Dark World Genesis

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Dark World Genesis Page 13

by A. R. Kingston

  “Until the great war?”

  “Yes. That is when the Worm came here and corrupted the pure-blooded mages into slaughtering their own people. He knew they lusted for power, and he preyed on their fear of losing their magic if they continued on the path they were on. And it was the Worm who warned them of the wolves.”

  “What is a Worm?”

  “Not what my girl, who. He is one of the two ancient Gods whose blood created the universe, the elder gods as we call them. Tiberius is his son, while Lucia is the daughter of the Amphiptere.”

  “Then why would he want to harm us? What’s in it for him?”

  “Lust, power, all things evil is attracted to.” The wolf looked back at the Alexandra. “This isn’t the first world he corrupted. However, this one still has a chance to rebound. The people of East Ashland refused to listen to the God of Evil and instead kept their territory as it once was. They are the last holdout, and with your help, they are this planet’s only hope.”

  “But why me? Why was I the one chosen for this?”

  “It’s always been you, ever since I’ve known you. This world didn’t choose you, darling, you were the one who chose to save it, and the Amphiptere helped you.”

  “Why would I do that? I have no recollection of these events.”

  “You wouldn’t. Most can’t remember their time in the past life. But, in time you will, and then you will understand everything. Until that time though, you have to trust me.”

  “So, what do I do now?”

  “Nothing. You walk the path laid out in front of you, it will take you to where you need to be.”

  “Can it be so simple?”

  “Not everything in life is complicated my child. Not to mention this is a path of your own creation, have faith in it, and in yourself.”

  “All right, but if there is light, there must also be darkness. Does this mean I have someone out there who completes me?”

  “Yes child, the black wolf is out there too. You will meet him when the time is right.”

  “How will I know it's him?”

  “You won't, at least not at first. But believe me, it won’t be something you can control, your destinies are forever bound to each other.”

  All of this seemed to be very complicated, frightening, and surreal. Why did she choose to save Alteria? There was no way Alex could have known she would be born into a family of pure-bloods, or that she would care enough to rescue this world once she entered it. And what of the other wolf, how would she ever find him? Even if she found him, there was no guarantee she would like him, so what was a girl to do? Sitting under the stars, Alexandra contemplated everything the wolf told her.

  Hearing the rustling of leaves from behind, Alex turned her head, fearing she was found out by some pure-blood who would kill her where she sat. But to her surprise, she spotted a shadow of a dog dragging something on the ground in the distance. It was only an animal hunting its prey, nothing that would cause her harm. As she turned her head back to the stars, a scent wafted past her nostrils, the heavenly smell of juniper and bergamot.

  Alex smiled inwardly at its aroma. It was a strange combination, but she smelled it somewhere before. The intermingling notes of flavors made her feel warm and fuzzy inside as if her heart was being wrapped up in a soft wool blanket. She closed her eyes and savored the scent which faded in the distance. She missed the strong, masculine aroma almost instantly as it floated away from her. Liking the feeling she got from it, Alex tilted her head down and hoped she could smell it again soon.

  The wolf looked on at the child she remembered and marveled at how big the girl had grown since the last time she saw her. She smelled the scent as well and realized who it was right away. Judging by the girl’s appearance, she was recalling memories from the past, but it was not time yet to embrace them. Master left her explicit instructions on how the situation with Alexandra was to be handled, and this wolf intended to follow them.

  “Come child. We should return you to your home.”

  Snapping out of her fantasy, Alex was overpowered by the dread now gripping her. There was no way she could return home, not like this. If her family were to find out she was a wolf, her life would be over.

  “I can't. My family can't know what I am.”

  “I agree. You must not reveal what you are, but you forget one thing, dear.”

  “What’s that?”

  “The wolves are cunning. We are tricksters and masters of disguise. You may just take on any form you choose.”

  “How am I supposed to do that?”

  “Simple, think of an animal you wish to become, and you will turn into that animal instead.”

  Right, though Alex, easy enough if you had years to practice being a wolf. She, however, just discovered the powers a few short hours ago. How was she ever going to master her totem in time to escape Quinton’s wrath? Alexandra glanced over at the wolf beside her, and she could have sworn the animal rolled its eyes at her.

  “If you don't believe me, just try it. Think of something you want to be.”

  Still, unsure of it all, Alexandra trusted the wolf. Thinking of a butterfly, much like the one from her youth, she felt her body shift and soon found herself flying through the air. Looking down on the wolf, Alex flew around in circles as her spirit soared with her. It really was simple, she could actually go home and face her family. Landing on the ground, she let herself shift back into her wolf form before facing her companion.

  “All right. Take me home.”

  Nodding its head, the wolf walked forward, leading Alex into the heart of the forest. As the dense darkness broke, Alex could see the lights of the castle out in the distance. The wolf stopped before the edge of the forest. This was as far as it was willing to go.

  “I have one more thing to tell you before I set you free.”

  “What's that?”

  “When you find him, the black wolf that is, trust him. Lean on him, let him take care of you now and then. Each of you is a formidable opponent on your own, but it's only together that you can be unstoppable. Together you have something the Worm can never break, and it’s this bond that will help you purge the dark master from your world.”

