Forbidden Baby Daddy: A Secret Baby Romance

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Forbidden Baby Daddy: A Secret Baby Romance Page 3

by Lara Swann

  I don’t know much about sculpting - and it’s never going to be something I take up - but I’ve certainly taken a more active interest since meeting Nathan. I’ve sketched a few things that he’s tried to turn into models, too, and learning what he needs from the sketch to be able to do that has been fascinating to learn.

  He’s halfway through telling me about his attempt with my latest drawing, and the areas he’s running into problems with, when he tips back the last of his beer and swings off the stool.

  “That’s the problem with beer.” He mutters. “Always end up needing to piss after half an hour - back in a mo’, hon, might pick up another pint on the way back…you want one?”

  I look down at my half-full drink and shake my head, not sure whether I’ll be able to finish this one as it is. “Nah, I’m good thanks.”

  He nods and turns to look for the bathroom, while I go back to the beer in front of me, still half-waiting for the taste to improve. I’m starting to think that this time, it might not.

  I sigh as I put it down, looking up to glance around the room again - and then freeze as I see the hot-biker-guy who was looking at me earlier walking over, almost right in front of me.

  He sets his pint down on the small table Nathan and I were sharing as if he owns the place. Though, for all I know, maybe he does. Unlikely, but I guess this is his place far more than it could ever be considered mine. At least he doesn’t sit - at standing height, he’s already eye-to-eye with me sitting on this high stool.

  He’s even more gorgeous up close - the perfect amount of stubble, a dangerous glint in his eyes and the kind of cocky attitude that should not appeal as much of it does.

  Yeah. He’s everything my parents would hate.

  That only gives me another small, rebellious thrill.

  “Hey.” He says easily, with the kind of cocky smile that goes right through me. “You don’t look like you belong in a place like this.”

  See, Nat. I knew they were thinking that.

  I flush immediately, but from the way he says it, I know he means it in a good way. From the tone in his voice, he’s clearly no stranger to approaching women to flirt - and I find myself drawn into it, wanting to be able to play this game the way everyone else seems to.

  “You look like you do.” I say, trying to match his confidence while internally wincing at the uninspired comment.

  Yeah. I’m not good at this.

  He laughs, glancing around to give the room behind him a steady appraisal. “Yeah…I guess I do.”

  I take another sip of the beer while he smiles at me, amusement dancing in his eyes. I might not think much of the taste, but I feel a sudden need for it. I’m pretty sure he’s at least partly laughing at me, but for some reason I don’t think I mind too much.

  “So what brought you out to Jack’s?” He asks, filling the silence created by my complete inability to work out what I’m supposed to be saying.

  “A friend recommended it - I wanted something different.” I say. “Something a bit more…”

  I flush, not quite sure how to finish that without sounding like I consider his bar to be some sort of novelty experience. It’s not quite like that, but…

  “Dirty?” He suggests, raising an eyebrow as he swipes a finger along the top of the table.

  I laugh.

  “Not quite. Though I guess it’s got that going for it too.” I smile at him, something about his easygoing attitude making it easier to respond, and I end up shrugging. “More like edgy, though it sounds stupid saying that to you. I just wanted to get away for a bit - the usual places I go can be a little…sheltered.”

  I don’t mind telling him the truth about that - at least it feels more natural than trying to be clever or witty.

  His expression warms a little, and he knocks his glass against mine in salute.

  “It’s good to have a little adventure sometimes.” He says in easy agreement, and it doesn’t feel like he’s mocking me about it. “Just so long as you don’t stray too far…it can be dangerous around here if you don’t know what you’re doing.”

  If it wasn’t for the inviting sparkle in his eyes that makes me think he very much considers himself one of those dangers, and that it’s not altogether a bad thing, I might be a little offended. As it is…my pulse jumps in response.

  “Maybe I’m looking for something a little bit dangerous.”

  I can barely believe the words coming out of my mouth - they don’t sound like me at all. I’m not the kind of girl who’s interested in danger at all. I don’t take risks. I don’t respond with suggestive comments like that.

