Super Daddies: A Naughty Nerdy Romantic Comedy Anthology

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Super Daddies: A Naughty Nerdy Romantic Comedy Anthology Page 72

by Smith, Maren

  As she hurtled through the water with the dim shape of Virtueman in front, pulled inexorably towards the increasingly bright light of what could be some kind of submarine, she became dimly aware of something above her, pushing the water around her. She turned to see the electrojet, wings folded in, gaining on her as it dove right behind.

  Is Charlatan pulling them, too, somehow? Susan wondered with dismay.

  No, she saw immediately, the jet must be under its own power, because it vectored off to her left as it came on. Then, as she had to concentrate on keeping her mouth closed despite the urge to utter a cry of alarm and surprise, she saw Nightprince start to climb out of the cockpit, if the swimming motion with which he did it could be called “climbing.”

  At that moment, her power ran out, and she let go of the chain, something like six hundred feet down. Before she lost consciousness, she had time to think, Huh. If I’d dampened my own powers, I could probably have just dropped the thing, couldn’t I?

  She also had time to feel Nightprince’s arms around her.

  * * *

  Susan woke up on the electrojet just as it touched down on the CPE launch deck. She was lying on her back on the bench in the jet’s hold, and as she turned her head she could see that Sally sat in the pilot’s seat while Bob, his hair damp but otherwise looking entirely dry sat on the other side of the cockpit, his seat swiveled so that he could look at Susan.

  “I…” she started when her eyes met his.

  The left side of Nightprince’s mouth crooked into a sardonic smile.

  “I’m sorry,” Susan croaked, wishing she had enough power even to dry her hair and arrange it in some becoming style. The suit had shed all the saltwater on its own, she guessed—as Bob’s must have, too—but she still felt entirely water-logged.

  “It’s alright,” Bob replied.

  “Alright?” Susan felt her eyes go wide.

  Bob bent his head towards her a full two inches, and raised his eyebrows slightly. “It’s alright because we’re going to have a long talk about what you did in my office, when you’ve recovered a bit and we’ve locked down the League of Terror situation enough to let us think about disciplining wayward supergirls.”

  Susan bit her lip and looked at Sally. Tigerwoman, who had just brought the jet down for a soft landing, turned to her with a sidelong feline glance and said, “Don’t worry, honey. You’re not the first girl who’s gone over Nightprince’s knee—though I have to say I can’t imagine any other young woman who deserves a spanking from her super daddy as much as you do right now.”

  * * *

  Ultragirl attended her first meeting of the Council of Paranormal Entities an hour later. She felt as much like a fish out of water as she thought it was possible to feel, given that Nightprince had actually just pulled her out of San Felipe Bay. Without powers—although she had been issued her own bare quarters, which included a shower that allowed her to get the seaweed out of her hair—she found it very difficult even to raise her head in the presence of Captain Wonder, Zap, Swiftarrow, and Clearstream.

  Let alone Tigerwoman, who had seen her fuck up so spectacularly.

  Let alone Nightprince.

  Her face burned as she remembered Sally’s words: she had called Bob Susan’s daddy.

  Captain Wonder—No, Susan corrected herself, Jane (she had to get used to thinking of these “people” as her colleagues)—had just launched into a high-level assessment of the tactical situation of the CPE vis-a-vis the LOT. Susan knew she should pay close attention. But the phrase Who’s your daddy? kept echoing through her mind—not in Tigerwoman’s voice, but in Nightprince’s.

  In Bob’s.

  Bob. Could a Zaxian warrior feel the way Susan now felt, down there and also she realized somewhat to her dismay, in her heart, about a man named Bob?

  Robert. Obviously. She would think of him as…


  She felt her cheeks go red, and then it got even worse, because she realized that Captain Wonder had just asked her a question.

  But Susan had only heard, “…Ultragirl?”

