The Secret of the Golden Gods Omnibus Edition

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The Secret of the Golden Gods Omnibus Edition Page 74

by Pedro Urvi

  “Have you brought me what I asked you to?”

  “Indeed, my lord.” Autas stood aside to make way for two guards, who were escorting a young girl.

  Miratos smiled and moved forward to check the quality of the “dessert” he was about to taste. The girl was dressed in transparent silks which allowed all her charms to be glimpsed. He noticed at once her pretty figure, lithe and well-molded. He liked that. He was attracted to sensuous, well-rounded young women. He walked around her as he sipped his wine, taking a good look at her.

  “I like her, Autas. I won’t need to whip you today for your incompetence.”

  “Thank you, my lord,” the servant replied with an exaggerated bow.

  “Although I might have you whipped anyway, just to keep you motivated.”

  “Yes, my lord,” Autas said dejectedly.

  “Now then. Out with you all, I want to start enjoying myself.”

  The door closed, leaving Miratos alone with the young prostitute. His gaze focused on the girl once again; her eyes were the color of rubies, very intense in the candlelight, her long curly hair the color of fire.

  “You’re not excessively pretty, but I find that fiery air of yours very intriguing, and I like your body. I have a feeling we’re going to spend a magnificent night.”

  “I certainly agree,” said Kyra, and knocked Miratos out with a powerful right hook.

  A few moments later she was shaking him ruthlessly by the shoulders. “Wake up, you oversexed slug.”

  “What…? Where…? What happened?”

  She held the surgical blade in front of his eyes, then touched it to his Adam’s apple and pressed.

  “Not a sound, or else I’ll cut your throat.”

  “What… what do you want?”

  “We’re going for a walk, you and me. If you try anything stupid, it’ll be the last thing you ever do.”

  “I don’t understand… what do you want? Don’t you know who I am?”

  “I know very well who you are, you pervert. Your fame in the brothels of this city goes before you.”

  “I won’t touch you, I swear. You can leave. I’ll pay you whatever you want, but don’t hurt me.”

  “I don’t want your money, you reptile.”

  “Then, what do you want of me?”

  “I’ll tell you. And I’m only going to say it once, so listen carefully, because your life’s at stake.”

  Miratos’ staring eyes betrayed his terror as Kyra explained the plan to him.

  A few moments later he called Autas. When the servant appeared, he bowed to his master.

  “Did you call, my lord?”

  “Bring me my surgical case. I have to go to the Regent urgently.”

  Autas glanced at Kyra out of the corner of his eye, then nodded.

  “Of course, my lord.”

  “Now let’s go,” Miratos said. He began to walk towards the door.

  Kyra pressed the blade against the Surgeon’s back. “Stop.”

  Miratos obeyed.

  “We’re not going out by the door. I like risk, but not that much.”

  The Surgeon looked at her blankly.

  “I made you call him so your guards wouldn’t suspect anything. But we’re going out by a different way. Isn’t that so, Autas?”

  The old servant straightened and smiled from ear to ear. “Through the secret entrance,” he said, and pointed to the wall behind the parrot.

  Miratos clenched his fists and turned crimson with rage. “Trai―”

  Kyra put her hand over his mouth. There was a real threat in her voice as she whispered in his ear: “Autas decided to cooperate with us as soon as we intercepted him at the brothel with the young lady he was sent to bring you. It wasn’t hard to convince him.”

  “I’m delighted to help you. All that miser deserves is a painful death,” Autas said. He spat at the Surgeon’s feet.

  Kyra applied pressure to the blade. “See? That’s for abusing the helpless. You’ll never hurt this old man again. Open up the passage, and don’t make me have to say it twice.”

  Miratos turned, cursing to himself.

  “You’ll pay for this,” he told Autas.

  “No, they’re going to hide me. It’s already been sorted out. I’ll never see your despicable face again.”

  Miratos growled with rage.