  Tonight is the first time I’ve ever done something like this.

  I’m sensible and careful and…

  And bored and frustrated.

  His smile curves upwards, becoming brazen with a clear invitation as he leans forward almost conspiratorially, eyes gleaming in a way that sends a shiver of anticipation through me.

  “Well if that’s what you want, I imagine it won’t be too hard to find.”

  I swallow, but I don’t drop my gaze from his - everything about this handsome stranger drawing me in and making me want more. Exactly what that is, I’m not quite sure…but I have a feeling I might find out tonight.

  I smile back, tilting my head as I throw caution to the wind and follow that gut feeling.

  “Is one of those bikes outside yours?”

  I’m mostly asking out of curiosity - but I also know exactly how it sounds.

  “Yeah, why?” He raises an eyebrow at me, amusement tinging his voice. “Did you want to take a look?”

  Despite how obviously my question led to that, the offer still manages to take me by surprise. My breathing quickens with sudden excitement and I feel myself start to blush. I’m pretty sure that’s an invitation for more than just having a look at his bike…and if we go out there together…

  My eyes slide away from his - and then I spot Nathan sitting at the bar with a beer in hand, watching us. I blush again as I realize I’d forgotten all about him - he obviously should have been back by now, but I guess he decided to stay by the bar for a little while to give me space. He’s a good friend like that.

  He catches my eye and gives me a saucy grin, making a thumbs up gesture that has me turning away immediately, embarrassed.

  Yeah, real cool Nat.

  The thought that he has my back is reassuring though, and it reminds me of our conversation about the bikes earlier.

  “Yeah.” I say, looking back at the hot stranger in front of me and not letting myself think about it too much. “Yeah, I do.”

  Tonight, I’m just going to do what I want to do.

  He laughs a little, but I don’t even care that I seem to amuse him as he steps back to give me room to slide off the stool.

  Adrenaline racing through me, I follow him out of the bar, leaving my half-full beer on the table and mouthing ‘back soon’ to Nat as we pass him.

  My mind skips instinctively to what my parents would think if they could see me now, and I can’t help the flash of guilt that follows - but it’s gone quickly enough.

  They’ve spent my whole life warning me away from situations like this - cautioning me not to put myself in a position where something might happen that I’d later regret - telling me how important it is to wait.

  I don’t know what’s going to happen tonight, but I’m done waiting for my life to start.

  Chapter Three


  “I’m Chloe, by the way.”

  The girl says from behind me, as she follows me out of the bar.

  “Ash.” I offer, casting a glance back over my shoulder, still a little bemused that I’m doing this at all.

  Inviting girls to come look at my bike isn’t exactly something I do - not since I was a kid with a beat-up old Honda Rebel, anyway - but there’s just something about this girl that has me intrigued.

  She flashes a smile at me as I come to a stop beside one of the bikes, looking bright-eyed and
eager as I kick the stand up and start wheeling it backward - far more than anyone coming out of a bar has any right to be, but then again, I’m not sure she had much to drink. If I had to guess, I’d say she wasn’t the biggest fan of Jack’s beer.

  It’s that kind of life and energy behind her eyes that draws me in, though, even if it’s a little out of place out here. Maybe that’s why - maybe because I don’t meet many girls who don’t try too hard to act tough and world-weary.

  This one - Chloe - couldn’t be more different if she tried. Her thick puffer jacket hangs open to reveal the cream turtleneck underneath - and unlike every other girl that gathers around here, I have the feeling that the little silver crucifix she’s wearing around her neck isn’t ironic.

  She’s cute, though. Her expressive heart-shaped face scrunches up adorably as she talks, with straight chestnut hair hanging down past her shoulders where she either seems to hide behind it or spend half her time tucking it back behind her ears. I think she might have freckles scattered across her cheeks too, though the lighting wasn’t good enough in Jack’s to be sure. I can’t remember the last time I saw a girl with minimal enough make-up that they’d even be visible.

