Raven's Hell (Savage World, 2)

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Raven's Hell (Savage World, 2) Page 9

by Jenika Snow

  “Oh, Collin.” She sounded exhausted, and when she turned her head to the side, he saw a small smile on her face.

  He took hold of the root of his shaft and started stroking himself. He could get off on the look of her pleasure alone, but then Rebecca rolled onto her back and reached for him.

  When he was between her splayed thighs and was positioned at her entrance again, he stared into her eyes. Slowly, he pushed into her this time and never took his eyes off her. Collin knew he’d be coming sooner than he would like.

  He wanted to prolong this, to make it last. But she was too gorgeous and felt too good. Resting his arms beside her head, he buried himself in her wet heat and made love to her slow and easy. In and out, keeping the same pace every time, and experiencing the buildup of orgasm, Collin closed his eyes and let his guard down.

  He wanted to fully experience this without having to worry about what was right around the next corner.

  He felt his climax approach. It started as a tingling at the base of his spine and moved quickly through him. “I’m going to come, baby.” He went to move out of her, to come on her belly, but she held him close.

  “I just ended my period, so we should be okay. I don’t want you to pull out, Collin.”

  He thought about her words, about how he should play this smart, but he was weak when it concerned her. He bumped her clit with the base of his cock when he thrust into her again, and she cried out. Collin kissed her just as his orgasm tore through him.

  He came harder than he ever had. It sucked the air from his lungs, stole his sanity, and he knew he would never be the same. Rebecca was his, and nothing would ever change that.

  He groaned once more and stilled as his pleasure finally receded. They lay there for several minutes, neither saying anything. When he pulled back, a grunt left him when his dick slipped free of her pussy.

  For a second, all he did was stare between her legs and watched as his cum slipped out of her. Possessiveness filled him. She reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling him toward her.

  “Just hold me,” she murmured sleepily.

  He held her close, moved his hand through her hair, and pushed the strands away from her shoulder. He leaned down and kissed her skin. She sighed, and this pleasure moved through his body that she was here with him, pressed close to him, and not going anywhere.

  For several moments, all they did was lie there, neither saying anything. The sound of an infected groaning close to the church had him bringing his guard up and slowly rising. He kissed her on the forehand and moved to the loft. Once he was at the top, he moved over to the window that was cracked and allowed him to see outside.

  One infected was moving around the property and then moved back into the woods.

  After climbing back down and seeing Rebecca standing and putting her clothes on, he moved quickly toward her and grabbed her around the waist. She breathed out, rested against him, and he kissed the top of her head.

  “It was just one, and he moved on,” he said softly against her ear. “Lie down with me and let me hold you, baby.” When they were both lying on the pallet again, he pulled her close.

  “Are you afraid, Collin?” she whispered softly.

  He thought about her question and answered without hesitation. “No, because fear is a weakness I can’t afford to have.”

  She nodded and lifted her hand to hold his. He held her until she fell asleep, and continued to hold her until the nightmares of this world didn’t try to take Rebecca away from him.

  Epilogue One

  The sun was high, bright, and hot as hell. It was June, and although this high up in the mountains of Colorado, she shouldn’t have felt as though it was full-blown summer.

  Today, it felt just like that. Rebecca picked up the shirt she was washing in the creek they found in the woods by the church. She wrung out the excess water, stood, and put it on the clothesline they erected.

  Rebecca dried her hands on the towel by her feet and stared at the church. Over the last several months they had been here, they had done a lot to the property.

  Collin had rigged up these infected warning traps, just empty cans and pieces of metal they had broken down from some of the furniture, and it had done well in alerting them to the stragglers that had come through the woods.

  But they had both taken out their fair share when the infected had come too close, or when they ventured to the surrounding towns that were a good couple days’ walk from them.

  She wiped her forehead with the back of her hand and looked around. The scent of dirt, fresh air, and of the fish she caught earlier today filled her nose. There was a small garden off to the side, right beside the church.

  The vegetables were still inside in the little greenhouse they erected on the second level, because frost still covered the ground on occasion.

  They found the seeds when they’d gone scavenging. The place had been overrun with at least a dozen infected, but they kept to the shadows, been as quiet as they could manage, and had taken out what they needed when they were attacked.

  The towns were always picked over, but they had been lucky on a few occasions and found supplies. The smaller cities were also less scavenged than the bigger ones, which helped in trying to find things to survive with.

  Collin was over by the chopping block, stacks of dead wood by his feet, and the axe he found while they’d been going through the things on the second level was tightly grasped in his hand. He was shirtless and stacked the last of the lumber by the side of the church.

  Sweat glistened off his body, and the sight of his muscles bulging had Rebecca on edge with desire and heat.

  She moved over to the edge of the woods, walked past the evergreens and blue spruces, and stopped at the grave of the reverend who they found at the church all those months ago.

  Rebecca had come to this spot numerous times since being here, maybe to pay her respects for a man who had clearly killed himself, maybe unable to handle the stress of a new world that probably felt like hell itself.

