Pregnant with the Tycoon's Heir (The Ladies of The Burling School Book 5)

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Pregnant with the Tycoon's Heir (The Ladies of The Burling School Book 5) Page 3

by Elizabeth Lennox

  “This way,” he snapped and pulled away.

  Naya blinked at the harshness of his voice, and looked around. They’d been kissing in the elevator, the doors open and waiting.

  He dug into his suit jacket and pulled out a key card, swiping it quickly over the unobtrusive black lock. The doors opened and the two of them were inside.

  “Now…” he began, and before Naya could blink, he’d pulled her back into his arms, his mouth covering hers once more.

  Naya couldn’t explain how they’d gotten from the doorway of the room to his bed, but nor did she care. Her tote bag was dumped…somewhere…but she wasn’t sure where because his hands had pulled her silk blouse out of the waistband of her skirt. Or maybe he’d done that a while ago, she wasn’t sure. The feeling of his hands against her bare skin caused her to gasp, her head falling back against…the wall? The mattress? She didn’t care!

  “Please!” she sobbed, grabbing his hand and pulling it to her breast. Tomorrow, Naya would be shocked by her brazen actions. She was normally conservative about sex, to the point of not really enjoying it. But right at this moment, she didn’t remember that she wasn’t a fan of sexual encounters. Right now, all she wanted was for Pierce to touch her. She needed his hands on her body more than she needed her next breath of air. Even more shocking, Naya needed to touch him. She needed to explore all of those muscles hidden underneath that expensive suit.

  “Take off your shirt,” she ordered.

  He ignored her for a moment, bending to kiss her nipple through the layers of her blouse and her bra. But she almost growled with frustration as she pulled her shirt off, tossing it onto the floor. With a flick of her fingers, she released the snap of her bra and tossed it out of the way as well. Then she took his hand and placed it over her breast, unconcerned with his probable surprise. She didn’t care! She needed to feel his hand against her bare skin.

  When he didn’t follow her order to take of his shirt, Naya was ready to hit the man. But instead, she pushed his tie out of the way and fumbled with the buttons on his dress shirt. The effort was made all the more difficult because his mouth was moving along her neck and ear while his hands smoothed down her back, causing her to arch closer to him.

  “Please!” she gasped, desperate for the feeling of his hands on her breasts. He’d slid his hands around to her back for some silly reason and she wanted to scream with frustration. So she grabbed his hands, guiding them into position, sighing as his fingers closed over her breasts, his thumb teasing that tight, hard peak.

  “You’re so beautiful, Naya,” he groaned. She opened her eyes, shocked to find her fingers splayed out over his bare chest. But before she could respond, he moved lower, his mouth latching onto her nipple and she gasped, almost sobbing as sensations rolled over her, all of them coalescing in that swollen nub down lower. She could barely breathe as his tongue lashed her nipple, then his teeth came into play and she tried to pull his head away.

  “Too much,” she whimpered.

  “Not enough,” he countered and moved to her other breast.

  Naya didn’t have the breath to argue as her legs widened to make room for his hips and he pressed himself against that nub. It was the relief she was looking for and she ground her hips against that hardness over and over again, faster when he sucked on her nipple.

  Pierce lifted his head, looking down at this amazing woman in his arms. He’d thought her delightful to watch in the bar. She’d been a mystery wrapped up in an enticing package as she battled to fight the connection between them. During dinner, she’d delighted him in other ways. Her smiles always reached her eyes, showing him that she was more genuine than any person he’d ever met. But it was more than just her sincerity. She’d laughed and debated with him, challenged his opinions.

  But looking at her now, he never would have imagined anything as sensuously gorgeous as Naya in the throes of desire. She was wanton and hot and beautiful and in another moment would be…his!

  That last word was a bit of a shock, since he’d just met her hours ago. But he couldn’t deny that he felt oddly possessive just now.