  I wheel the bike over toward one of the dim street lights and Chloe follows - this time of night, there’s no way to really see it properly, but it will have to do.

  “Oh, wow—” She starts, glancing between it and the row of other bikes in surprise. “It’s…”

  “Different?” I say, not bothering to hide the smile as I run a hand over it. “Yeah, I’ve been tinkering with this one for a while.”

  Most of the bikes the guys brought here are cruisers - Harley’s at that - just like the old gang has always favored, and this one is nothing like that. I’ve branched out a bit since then - one of the best things about having my own shop is being able to experiment and play around a little. The bikes were always my favorite part of the club, anyway.

  “My old Kawasaki Ninja - makes an elegant beast when it’s stripped down, huh? I’ve wanted to make a Streetfighter out of one of these for a while - and she’s a beauty to ride, too. Nice bit of power, feels amazing under you and the handling is sweet—”

  I look up at her as I speak, my commentary cutting off as I realize that with the wide-eyed way she’s looking at it, she probably isn’t interested in the specs. Unlike the people that usually come up to me to chat shop, she’s not a bike nerd - but she is interested, all the same.

  It’s obvious from the slightly awed expression and the fierce grin - it reminds me of when I was a kid, looking at the first bike I ever bought.

  “It’s so cool.” She looks up at me from the sleek black-and-chrome bike, the words as genuine as the rest of her. I’m pretty sure everyone I know uses ‘cool’ ironically, too. “You did all this?”

  She looks it over, clearly wanting to be impressed, even though I’m pretty sure she doesn’t know what ‘all this’ might be.

  “Yeah.” I say, smiling a little as some of her enthusiasm starts rubbing off on me - but by the time she looks up at me again, I’m not thinking about the bike anymore.

  I reach for her cheek, cupping her face in my hand, that silky-smooth hair running over my fingers as I bring her face up to mine - and then I’m kissing her. I don’t even know where it came from - just something about the spark in her eyes, the way she was looking at the bike…and at me…that hungry-excited look that stirred something in my blood the moment she started looking back at me in the bar.

  Her lips are as soft as she looks, warm and cherry-scented as I press a little harder, our mouths moving against each other chastely for one heartbeat, two—and then I deepen it, wanting more of her, sucking her lips into mine and nibbling on them as she makes little gasps, her pulse pounding in her neck. Her hands come up to grip my forearms, but she doesn’t push me away like I half-wonder whether she might - no, she’s pressing forward, her lips firmer against mine as she melts into it.

  When I nudge her lips open with my tongue, she doesn’t resist - she doesn’t seem to know what she’s doing, either, but she follows my lead and when I press into the soft warmth of her mouth, a little moan catches in her throat. It has my cock thickening, and I can feel it pressing against my pants as I lean into her, my hand shifting to cup the back of her head, bringing her closer to me for just an instant before I let her go, parting gently.

  She looks back at me, eyes wide and slightly disorientated as I offer her a small smile.

  “Oh…” She breathes, just a hint of a word.

  “Sorry.” I murmur, not feeling sorry at all. My fingers caress her cheek and jaw as I drop my hand, my heated gaze holding hers. “I couldn’t resist.”

  I step back, still holding that slight smile as my hand comes to rest on the leather seat of the bike again, half-caressing it in the way I’d like to touch her. But she’s not the kind of girl I’m used to - she’s not a regular at places like Jack’s, that much is clear - and I have no idea whether it would be welcome.

  “I, um…”

  A blush spreads across her face, as adorable as the rest of her, while she tries to work out how to react - her eyes darting away from me and back again.

  “Would you like to go for a ride?” I offer, cocking my head toward the bike instead.

  I’m pretty sure she’ll turn me down, but I’ve never had a problem suggesting whatever comes into my mind - and right now, that’s all I can think about.