  She hadn’t ever been a religious person, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t give her respects and say a little prayer of thanks to the man who had clearly built this church and called it home.

  When she moved away from the grave, she saw Collin was now stacking several logs against the church. They had reinforced it to the max, and she had never felt as safe as she did in this new home and with this man in her life.

  Collin looked over at her, grinned, and tilted his head over to the lake. He set down the axe and moved over to her with determination. Instantly, her heart started to thunder. In the last seven months or so since they’d been living in this church alone together, she had become closer to Collin than to any other person she had ever met.

  It was strange to be with someone in a world like this, to know him so intimately and trust him implicitly after less than a year. Evil was right at her doorstep, but they got through it one day at a time and were there for each other.

  He might have come to her one day and saved her life by killing others, but in that time, she had come to realize there was no other person for her aside from Collin.

  There was always the risk of being found, or someone challenging them for their home and supplies, but they were not about to let this place go without a fight. They’d lasted this long in a grief-filled and violent world, and it was eat or be eaten. She and Collin were not going to be eaten; that was for damn sure.

  They grew their own vegetables, caught their own fish, hunted their own game, and even had a rain barrel made up for the water. When they were forced to move into a town and scavenge for supplies, they did it diligently, quickly, and always had each other’s backs.

  They were a team, and although Collin was fiercely protective of her, he gave her room to take care of herself when the time called for it.

  Collin stopped in front of her, the sweat glistening on his body, the knives he had strapped to his hips reflecting the sun. “Have I told you today that I l
ove you?” He didn’t say it with sweetness in his voice but with possession and dominance, and for some reason, that always had a thrill of arousal and warmth moving through her.

  He didn’t give her a chance to respond, because in the next instant, he was gripping her behind the neck, pulling her forward, and kissing her.

  He claimed her in every way, in the only way Collin ever did. He wasn’t a man who said saccharine words often, and he wasn’t a man who cowered. He was fierce and strong and dangerous in everything he did. Would Rebecca still be alive right now if she hadn’t been with him?

  She didn’t know. She might have lived for over a year before meeting him, but she had been in a rut of her own, caused by the isolation and loneliness of the world she lived in.

  He kissed her long and hard, made her feel as though she was the only one in this world that held his attention. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pressing her breasts to his hard, muscular chest.

  When their clothing was off and they were wading in the cool water, Collin gripped her ass with both of his hands and pulled her close.

  The water lapped at her flesh, and just as her body was relaxing, she felt Collin move his fingers between her thighs. He held her tightly, pulled her even closer to him still, and she felt his stiff erection pressing against her belly. Rebecca pulled back and stared into his eyes. He clenched his jaw, as if he were trying to control himself.

  He moved them to a corner where an outcropping of rock sat, pressed her back to the smooth surface, and claimed her mouth with his again. She wrapped her legs around his waist as their kiss intensified. He broke away, trailing his lips down her neck, and cupped her breasts in his big hands.

  “If we don’t stop, I’m going to fuck you right here.”

  It sounded good to her, but she didn’t voice her opinion, just wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. She let her head fall back, and she closed her eyes. He lifted his mouth from her neck, and in the next instant, he sucked a nipple into his mouth.

  She looked into the water, seeing his short, dark hair beneath the surface, black now that it was wet, and watched while he suckled at her breast. She gasped and moaned deeply, while his teeth scraped over the sensitive bud. He brought his head out of the water, the liquid dripping down his face, his expression intense.

  His mouth was on hers in an instant, and she felt the tip of his shaft press against her pussy’s opening. But before he could fuck her, he had them out of the water, carried her in his arms and into the church. He set them on the makeshift bed they made together, stared down at her pussy that was spread for him, creamy just for him.

  He growled low. And then he was on top of her, kissing her, spreading her thighs wide with his narrow hips, and placing the tip of his cock at her entrance.

  “I won’t let anyone else have you. Ever.” He pressed open-mouthed kisses along the column of her throat. The air felt ice-cold against her back, or maybe her flesh was just too overheated. She wasn’t about to tell him it was just them against the world, that there was no one else who would come for her, but she kept her mouth closed.

  She liked hearing his declarations, loved that they were here alone, rarely saw humans anymore, but that he needed to tell her that she was only his. Rebecca spread her thighs wide so Collin could fit between them. An involuntary gasp left her when his cock pressed against her slick folds, moving away from the entrance of her pussy.

  “Fuck, baby.” He panted against her chest, right above her breasts, and her nipples tingled from the close proximity. “You’re so wet and hot. I want to taste you, baby.”

  She would have let him do anything at that moment. Her mind was on hiatus, and her body was now running the show.

  “I want to hear you say it.” He was slowly moving his lips down her chest. The warm little puffs of air from his mouth warmed her flesh and had blood rushing to the surface.

  Her back bowed when he latched his lips around her aching nipple, all she could do was grip his hair and bite her lip to hold off from crying out in pleasure. Over and over, he tormented her body, alternating between breasts, and sucking her nipples so hard the pain and pleasure morphed into one.