  “Thank you. I will do my best to remember this.”

  “In that case my child, take care of yourself. Remember, you are never alone. We are always watching you.”

  With those final words, the wolf vanished from view as if it was never there to begin with. Alex wondered if it had gone back into the veil. It must have since she could no longer smell it. Looking out onto the lawn in front of her, she took a deep breath to find her courage. The illuminated courtyard revealed two figures, Tom and Quinton who had the night shift to wait for her. Not wishing to remain in the woods any longer, Alex turned back to her human form and walked out into the garden to face her worst fear.

  Upon seeing her emerge from the forest, Quinton grinned and strode over to meet her halfway. “Ah, sister. Done already?”

  “Yes, brother.”

  “Well, that was a lot quicker than I expected, I'll give you that. Although, I do wonder what animal just happened to bestow its powers upon you. Why don't you show us, sister?”

  “All right, Quinton.”

  Taking a deep breath, Alex tried to think of something she could turn into that would not make Quinton suspicious. Thinking back to her room, she knew of the perfect animal she should be. Focusing on the one thing Quinton would expect, Alexandra’s body shifted, until a small, white jackalope sat on the grass looking up at Quin.

  “Oh look, what a cute little jackalope.” Quinton doubled over with laughter. Grabbing Alex by the ears, he lifted her up to look at him. “Only my sister could turn into something so utterly pathetic. Maybe I should just turn into my totem and eat you.”

  “Leave her alone Quinton.”

  Tom wrestled the rabbit-like creature from Quinton's grasp. Holding Alex close to his chest, he placed her on the gro
und and allowed her to shift back to her human form. Walking back over to Quin, she kept her head down to conceal a coy smile.

  “Sorry to disappoint you brother.”

  “Disappoint? Disappoint? Don't make me laugh. I always knew you were worthless.”

  With a final snort, Quinton walked away from Alex and Tom, wiping tears from his eyes as he continued to laugh. Alex had successfully fooled him into thinking she was a humble jackalope. As she smiled, a strong, reassuring hand pressed on her shoulder, and she turned her head to glance at Thomas.

  “Don't listen to him, Alexandra. You did well, even a jackalope has its uses.”

  “Thank you, Thomas. I'm glad to have at least one good older brother in you.”

  “That you do sis. Now come on, let's get you some food, you must be famished by now.”

  Alex nodded her head as Tom put his arm around her shoulders. They walked back to the castle chatting merrily about their experiences out in the woods. But even as they laughed, Alex knew she was meant to walk a lonely road from that day forward, especially if she wished to protect the people she loved. She did not regret it one bit though, for now, she knew what it was that made her so special.

  Chapter 14

  Rupert’s Vigilance

  Recalling so many memories of her past, Alex did not realize she had drifted off to sleep in her bed, with the drawing of the wolves still clenched to her chest. Sound asleep, she did not hear the lock on her door open, and she never noticed Rupert walk in.

  The butler approached his charge silently, shaking his head. Looking over the princess sleeping peacefully on her bed with a brown pigrie curled up by her head, Rupert cracked a smile at the memories. It seems as if only yesterday she was a young lass full of spunk causing him grief, and now, she was a grown woman getting ready to save a forsaken land from the Worm. An extraordinary girl indeed, just as the master said she would be.

  Rupert reckoned his mistress had a somewhat successful night with the barkeep on the outskirts of town. He stayed up watching the sky, waiting for her to return, not expecting her to come home a couple of hours before dawn. Seems whatever walls Jay built up over the years crumbled with Alexandra’s presence, and Rupert hoped it would not be long before they reestablished their connection. As long as the girl was free of this family before they married her off to Philip, the butler would be happy.

  Spotting the paper clutched in his mistress’s hands, Rupert rolled his eyes and smiled.

  “My dear girl,” he whispered “What am I ever going to do with you? Can't have them catching you like this. Especially not with that drawing in your hand.”

  Strolling to the bed, Rupert took the picture out of Alex’s arms without waking her. Kneeling beside the bed, he opened the secret hiding spot in the floor only the three of them knew about. Placing the drawing back where it belonged, he got up and covered the princess with a peach blanket before walking over to shut the window.

  “Now young mistress, get some rest. You have a long road ahead of you. Seems as if the master gave you a rather tough test to see how powerful you really are my girl. Not that poor Jay had it any easier, but if your magic is a great as we think, it won’t be too much of an issue. My only regret is that both of you had to suffer so much for this to work.”

  Stealing one last glance at the girl he raised, Rupert turned and tiptoed out of the room. As Alex and Cosmo slept soundly on the bed, the butler smiled and closed the door behind him. She’d have to be up in a few short hours, and Rupert would have to come up with a way to stall for time, so he mistress would not get punished. Walking down the hollow corridor, the butler pondered his next move in this struggle between good and evil.

  Chapter 15

  Confessions on a Secret Rendezvous

  May was already in its second week, bringing with it the warmer weather. Even the rain had let up over the last couple of days. On her way to The Black Paw, Alex relished in the evening's warmth. The small cabin in the woods had become her favorite escape, and she spent every night there for the past few weeks. Jay and Andy had become like family to her, and there was no other place she would rather be than in the secluded cottage, with them.

