The Secret of the Golden Gods Omnibus Edition

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The Secret of the Golden Gods Omnibus Edition Page 40

by Pedro Urvi

It was midnight by the time Kyra was led back to the Chamber of Knowledge by Rotec. The gigantic Warrior walked beside her, looking at her out of the corner of his eye without saying a word. She had the feeling that the Champion was not as much annoyed by her as before, although perhaps she just wished it so. Notaplo and his Erudites received them; Adamis had not yet arrived.

  While we wait for my Lord Prince, Notaplo said in a mental message to Kyra, I have something for you.

  “What is it?” she asked suspiciously.

  Do not worry, little shrew, it is a gift.

  Kyra looked into the eyes of the Erudite and saw sincerity in them. Notaplo took her right hand and put a fine gold bracelet with a round silver rune around her wrist. She glanced at the bracelet. It was pretty, but she did not understand the reason for the gift.

  I hope you like it. It serves a double purpose: on the one hand, decorative (he smiled), and on the other to aid communication. It is a communicator which will allow you to listen to us without our needing to communicate directly with you. You will be able to hear our conversations as if you were one of our own.

  “Thank you, it’s pretty…”

  And now, if there is anything bothering you, I shall try to ease your mind.

  “Thank you,” she said again, and bowed to him.

  What is on your mind?

  “I still don’t understand what you’re looking for in us. Why do you study us?”

  Initially I was looking for a way to improve our fertility, which as I told you before is a terrible problem for our civilization. Later on an insane idea came to me, which drove me to search for a way of lengthening our existence. I studied and experimented without pause for more than six hundred years.

  At that moment Adamis arrived, and all greeted him with respect. Kyra studied him. She did not want to stare at him, but for some reason she could not help herself. It was as if the slender Prince attracted her attention with his magnetism every time they were close to each other. Adamis gazed at her kindly, and she had to look away.

  What’s the matter with me? Why do I behave like this every time I see him? I must calm down, focus. But deep inside her a sweet, pleasant excitement disturbed her calm.

  Notaplo went on: But every time I was close to discovering something important, it slipped through my fingers. I was on the point of abandoning it all, even of putting an end to my own existence, as I had devoted all my life to the study and achieved nothing that could help our civilization. And then one day, quite unexpectedly, the answer I had been looking for presented itself, literally, at my door.

  Notaplo turned and looked towards the far end of the chamber. Arga, come here, please.

  A figure made its way between the pods at the far end. It was a woman, very beautiful. She wore a simple white robe embroidered in black. Her arms were bare, and on her left arm Kyra saw the Ring which marked her as a slave. She came over to them and greeted the Gods with a deep bow. Adamis smiled at her, and Kyra noticed a certain knowingness in their looks. When she saw this, she felt an emptiness at the pit of her stomach, and was upset without knowing why.

  Arga looked at Notaplo. “Did you call, Lord?”

  Yes, my dear, I need your assistance for a moment, Notaplo said and turned to Kyra. Arga has been in my care for some time. And Arga is special… very special…

  Adamis gazed at the beautiful slave with a faint smile on his lips.

  “How special?” Kyra asked in annoyance.

  How old would you say she is?

  Kyra examined the woman’s angular features, smooth skin, green eyes and jet-black hair, trying not only to gauge her age but also the reason for Adamis’ pleasure. She was a very beautiful woman, it had to be admitted.

  “Around twenty-five?” she said after thinking about it.

  Adamis smiled, and his golden face lit up. Notaplo smiled too and nodded several times.

  Yes, around twenty-five, would you say? Notaplo smiled again. Tell her your real age. Speak freely.

  The woman gave a slight nod. “I carry forty-eight springs on my back.”

  “Forty-eight? But that’s impossible!” Kyra exclaimed incredulously. She folded her arms. “But she doesn’t have a single wrinkle or grey hair. Nothing…”

  Notaplo looked closely at Arga’s face.

  True, very true, and that is precisely why she is a very special woman.

  How long have you been with us?