  “The passage… or you’ll have to be your own surgeon and stitch yourself.”

  A few hours later Kyra, together with Romen, Honus, Karm and her prisoner, met with the hooded stranger in a small grove on the outskirts of the city.

  “The way’s clear, but you’ll have to hurry. They’ll soon find out about the kidnap.”

  “We’re leaving right away,” Kyra said. “Get Miratos on a horse, and make sure he can’t take the gag out.”

  Honus nodded. There was malice in his eyes. “Don’t you worry, little one, I’ll take charge of the Surgeon. If he so much as blinks, I’ll break his legs.”

  Romen turned to the stranger. “Orders for my group?” He looked at Karm and Honus.

  “Your orders are to accompany and protect the Hero.”

  Romen nodded solemnly. “We’ll do that.”

  “Good luck, Kyra,” the stranger said. “And my best wishes for your mother’s recovery.”

  “Thank you… you haven’t told me your name.”

  The stranger smiled. “In these lands I’m known as Gedrel.” He held out his hand to her.

  Romen threw his head back in surprise, taken aback.

  Kyra returned the old man’s smile and shook his hand firmly. “I already suspected. Ikai told me about you.”

  “Give my regards to your brother. He’s a wonderful young man.”

  “I will. Oh yes! One more thing, Gedrel.”

  “What’s that, young lady?”

  “Don’t start the rebellion without me,” she said with a wink.

  Gedrel burst out laughing. “Don’t worry. I’ll wait for you.”

  Chapter 21

  Adamis watched the Enforcers working incessantly inside the huge underground chamber of the Secret Temple of Eret. The hollow hammering on walls, the chiseling of runes on domed ceilings, the dragging of blocks of rock and stone, all enveloped in a muffled echo, made up a dull, a-rhythmic melody which came to take over his mind. He recalled his father’s words:

  I, Laino, High King of the House of Eret, sentence you, Adamis, Prince Heir, to exile for an indefinite time. You will go to the Secret Temple of Eret on the continent and will supervise its construction, reporting to me on its progress. You will take the place of your cousin Atasos in his duties there.

  The sentence had pierced his heart like an arrow with a four-angled tip.

  This is my sentence. Let me hear you say you will observe it.

  Adamis had raised his gaze to his father and replied: “I accept, and will observe it.”

  And although this was true, it hurt him to be here, in the center of the great continent, in this secret underground site where his father was building his great funerary temple: the place where he would come to rest for eternity, when the day should come. To build temples and secret chambers was a tradition among the Golden, or rather among the Great Houses. And it hurt, not because of being here, since it was considered an honor, and not because he was unable to go back to the Eternal City; it hurt because his father had not defended him, had not supported him.

  Footsteps behind him made him turn.

  “Impressive, is it not?” Atasos asked him, as he greeted him with an ivory smile.

  “Indeed, cousin. You have done a magnificent job.”

  “I have been here for a hundred years. My predecessor was here another hundred, his predecessor for a hundred more, and the one who started the work another hundred.”

  “Are you trying to tell me something, cousin?” Adamis’ smile hid the sadness he was feeling.

  “Yes: that we have been here for over four hundred years and the great project never seems to end. But now you are here
, perhaps you will manage to finish it.”

  “I shall do my best to do so. I do not really fancy spending a hundred years underground.”

  Atasos gazed proudly around the hall. “It has been a real honor for me,”

  “It is a great honor, cousin. My father only reveals this project to those he trusts completely. You will be well rewarded for your loyalty and excellent service.”

  “Thank you, Adamis. I serve my House and my High King. That is all the reward I need.”

  They moved to one side to make way for a group of servants who were carrying an enormous and ostentatious crystalline coffin of unusual beauty.

  “They are raising the royal casket”

  Adamis turned and studied the hall. “How many Enforcers work in the temple?”