  She looked up from the screen in front of her, built into the conference table, trying desperately to keep the confusion from her face. Jane Larson frowned from where she stood at the big display wall, her body armor gleaming a little from the bright lights on the ceiling twenty feet overhead—high enough that Megadon could stand up without worrying about breaking anything.

  “I’m sorry?” Susan said, trying to sound like she had been studying the briefing materials delivered to her brand new CPE email account, rather than thinking about whether she really, truly needed a daddy’s firm hand on her bare bottom the way part of her seemed to be shouting she did—while another, equally loud and a great deal more powerful, part shouted the exact opposite.

  “Did you see anything down there that you would call inconsistent with the light-source being a base on the ocean floor?” Jane repeated patiently. “You were down there for a little while longer than Nightprince was.”

  Susan swallowed hard and shook her head, remembering. “I couldn’t make out much,” she admitted. “But it seemed to be stationary? So I would call that consistent with it being a base, I guess.” She searched her mind for something authoritative to say, and then finished, lamely and realizing how very lame it sounded, “A big one.”

  “Thank you,” Jane said, “and before I forget, welcome to CPE. I look forward to working with you.” Captain Wonder’s frown deepened for a moment before she moved on to the end of her presentation. “So it’s almost certainly a base, and it’s invisible to the sonar arrays we installed two years ago, hoping to catch exactly this kind of LOT activity. That doesn’t thrill me, but thanks to Nightprince’s quick thinking and Ultragirl’s apparently unique power profile, they didn’t manage to capture anyone but Virtueman. Now: ideas for action.”

  Two broad plans dominated the discussion from that point onward, one basically defensive, favored by Captain Wonder, Swiftarrow, and Clearstream; one basically offensive, favored by Nightprince, Tigerwoman, and Zap. The central problem lay in the CPE’s apparently having no way of knowing anything about the base without sending a team at least to investigate.

  Jane wanted to send Clearstream in a small submarine built to be as invisible as Matt Hawkins himself, with herself and Zap covering in a gliding (and thus hopefully undetectable) electrojet overhead.

  “At the very least,” said Jane, “Clearstream will be able to figure out what we’re dealing with. Ideally, he’ll rescue Virtueman as well.

  Bob wanted to go in much stronger, summoning Megadon and Steelhammer back from their current overseas assignments as backup while everyone else went in hot, traveling underwater in the most appropriate way for them and simply overwhelming whatever the defenses of the LOT base amounted to, making sure to secure Vic first, but then to put a stop to the LOT plan for world domination, whatever it happened to involve this time.

  “We need to recover some of the initiative here at least,” he said, several times and in several different phrasings.

  Neither plan seemed to include Susan in any way, so she sat looking from face to face and feeling stupid and out of place.

  The CPE was apparently not a democracy: Jane finally put a stop to debate by saying, simply, “Clearstream, go prep, please. Zap, let’s get the jet ready for gliding. The rest of you are on standby, and I mean right by.” She and Zap left through the door that would take them straight to the launch-deck elevator, the air distorted at the molecular level by Zap’s magnetic field and Jane’s body armor flashing and clanking. Clearstream went in God knew what direction: he had vanished the moment Captain Wonder told him to go to prepare.

  Bob turned to Susan. “At least this will give us time to sort out some things,” he said, raising his eyebrows much too meaningfully for Susan’s comfort.

  She gulped. “Um.” She swallowed again, even harder, thoughts and feelings and absolute needs racing through mind and body without any apparent
order. “What does that mean, exactly?”

  Bob’s chin traveled an inch to her right, and now only his left eyebrow went up.

  “Sir?” Susan said weakly.

  “I think you can figure out some of it, Ultragirl,” he said slowly. “And the rest will be at my discretion. Let’s go to my office.”

  I know I don’t have my powers, but this is ridiculous, Susan thought as she began to rise from the table. Her limbs felt heavy as lead, and her knees wobbled. Now the thoughts swirling in her head had more definite shape, but that made everything worse, including the ache between her thighs. What is he going to do? Punish me?