  “Since you took me in, Lord, when I was eighteen years old.”

  Yes… it seems like yesterday when I rescued you… but time has passed, and we have discovered and learnt much in this time. Much, and all of it of importance…

  Kyra was puzzled by the comment. “Rescued? She’s a slave. She must have been brought here like me, against her will.”

  “The Lord saved me from being executed,” Arga said, sounding grateful.

  You see, Kyra, Arga was not born on the continent. She was born here, in our city.

  Kyra strained her neck. “She’s the daughter of slaves who I guess must have been here their whole life. I understand.”

  Although it is true that hundreds of slaves are born here, in captivity, that is not exactly her case… Arga is the daughter of a slave and… one of ours.

  Kyra was stunned. The thought had not even crossed her mind. The daughter of a God and a slave woman?

  “Is… is that even possible?” she said unsurely. She could not make sense of the idea, and above all of the repercussions.

  Notaplo’s face shadowed. It is. Physiologically, at least. It is very rare, but on a few occasions it has occurred. Morally and legally it should not happen. It is not accepted among our own people, far from it… For the Lords it is a real sacrilege to beget a hybrid child, and for the Priests it is an abomination to be exterminated.

  It is forbidden by law, Rotec said severely. It is a serious crime. The punishment for it is death: death of both mother and child.

  Kyra could not believe what she was hearing. Those egotistic and utterly despotic beings not only enslaved humanity but believed themselves to have the right to take slave women and then kill those of them who got pregnant! For the mere fact of giving birth! Her fighting soul was crying out for a knife. She turned a furious glare at Adamis.

  The God-Prince instantly caught the overwhelming rage and contempt in her eyes, and looked down. She saw in him the shadow of shame, the acknowledgement of the infamy which had been committed. She clenched her fists, filled with burning anger, but made such an effort to bite her tongue that she thought her veins would explode.

  Notaplo seemed to notice the rage she was holding under control, for his face darkened. I understand how you feel, little one. Personally I do not share that view, nor do I defend it. But the law must be followed, or else our civilization would collapse. Balance must be kept, at any cost. Arga is a rare exception. He smiled at her. Very few like her are conceived, and even fewer survive. The existence of harems in the noble houses is no secret, nor is what happens there…

  Although it is an insufferable shame which stains our honor, Rotec said, his face twisted in disapproval.

  Adamis nodded. It is, but the law does not punish it. The Five Kings do not condemn it. Perhaps in the next Ruling Cycle… although I do not believe it. The Kings cannot afford enmity with the Lords; when all is said and done, they need them to sustain the Houses. They would not forbid the Lords their lusts and minor misdemeanors. It is the price that has to be paid in order to keep them happy and maintain a strong, cohesive House.

  Kyra did not understand this. Who were the Five Kings? Where were they? Were they not reigning at that moment? Adamis ruled his Kingdom, as she knew, but since when? Why? And for how much longer? Too many questions without an answer.

  Notaplo sighed deeply. Politics is a dangerous animal I have never wished to dally with. I have always preferred science and study. And this pursuit of what slips between our fingers, the passing of time, is what has led me to beings like Arga, who are not an abomination,
but quite the reverse. They are exceptional, for in them the passing of time has slowed down. And that deceleration is completely natural, since they do not possess any Power at all. Their human origin dominates, refusing to inherit the Power which only we possess. So I have been studying Arga, as in her lies part of the answer I need. Her body naturally slows down the ravages of time. If I could transfer that to our own bodies, we might be able to live two or three millennia. It would be an epoch-making moment for our civilization. And the key lies in her.

  Kyra watched Arga with new eyes. She was human and God at the same time.

  The moment has come for our little experiment, Notaplo said with a jovial smile. He led the way, leaning on his staff, until he reached the three pods at the far end of the chamber.

  Bring the specimen.

  One of his helpers left the chamber and came back a moment later with a slave, his head bowed. Kyra looked at him closely, deeply intrigued. She recognized him. It was the slave Adamis had bought at the market. The one he had said was very special.

