”


  “I couldn’t, possibly. Could I? I mean Richard and I have been together for so long, would it be all right to just break things off like that?”

  “Oink oink.”

  “Cosmo,” Alex frowned, “you can’t expect me to leave Richard simply because you don’t like him.”


  “All right, all right, you have a point.” Alexandra let out a deep sigh. “I suppose it’s not like I have much of a future with Richard, not anymore. But with Jay being a half-blood, I have even less of a future with him.”

  “Hoink, oink.”

  “What are you talking about? You just said there is no future with me and a gray, and now you go and imply that I can be with Jay if I try hard enough?”


  “I… I don’t know,” Alex glanced out the window as a gentle breeze caressed her hair, “he feels different from Richard. I can’t explain it, but I can’t stop thinking about him. It’s as if Jay is a part of me. Even now, his presence still lingers here. Almost unrelenting, it haunts me, not willing to let me go.”


  “This might sound crazy since we only met yesterday, but, I think I love him.”

  “Oink, oink, oink.”

  Cosmo flew down to snuggle up on a pillow by Alexandra’s head. He knew very well how their destinies were bound to one another, but he chose not to say a thing. His mistress may not have realized it at the time, but she would remember eventually, and he thought it best not intervene. The night left the pigrie with little doubt of the power Alexandra’s magic had, and what she was able to do in the past. After all the time that passed and distance separating them, the chemistry between Alex and Jay was as electrifying as always. Knowing there was only one possible road the two of them could take, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

  Getting up to shut her window, Alex looked up at the moon one more time and felt a painful pang in her heart. She knew what she wanted to do, but at the same time, she had a hard time letting Richard go
. They shared so much history together, from the first time they met, the two were inseparable. Alex felt bad allowing it all go to waste, no matter how badly she wanted Jay instead. Flopping on her bed, she closed her eyes and recalled the memories of the past, ones which put her on a collision course with Jay, and sealed the fate of her relationship with Richard.

  Chapter 12

  Alex and Richard: The Younger Years

  It was not long ago that life was so much simpler for Alex. She was only fifteen, and Richard was eighteen. Still sneaking out to be with one another as they have been for years that night was no different. It was a nippy evening in December, and everyone was abuzz with the upcoming solstice celebration. Even the palace was a mess to prepare for the festivities. Alexandra reckoned she could have strolled out the front door with no one taking notice, but she would not try her luck.

  By then, Richard had shown her a passage leading beyond the castle gate into town, and Alex always took it to stay safe. On that crispy night, they explored the village late in the evening as the townsfolk prepared for the upcoming celebration. The snow was coming down hard, covering the streets in soft white powder. The bright oil lanterns gave it an ethereal blue glow, and Alex marveled at how beautiful the village looked concealed in a sea of white.

  Children were running around laughing and making snowmen. An occasional sleigh would go by, its bells jingling as it laid its tracks in the snow. Even Cosmo was fluttering about enjoying the cold flakes cascading from above.

  Caught up in the scenery, Alex did not notice Richard pull away until something cold and hard hit her back. Turning around she spotted Richard with an arm full of snowballs. Ducking behind a lamp post he chucked another ball, hitting her in the shoulder. Laughing, Alexandra ducked behind a street cart and made her own a pile of snowy projectiles.

  Sneaking out from her hiding spot, Alex threw a snowball of her own, hitting Richard square in the back. He turned around laughing and tossed one her way, but she dodged it. They ran around the village tossing snowballs at each other until they collapsed in a mound of snow at the edge of a field. Still laughing, they stared up at the winter sky as the snow came down on top of them, dusting them in cold flakes.

  “I really like you, Alex.” Richard rolled over to face her.

  “Oh, well, I like you too Richard. We’re friends after all.”

  “No, I mean... I like you as more than just a friend.” Richard was turning a bright shade of red “You know... I like you... romantically.”

  Alex looked up at him shocked, not expecting to hear such a confession. Cosmo protested loudly at what he could only perceive as an atrocity, but Alexandra ignored him. Perhaps she liked Richard too. It was only natural for two people to grow physically closer when they spend as much time together as they have. Not sure what she felt, Alex, glanced over at Richard with a playful smile. Figuring she had nothing to lose, she grabbed hold of his scarf, pulling him in closer.

  “So why don't you kiss me then?”

  Cosmo squealed in horror as Richard's mouth hung agape at her response. Finally, as if deciding to make his move, Richard closed his eyes and leaned in to give her a soft kiss. Embracing him back, Alex returned his kiss as the snow came down on them harder. Laying in the white mound, cuddling, they started a romantic endeavor. The prospect of love was still fresh in their innocent young hearts, and the harsh reality of it was far from their minds.

  Alex had enjoyed her romance with Richard for over a year. Back then it was still happy and pure. She enjoyed the nights they would spend cuddling under the stars or holding hands while walking around town. Being with him fulfilled Alexandra’s need to differ from the rest of her kind, and it gave her a sense of adventure. The two of them had even enjoyed an occasional rendezvous during the day now that Alex was allowed out of her room for brief periods of time, so she could train.

  This was how, on a fateful day in May thing got out of hand and put their romance on a fast track to disaster. Alex had just got done training in weapon usage with her father and was strolling through the garden before heading up to her room. There she spotted Richard, trimming the roses along the wall.

