Super Daddies: A Naughty Nerdy Romantic Comedy Anthology

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Super Daddies: A Naughty Nerdy Romantic Comedy Anthology Page 62

by Smith, Maren

  “What did you just say to me?” His tone was scary quiet. “Do you know what happens when you tell Daddy no?” I couldn’t open my eyes any wider than they currently were. He reached for the hem of the shirt; I knew his intent. I closed my eyes.

  “Please, wait!” My emotions were caught up in the storm around me. I needed a second, just a second, to breathe. He must have heard the raw desperation in my tone, because nothing happened. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. He was staring at me, but not in an angry way. No, it was something else in his eyes all together.

  Tender determination. It was almost my undoing.

  “Talk to me. What is going on?” He released his hold on the shirt and stepped back away. Turning, he flipped off the water, which now was a mere inch or two from the top of the tub.

  “I-I,” I stammered over my words, my eyes going to my folded hands in front of me, unable to keep his gaze. “I don’t like people to see me naked.”


  “Men. I don’t like men to see me naked.”

  “Look at me.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Morrigan, look at me.” His tone wasn’t mean, just commanding. I dragged my eyes up to his face. “I am not just a man.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I muttered. “Right. You are a god. Sorry for insulting you, your Godness.” Was that a word? I didn’t know.



  “You don’t want to see what happens if I get to three. If you interrupt or curse at me again, I might just pass two altogether. By Odin, you try my patience. I am not just a man—”

  “Right. We’ve been over that.”

  “Two.” He held up the fingers and glared at me.

  “Okay, okay!” I said.

  “You are going to learn tonight.” The words held a promise. “I am not just a man, Morrigan, not because I am a god, but because I am your man. Not any ol’ man, but your Daddy. There is a difference, yes?”

  I swallowed hard, fighting back tears. He was right. He wasn’t just another man. In the span of one day, he had become my man.

  Inside, I knew, he had been my man since before I was born. According to him, we were fated. And God help me, I believed him. Both of us were aware of the connection from the second our bodies had touched.

  “I asked you a question, Morrigan. There is a difference, right?”

  “Yes,” I whispered, suddenly very aware of how small the room was and how close he was to me.

  “Yes? Yes what?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “And if Daddy wants to see your naked body”—he approached and pulled his shirt over my head, baring my body to him—“then Daddy will see your naked body.”

  His hands cupped my breasts, weighing them. His thumbs brushed over my erect nipples, causing me to draw my breath in. I felt incredibly self-conscious but also extremely aware of every one of Forseti’s touches.

  He dropped one hand from my breast and trailed a finger down my taut stomach, dipping it into my belly button, causing me to giggle. “Is my goddess ticklish?” He did it again and the giggles relaxed me some.

  Then his hand began to drift lower, his fingertips trailing over my skin. Knowing where he was going, where he was looking, I closed my eyes. Now, he would see my muscular, manly lower half and be turned off by my lack of curves.

  “You are beautiful, absolutely perfect.”

  Those weren’t the words I was expecting. I opened my eyes and looked into his.

  He wasn’t lying. He couldn’t hide the raw lust that crossed his features. “It was as if you were made for me.”

  “That’s because I was, Daddy.”

  “Yes, my beautiful Morrigan, you were. Come, before the water gets cold and let me bathe you.”

  This time, when he offered his hand, I took it, stepping into the warm embrace of a lavender-scented, bubble-bath hug.

  “A shower might have cleaned you, but I had a feeling your muscles might be sore from fighting. I added Epsom salt to the tub to help ease some of the pain.”

  “Thank you, Daddy. It feels so good. It is hard to find a tub big enough to fit my entire body and still be comfortable. This one is perfect.” I smiled appreciatively at him; the hot water was already helping to relax my sore muscles.

  “I would hope so. I had it fashioned to fit me, and I am quite a bit bigger than you are, little goddess.”