  Name, Notaplo said.

  The slave raised his head for a moment.

  “Marcus,” he whispered.


  There was a silence, and they all looked at the slave.

  Rotec pressed him further. Age, slave, he repeated.

  “Seventy,” replied Marcus, looking down at the floor.

  Kyra had estimated his age as about that, and she smiled. She had a good eye for that kind of thing. Arga had put her off her course.

  Notaplo went to his side.

  I need to know your real age, not the one you make your masters believe. I know your secret. That is why you are here today. There is no need for you to lie.

  Fear began to show on Marcus’ face.

  Do not be afraid and tell me your true age.

  The slave threw a frightened glance at Notaplo, then nodded.

  “I understand, my Lord. My true age… is three hundred and ten.”

  Kyra was in shock. Three hundred and ten! He should have been dead and buried, and yet there he was, looking healthy. Old, but healthy.

  One of the helpers went over to the monolith and did something to it with his hands.

  Notaplo watched the slave closely. There is something else you are hiding, is that not so, Marcus? You have done very well; you have been hiding for many years among the slaves without attracting attention. But we have found you, for what you hide cannot be hidden from one who looks determinedly, and believe me, I have been looking for it for a whole eternity. He was gazing at the monolith as he spoke.

  He lifted his staff and banged it down on the floor. His helper caught the gesture and interacted with the monolith. There was a powerful golden flash, and a beam of silver light from the artifact swept over Marcus from head to toe. Kyra felt gooseflesh all over. She looked at Marcus and saw his hands holding his chest, where a revealing white gleam shone intensely. His wrinkled face was sunk in fear and despair.

  Is it he? Adamis asked Notaplo.

  Yes, my prince, it is he. You have found him. An extraordinary anomaly.

  Kyra was staring at the poor slave, not understanding. Why was he an extraordinary anomaly?

  Never fear, Marcus. Nothing bad is going to happen to you. I have been looking for a long time for an anomaly as extraordinary as you. I will not let anything happen to you. I must study you, experiment, learn! The possibilities are unbelievable! He was excited.

  This surprised Kyra, whose face twisted.

  Show me, Notaplo said.

  Marcus looked at him with terror in his eyes.

  “I… don’t…” he muttered, shaking his head.

  At once Rotec drew his weapon and stepped forward.

  You have been given an order, slave, he said. His energy was so intimidating that the chamber itself appeared to shrink.

  Terrified, Marcus began to weep.

  Do not worry, you have nothing to fear. Just show me, the Erudite said in a friendly voice.

  Trembling, Marcus fell on his knees.

  “I… never… I don’t know…” the slave stammered.

  Do not worry. I know you do not understand it, and I assure you that you are not guilty of being who you are. Of being what you are.

  There was a long silence, and Marcus stopped whimpering. Looking directly at Notaplo, he raised his hand and showed him his palm. The slave closed his eyes and appeared to concentrate. Suddenly he opened his eyes, and on the palm of his hand there appeared a burning flame.

  Kyra was spellbound. The slave had used Power!

  Rotec was rooted to the spot. It cannot be! What kind of outrage is this? he said in complete bafflement.

  Notaplo looked at Adamis. We found it, my Lord Prince!

  Adamis nodded and smiled. At last, an extraordinary anomaly! A hybrid with Power? Notaplo was quite beside himself.

  Marcus closed his fingers, and the flame went out.

  This is a crucial moment for my studies. At last I shall be able to discover what I could not find in Arga: the key component that might be transferred to our people. Not only has the passing of time slowed down in Marcus, he also has Power. This validates the assumption that they are compatible: natural slowing down and coexistence with the Power. We are very close to an unequalled discovery, very close to a giant step forward for our civilization. I must go on at once with the investigation. I will free us from the ageing process, I will accomplish it! We will be an immortal civilization!

  Kyra understood the enormous importance of what had excited the Erudite so much. But if he were to manage it, the whole of humanity would be doomed. The Gods would be practically immortal, with all their great Power and longevity. Men would be finished. There would be no hope.