  I want more of her. More of that kiss, more of the way her eyes lit up when she saw my bike and more of the barely-contained excitement written on her face. I want her body pressed up against me, with her arms clutched around my chest as we push my new baby to its limits. Or, maybe not quite its limits. I’d take a little cruise around town with a couple of tight corners thrown in instead. That’s probably more her style.

  Her eyes widen at the offer and she looks back to the bike again, surprising me with how tempted she looks.


  “Yeah.” I hide my smile this time. “Really.”

  I shift closer as I see her weighing it up, impressed that she’s even considering it.

  A late-night ride with a stranger? I wouldn’t have thought that’s the kind of risk a girl like her would take.

  “We can even go real slow, if you like.” I say, my voice dropping as I raise my hand to her shoulder again, my thumb stroking along her neck.

  She blushes again, and it occurs to me that she might think I’m talking about something else. I’m not - all I was thinking about was the bike - but now…

  “What if I want to go fast?” She says, her voice only just above a whisper, but her eyes steady on my face.

  My pulse leaps and I let a slow grin spread over my face.

  “Then we can do that.”

  She swallows, glancing between me and the bike again. I’m not even sure which one is tempting her more right now. Not that I blame her for that. It’s a really nice bike. I like it more than most women myself.

  Then she meets my gaze again - and instead of the concern I expect to see, there’s a growing delight there.

  “Yeah…yeah, okay.” She says, the words sounding more certain as she starts smiling too. “Let’s go for a ride.”

  I lean down and kiss her again, even though I’m aware that might sidetrack us completely. It’s too easy to enjoy the way she melts into me - quicker this time, her response more eager as she pushes back against me. I laugh lightly into her mouth, pulling her closer and running my hands down to her ass. Her eyes fly open in response, wide and glossy with the reflection of the light above us, but she doesn’t object - if anything, she shifts closer to me, wriggling as I squeeze a little. She’s so god-damn soft and hot against me.

  I can feel my cock hardening, pressing against my pants with its own hot demand - and that’s enough to tell me we’re going a little too far. With reluctance, I separate us gently, stepping back with a wicked grin as I think about all the things I’d love to do to that soft, supple
body and hot mouth—

  “The ride?” I suggest, before I can get carried away with that thought.

  She looks back at me, half-dazed, and I’ve got to admit it does wonders for my ego. The way she seems fixated on me like that…

  “Oh…oh yeah. Right. Let’s—let’s do that.” She nods, taking a deep breath and blinking a couple of times. Then she glances back toward the bar, hesitating. “Shoot, wait—Nat, my friend—I should probably check with him. He’s the one that brought me all the way out here.”

  “Sure.” I nod.

  She turns for the bar, glancing back over her shoulder with a quick grin.

  “Hey.” I call after her. “I can always give you a ride home, too. He doesn’t need to wait around if he doesn’t want to.”

  She pauses mid-stride, looking back at me with such sudden horror that I have to ask.


  “Oh, um…nothing. Just imagining—never mind—” She says, laughing a little at the joke I’ve obviously missed and shaking her head. “Thanks.”

  With that, she disappears into the bar, leaving me shaking my head in bemusement. Shrugging, I walk over to the lockers set outside the bar - the ones The Eastern Slayers MC had set up here - and key in the code I still know instinctively. My own helmet is locked to the bike but there are always a few spare ones kept in here, exactly for times like this.

  She walks back out the door by the time I get back to the bike.

  “All good?”

  “Yep.” She says, grinning and taking the helmet I hold out for her. “Oh, and he said to tell you that if anything goes wrong, he’ll track you down and you’ll regret it.”

  I raise an eyebrow, amused. “Oh really? The same guy you were sitting with earlier?”

  I’ve seen him. I’m not exactly worried.

  “Hey, he can get pretty scary sometimes.” She says, but she’s laughing as she fiddles with the straps of the helmet.

  “I’m sure.” I say, smirking a little. “Well, in that case, guess we better make sure nothing goes wrong.”

  “Exactly.” She smirks back at me, and I help her with the helmet before putting my own on.


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