  “I am not used to being called little.” I had been the biggest girl in my class since kindergarten.

  “Compared to me, you are little!” he declared. I looked at the god-man kneeling beside the tub. Even on his knees, he was as tall as many men were standing.


  “Yes, goddess?”

  “If you are the God of Justice and rule over a courtroom, how did you get to be in such good shape?”

  His abrupt laughter startled me, and I splashed water all over his pants. He looked down at his pants and up at me. With a seductive grin, he stood up. “Looks like you got me all wet, little goddess. I think I’ll join you in the tub.”

  * * *


  Human men hadn’t deserved her. They didn’t know of her greatness. They couldn’t appreciate a strong, beautiful goddess like Morrigan, but I could. I knew her worth, and I had not stopped thanking Odin for my match since we had met. Although, I should be thanking Frigg.

  I had watched her sink into the tub with a childlike abandon and smiled to myself. She was playful and had a touch of innocence to her. Her energy was contagious. I stood up, looking at the wet spot on the front of my pants.

  “Look at how wet you’ve made me!” I mock-scolded. “Someone is going to pay for getting her Daddy all wet!” I scooped up a handful of bubbles and blew them at her, listening to her giggle, before stripping out of my wet pants and stepping behind her in the tub. There was plenty of room for both of us.

  I sat behind her with my chest to her back. Reaching my hands under her breasts, I pulled her back toward me, settling her right where I wanted her. I nuzzled her neck with my lips, taking in her sweet scent. I wanted her to relax against me; it was the perfect time to examine how much of the information she had retained.

  “Do you understand, Morrigan, what is going on now? I know we’ve dropped a lot of information on you all at once. I can’t imagine being you and having this happen. I can’t imagine growing up, living a lie. What questions can I answer for you?” In the reflection of the nozzle, I saw her brows furl in thought. I stayed silent, allowing her time to work through her thoughts. As she tried to make sense of things, I massaged her shoulders gently.

  “I am Morrigan, born from a valkyrie and a god, sent to Earth, ummm Misgard, to help protect her and her occupants from Loki’s plan to take over. Loki, got word of the defenses being put into place and sent an evil group of elves down to eliminate us. I am now the only one left, and you were sent here to protect me. I think I’ve got all that figured out. Although, I don’t know yet what powers I have exactly or how to use them, and I would really like to learn how to block my mind from being read. I feel violated every single time she does that.”

  I heard the frustration in her tone.

  “I will teach you.” I stroked her hair. “I am trying to be patient, understanding this isn’t something you were raised around or are used to. For us, most of this is just our common, everyday lives. I am trying to empathize with your plight and see us from your point of view. I understand it has to be terrifying, confusing and even unbelievable.”

  I could feel her heart rate start to increase in speed. Something was bothering her.

  “What is troubling you, little goddess?” I asked, gently.

  “I was just thinking about my family,” she answered.

  “You will get to meet them soon,” I assured her. Once the dark elves had been defeated, I would take Morrigan to Asgard and reunite her with her family.

  “No, not them. I haven’t thought of my biological donors as fa
mily, not as yet.”

  “You’ve called them that before, but, Morrigan, they are your family… not simply biological donors.”

  “I… I guess I’ve been calling them that in my head. It feels disloyal to my parents, the ones who raised me, loved me and sacrificed for me, to call them anything else.”

  “You can have more than one set of parents, sweetheart. I understand what you are saying though. When Loki tricked Hod into killing my father, my mother left. My grandmother became more like my mother. Family drama is something I am familiar with.” I watched her closely, listening for her anxiety. My powers were useful in discernment.

  “Wow! That is terrible!” She went quiet for a minute before speaking again. “I just know that my disappearance will break their hearts. I am sure they are all missing me right now and the idea of them worrying about me… it is breaking my heart, Forseti. Can’t I please call them and let them know I am okay? I won’t tell them anything else, I swear.” She turned to look at me with pleading eyes.