  Standing on the edge of town, Alex gazed up at the clear night sky. There was not a cloud in the space above her, and she was free to admire the small, waxing crescent glistening down on her. This was always one of her favorite phases of the moon. It was so small, and yet for Alex, it signified hope. What a beautiful night she thought, even Sirius was shining brighter than normal tonight. Smiling to herself, Alex turned and walked down the narrow dirt road leading to the tavern with Cosmo floating beside her.

  Walking down the narrow path, Alexandra played with the intricate silver locket hanging around her neck. It was a strange trinket she had ever since she could remember, and from what her grandmother told her, it had been given to her on the day of her birth. She had opened it up a few times, but aside from a strange, blue, liquid mirror, there was nothing there. The mystery of the locket always troubled Alex, but now those feelings had gone, replaced by happy memories.

  With a smirk, Alexandra wondered how or even when it happened. All she knew was that the barkeep and his son were special. Jay wasn't the man Alex ever thought she would fall in love with, or, maybe he was. Jay helped put her broken pieces back into place, and she loved him for it. With those pleasant thoughts, Alex continued forward until the lights of the cottage came into view.

  The glow of the windows warmed her from the inside and gave her a sense of belonging she had always longed for. This was what home was supposed to feel like Alex reckoned. A warm place, with people who love you waiting inside. Perhaps she was losing her mind with the hope they could be a family, but Alex didn't care, she wanted to go inside and be with them for as long as she could.

  Stepping through the old door at the back of the cottage, its cozy feel surrounded her. She could hear little feet bounding down the stairs as Andy came to greet her. Kneeling, Alex let him fling his small arms around her neck. Closing her eyes, she brought him in closer for a hug. Somehow this all felt right, and it's been a long time since she had felt so at peace.

  Ignoring the commotion, Cosmo flew up to the fireplace mantel and settled down for a long overdue nap in his new favorite spot. On the floor, Alex let go of the boy, standing up to look at his eager face. The child was jumping up and down with excitement, and she knew a proposition was coming next.

  “Alex! Alex! Will you play a game with us?”

  “Oh, and what game would that be?”

  Alex smiled and shook her head as Andy ran to the bookcase squealing. Hopping back to her, the boy held up the old board game she brought him up to her face. Alexandra had to laugh, there was something to be said about a child's untainted look of pure joy and excitement. She tried to remember a time when she was so carefree, but nothing came to mind as the boy rambled on beside her.

  “Creatures... you gave me… remember? Daddy said we need three players...” Andy kept babbling on in his childish banter “… me and daddy are two… and you are three... will you play?”

  “You know that is my favorite game, right? I used to play with one of my brothers and his friend when we were children. I would love to play with you, that’s why I brought it here.”

  Squealing with delight, Andy handed Alex the game before running out the tavern door. Moments later he came back, dragging a confused Jay in by the hand behind him. Upon seeing Alex, Jay's face lit up. Standing up straight, he put up a free hand up in greeting as he continued to grin. Smiling back at him, Alex waved and giggled.

  “Not that I'm complaining sweetheart, but you have come here every day for the past month,” Jay rubbed the back of his head like he always did when he was nervous “I don't want Richard to get jealous of me or anything.”

  “Well, you don't have to worry about that. Richard lost the right to get jealous a while ago.”

  “Really?” A big smile appeared on Jay's face
. Catching himself revealing too much, he cleared his throat and blocked his mouth with his hand. “When... when did that happen?”

  “Oh, I'd say about a month or so ago. Or a week after we met.”

  “I'm sorry, sweetheart. I always knew Richard was a bit of an idiot, but to leave you was beyond stupid of him.”

  “But he was not the one to break things off. I was.”

  This time Jay could not hide the broad smile spreading across his face. He was hoping Alex and Richard would not last, but he hated himself for even thinking about it. It was not like him to desire someone else’s woman, but for Alex, he was willing to make an acceptation. As she walked over closer to him and peered into his eyes, Jay tried his best to recover.

  “May I ask why?”

  “I guess you could say we were not a good fit for each other. I reckon we never were.” Alex continued to look at him as she bit down on her lower lip. “Richard never forgave himself for what my oldest brother did to me, and I couldn't love him as more than my best friend.”

  “I always thought you could stand to be with a more mature man. Someone who can keep you safe, provide for you, someone who has his life more or less figured out.”

  Realizing what Jay was implying, Alex reached up to straighten the collar on his black shirt as a coy smile played on her lips. She could see a hint of pink forming on his cheeks. Jay hardly ever blushed, but when he did, he sent her heart soaring. Hoping he felt for her what she felt for him, Alex brought a hand down onto his chest and played with one of his open buttons as she gazed down to the floor.

  “Or, maybe, what I could use is a tall, handsome barkeep? Perhaps one who has a refined taste for cheap whiskey and a disconcerting need for privacy. A family man if I was to pick. And one…” she gazed into his eyes, “… who has a dark secret only I know of.”


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