  “Tell me, baby. Ask me for my mouth on your sweet pussy.”

  His words were dirty, filthy, but they fueled her, and she found herself lifting her hips and crying out. “God, yes.”

  He was poised an inch from her pussy opening, and his voice sent vibrations through her clit, causing the bud to swell. He licked her from the entrance of her pussy to her clit and then slid it back down again. Collin repeated this action until she squirmed beneath him, her climax approaching swiftly. “Please, God, I’m going to come.”

  He had her clit in his mouth and a finger pressed into her body. He sucked harder and faster. He added a second finger, and the stretch of the penetration from those digits had her exploding. Ecstasy washed through her, stealing her breath, her pulse, even her sanity.

  He didn’t stop, wouldn’t stop, even after she begged him. Legs shaking, heart racing, and sweat beading her brow, Rebecca finally felt him move up her body.

  His mouth claimed hers, and she tasted herself on his lips. It was unexpected but certainly not unpleasant. In fact, she gripped his hair and opened her mouth wider. His flavor mingled with hers, creating a plethora of sensation that burst along her tongue.

  Lifting her hips and grinding her still sensitive pussy on his cock, anticipation slammed into her when he reached between their bodies and placed the tip of himself at her entrance once more.

  When he slowly pushed into her, she brought her teeth down on his lip, biting gently as she groaned in relief. He thrust all the way into her, and her inner muscles squeezed his dick in approval.

  “You feel so good, baby.” His voice was a hoarse whisper against her ear, sending delightful shivers through her body. He pumped his hips, slowly at first, and then picked up speed.

  Rebecca gripped his shoulders, feeling her orgasm build ferociously. “I’m going to come.” She was gasping for air now.

  His mouth was still by her ear, his breath ragged as he spoke. “I want you to come all over me, baby. I want to feel that tight little cunt of yours milk my cock.” He bit her earlobe gently, and she came. His mouth crashed down on hers, and a moan bubbled from her throat.

  His hands tightened on her waist, and he thrust once more into her before pulling out. Collin rose above her, his hand on his cock, and started stroking himself wildly.

  They had to be careful of pregnancy, because bringing a baby into this world was not what she wanted right now. The condoms she found all those months ago had already been used. He stroked himself fiercely until arcs of cum shot out of the tip of his massive cock and landed on her belly.

  Both of them breathed heavily, and then he sagged against her. For several minutes, they just lay there, his cum cooling on her skin, her energy fading.

  She didn’t care that his seed covered her, didn’t care that she should clean up. She just wanted to be with him right now and bask in the afterglow of being claimed by Collin.

  He pulled a blanket over them, and within minutes, that pleasure-filled contentment settled into her. Rebecca didn’t let the devastation of their world control her; she couldn’t allow it. It was now one hell of a world, but as long as she had Collin beside her, being there for her in every way imaginable, she could get through anything.

  A smile curved her mouth, and she closed her eyes.

  It was definitely a fucked-up world, but she knew they were doing a damn good job of making it work.

  Epilogue Two

  Two years later

  Collin stoked the fire and stared at the flames, the warmth seeping into his cold body. This might be a physical warmth, but the one that really penetrated him deep, consumed him, warmed his heart, was the woman currently curled up against him.


  My woman.


  The scent of the meal they’d been cooking,
the deer he hunted and caught, was sizzling on the metal grate over the flames. The aroma lingered in the air, surrounding them.

  “Smells good,” she said softly, and he tightened his hold on her. “It’s been awhile since we had something good like this.”

  It was true. It was hard hunting close to their place, and that meant he had to venture farther out. He didn’t like leaving Rebecca, even if she could take care of herself. It wasn’t the dead he worried about, but the fuckers who were still alive.

  The fuckers like he’d been.

  But things were different. Collin had changed. Rebecca made him a better man.

  “This should last us awhile,” he said softly and stroked her hair.

  When they didn’t have meat readily available, they managed to catch fish from the lake, but their gardens provided the main part of their sustenance.

  Scavenging did still happen, but this many years after the fall of the world meant everything was all but picked and cleaned over. So they had to become self-sufficient pretty damn quick.

  “I’ll smoke the rest and preserve it. This should last us a good while, baby.” He reached down and placed a hand on her rounded belly. Rebecca was about halfway along in her pregnancy, and she needed all the nutrients and vitamins she could get.

  She tipped her head back and looked at him, smiling. “I love you,” she said softly. “You take such good care of us.” She placed her hand over his, which still rested on her belly. “You’re going to make such a good dad, Collin.”

  God, I love this woman.

  He leaned down and kissed her softly. “I love you too, Rebecca.”

  The years had gone by in a wonderful, happy blur of making sure Rebecca was safe and fed, that the home they created for themselves would last and sustain them, and that nothing bad ever touched her. That was his main goal, the only thing Collin wanted in life.

  Although the pregnancy hadn’t been planned, they both wanted children. The world might be shit, ravaged, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t be happy, safe, and have a future. And God had he been excited when they’d found out about the baby.


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