  “I understand your concern for your family, I really do, but you can’t contact them, Morrigan. It is unsafe for everyone involved. Loki’s forces will have descended and surrounded your family with dark magic. They will be listening for a call, for any sign of you, to help track your location. I’m sorry, but you have to remain completely hidden for now.” I could tell she was unhappy with my decision, but she wisely refrained from arguing with me.

  Chapter 9


  Every nerve in my body was aware of the giant sitting behind me. The level of sexual arousal I felt with him nearby was distracting. I needed to find a way to turn it off. His mere presence had my nipples tightening and my pussy gushing, which is exactly what happened when he joined me in the tub, using my breasts as handles to situate me where he wanted me, between his legs, naturally.

  As our conversation commenced, my frustration tempered my passions.

  My poor mother had to be distraught. We spoke every day, multiple times. She would be worried sick. I closed my eyes and thought about what was happening back home in Chicago. By now, my disappearance would have been noticed. Monica would have alerted the police, who, because of my closeness to the serial killer case, would have contacted our FBI counterparts. An entire team would be out searching for me, trying to trace my last steps.

  Of course, they wouldn’t find anything. No DNA, nothing on cameras, no witnesses… there never was. The fact that Forseti had used some sort of power to get me here meant their checking at toll booths, train stations and airports would be a total waste of time. Everyone would be freaking out. Damn it. I fought back tears thinking about it. I wouldn’t want to cause anyone pain or anxiety and Forseti was being unrelenting with allowing me to contact them. I needed to get word to everyone—the resources needed to be used on our real victims, not on a nationwide search for me.

  Why did dark elves have to be chasing me? What the hell were dark elves anyway? The name didn’t conjure images of fear. When I thought about dark elves, I imagined Keebler elves dressed in black leather and laughed.

  “What is so funny?” Forseti asked.

  “I was just imagining dark elves.”

  “Oh? What image came to you?”

  “Keebler Elves dressed in all black leather with black eyeliner and lipstick.”

  He chuckled. “If only that were the case. Dark elves are feared, only in part for how they look. They are more feared for what they do. Dark elves can suck up the light of the world and plunge entire realms into a deep depression of all-consuming darkness. They are the oldest known species in history. They are the cruelest of all known beings and their end goal is to thrust the universe back into the darkness from which life emerged. They are tall, not small like humans have decided to classify them, and although thin, they are master combatants. Their appearances are frightening, like something out of a human horror movie. Often, they will have silver-forged masks over their faces.”

  “Well, they sound…” I grasped for the word. “Demonic?”

  “The images of Christian demons are mild compared to dark elves, believe me.”

  “How did Loki get them to do his bidding?”

  “I am not entirely sure,” he admitted. “That is one question I want answered myself. He is the king of trickery, manipulation and deception. Loki also shape shifts often. Many end up doing his bidding without ever knowing it was him they were dealing with. The thing to remember about Loki is that he is a narcissist.”

  “Isn’t he your uncle?” I tried to remember my Norse history.

  “Aye, Odin adopted him after killing his father.”

  “How nice of him.”

  “It is a lot more complicated than that, little goddess.”

  “Try me.”

  “Loki has always greatly resented the fact that Thor was loved more than he was as a child, although my grandparents would argue that wasn’t the case and simply how Loki saw things. I will say, I do think my grandparents could have been more loving to Loki. His lack of love and attention is what eventually led him to stray off the path and become a villain.”

  “I’ve known of foster children with similar situations. Lack of love, positive role models and attention, and they end up in a lot of trouble.” I was starting to feel sorry for Loki. Adopted by the person who killed his father, never truly accepted and loved for who he was. A lost little boy in need of unconditional love and acceptance.

  “I see that look.” Forseti chuckled, shaking his head at me. “Don’t feel bad for Loki. Remember, little goddess, he isn’t a human. He is a god and everything is different in our realm. He is searching for you and sending the darkest forces known in all of existence to track you down and kill you. They will wipe Kara and Edda off the face of the world without a second thought to get to you.”