  “There are nearly a thousand here in the great funerary chamber, with about a hundred in the chamber below this one, the chamber which houses the portal. Working in the other chambers and sub-chambers at different levels, there must be about another two thousand or so.”

  “An impressive display.”

  “It is a funerary complex worthy of the greatest of kings, on a scale hitherto unseen. It will be decorated with the luxury of the Royal Palace, and every detail will be scrupulously tended to. Nothing less for my lord Laino, High King of the House of Eret.” Atasos finished his sentence with a deep bow.

  Adamis could not understand the need to build something as grand as this, still less as a funerary temple. He understood the need for other underground constructions which his House had previously made on the continent, but not this one. Particularly because the more than three thousand servants who had worked on it would never leave it. They would be sacrificed to guarantee the secret of its existence and its mode of construction. A short while ago he would never have stopped to consider this, but now, after meeting Kyra and having his eyes opened to the value of all life, this useless sacrifice seemed cruel to him. More than that: unpardonable. He sighed at the memory of Kyra… her accusing, vivid eyes, her fiery, uncontrollable temperament, her blazing hair… something inside him leapt when he thought of her. He felt a sweet emptiness in his chest which he longed to fill in some way but could not. Those bittersweet feelings puzzled him, since he had never experienced them before.

  “Is it true?”

  Adamis turned to Atasos, coming back from his thoughts.

  “What is, cousin?”

  “That the other Houses too are building temples for their High Kings.”

  Adamis looked around to check that there was nobody near to hear them. “Yes, it is true. Our spies have confirmed it. We do not know where, it is top secret, but the others are building just as we are. The end of a long era is coming… the Five High Kings are preparing their final journey. They wish to withdraw and rest in those final days before the great voyage. And of course nobody and nothing must disturb that. It would be a gross revenge, a treachery out of all proportion. That is why it is essential that the existence of this temple is never found out.”

  “But they still have long to rule,” Atasos said. His eyes were distant as he calculated the length of time that had passed.

  “Not so long, cousin, not so long.”

  Atasos lifted his arm and snapped his fingers, using some of his Power. “The time has come for me to leave,” he said, and five Eyes-of-the-Gods appeared at his call. Each carried a large marble-white volume under his arm. “These are the Scribes. They will bring you up to date with everything.”

  “Very well. Go through the portal to the coast. My bodyguard Teslo will be waiting for you on a ship to take you back to Erandel. Make sure nobody traces you.”

  “Of course. I hope and wish that your exile may be brief, and that we may meet again soon.”

  “As do I. I shall wait here for my father’s summons. Teslo will come for me when the day arrives.”

  The two cousins embraced one another.

  “Good luck,” Atasos said, and turned to leave.

  “The same to you.”

  For weeks Adamis studied the details of the work with the Scribes: its current state, the amount of progress made, problems found and solutions adopted. The days flew by. Despite this, every day when he retired to rest a single thought lit up his mind: Kyra. She filled his thoughts and dreams. And the more he thought about her, the more he missed her and the more he longed to see her again. It was only now that he understood, now that he could no longer enjoy her company, how short the time they had spent together had been.

  How my spirits would soar if I could find her beside me when I turned, with her bright eyes, with her intensity and commitment, with her staunch defense of all that is good, with her incessant fight against all that is unfair. But there was nothing he could do about it. His father had ordered him not to go near the slaves and to comply with the terms of his exile, and so he must. Under no circumstances could he disobey and betray his honor. I am the Prince Heir, and I must behave as such.

  Trying in vain to put aside his thoughts of Kyra, he focused on his duty. The construction of the great complex was going well, and he was satisfied. It is time to report on the progress. He went down to the forbidden section of the temple. It had been the first to be built, and those who worked on it had died inside it to preserve the secret of what it contained. He went across to the round door and looked at the twenty-four golden runes carved along the edge. They were there to protect it. The chamber was sealed, and whoever tried to open it would die. With the exception of the members of the Royal House of Eret.