  Sweat glistened on his handsome young face as Alex approached from behind to touch his back. Glancing up at her, he wiped the sweat off his brow with his sleeve and smiled at her.

  “Good afternoon my lady.”

  “Good afternoon to you as well.”

  Looking about to make sure no one was coming, Alex leaned in to give him a kiss as they embraced. Parting, they stood holding hands chatting when Quinton came along and spot them together.

  “Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Quinton approached them with a wicked grin on his face “Do my eyes deceive me or is my baby sister consorting with a servant?”

  “Quinton... please... it's not what it looks like.” Alex felt the blood drain from her face as she attempted to recover from her mistake.

  “Really? Because you see, to me it looks like this philandering slug is trying to seduce my precious little sister.”

  “Please brother, that's not it at all.”

  “Hmm, well, there is a simple solution to this dilemma.” Quinton grinned and stroked his chin “We shall go see father, and you two can explain it to him.”

  Grabbing both Alexandra and Richard by the arm, Quinton pushed them to walk in front of him as he made his way into the courtyard. The prospect of finally getting the chance to punish his sister for her impure thoughts and wicked ways delighted him. Master had warned him about the troublesome girl before she was even born, and it seems as he was right in her being the undoing of everything they stood to accomplish. Not wishing to let her ruin his plans, Quinton was happy to show Alex her place in the world.

  Lord Hamilton stood in the courtyard talking to Tom and Rupert when Quinton shoved Richard down on the ground at their feet. Looking up, Arthur noticed his eldest son was keeping a hand around Alexandra's arm, pressing his fingers into her flesh. Furrowing his brow, he glanced down at the servant boy at his feet, knowing this would not end well for someone.

  “Quinton!” roared Arthur as he glanced back at his son. “What is the meaning of this?”

  “I beg your pardon for this unfortunate interruption father. But it is with deep regret I must inform you I have caught this servant boy trying to seduce my little sister. Just now, he was in the garden holding her hands, flirting with her.”

  Lord Hamilton's face turned beet red, realizing the implications of Quinton’s words. He glared at Richard, who was still on his knees, his head bowed low. If what Quin told him was true, then he would have no choice but to end the lad’s life. Arthur hated this part of his position, but the laws of the pure-bloods left him with little choice. Studying the young man at his feet he took a deep breath before he was ready to proceed.

  “Is this the truth boy? Were you, in fact, attempting to seduce my daughter?”

  Tom and Rupert stood horrified looking on at the young man trembling on the ground, attempting to find the right words. Rupert had known of Alexandra’s relationship with the servant boy and had warned her about being seen in public. Seems as if his mistress had slipped up and now the young lad would lose his head over it. The boy had crawled over to Lord Hamilton’s feet with his hands pressed together in a futile plea.

  “It's just that—I mean—I,” Richard stammered.

  “I've heard enough!” Arthur bellowed and summoned his blue sword. Raising it above his head, he gave the lad a pitiful glance. “The punishment for making advances on a pure-blood woman is death.”

  “Wait!” Alex let out a horrified scream

  Breaking free of Quinton’s grip on her, Alex had shoved her brother aside and threw herself on the ground next to Richard. Sitting protectively over him, she looked up at her father who stopped his sword half-way to Richard’s head.

  “It's not his fault. He did not make advances on me. It's all just a horrible misunderstanding.”

; Lord Hamilton lowered his sword. Sternly he looked at his daughter before releasing the blade from his grasp. Seems as if his rebellious child was willing to take the fall for the young man she had grown attached to. Still, he would now have to punish Alexandra, but at least her punishment would not be death.

  “In that case daughter, tell me exactly what happened.”

  “I got lost walking through the garden father. I was so distraught I was nearly in tears when I happen to come upon this young man trimming the roses. I decided to ask him for directions. He only took my hands, so he could lead me out. That’s what Quinton saw. It's my fault father, I should have never allowed him to touch me, but I was just so scared I was not thinking straight. Forgive me.”

  “Well, boy, is what she says true?”

  Richard stole a glance at Alex, and she gave him a gentle nod of her head. This was his signal to go along with her story. He did not know what her punishment would be, but if she was telling him to lie, it couldn’t have been as bad as losing one’s head. Fixing his eyes on Lord Hamilton, Richard nodded his head while thanking his lucky stars for Alexandra taking the blame.

  “Yes, sir. I'm sorry, I meant nothing by it. I would never be so brazened as to flirt with the lady of the house.”

  “Very well then. In that case, you can keep your life, but don't you dare come back here ever again. As far as I am concerned, your employment with us is over. Rupert, if you would be so kind as to escort this young man out of the castle and give him his severance pay.”

  “Of course, sir, I shall see to it.” Rupert came over to help Richard up off the ground, “Come on boy, this way now, before Lord Hamilton changes his mind.” He put a hand on Richard’s arm to lead him away.

  Arthur looked at Alexandra with a grave expression on his face, regretting what he had to do next. “As for you, daughter. You will get fifty lashes for breaking the rules, fifty lashes for protecting a servant, and another fifty for speaking when you were not being spoken to. Is that understood?”


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