  His words penetrated. Not only was my life a danger to my family, but to my new friends as well.

  I knew then what I had to do. I had to leave. I couldn’t be the reason that Forseti, Kara and Edda were put in danger. I would go home to my parents’ house and say goodbye to them and my siblings before arranging a meeting with Loki to negotiate my surrender. Maybe I could convince him that I wasn’t dangerous, that I wasn’t a threat to him. After all, I was the only one of the chosen valkyries left, the only one not slaughtered by his forces. Surely, alone, I had no power over them. My mind made up, I decided to enjoy this one last night with my straight-out-of-a-romance-novel Daddy Dom. It might, after all, be my last.

  * * *


  I felt Morrigan relax in my arms after my declaration. I wondered briefly at her sudden show of submission, but chalked it up to her finally comprehending the gravity of the situation. After unbraiding her hair, I reached around her. I draped my arm across her breast, grabbing the shampoo and cup from the corner of the tub. I scooped up the warm water.

  “Tilt your head back,” I commanded, happy when she obeyed immediately. We were finally getting somewhere. The water poured over her long blonde hair, and I got to work massaging the shampoo into a lather. I rubbed her head firmly, circling my fingertips on her scalp. A low moan escaped from her lips, the sound arousing me, my manhood becoming erect. I glanced at her reflection in the faucet. Her eyes were closed, her lips were slightly parted. I reached around again, this time lingering a bit on her bare breasts, brushing my hand over her nipple, flipping the switch to allow the water to drain and then turning the water on. I filled up the cup several times and worked on rinsing the soap out of her hair.

  “Your hair is so thick.”

  “You sound mad about that.”

  “It is making it hard to get you out of the tub and onto the bed.”

  “I can rinse it myself,” she said, turning behind me to grab the cup.

  I swatted the offending hand away. “No, little goddess. I’ll do it.”

  “Really, it is no problem, let me do it.”

  So much for her learning to submit.

  “I know
you are not arguing with your Daddy and adding swats to the spanking you already have coming tonight.”

  I heard her gasp and grinned to myself. She had forgotten, I hadn’t.

  “Ummm, no, Daddy.”

  “That’s what I thought.” I filled up the water again and worked on finishing the task at hand. Her hair was thick, but soft, feminine. It was long, like all the valkyries, and I found it interesting that, even though she didn’t know who she was, some things, like keeping her hair long, were instinctual. “Stand up, little goddess. Daddy needs to clean you.”

  “I thought you were in a hurry to get out of the shower and into bed.”

  “And I thought you were done sassing your Daddy.” I lifted her from under her arms to standing, swatting her butt with two firm slaps before reaching around her to flip the switch, so that the water now flowed from the showerhead above us.

  “Ow!” Her small hands flew back to rub the sting from her behind.

  “Move those hands, little goddess. The only person allowed to rub the sting from my spanking away is me.”

  She dropped her hands to her sides.

  “Good goddess.” Sudsing up the washcloth, I lathered her back, lingering over her hips and perfectly round ass cheeks. Turning her, I cleansed her, washing every inch of her skin, saving between her legs for last. I moved the cloth down and she clenched her legs together, locking my hand out.

  “Spread your legs,” I commanded firmly. “Let Daddy clean you.” She looked at me, her eyes wide. I could feel her heart rate and breathing speed up.

  “I can”—she reached for the washcloth, trying to yank it from my grasp—“clean there, Daddy. I’m a big girl.”

  * * *


  I said the wrong thing.

  I knew it instantly from the arch of his eyebrow and the set of his jaw. The washcloth was tight between us, the coveted object in a game of tug-of-war, and even though I knew I wouldn’t win, I couldn’t let go. I didn’t know why, but I just couldn’t.


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