  Strange, he’d never felt possessive of a woman before and…as he moved down her soft, sexy stomach, kissing every inch and finding new places that caused her to gasp and moan in surprise and pleasure, he knew that Naya was different. Everything about her was different. More than that, the way he responded to her was different. He hadn’t taken a woman to bed after only a few hours of acquaintance in more than ten years. He preferred to get to know his sexual partners, needing to trust them and know them, to understand their wants and desires. Not that any of his mistresses in the past had been overly complicated, which had suited him just fine.

  So, what was it about Naya? A part of him wanted to pin her hands over her head so he could make love to her undisturbed. But he didn’t want to lose her touch. He luxuriated in the way her fingers felt against his skin. Her touches were tentative at first, delicate and teasing. But once she’d gotten the hang of it, her touch was more confident. More demanding. It was a hell of a turn on!

  Even more, he wanted to make her his in ways that didn’t make sense.

  Logic was his normal companion, so this was a new experience for him. Pushing those thoughts aside, he moved lower on her body and smiled when he felt her legs tighten around his waist.

  “Relax,” he soothed, kissing her stomach softly and feeling her muscles twitch under his lips. “I won’t do anything that you won’t enjoy.”

  She watched him warily. “I just…” she stammered, licking her lips with her sexy, pink tongue.

  Pierce teased her inner thighs, sliding his hands along her smooth skin, as he admired that juncture between her legs. “You’re beautiful, Naya. Everywhere.”

  One finger slid into her heat and he had to close his eyes as he felt the slickness of her. The heat as her inner muscles clenched around his fingers.

  “I don’t need that,” she gasped, shaking her head. “I’m ready. You don’t need…”

  “Just a taste,” he insisted and, before she could argue with him, he lowered his head and…his mouth closed around that sensitive nub. With a slow, methodical rhythm, Pierce moved his fingers in and out of her body while his mouth sucked on that nub, his tongue flicking against it again and again. She screamed and her fingers tightened in his hair. The pain turned him on even further.

  “I don’t…” she begged, trying to wiggle away from him. “I don’t want to do that,” she pleaded, lifting her head to look at him. “Please!” she gasped.

  “Fine,” he grumbled, and reached into his nightstand to grab a condom. Standing, he rolled the protection down over his aching shaft, looking down at those pink, inviting folds. “This time, but I want to taste your climax before this night is over,” he warned her.

  She made a noise that might have been a laugh, or it could have been something else. He wasn’t sure, but it heightened his need to bury himself in her.

  Bracing his hands on either side of her head, he moved lower, pressing against her slightly. “Look at me,” he commanded.

  When her long lashes fluttered open, only then did he press into her body. Inch by inch, he entered her, keeping eye contact with her. Pierce wanted to remember this moment. He had no idea why it was significant, but he wouldn’t relent. When she started to close her eyes, he pulled back and she gasped, wrapping her legs around his waist as if to hold him in place.

  “Don’t close your eyes,” he commanded roughly and pressed deeper into her. Inch by inch, he moved deeper, pulling back and gritting his teeth against the slick heat of her. She felt tight and amazing, hot as her body wrapped his shaft in her tight glove. Her eyes told him everything she was feeling. Yes, her body arching into his thrusts also gave him clues, but the light in her eyes, the sexy drift of her eyelids and way her mouth formed an O when he hit the right spot, told him how close she was. And getting closer!

  Damn, she was beautiful. If he had enough brainpower, he might tell her t
hat but she looked and felt so damned hot it stole his words away!

  Before he was ready, he felt her body begin to tremble. Thrusting into her, he watched her eyes, grinding against that nub. When her eyes widened, telling him that she was very close, he moved faster, holding back his own pleasure until…!

  “Pierce!” she gasped, her body writhing as her climax hit her. He continued to thrust into her, extending their pleasure, holding off on his own release until he couldn’t any longer. At that point, he released his control and just…couldn’t think any longer as the pleasure hit him. Over and over, the waves were like a continuous roller coaster of pleasure. Wrapping his arms around her, they rode their combined pleasure like a wave.