  Come, we must continue! Notaplo said. Quickly he went to examine the pods.

  With the help of his disciples he calibrated them, manipulating levers and activating runes of Power which were beyond Kyra’s understanding. When they had finished preparing the vessels they went back to the monolith. One of the assistants held Notaplo’s staff while he placed both hands on the polished, transparent surface. Two golden circles began to rotate around them.

  The Erudite closed his eyes and began to interact with the powerful object of knowledge. A buzzing reached Kyra’s ears, and she felt suddenly dizzy. Golden flashes came out of the monolith from different heights at sporadic intervals, as if they were dancing to an unknown melody. Incomprehensible runes slid all over the four surfaces of the monolith, chasing each other from the top to the base, disappearing and being replaced by others going in the opposite direction.

  Kyra watched the incredible spectacle with awe and growing concern. The more she discovered about these beings, the more powerful and intelligent she found them. This was a very bad omen. Managing to escape alive from that universe was becoming less and less likely, all-but-impossible.

  Notaplo made a sign with his staff, and at once they put Marcus into the central pod and closed the door. Then the Erudite turned to Arga, who nodded. Accompanied by one of the scholars, Arga went into the pod on the left. She seemed calm and relaxed, even when the crystal cover was closed on her. The scholar made a sign to Kyra to go into the pod on the right. She hesitated. With her heart beating wildly, she glanced at Adamis. The God-Prince gave her the slightest nod.

  What you are going to experience, child, will feel very unpleasant, Notaplo warned her. It is quite possible that it will have a negative impact on your person… one which may be hard to forget…

  “Don’t worry about me, I’ll handle it,” Kyra said, although doubts were beginning to work on her stomach until she almost felt like throwing up.

  Notaplo nodded. All right.

  Kyra took a deep breath, summoned up all her courage, and entered the pod.

  Notaplo’s three helpers took up their positions, one beside each pod. They operated the controls, and the inside began to fill with an ethereal substance, like a strange mist which instead of being damp was dry, ro
ugh. She began to feel uneasy, and fear crawled up her chest like sharp claws. Suddenly she felt two stings, one in each shoulder. She turned her head, and with horror saw that two silver rods were stuck in her flesh. She tried to free herself, but realized her whole body was paralyzed from the neck down. She wanted to scream with panic when she saw Notaplo and Adamis watching her through the glass. Huh! I won’t give you that satisfaction! I won’t scream!

  A new substance, this time red, began to fill the pod, and she tried to calm her unease. From the front of the pod she watched a black tube moving towards the monolith. She turned her head and saw part of two other identical tubes coming from the other two pods. She began to feel weak. A light ran up and then down her body, analyzing her. She heard a hollow sound at her feet and suddenly, as if it had been sucked, all the ethereal substance enveloping her went out through the tube towards the monolith. The rods disappeared, and a dribble of blood ran down her arms. The cover of the pod opened with a clang.

  Kyra looked at the monolith. The artifact showed a variety of strange runes before it settled on a round one with a dot in the middle. Then Arga’s pod opened. New runes appeared on the surface of the monolith, this time it was rectangular with an X-shaped figure in the center. Kyra raised her head to look at Marcus’ pod, waiting for it to open. She wanted to see what rune appeared on the artifact. The runes ran across the mystical object and then showed the same round one with a dot in the middle of it. Kyra shivered and stiffened. This can’t be good, she thought, shaking her head.

  Help them, Notaplo said, and they were immediately attended to by the scholars.

  They were laid on tables which radiated a pleasant heat, and she felt it comforting her. She allowed the feeling to engulf her, and regained her strength. She felt so well, so comfortable, that her mind became drowsy. But she resisted it. No, I’m not going to sleep now. I want to know what it all means. She pushed herself up and sat on the table with her legs dangling.

  Rest, child, you need it, Notaplo said.

  “I’ll rest later. What does this experiment mean? Why do Marcus and I have the same rune?”

  Heed Notaplo, Adamis insisted. You need rest,


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