  He placed his hand on the door and summoned his Power. From his palm issued a probe of energy which spread across the surface of the door as far as the outer symbols. The protective runes were activated and shone with the gold of the Gods themselves. Adamis’ body was bathed in their powerful radiance. The Prince closed his eyes and bit his lip while he bore the pain as best he could. If he had been an intruder, the pain would have grown stronger until it killed him. As he was a member of the Royal House, it dwindled and disappeared. The door slid to one side with a clang, and the chamber was revealed.

  The door closed behind him. From the runes carved on the walls issued a faint golden light. The room was round, and in its center stood a translucent monolith which reached to the ceiling. He placed both hands on the smooth surface of the object of power. At his touch the monolith shone, and two golden circles first surrounded his hands, then began to rotate around them. He closed his eyes and began to interact with the powerful object. A low buzzing filled the chamber. Golden gleams issued from different levels of the monolith at indeterminate intervals. Symbols slid along its four crystalline surfaces. Finally came a great flash, accompanied by a loud boom, and a beam of golden light issued from the monolith.

  He took a step back and watched the beam of light. From it emerged an image. At first it was blurred, but it became sharper until at last it formed a scene, not physically there yet so real he could almost touch it with his fingers. In another chamber, beside a very similar monolith, the figure of his Erudite Notaplo took shape.

  “My Prince,” Notaplo said, and bowed.

  Adamis smiled broadly. “My dear Erudite.”

  “How glad I am to see you, my lord.”

  “I am still happier to see you, my old friend.”

  Notaplo smiled and nodded. “You must feel deeply lonely in your exile. You have no idea how much I regret all that happened. I should have taken the blame on myself.”

  “No, Notaplo, it was my responsibility and I must bear it, just like the punishment. Do not worry, it is not so bad. I have a lot to do, and time here in this underground level passes very quickly.”

  “It is not worthy of a Prince… Much less of my Prince and lord…”

  “That is why my father chose it, to teach me a lesson in humility, I suppose… Is he coming?”

  “No, my lord, I am sorry. I told him today was contact day, but he said he was too busy to attend something unimportant… I am sorry.”

is father’s attitude hurt him, although he had expected it. “I guessed he would not come. It is part of the punishment.”

  “Perhaps in the next contact…”

  “It will be in a year’s time, and I do not believe he will change his attitude.”

  “The contacts must be few and brief, as you know, my lord, otherwise they might be intercepted by a rival House and the origin of the communication traced. They would find out where you are.”

  “I understand. The same happens with the Portals. They must not be used directly. That is why we use ships.”

  “So it is, my lord. Any precaution is too little in these times…”

  “The security system which has been created is the right one, and I will respect it. I will not endanger this Temple. Now, tell me: is there any news?”

  “Not very much. The Five High Kings are fighting behind the scenes to strengthen their power and position, as always happens during the High Cycles. There is no risk of open war for the moment, but friction is growing. Let us hope it does not end in a rupture that provokes a bloodbath.”

  “Let us hope so… And your experiments: is there any progress?”

  “Well, I find I have reached a crucial point.” Notaplo was clearly excited. “After analyzing and experimenting with the slave Marcus, the hybrid with power you found, I am on the brink of discovering what I could not find in the hybrid Arga: the key component that might be transferred to our own people and allow us almost infinite longevity. Marcus is the living proof that the passing of time can be slowed down. I am very close to taking a giant step for our civilization. I am on the verge of being able to preventing us from growing old, of making us into an immortal civilization!”

  “That is amazing, Notaplo! If anyone can achieve it, you are the one. I have complete faith in your studies. Keep going. Never give up. You will make it! There is no mind more privileged among the Golden.”

  “You are too generous, my lord. I am just an old erudite who enjoys studying and experimenting. But do not worry, as long as I have a drop of Power left I will go on with my studies and reach what our people have been pursuing for millennia.”


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