  Chapter 2

  Naya shifted around, soothed by the sense of warmth surrounding her. Her pillow was too hard though. Snuggling closer, she wanted to find a softer corner of her pillow, but she couldn’t find softness unless she pulled away from the warmth. The warmth was more important, but she couldn’t help thinking there was a mystery here that she needed to solve. Something wasn’t right. Her apartment was never this warm and her pillow was nice and soft. Normally, she loved her pillow. This one, she didn’t love. This one was too hard. And it sounded wrong.

  Naya woke up a bit more. Pillows didn’t have sound, she told herself firmly. Pillows were quiet. That was the whole point of pillows. So, why was this pillow thumping? She wasn’t fully awake, but her subconscious was telling her that a hard, thumping pillow was dangerous. Very, very dangerous!

  When she lifted her head, she realized that she wasn’t in her apartment. Not her bed, not her pillow, and this heater was…male! Very male! And very large!

  Um…she looked around, her eyes having trouble focusing. She was in a soft bed next to a hard, muscular, and warm male body!

  Last night! The bar! She’d had sex with Pierce!


  Unfortunately, the evidence was incontrovertible. She was in his bed and his strong, muscular arms were wrapped around her. Her head wasn’t on a pillow, it was on his chest!

  Oh no, this wasn’t right! She did not have sex with strangers!

  Of course, Pierce hadn’t felt like a stranger. She hadn’t had that much to drink last night. Wait! The martini! And the glass of wine at the bar! There had been wine at dinner as well, but she’d only sipped that one! That much alcohol over several hours would not have gotten her drunk, so she’d gone into this fully aware of what she was doing.

  And oh my! All of the memories of last night came back to her in a rush and she blushed in the darkness. How many times had they made love last night? No, not made love. She couldn’t make love with a man she didn’t know! She’d had sex! She’d made a decision to release her inhibitions last night, to forget her conservative, solitary lifestyle for one night and she’d flirted and kissed a man. When he’d brought her up to his suite, she’d been fully aware. No way could she blame last night on the alcohol.


  Get out, she thought. Get out and…pretend last night didn’t happen!

  Carefully, Naya extricated herself from Pierce’s arms. With a sigh, she slipped out of the bed. But as soon as she was away from the warmth of his arms, she realized that she was naked!

  “Good grief!” she whispered softly, crossing her arms over her breasts. Then she rolled her eyes. As if crossing her arms over her breasts would hide the fact that she was naked? Get real!

  She searched the room for her clothes. She found her blouse, skirt, and bra. Her shoes were absent and her underwear…seemed to have vanished entirely.

  She grabbed what she could, pulling on her clothes before hurrying out of the room…only to come to a screeching halt when she realized that she wasn’t in just a hotel room. Hotel rooms had a bedroom and a bathroom. But nothing like what she was staring at now.

  This was a suite.

  No, probably not a suite. A suite had a sitting area, maybe a kitchenette. This area was enormous! Was that a spiral staircase in the corner? Impossible! Hotels didn’t have two level suites.

  Did they?

  A woman in a maid’s uniform stepped through a swinging door, carrying a silver coffee pot. “Good morning, ma’am. Would you like some coffee?” she asked in a professional voice. Obviously the woman wasn’t shocked to find a woman with crazy hair, no shoes, and no makeup walking around the suite in the morning.

  The realization that this was probably a normal event for the man behind the now-closed door made her stomach lurch with shame.

  The maid patiently continued to wait for Naya’s response. Pushing her hands through her hair, Naya shook her head. “Coffee? No. Thank you. No coffee,” Naya whispered. “I’ll just…” she looked around, trying to find the exit. The place was huge! There was no obvious exit.

  “I could make you some breakfast if you would like,” the woman offered, ignoring Naya’s obvious discomfort.

  Naya turned back to the kind woman. “Breakfast isn’t necessary,” she replied, frantic now. “If you could just…show me the way out? I’ll get out of the way.”