  Another gulp, as she started to walk towards the other elevator, feeling Tigerwoman’s and Swiftarrow’s eyes follow her.

  Fuck me?

  Is my super daddy going to fuck me?

  Chapter 8

  He closed the door of his office behind them once again.

  “Doesn’t seem like very long since we were here, does it?” he said to Susan’s back, as she stood facing the chair where she had gone over his knee for the first (and so far, last) time.

  To Bob’s surprise, Ultragirl turned to him with tears in her eyes and a look of contrition on her face that melted the dark heart of Nightprince. His origin story included a large helping of the blackness of the human soul and its tendency towards hate and fear, and his experience of the multiverse beyond planet Earth hadn’t given him a great deal of faith in the goodness and charity of alien races, but the compassion he felt for this Iowa-raised Zaxian warrior made him think for at least a moment that maybe benevolence didn’t present such a bad option.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I know… I know you have to spank me, but…”

  Her voice trailed off, and Bob spoke gently to help her.

  “I do have to spank you, Susan, but I’m going to hug you first.”

  He opened his dark-suited arms, and took her blue-clad body into them, folding her up tight in his embrace. Susan gave a little sob into his chest as she rested her cheek on his sternum.

  “Thank you for saving me,” she whispered.

  “My job,” Bob said simply. He stroked her blonde hair, loving the sleek feeling of her business-like ponytail, loving the dominant feeling of her body yielding to his even in this pose of platonic comfort.

  “I’ll…” She stopped, and gave another little sob, then tried again. “If… if you give me… you know, power, I’ll…”

  He went on running his big hand gently over her golden head, not wanting to help her out too much, now that she had approached what seemed to him the most important point.

  Susan twisted a little, her chin moving across his chest, and Bob loosened the hug so that he could look down into her upturned blue eyes, full of doubt.

  “Yes, princess?” he asked softly. “What will you do?”

  “I’ll… let you.” She closed her eyes and pink suffused her cheeks.

  “You’ll let me do what?”

  Susan lowered her chin, and turned it, so clearly trying to hide her face in almost-invulnerable black stretch-fabric across Bob’s broad chest that it made his heart ache a little.

  “I’ll let you spank me…” she mumbled. Then a tiny sob came from her chest, and the mumble became a tiny whisper. “Daddy.”

  Bob’s heart leapt in his chest as his suspicion about his supergirl’s needs received such wonderful confirmation. He stroked her hair again, and murmured very gently, “You do need a daddy, don’t you, princess?”

  Susan emitted a little whimper, and, after a moment’s hesitation that made Bob swell in his darksuit down below, she nodded her chin against him, once—and then twice again.

  “Having a daddy is going to mean more than just spanking, Susan,” he said seriously. “Do you understand that? Your daddy finds you very beautiful—not just as his supergirl but as a grown woman, too. I think maybe you want more from your daddy than just his firm hand, too.”

  Another submissive noise emerged from her throat, and she nodded once again. Her arms suddenly tightened around his ribs, too, and she pressed herself against him so tightly that she had to feel his hardness against her tummy. If she did, it only made her whimper again, then press tighter and more needily.

  “Please, Daddy,” she whispered. “Yes… please.”

  Bob cradled her golden head in his left hand and, with his hands in her hair, tugged her face back very gently to look up at him. Her eyes had gone round with wonder, and her forehead had a deep crease in it as she looked up at him.

  “I need you to tell me what you want, princess. I know it’s embarrassing, but the more you can talk about it the more control over your power you’re going to have.”

  Susan bit her lip, and seemed to ponder the question for a very long time. Finally, though, she shook her head.

  Bob had half expected that kind of response, and he had a very good idea of what he needed to do.

  “I need to spank you, then, first of all,” he said softly. “I think that will help.”

  He pushed her firmly away from him as her face crumpled in evident remorse. Bob pulled her back, then, into his arms again, stroking her back with his right hand and her hair with his left and letting her bury her face once more in his chest. Susan let go of her tears and sobbed in penitence and relief against Nightprince’s strong body.