  The woman blinked, trying to hide her surprise. “The door is this way,” she led Naya through another curved archway. Naya followed, her bare feet padding along the hardwood floor. When she spotted one of her shoes sitting on the sofa, she grabbed it. The other shoe was…now how had her shoe landed way over there?

  Naya wasn’t clear on the details from last night. She knew that she’d had an orgasm. Well, several, actually. Her face flamed as she delicately extracted her other shoe from behind the sofa, slipped them on her feet, then hurried to follow the housekeeper. To be perfectly honest, she’d had so many orgasms last night, she’d lost count. She hadn’t realized that her body could do that. She shivered again, remembering how he’d touched her breasts…her legs…!

  Stop thinking about last night! She berated herself as she stumbled on the carpet, trying to hurry out of the suite. She couldn’t believe she’d actually slept with a stranger! She barely knew the man and yet, she’d done things with him last night that she’d only read about in stories.

  She was ashamed and wished she could turn back time. This was so wrong! So unlike herself! She wasn’t dating anyone since Kevin had dumped her yesterday, but that didn’t matter. She rarely even kissed a guy on a first date. Yeah, that made her old fashioned and some guys called her ice queen. Kevin’s soft, irritated features popped into her mind. He’d dumped her after work yesterday because she wouldn’t have sex with him. Then Naya had gone out and had a one-night stand. Good grief!

  As she pressed the button to call the elevator, she looked around. There were no other doors on the floor. And why where two men standing outside the doorway? They were wearing some sort of ear piece. And what were those bulges underneath their jackets?

  Good grief! They were bodyguards! No way!

  Backing away, she pressed against something firm and solid, needing that strength to hold her up.

  The elevator doors opened and, unfortunately, she was leaning against the metal doors. When they slid open, she fell into the elevator.

  Thankfully, she was able to catch herself before she made a total fool of herself, but it was a close call. Forcing a friendly wave and a tight smile, Naya backed into the relative safety of the elevator and held her breath until the doors closed, before slumped against the wall.

  “Perfect,” she muttered to the silence of the elevator as it quickly descended down to the lobby. “Not only are you a slut, but you’re an idiot too.”

  When the doors opened, she stepped out finding herself in the lobby of the hotel. It was early, so there wasn’t much activity. That was good, she thought. It would be just her luck to run into a co-worker wearing the same clothes she’d worn to work the day before.

  A half hour later, she burst into her apartment, practically running to her bedroom. She whipped off her clothes and stuffed them into the trash, never wanting to see them again. She couldn’t believe what she’d done last night! A
one night stand! How…crude!

  Naya shook her head and stood underneath the warm spray of the shower, trying to cleanse her soul as well as her body. Okay, so she’d done something foolish. Naya wasn’t the first woman to have sex with an intriguing, amazing, interesting, and sexually stunning…she was getting off course, she reminded herself.

  Naya closed her eyes as memories from last night washed over her. Her body heated, that spot between her legs swelled and throbbed. She hadn’t ever dated a man that she’d actively wanted to have sex with…until last night. Well…not that they were dating.

  She shivered and turned off the water. This wasn’t good, she told herself. But last night hadn’t been wrong. She’d had a wonderful night with an incredibly sexy man. She’d experienced bliss and…Naya closed her eyes, trying to banish the steamy memories. Last night had been an aberration. She’d simply learn from her mistake and move on.

  No more tall, dark, and dangerous men! They weren’t worth it, in the end. She shook her head and grabbed a fluffy towel, wrapping it around herself as if it could somehow ward off the shame she was feeling.

  There was nothing to be ashamed of, she reminded herself firmly. She’d had sex! What was the problem? Women had sex all the time. Women had sex every day. It was a normal, bodily function.

  Naya believed that until she stepped out of the bathroom and padded barefoot to her closet. Unfortunately, she was still thinking about last night, the way he’d touched her, the things he’d done to her…the things she’d done to him!


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