  “I’m so sorry, Daddy,” she said in a choked voice. “I’m so sorry.”

  Bob let her cry for a long moment, and then he asked, softly, “Are you ready?”

  Susan went stiff in his arms for a second, and then relaxed.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she whispered without raising her face.

  Again, Bob let go of her and stepped away. Ultragirl’s face was turned to the floor, her cheeks bright red.

  “You need to get out of your supersuit, princess,” he murmured. “Everything off for Daddy. From now on, that’s the way I’ll spank you, when we’re alone: Daddy’s special, naughty, alien princess will be naked for her punishments.”

  A tiny whimper escaped Susan’s chest, and she nodded again, and then her hands darted to the invisible zipper on her blue suit, fingers fumbling in her haste to get this embarrassing part over with.

  Bob sat down in the high-backed chair, his eyes not turning away for an instant from the submissively sexy sight of his little supergirl taking off her suit for discipline. He caught an enticing glimpse of her golden-furred pussy, pretty pink lips peeping out naughtily, before she put her right hand in front of it, while her left hand and arm covered the adorable, tiny nipples that crowned her little breasts.

  “Take your hands away, princess. Daddy gets to see.”

  Susan made a little noise at that, somewhere between a mew and a whimper. Her hands clenched into fists for a moment and then, very slowly, she moved them away, until they hovered in front of her. She had closed her eyes, and they were tightly scrunched as Bob took his time surveying her lovely young body.

  “Where should I put them?” Susan whispered. “Where should I put my hands…?” Her voice trailed off, but Bob, who thought he knew what her next word would be, waited for it, until she opened her blue eyes and said it: “Daddy?”

  “Put them on your head, and come here,” Nightprince answered, using a tiny hint of darkvoice to send a visible shiver up his girl’s spine.

  Susan bit her lip, and nodded her head very slowly, as her hands traveled upwards in obedience to her daddy’s command. Her little feet took a step forward, then another, and her chin kept nodding: in Ultragirl’s face Bob could see the trance-like flow of her aroused thoughts, as if her very fantasies could become visible in her eyes as she looked at him and a thousand little stories of dominance and submission played out on the stage of her imagination.

  She reached his side, the front of her naked thighs pressing gently against his sinewy right leg in the inky-black material of his darksuit. Bob reached across his body with his left hand, then, slowly, turning the hand palm up and crooking his fingers slightly. Susan ga
ve a little whimper when she saw those fingers approaching the flaxen triangle of her pussy hair, and she pressed forward, a motion of her hips seeming to take hold of her without her willing it in the slightest, as if she could ride her daddy’s hand before he had even put it between her thighs.

  “I’m going to give you some power, now, princess,” he said softly. “Then I’m going to spank you for disobeying me. If you’re a good girl, maybe you’ll get some more power after your spanking.”

  Susan whined deep in her throat, and her chin, which had not stopped nodding since she had put her hands on her head, jerked up and down rapidly now, the need seeming to travel from her pussy up to her bright pink face and bringing the rapid gesture of assent with it.

  So softly that he could barely feel the crisp hair or the warm, tender flesh it hid, Bob touched Susan where she needed it most. She let out a tiny whimper, and then, as he accompanied his fingers growing pressure with dominant words, the whimper became a sob.

  “We’re going to have to take this hair away, princess,” he said, again putting some darkvoice intonation in his tone.

  “Oh, no,” Susan whispered. “Why, Daddy?”

  She began to shift her weight from foot to foot, and he could tell his fingers had stimulated another neglected need. He smiled as he answered her.

  “Because that’s the way Daddy likes his princess’ pussy to look and to feel. Do you need the potty, honey?”

  Susan hesitated, as if remembering what Bob had said—just that morning though it probably seemed like a lifetime ago to Ultragirl—about needing his permission to pull down her panties to go to the bathroom. Then, her face twisting adorably in embarrassment and the twin needs for erotic stimulation and bladder relief, she nodded.


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